OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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I have rebranded the grid to Three Hills Grid. When we first named the grid we thought to name it after the magazine and since then, I have seen another grid named Virtual Grid, so as to eliminate any confusion I thought it would be best to rename it. I have always thought of Black Hills Gold as Three Hills Gold (the trio color of the gold) so naming it Three Hills Grid seemed right. The address is the same, I may also change that in the future.

While the heart and soul of Virtual-HG magazine remain unchanged, this rebranding is a testament to my profound passion for crafting intricate jewelry pieces.

Lone Wolf: I like the name. :-) 2 years ago

Enjoy the Never Village Market Square!

Jamie Wright: Shea, the grid is getting some TLC. Check back in a day or two and it should all be back. Never Village is a super sweet region:) 2 years ago
The rainforest is a lush, green paradise filled with an incredible diversity of flora and fauna. As you ride your horse through the dense foliage, you'll be surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. You might spot colorful birds flying overhead, hear the calls of howler monkeys, and catch glimpses of exotic plants and flowers.

As you venture deeper into the rainforest, you might encounter light showers or drizzles. This is common in tropical rainforests, and the rain adds to the magical ambiance of the environment. The canopy of trees will provide some shelter from the rain, but you may also appreciate the refreshing sensation of riding through the gentle rainfall.

After a thrilling ride, you'll eventually reach the cool waterfall. The sound of rushing water will grow louder as you approach, and the anticipation will build. Once you arrive, you'll be greeted by a breathtaking sight: a majestic waterfall cascading down from above into a sparkling pool below. The area around the waterfall might be lush and green, creating a peaceful oasis. It is a perfect day!

“Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Woodrow Wilson

for information on friends-grid, please contact @ZuzuBahro
The little publicity stalls are popping up all over the HIE regions, getting ready for the conference later this year. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far, it is already starting to look like a party! For details of how to participate, read this short post:

---- NEW ----

---- NEW ----


In the next month or so exact time is yet to be determined RRD will close for approximately 1 week to undergo a rebuild. I have a lot of new mesh that needs to be textured and I will soon be offering Athena & Athena Petite in some styles as well as Legacy and Legacy Perky in some designs. These new designs are in included in the pile of new mesh I recently purchased. So when I reopen RRD is will carry these newer styles as well as a few Legacy, Legacy Perky and Athena Petite in styles already released for Athena. Also I will be open to texture and color suggestions and might even consider custom one of a kind requests made on the meshes I have available.
The Collective Center Park, and The Tribute Club
Have a look at a collection of photos of the park and club on Flikr.

Then go visit the Collective Center Park and the Tribute Club if you haven't been there before. If you have been there before, go again. Central

thedeeferry: One of my favorite kitty cats, CopyKatCollective :) . 2 years ago

New Miu Outfit
several Colors
Happy Shopping:)))

Heute ist "Black & White" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit tollen Leuten , toller Musik und guter Atmosphäre freuen.
Heute ist Schwarz/Weiß angesagt, also rein in eure Party-outfits und auf ins Tosca 20:00 Uhr gehts los

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Black & White" time

You can look forward to an evening with great people, great music and a good atmosphere.
Today it's black and white, so get into your party outfits and come to Tosca. Party starts 11:00 SLT

We look forward to seeing you

ScarlettEarp: Party läuft ;) so hammer 2 years ago
Heute ist wieder "Dream Night" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.
Endlich wieder eine Gelegenheit die Abendgarderobe auszuführen und in einer bezaubernden Location einen harmonischen Tanzabend zu verbringen.

Wir freuen uns auf euch

Today is "Dream Night" time again

You can look forward to an evening with romantic love songs, beautiful ballads, and the finest cuddly music.
Finally another opportunity to wear your gala clothes and spend a harmonious dance evening in an enchanting location.

We look forward to seeing youWe look forward to seeing you

KarinBecker: es wird voll ........noch einige singels frei .......sfg** 2 years ago
Feeling the gentle sway of the horse beneath you as it navigates the winding path between towering trees and lush foliage. The sound of the rain tapping against the leaves overhead is soothing, and you feel invigorated by the fresh, tropical air.

