OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Brand New Gallery, "Las Piratas" 25 beautifully rendered women pirates, from all parts of the globe, and you can learn to dance like a pirate too:) Complimentary chocolates and wines...strewn about

Ellen: Very amazing work! Thank you for sharing your visions with us! 2 years ago

Am 31.10. ist Halloween... ich habe für Euch ein paar Dekosachen zum mithehmen hingestellt

Sylvia-Koeln: Dankeschön Darling 2 years ago
Hello Hella,

We are so happy to have you join our community of artists at the Art Factory. Your images are hauntingly beautiful. What is the inspiration for your art?

“About my inspiration it's about the feeling in a present situation, always in the NOW, we can call this "états d'âmes" in French, "states of mind" in English ? “

Your art is a visual representation of current feelings and moods? That is so interesting. Do you have other galleries or exhibits in OpenSim or in Second Life?

“For my art in physical life, it's another route that I don't mix with virtual worlds.
For the photos, which relate only to life in SL and Opensim, I only exhibit on Flickr and in Opensim. Many captures, come from the world of SL and since 6 months, taken in Opensim.”

I have followed your Flickr for a long time now and look forward to seeing your posts. Hella, what do you enjoy about your art inworld?

“Art changes my frequency and makes my life a dream. In the virtual world as in life, practicing an art is a pure expression of oneself and it feels good to do good :)”

Ernest and I are overjoyed to have you join the Art Factory community. Would you tell our readers how you got involved in the project?

“Art Factory is the first place I visited that challenged me, I took some pictures from elsewhere that I put on Flickr, months ago. The Thirza Safari Tour allowed me to rediscover the Art Factory region and to meet Ellen and Ernest "in person", I had had some contact with Ellen on Opensimworld, I was happy to meet Ellen and Ernest :)”

Thank you for taking the time for this interview, Hella. And welcome to the Art Factory community!

Kashi Takeshi: Artistic addition to the team :) 2 years ago

Thirza Ember: Grief is the price we pay for love. 2 years ago
There is a person. We will call him 'devarious'. This person has literally thousands of alts. He uses them to change into a man or woman, then go have random sex with some unsuspecting person on their sim. He looks for sims with one person, tp's in there, sees who is on it, reads their profile, learns about him/her as a person. Then using the vpn, comes back as a totally different avatar, one who likes what you do, and depending on your sexuality one who fits your tastes. Then he/she becomes good friends and slowly tricks you into having sex with them, and after it's done disappears for months. Only to come back at some future point and try it all over again. But if that doesn't work - IT - will come back as yet another avatar with a whole different IP, country, look, and etc, already knowing a lot about you to get into your pants again. So take my advice. You will know him/her/it by his/her/its fruit. In other words, if this above has happened to you over and over, now you know why. The dude is a total fruitcake/nutjob. My advice, ban him. ban him on site. Kick him so far from your sim that he can never get back on, and when he comes back doing it again, you ban him again. This will put a stop to these extremely weirdo nutjobs that keep LITERAL books on the players in the game, their likes, dislikes, age, birth, city, and so on from continuuing to harm you both mentally and spiritually. Good luck.

Pagane: Lier! She always come in my grid with ugly female avatar! No man or at least transgender. 2 years ago
Someone is hard at work on CK Alt Island!

And all the hard work is paying off! We had 8 people here all at once on day two. That's like what? 5% of all the AVs in OS?

It's all because of the the aura of Adachi. Drawing people here like bears to honey. Like moths to a flame. Like serial killers to college sororities. (OK, maybe not the last one. That's from some movie or something).

Although we don't have Adachi here, we have many of the great people from the CK grid, with more showing up every day. Pop in and pay us a visit. Alt Island

About the Region
We have built a temporary home for CopyKat exiles. While the CopyKat Grid is down, your AV there can't sign in. You will need to sign into OS using an alt account on another grid. (That's why we call this "CK Alt Island.")

If you are a member of the CopyKat Realm group, find a member of the Friends of CK group and ask for an invite. You can then set CK Alt Island as your home location if you like. We also have shop space for you. (oh HELLO is reopening soon).

CK Alt Island is open to the public. The dance venue and more have been built, and more to come. Old friends, new friends and alts of every variety are welcome. Come visit! Alt Island

Sabrinastav: @Nico, Could you explain to me how to get in there?...I can't access my CopyKat account 2 years ago

Inside one of the many dioramas you can walk through at Sky Harbor Aviation Museum.

