OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Cabo da Roca is the westernmost point on the European continent, located at the tip of the Serra de Sintra, and is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic places in Portugal.

With a 22m tall lighthouse dating back to 1722, shrouded in fog or bathed in splendid sunshine, this inspiring scene has been part of the "Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms" program dedicated to peace since 1989.

It is also reproduced on the grounds of the GavezDois Art Gallery, in yet another magnificent reproduction by Ernest Moncrieff.

Easy jet:

TheFactory: Looking forward to the opening tomorrow! 7 months ago
Reborn Clothing

Visit Peka's Style
In Friends Mall

A New specialty shop brought to you by Arwen Oropher

For the women who love their curves!

We sat a while watching the sunset and hugged warmly before he left.

I was up early and went to wake up my younger sister Christina.

... "good morning Little Lion did you sleep well"

- I am Christina and I am 19+.

- Don't call me Little Lion please.

She yawned sleepily and turned away from me.

And I knew.

"I have to go out and repair some buildings" I said.

Tears filled my eyes when I walked down the stairs.

Also in real they did.

My Little Lion had woken up to the adult world.

I prayed that the OS world would show a kind face to a young adult teen.

I have seen so much.

Like all Mamas I worried.

When I went back I found her dressed.

- Jeanne I love you, she said.

- I will always be here with you.

- I will never leave you and Caribou alone.

"I love you too my Little Lion. "

“More than you will ever know” I thought.

We walked away in the sun, the three of us.

Hoped Andron would have been with us.

Yanny and the younger ones were still sleeping.

What a wonderful Little Lion I have.

( Updated slightly and edited for logic 17.3.2023 )


18+ AVs from all Grids welcome, large or small. Ask Jeanne.

Shemales Ladyboys 18+ M and F Adult Males Females Fairies All.

Safe for all 18+ - LGBTQAI Adult Region.

Best Free Shops. Hard to find Athena, Petite, Reborn, Legacy... GRIMM.

All Free

No groups needed as 18+. Shop Love Live Play among 18+

Homes, Islands, Hideaways. Ask Jeanne.

Create a caribougrid AV:

Overwatch Sentry Bug Fix. Version 50. This release fixes a bug whereby the last agent leaving a region could cause a null pointer error, due to an invalid key being passed into multiple functions.

CyberGlo CyberStar: yay my grid is back up! :D 7 months ago

Dorena im Wunderland.^^



When we last left my meandering rant, i mentioned that my landlord and (Undecel Masala at Masala Estates!) regarding two regions that had popped up right next to mine. I was "Avedon Park" and they were Avedon Forest and another name. When I explained that I had no relation at all to the owners of those regions, my landlord and HERO was kind enough to lift my region up and move it elsewhere. Apparently, they were just trying to copy as much of my whole damn region as they could. And soon enough, a region pops up using the same naming concept as me. (Avedon Park, How about Avedon's Peak? Mark's Park? or Avedon Place? Oh well. As so many like to argue, this is how we roll in OS and it "happens all the time". The saddest part is that these are people I associate with and consider friends!

Jump ahead only a month or so later that I started releasing the history or "lore" I have created and posting it here for people to enjoy. It is an overall narrative that applies not only to the region in OS but is also being used as part of a graphic novel, artwork, and music. It was less than a week that a similar "history' with just a minor change or two popped up at the previously mentioned region.
Anyone who says copying is the best form of flattery should be stripped naked, tied to the back of a truck, and drug down a main street.) Again, you can make endless arguments about how "everyone does it" "that is how OS works" and "no laws are being broken" (though I am learning fast that is questionable!). The point is that it shows a complete lack of INTEGRITY. It is such a shitty thing to do, especially in OS, where you are not likely to make any sort of financial gain from it, you are just doing it for "likes" and laziness.

But enough whinging. What can you really do about any of this? Well, after some research, I probably more than you think, especially if you live in the US.

First, say something! Even if you end up being wrong, it is important to publicly express your feelings on the issue and explain your work.

Second, Copywrites and protection through the DMCA are fairly easy and cheap (ie Free) to acquire. You can file for protection yourself for free, OR you can find someone who is already protected and simply absorb your content into their protection. And in the US you often don't have to file ANYTHING to be protected if your idea has been completed and made public, you can seek DMCA protections.

