OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

New Arrivals! hop://

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh que texturas..mañana me paso! 1 years ago

Hippie Nude Year!

Aurora Starchild: Love the pic! Damn the look so happy :D 1 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ NEW RELEASE ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

C&C Worldwide MALL
▶▷▶TAXI : Worldwide Mall

░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC- Worldwide Mall ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Carmen Jewel: That sounds cool , would love to see it sometime 1 years ago

London!!! New!! Noel & Reborn.

Thanks to everyone who came to listen to DJGIO and participated in our party to bid farewell to 2023.

We wish you a 2024 full of achievements and much serenity, hoping that all your projects and desires will come true in 2024. May even in difficult moments, everything be faced with confidence and hope.

Happy New Year to everyone.

The AviVerse Team.

Grazie a tutti coloro che sono venuti ad ascoltare DJGIO e hanno partecipato alla nostra festa per salutare il 2023.

Vi auguriamo un 2024 ricco di soddisfazioni e tanta serenità, che ogni vostro progetto e desiderio possa realizzarsi nel 2024 e che anche nei momenti difficili tutto possa essere affrontato con fiducia e speranza.

Buon anno nuovo a tutti.

Il Team di AviVerse.

Kimmy Cullein: HAPPY NEW YEAR 1 years ago
My fairytale sim Cloudshead Worldheart 1 will be open to everyone again at the beginning of January. Until then, I wish you a happy and fulfilling Christmas, and may the New Year bring you all much joy!
A fully legal mesh radio with 48 minutes of real content from the 1920s and 30s, inter spaced with the station call-sign and various audio ephemera. It is based on the first consumer/everyday use radios available in the era.
Unavoidable: you may hear an audio skip or repeat- this depends on your internet, your viewer, and how laggy of a place in your sim you put it. Long audio sets do this in OS.

Have fun- don't put it on SL, sell it, or tell people it's your creation from scratch.

▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Opening T&S Fashion ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁
Eröffnung der Boutique
Frauen und Männer / Men and Female Fashion
Donnerstag/Thursday 14.December 2023
◕ starts 11:00 OS grid time – startet ab 20:00 Uhr
Mit musikalischer Untermalung / with musical accompaniment
☊ DJ Tommy White & DJ Crazy Ever

▶▷▶ Taxi: Worldwide Mall
░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC Worldwide Mall ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Carmen Jewel: T& S Fashion is officially open now! Also cool vibes to enjoy your shopping 1 years ago

Bobby's in production at Bobby Manufacturing Plant in our SCIFI area

Star Ravenhurst: Loved your presentation at the conference. Bobby is super kool!! 1 years ago


The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!
teleport Dreamscape Area

Totally original textures for the Holidays on this darling little dress. AND In the box I included full perms blank mesh and texture maps so you can have fun designing your own dresses for whatever season you wish. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Special thanks to Mistress Delgato for modeling with me for the set. =)

Mistressdalgato: that one lady looks so familiar lol, good picture. 1 years ago
🎄 (❁´◡`❁) 🎄 Advent Calendar 2023 @ Eternal Ice 🎄 (❁´◡`❁) 🎄
✨🎀✨ since 2016 🎀✨🎀
🎁 🎄"same procedure as every year" 🎄 🎁

Only a few more hours until the Eternal Ice Advent calendar starts in the Pangegrid. (Start for a new gift is every day at 0.00 CET)

All gifts will remain available until the advent calendar is removed in 2024


Nur noch ein paar Stunden, dann startet der Eternal Ice Adventskalender im Pangegrid. (Start für ein neues Geschenk ist jeden Tag um 0.00 MEZ)

Alle Geschenke bleiben bis zum Abbau des Adventskalenders erhältlich

BELZE: Das ChuBelz Grid wünscht eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit :-) 1 years ago

Wir wünschen euch allen eine wunderschöne Adventszeit

KarinBecker: Draußen vor dem Haus sieht alles schon ganz festlich aus. All die Girlanden und die Kerzen erwärmen unsere großen Herzen. Mit warmen Düften in der Luft überbrückt sich eine jede Kluft. So freuen wir u... 1 years ago


Arielle: Super cute looking outfit but I couldn't find it. :( 1 years ago

*** Camballa***
Sera Black Tattoooo 100% /75% /50%
/Bom lel Evox/
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

-----NEUE HAARE ----- NEUES HEMD -----

Antonia Ling: Sieht richtig schick aus! 1 years ago
Every one, something I did not know. I upgraded to the most recent version of dreamgrid and the other day I had massive problems. My grid would not restart and I had to reinstall completely from oars and an old iar. I lost a ton of my inventry. Someone pointed out to me that the latest version is a 'beta' version that has not been well tested, and I didn't know that. Apparently we should only use the latest 'stable' version and stick to that until a new 'stable' version is clearly marked on the dreamgrid website. I apologize to everyone for posting when a new version of dreamgrid came out. Not realizing these are beta versions has created a massive mess. As usual, many people are angry with me for joyfully informing them of the latest release. I hope you can forgive me, I meant no harm, and was trying to be helpful.