Ellen: Wow! Amazing job, Troy!!! I can't wait to see it! 2 years ago
Do you like chatting in French? Do you want to explore the hyperverse with a gallic air? Then the Soirees Franco are right up your alley. Or should that be allee? Learn more here
Found another great necklace at Sketchfab! You will find it in the foyer of Monentes Jewelry Jewelry Please never sell and always give credit to the creator.

rayne: very cool !! 2 years ago
The Fraud Of Pumpkin Spice Revealed
According to Jupiter Communications, Inc., an Internet research company, the most common search term this time of year, for five years running, is "pumpkin spice anal beads." Despite this disturbing fact, this outfit has nothing to do with pumpkin spice or...that other thing.

Admittedly, the dress is orange. as are pumpkins. But a little known fact is that pumpkin spice actually does not contain any pumpkin, real or artificial. In other words, pumpkin spice is a fraud. Sad, but true.

Get this pumpkin spice-free free outfit at oh HELLO

Ellen: Cute dress! Pumpkin spice would be the spices typically used in making a pumpkin pie. "The Pumpkin Spice Latte is a coffee drink made with a mix of traditional autumn spice flavors (cinnamon, nutmeg, ... 2 years ago
Hello all :)
I see a lot of photos and exciting places on OW, I invite anyone who wants it and who has a flickr account to register on my group to make known the good addresses of the hypergrid to all those who consult the photos of the virtual worlds on Flickr. Leave your LM of course, on your photos, show your avatars too.

A big thank you to those who have already joined :)
Gothic Hobo Grid Attack Survivor!
I assembled this outfit three years ago. Only now pulled it out of the closet again to see if it was still intact after two different grid attacks. Say hello to the Gothic Hobo Grid Attack Survivor!

Oh HELLO: Outfits With Options.

Sweetgal: I have been to Nico's region, the assets are free so those that are saying they cost look pretty foolish. That means "finders keepers, losers weepers". That's law that goes beyond law. Get for free an... 2 years ago
I Have Nothing To Say.
To quote the always enigmatic John Cage, "I have nothing to say, and I am saying it."

Get the outfit at:

Oh HELLO: Outfits that say, I don't know. Something?

Thirza Ember: I like that you're so cagey. 2 years ago

Full Avatar Ultimate BoM #arkhamcity

Nach dem überwältigenden Erfolg geht´s diese Woche weiter mit den Grids Hopper Nights.
Donnerstag bis Sonntag machen wieder Grids Musik für Grids.
Morgen am Donnerstag starten wir im Soul Grid auf Super Nova Beach Resort.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch !

TailorNova: Yeahhhhhhhh noch EINMAL schlafen :-) 2 years ago

wieder was neues auf Chubbys Fairy Dreamland

Amoa Nude Beach has been re-designed, re-built and re-opened.

After a few false starts, a serious error was discovered that took time to correct. Because of this, the region needed to be rebuilt. While doing the re-build, changes, improvements and additions were made. Still a little work in progress on some of the newer areas and features, but overall, Amoa Nude Beach is open.

We hope that you will enjoy it and use it as so many were upset when it was taken offline for the rebuild. We don't advertise it, we don't look for big crowds but we hope that people will use it for more than just a pickup joint.

There are sections for swingers and group sex, and as always MOST pieces of furniture are for play. (Can't have you banging on the tables in the food court though lol).

Again, hope you use and enjoy it.


Full Avatar Ultimate BoM #arkhamgrid

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#heroheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom

I have put down teleporters on my region, more to follow. This is what opensim is supposed to be, for everyone to share. My first 2 volunteers are Weltraumbahnhof and Avitron. Yes you heard right... one of them is Alex's place ... let the troll drama begin.... rofl

An increasing number of HG visitors
are coming to Novale to experience the thrill
of a pennyfarthing ride on a steel wire over the ocean

Sweetgrl: "pennyfarthing" 3 years ago


Interior of the ''World's End Lighthouse
Where the Lighthouse Gard lives in Summer

Priscilla.Kleenex again out for hunting. Cerfull for this italian monkey him come again to GBG WORLD but i ma so fast to banned this monkey from italy and ejeck so i send him to the hell but stay cerfull all grid .
2022-07-09 02:27:27,382 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for Priscilla.Kleenex @ () at using viewer Firestorm-Releasex64, channel Firestorm-Releasex64, , Mac , Id0 , Teleport Flags: ViaLogin. From region FreeLand 01 - French Connection () @
2022-07-09 02:27:27,386 INFO (56) - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Checking users Mac against list of denied macs ...



ASN: 30722

ISP: Vodafone Italia S.p.A.