Now, and here we go back to just needing some integrity.

Idea vs. Expression:
Ideas themselves cannot be copyrighted. This means that the core concept or plot of your project cannot be exclusively protected by copyright.
However, the expression of that idea—how you write it down, how you present it, and certain details or traits—can be protected. (This is the future path I am walking but you should choose what works for you)

Also, OSGrid and other grids need to do more to police themselves. Know the difference between BOB Q Guy buying an item in SL or Kitely, copying it and bringing into Open Sim, and handing it out, as compared to someone just taking a person's work without payment or permission, and then claiming it as their own idea or concept. And don't assist them by allowing them to use your website and tools to promote a hijacked concept.

And finally, when it happens just speak out. you will take hell for it and you might even be WRONG, but speak up and let people know this hurts you.

and wow, did I just ramble on or what?? Sorry about that, but I do think there is a possible "integrity deficit" in our house and it would be up to us each to change that. I now climb off my teeny tiny soapbox and just wish you ALL a happy weekend. Feel free to come by Avedon Park and visit. We welcome everyone.

Verna Avril: I total agree with all your statements ..... they can hunt and shop and go to all trouble to get things and peoples regions should be safe from copy especially either copy all the best stu... 7 months ago
....just another boring mall store.


Come out and grab a board and enjoy the fun at Friends Mall. The skatepark has been custom made for you with half pipes, ramps and bowls. Never skated before........perfect...virtual worlds let us experience some new things.

Skate and Shop (you can carry more when you are on wheels).

p.s skateboards ARE allowed in stores at Friends Mall

Ellen: I love this unique shopping concept! Thank you for all you do, Safine! You are amazing!!!! 7 months ago

Everything you need to decorate and celebrate St. Partrick´s day. Come have a look and give it a try!

I've finally managed to add some contributions to this year's Cornflakes Week.

I've retextured Clutterfly cuddle lunge chairs, beach towels and bean bag chairs with a Cornflakes theme, all of them with SFposer, of course.

You can pick them up from my shelves in the DropBox.
Secondary pick-up location: Kaufrausch Mega-Store, Santiago.

And here's to hoping that the textures won't go blank again anytime soon...
+ osGiveLinkInventory
+ osGetInventoryNames
+ osGetLinkInventoryNames
+ osGetInventoryKeys
+ osGetLinkInventoryKeys
+ osGetLinkInventoryKey
+ osGetLinkInventoryDesc
+ osGetLinkInventoryName

Eight new OSSL functions, and maybe two more.

This rocks.

alexa maurer osw: ...just have to wait for a built version at 7 months ago

Tonight in Astralia Zeno Live Singer in Concert at 01PM SLT/22 ITA to celebrate Valentine's Day!

Don't miss this cool event :) here are matching shirts for Dinkies

Shirts !!! hop:// Shopping Fun/145/304/22

KikiBaily: da wäre ich gerne dabei :-( aber das liebe RL mal wieder *schade* 8 months ago

Lots of new users, lots of fun. Come on over!

Star Ravenhurst: Pretty Ad! 8 months ago

----- NEW -----

Tonight, Wednesday, January 31st, the extraordinary voice of Nikita will enchant us in a live concert at the charming Ariston Theater. Join us for this special evening, immerse yourself in the magic of music and live performance. The event starts at 21:30 PM Italian time, 12:30 PM SLT, and it will undoubtedly be an experience not to be missed. Let's share this unique moment together. Don't miss out! Event Details:
Artist: Nikita Location: Ariston Theater (Sanremo - NewLifeItaly) Date: Wednesday, January 31st Time: 9:30 PM (Italian time) / 12:30 PM SLT Thank you very much, and I hope to see you there!