As you ride deeper into the forest, you spot vibrant flowers in every color of the rainbow. Some are cascading down from tree trunks, while others are perched high above your head on vines. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms and the buzz of hummingbirds flitting from one flower to the next.

Monkey calls echo through the trees, and you catch glimpses of chimpanzees swinging from branch to branch. You marvel at the natural beauty all around you, feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such wonder.

As the rain begins to taper off, you come upon a clearing where a group of macaws are preening in a tree. Their magnificent colors are a feast for your eyes, and you sit quietly on your horse, just taking it all in.

As the sun begins to peak through the trees, you dismount your horse and take a moment to thank it for the amazing experience. You leave the rainforest feeling refreshed, and in awe of the stunningly beautiful place we call home.

Carmen Jewel: You describe Paradise so beautifully. :) 2 years ago


Adry: me lo avete rubato, portato via, il mmmiiooo tessorrroooooo XD 2 years ago
Coming Sunday art loving people are invited at the Grand Opening of the VWZ Art Gallery.

15 Awesome and talented artist teamed up to present you the finest and diverse art in the Metaverse.

Artists that contributed their creations:
Hella Yver, Cherry Manga, Felix Ringtail, Miguel Rotunno, Steampunk Siouxsin, Chris Pera, Dale Innis, Edison Rex, Ursina Bailey, Synthetica Sicario, Shenn Tao, WhiteAngel Deed, Magnus Morgenstern, Avia Bonne, Kashi Takeshi.

Hope to see you all on Sunday at noon (Viewer time: 12.00)(Beacon is up and running)

Copper: HG adress to copy/paste to map would have been nice--- Hard to read at the poster 2 years ago
Don´t miss the new Tattoo shop with some new EVOX face tattoos,
While you are here don´t forget to visit the other shops at the area
Reborn outfits & shoes, Bella Donna "Athena" outfits & shoes and Small things with funny things. When you have been at the shop area, you can use our dance areas with different themes. cuddle areas, hang outs or just walk in the beautiful Island and take beautiful pics. This Island is a Photogenic area for those who loves to take pics.
Enjoy your stay at my "MI AMORE" Island
Arthur Owner & Creator

wicked: Maybe try posting the coordinates with the ad. 2 years ago

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Based on the Alternate Metaverse Grid (Dinkies ONLY Region)

Hangout with many other Dinkies on Opensim from 8:00am (PDT)
Tuedays - Games Fortnightly
Wednesdays - Road Trip
Fridays - Dinkies Coffee Talk in the Joint
Sunday Monthly - Dinkies at the Movies

MidnightRain Glas: my dinkie says she needs a bathing suit and some glasses I guess I need to take her shopping 2 years ago
One of the things I love about Devil's Fork is that it is a unique town. Almost every building in the town was built by me, for better or worse. :) What you see here is one side of a 4-store block with a 5th shop on one end. This is an old build I recently remodeled. These are my favorite shops in the town, Star Magik Has a few things made by me, but mostly tons of things I have found in OS and you can get a copy of most things in the shop. The perfect destination for your magical needs, so come visit and stay awhile. If you like The Land Of Xzar, I hope you will consider dropping a review. Have a Magikal Day/Night and see you soon!

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

I apologize if it seems I am spamming you guys, but this creator adsky_pes at Sketchfab caused it by creating this Phenomenal Victorian Pocket watch that I have animated to open and close and it is on a chain that you hold. I have other chains around the store too if you want to wear it. There is a resize script and touch to open and close. If you add a chain make sure the watch is linked last as it is the parent prim. I promise this is my last post today!!

Lone Wolf: I'm at the store happy to pay for one :) but it's not for sale. :-( 2 years ago

SkyRealm Observatory~A dream realized~Thank you, @FerdFrederix

Über die welcome könnt ihr dann weiter teleportieren

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham City
Full Avatar Evo Cyber

The Inflatable Traffic Inflating Bot! Powered by patented AFK technology! Big enough to crush your competition. The Inflatable Traffic Inflating Bot is legit decor!