Milly Money: Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this, I have had similar issues before with DG. What version was it that did this? I am always leery of upgrades. Thank you for sharing this! 1 years ago

Join Discord for updates
Arkham Grid Community

Skay Outfit
Belt-Boots-jacket-Shorts -Top
in white and Black/ withe
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings.

EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. // On this pic, the TERRACE, the highest part/building of the entire sim). At TP area,go to any teleporter and choose TERRACE as destination.Enjoy :)

Trick or Treat !
New Halloween Edwarda Scissorhands & Maleficent Outfits !

KatKakoola: Worn 'em - love 'em :) TY Chilli ! 1 years ago

Trick or Treat !
New BeetleJuice Halloween Outfits for Him and Her!

Wizardry Hud - The Most Powerful Hud of All!
[Teleport] - teleport to anyone in the sim
[Spying] - remotely view anyone in the sim
[Scrying] - find lost objects
[Invisible] - go invisible, click again to become visible
[Sanctuary] - rez a secret hideout perfect for a wizard
sub buttons...
[Bubble] - rez a bubble shield if you are in a rez area.
[Interceptor] - click this button for on/off. Repel bullets shot at you!
[Deflector] - wear a shield that reports collisions.
[Cluster] - rez a thick multi layer shield.
[Disruptor] - rez a star that will follow you and push everyone away.
[Megaceptor] - a giant shield.
sub buttons...
[Platform] - rez a green magic platform and be tp'd to it.
[SuperJump] - some cool thing here.
[Sim Razor] - rez a keyframe object that will bulldoze priscilla's prims away.
[Radar] - rez and attach a radar on screen.
[AFK Orb] - let others know you are afk. works in no rez areas.
[Air Walk] - rez metal magic disks in the air you can walk on. Click again 2 stop.
[Magnus Vox] - talk to everyone in the land and have them see what you type.
[Fix Cam] - fix your camera back to normal settings.
sub buttons...
[Bright Magic] - click yes to attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Dark Magic] - click yes t attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Follower] - Follow anyone in the sim very closely.
[Orbiter] - Send your friend or enemy into space.
[Clouder] - Put a cloud around your frenemy that follows him/her everywhere.
[Ban] - ban a person in the sim pestering you.
sub buttons...
[Attract 50] - in a sim with push allowed, pull everyone 2 u from 50 meters.
[Attract Sim] - pull everyone in the sim to you.
[Repel 20] - push people away 20 meters.
[Repel 50] - push people away 50 meters.
[Repel Sim] - push people away to the sim edge.
sub buttons...
[End Attacks] - end all attacks at once.
[End Utility] - end utility functions.
[End All] - stop everything at once.

We are partying today at the Rooftop!

Richard Lionheart: 1 years ago

KatKakoola: So - you want "stuff" do you? Do you want new stuff? Old favourites? Costumes? Complete avatars? ( Hey new people! ) Do you want a new body? Some new hair? Clothes for the demure or clothes for the da... 1 years ago

New Items in ZZ-Shop;
The marble column can be changed, there's a box with 20+ textures
The windvane responds to changes of wind; script must be set active
Enjoy! :)

NEW Outfit
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

Mountains created by the Wolf Territories Grid web based terrain generator. Wolf Manor region


New month, new items in ZZHOP!

Caribia Zsun: mm not true to me I have challenges with Blender and not even unsure about having fun cos it is how you take it ..=P 2 years ago

And of course, a little fae here and there, hiding in the quiet grotto

A wolf and his cat

Devmind: Awesome,sadly i made an account there,and can't find anyone for days,seems abandoned. 2 years ago

New Land Pricing. :-)

Created a new ring this morning "Serenade" It is a file to download

Luna Lunaria: I love the filigree work 2 years ago
Enjoy the breathtaking view of the surrounding nature and wildlife at Eden.
Ride the orca, sail a boat, visit the lovers cave or Jessie's zoo, and much more to discover!
I have rebranded the grid to Three Hills Grid. When we first named the grid we thought to name it after the magazine and since then, I have seen another grid named Virtual Grid, so as to eliminate any confusion I thought it would be best to rename it. I have always thought of Black Hills Gold as Three Hills Gold (the trio color of the gold) so naming it Three Hills Grid seemed right. The address is the same, I may also change that in the future.

While the heart and soul of Virtual-HG magazine remain unchanged, this rebranding is a testament to my profound passion for crafting intricate jewelry pieces.

Lone Wolf: I like the name. :-) 2 years ago

Enjoy the Never Village Market Square!

Jamie Wright: Shea, the grid is getting some TLC. Check back in a day or two and it should all be back. Never Village is a super sweet region:) 2 years ago