Angeldark: goooooooooooooooo si parteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 8 months ago

----- NEW -----

Jetson house and flying car at Madrigal - terraforming 12x12 region done by our ai region generator. Note at the moment the Tide is out.

went hunting today, look what i found

Nico Kalani: One of the great things about these sneakers is that they are the only ones I've seen with socks. What is cool is that you can tint the socks. I once had a pair with one sock tinted red and the other ... 8 months ago

H&G Furniture has some NEW ARRIVALS.. come check them out and Gardens

A very short video showing many magical items at DragonFyre Castle... The longer you watch, the more you will see. :)

thedeeferry: Nice vid, CyberG. Love the kitty named Midnight. ˄·͈༝·͈˄ 8 months ago
*** SAVING VALUABLE MIN. OFF YOUR LIFE - You can thank me later!

***Will go on sale in store Feb. 8, 2024 for PUBLIC! Check back then for pricing.***

Low Complexity Square Bento Nails FREE for [TTG] Grid Residents for a short time! Timez Welcome Area

5 Mesh Bento Low Complexity Full Set Nails (just over 1k)
HUD w/32 Textures


AVAILABLE ONLY AT [TTG]Welcome Area Faith Fashions Main! FREE thru February 7, 2024 for GRID RESIDENTS ONLY.

thedeeferry: I am sorry. Forgive me. Reading these comments I do not understand what is wrong. Anyway, Faith, well done. 8 months ago
New Video of our HG Safari visit to SOA Bikerworld, and awesome build by SOA Bad and Siwas.
The track goes on and on and on... This is a small part of it and what we experienced.
Like and subscribe! It helps me a lot
and it is free! Thanks for watching this video.
Welcome to the magnificent tribute to the Sanremo Festival! Four unforgettable evenings immersed in the magic of Italian music, where we will celebrate the gems of the Italian Song Festival from the '80s to 2023. Here's a preview of what awaits you:

First Evening: "Contemporary Hits" with DJ Tombeur
The opening night, led by the charismatic DJ Tombeur, will take you on an exciting journey through the most engaging hits from 2011 to 2023. An evening dedicated to modern melodies and extraordinary voices that have characterized the recent decades of Italian music.

Second Evening: "The Charm of the 2001-2010 Years" with DJ Adry
The second night is a special tribute to the masterpieces that marked the decade from 2001 to 2010. DJ Adry will guide us through an extraordinary experience, recreating the unique atmosphere that made that phase of the Sanremo Festival unforgettable.

Third Evening: "The Musical Renaissance from the '90s to the 2000s" with DJ Angel Dark
The third night will be hosted by DJ Angel Dark, a journey into the golden age of Italian music. From the '90s to the 2000s, we will relive the emotions and unforgettable successes that defined an entire generation.

Sanremo, situata sulla Riviera italiana, è una affascinante cittadina costiera famosa per la sua combinazione di storia, cultura e bellezza naturale. Incastonata tra il Mar Mediterraneo e le Alpi Marittime, Sanremo è celebre per ospitare ogni anno il Festival di Sanremo, uno degli eventi musicali più iconici dell'Italia.

Conosciuta come la "Città dei Fiori" per i suoi rigogliosi giardini e le esposizioni floreali, Sanremo offre ai visitatori un ambiente pittoresco con vivaci viali, architettura storica e splendide viste sul mare. Il clima mite della città l'ha resa una meta apprezzata per il relax e il tempo libero.

Il Festival di Sanremo, istituito nel 1951, è un evento prestigioso che ha svolto un ruolo significativo nella formazione della scena musicale italiana. Esso presenta una vasta gamma di talenti musicali e ha introdotto nel mondo numerose canzoni e artisti senza tempo. L'influenza del festival si estende oltre l'Italia, rendendolo un appuntamento imperdibile per gli appassionati di musica e un'esperienza culturale che cattura l'essenza dell'intrattenimento italiano.