Oni Kiri: well is nice but can it dance? 2 years ago

Betty short Dress
with Boots
in any Colors and variationen
have all a good time
Karin Becker

NEW!!! Jamie Dress Needlecut
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping:)


Farrah Gown
in 12 Colors
with Flexy skirts
have all a good time
Karin Becker

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Many of you know I have a lot of statues in my store, but I didn't set out originally to offer them. A few years ago I wanted one for a build I was doing at the time and found one on the Kitely Market. Wanting to add materials, I replaced the base texture with a marble and realized that all that was left was an amorphous blob that barely resembled the original statue. So I decided to see if there was a better way. The resulting workflow is pictured. I start out with real world scans of famous statues (such as Hebe pictured) that are readily available, and load it into Blender. Since it had 2 million faces, I needed to reduce the complexity to 80,000 faces or less to be able to upload it inworld but still have detail for those who are unable to use higher graphics. You can see the two models side-by-side in Blender. At that point I bake the normals to replace a lot of the details that were lost without increasing the complexity, then upload the less complex model and the new normalmap into opensim. The final photo is the result.

You can see all my statues on my store regions:

Main Store: Emporium - Main Store

Kitely Store: Emporium

And many of my items are available on the Kitely Market here:

Relaxing at the lovers cave. Hint : You'd better love big trees if you wanna find this cave's entrance :)

Valentine earrings and pendant. Monentes Jewelry please find this on the little table in the foyer. Jewelry

New!!!! Pilo Outfit
comes in 6 Colors
Happy Shopping ♥

Endlich offen !!!!!
Viele Hochzeitskleider wie auch Abendkleider ,
schöne Locations die ich euch gerne weitergebe damit ihr einen unvergesslichen Hochzeitstag habt.
Am Landepunkt findet ihr einen Hud der euch zu verschiedenen Locations bringt

Adore: beautiful done Great Theme 2 years ago
The difference between Xengine and Yengine...
Yengine has premptive multitasking, xengine does not.
This solves the lsl function problem of llSleep(n); Which could not run on Xengine the same way. On Xengine using llSleep would use one of the cpu's threads and place it in sleep mode. Yengine, simply places a sleep command into a wait queue and keeps the cpu thread available for more processing of other scrips. Xengine is also slower because it translate script to c# language, then uses .net compiler to generate it. Once a script is loaded into Xengine the memory from it cannot be recovered even if the script ends. Yengine scripts recover the ram memory when a script ends, so it can be used by other things for example more visitors to your sim.
Xengine does not follow a true AOS (algebraic operating system) and will evaulate sequences to the wrong boolean expression, Yengine follows AOS to the letter, and will always evaluate expressions mathematically correctly.
Yengine is a modified derivative of XMREngine created by dreamnation and avination. It is faster, uses memory and cpu threads much better than xengine, and thanks to ubit umarov, it is now more stable than Xengine, and all the bugs have been eradicated, that were found.
So you can keep using the outdated broke Xengine, thinking you have gold. But as a professional programmer I realize the average person doesn't understand the importance of memory management, memory leaks, and thread lockup. So it's rather ludicrous for me to waste my time trying to explain why something is better to people who have no concept of professional programming fundamentals. I suppose I should put on my armor for when the attacks from idiots start rolling in...

OpenSimWorld: Xengine is still the most widely used along with Bulletsim. YEngine had a serious arithmetic bug that broke the Satyrfarm. That said, the farm, SFsail and the Sfposer all work well with Y now. I m not... 2 years ago

Chubbys Fairy Dreamland ist wieder da, nun im neuen ChuBelz Grid
Chubby's Fairy Dreamland is back, now in the new ChuBelz Grid

a warrior at the cooking pot, whether he can still go to Valhalla? hehehehe

RuSapphire: oops. accidently deleted my previous comment... I had stated, he's fairly cookin' without that pot! :) 2 years ago

und los geht´s - and let's go
Fantastic Norway Norge