Oltre al festival, Sanremo invita i visitatori a esplorare il suo affascinante centro storico, passeggiare lungo il lungomare e gustare la cucina locale in pittoreschi caffè e ristoranti. Non dimenticate di visitare il celebre Teatro dell'Ariston, cuore pulsante del Festival di Sanremo, dove si svolgono spettacoli e concerti di risonanza nazionale ed internazionale. Con la sua atmosfera avvolgente e la sua importanza culturale, Sanremo è una destinazione incantevole che offre un assaggio dell'antica eredità e dello spirito artistico italiano. Vi aspettiamo per condividere questa esperienza unica!
AMV International Day Thursday March 7th
Celebrating International Diversity on OpenSim. A new singer from all over the world every 30 minutes
International food and freebies court showcasing many flavors and gifts from around the world!
hop:// International/222/315/28

10 am Joao Frazao - Portugal
10:30 Khiron Ametza - Brazil
11 am Zoree Jupiter - Portugal / USA
11:30 Mavenn Live - Canada / USA
12noon Clan Escotia - Scotland
12:30 Icky & Sum UK
1pm Ian Kitsilano - Canada / UK
1:30 Nikita Anderson - Italy
2pm Zeno Stark - Italy
2:30 Putri - Indonesia
3pm Dave King - USA
3:30 Cataplexia Numbers - USA

Space area at Madrigal if you can find it.

MorningGlory: Enjoyed the ride! 😊 9 months ago


On January 24, 2024, we look forward to Terra Merhyem's ART OPENING and CONCERT: "CATURANGA", a cultural highlight and grandiose prelude to the Pangea Art and Culture Festival 2024.
NB : 1 PM SLT is :
* - New-York, Argentina : 16 h
* - Brasil : 17 h
* - France, Deutschland, Espana, Italia : 22 h
* - GB, Portugal : 21 h
The best radio station in Second Life is now available across the entire metaverse and the pirate DJ's at Black Cat Radio have landed at Avedon Park!
Black Cat Radio is an online radio station that is totally listener-supported based on the classic pirate radio stations that popped up off the coasts of the UK and in the deserts of the US in the 60's and 70's. It features a hand curated music library of over 1600 tracks (no repeats!) and is never too soft or too loud. What really makes Black Cat Radio cool is that you can go to their website and make a request or dedicate a song and it is played almost instantly! You can plop the land URL onto your land in Open Sim like we do at Avedon Park ( or you can listen online. You can listen on your PC, play it on your buds or listen in your car!
You can visit the in-world radio station at Avedon Park. We've set them up on their own little island right next to "Nervous Charlie's" fireworks and liquor Store. Visit the station, hang out on the beach or, if you are brave, check out their grotto. We try to make them clean up after themselves, but it only goes so far.

Learn more at
Have you already visited the fantastic 'Black White Castle' region made by Bink Draconia?
It's really worth it...

Or copy and paste this adress in your viewer's map: White Castle

Sodasullivan: It is a wonder idea and really well done! 9 months ago
Chapter 7 - Insomnium from my book Eos Renascent is now on Wattpad. You can read it here:

"Maeia jerked awake, choking and disoriented, and found herself on her hands and knees with hot, broken stone beneath her. Caustic, black smoke billowed in the air, burning her throat as she tried to breathe. The light from great fires raged in the distance, silhouetting shattered buildings and soaring structures and casting everything around her in an ethereal orange glow.

Feeling excruciating pain, she looked down at her arms to see red, bleeding skin and blackened blisters from severe burns. Lying on the ground nearby was the red sword she recognized from the sarcophagus. It had a faint red glow, as if it were red hot, especially around the handle grip.

What is happening to me?"

Hey everyone! I just added a fun new nostalgic region, Magical Kingdom aka Walt Disney world! Come check out the happiest place on earth!

Soul-Grid : Thy you for the nice place 9 months ago

Full body with Waify boobs

OUT NOW IN "Black Shades" store

hop:// Terra/227/49/25

The newest addition to Avedon Park, Luna's Land illuminates the night and guides travelers across the waters of Avedon. Located in the elflands at Avedon Park South, the landing is still under construction but open to the public.

Spontan Partyyyyy !!!!!!

KarinBecker: yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mit Nasti .......... 9 months ago

Video Here >

Luna Lunaria: Just some of the many, many reasons I love this grid. There are so many unique and wonderful things about being here :-) 9 months ago

Control Panel Update Video with our new security scanner -

Jimmy Olsen: Does it detect fleas? lol 9 months ago

We are waiting for you tonight 30 December 2023 for best wishes and to celebrate the new year by dancing in Paris

harthelie: Je vous souhaite une bonne et heureuse annee 9 months ago