Services: None detected

Assignment: Likely Static IP

Country: Italy

State/Region: Piemonte

City: Ivrea

OpenSimUser: Just delete all the information on here, and ban their Mac address and be done with it, rather than possiblity of breaking laws by posting information that shouldnt be posted in public forums. 3 years ago
Continuing our series of profiles of the OSFest team, this time Thirza Ember.
Bookmark our Blog page, it will have information and reviews throughout the festival!
OSFest begins July 8, and runs for 17 days of music, entertainment, shopping and exhibits.

sharanncousine: want t-shirt! 3 years ago
The Day has arrived, With much anticipation and media coverage the one the only Presidential debate taken to the ring.
Watch President Biden V/S Former President Trump battle it out on AVW @ trails ( Watch which ever favorite you suck up to kick the liven shit out of each other properly bare knuckle and to the last breath. Copy by request only while supply's last (see Bob Solo or Shea Butter).. everything is full perm full copy 24/7 only @ the AVW opensim's animesh head Quarters trails.

Server is up... tentively.. I am still alive! haha! ;) Prayers, love, hugs n high 5's everyone. :)

wieder was neues auf der sim ...

Let's Get Thirsty First.
There is the well-known question, "Is the glass half full or half empty?" Which makes me wonder. Would you say these jeans are half on or half off? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? I say we leave the question about the glass until later. Let's get thirsty first.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Ellen: I love your clever advertisements here! 3 years ago
I added new necklaces to the store this morning. Will be adding more new jewelry this week as time allows. I noticed on my sunflower necklace the back of the flower looks invisible, I apologize for that I tried several methods to get it to appear solid and none worked. Like, Solidify Modifier and also I flipped normals. This is a new technique I tried using an image, I will keep working at it to make it solid and release an updated version! Please find new necklaces in the foyer. Jewelry
Those of you with Blender should add the Sketchfab addon. It saves steps from hopping from one website to Blender. With the addon is adding a sketchfab library to your Blender desktop. I have been using it to import high heels for my mesh avatars. It has been fun!

Jimmy Olsen: From now on I will call u "Mariblender" :) 3 years ago
Today I've added to the Enchanted section of the shop.

The "Crando" flowers are well, perhaps not flowers? They are just a little different, maybe more like weird and definitely colourful.

There are 3 shapes and all the textures are included (details on the notecard). The models all have separate faces for the centre, the pistols and the stem so you can customize, mix and match or make your own textures.

They could have some other worldly or magic powers however they have only proven their ability to glow and stand out from the other plants.

Have a nice day!

Thirza Ember: Fully moddable Crando! awesome 3 years ago
How many of you have wanted to install Marvelous Designer only to find how expensive it is? Me too, I had it at one time and loved it. I made a skirt that I still have and wanted to try creating clothing again so researched and found a great "Garment Tool" addon for blender it is only 40 USD and works just like Marvelous Designer! I am learning it now so wish me luck lol this is where to purchase it!

Han_Held: I'm not sure I'd buy it -but I'm intrigued and passed the link along to a friend who's into blender. Thank you! 3 years ago
Das Soul Grid feiert wieder .

Am Sonntag den 13.02.2022, ab 19 Uhr ( 10 PST ) machen wir unserem Motto " Heute schon so verliebt wie morgen " alle Ehre.
Mit den schönsten Love Songs der letzten Jahrzehnte schickt uns Grid Mudder und DJane Nasti in die Zeit der Herzen und roten Rosen.
Der Garten im Tosca ist ins feinstes Rosa gehüllt und die Wolken sind ganz besonders fluffig.

Nasti und Rudi Bakerly freuen sich auf Euch !

* * * * * * * * *

On Sunday, 13.02.2022, starting on 7 pm ( 10 PST ) we will live up to our motto " Today we are as in love as tomorrow ".
With the most beautiful love songs of the last decades, Grid Mother and DJane Nasti send us to the time of hearts and red roses.
The garden in Tosca is wrapped in the finest pink and the clouds are particularly fluffy.

Nasti and Rudi Bakerly are looking forward to have a good time with you

Rudi Bakerly: Love is in the air. Now with DJane Nasti and many wonderfull people from around the world 3 years ago

A new star....with a baby:)


Apollo_Star: That looks Awesome ! 3 years ago
Reyn and I are excited to bring to you Rigged avatar store! We will be designing bento rigged mesh avatars a bit different than what you might be familiar with. These avatars are designed to work with the Y engine scripts. Clothing is included that can be worn simply by typing into local chat! No more searching through inventory for that favorite blouse! You simply add the textures to the avatar contents and you are set! We have included outfits to get you started! The alphas apply the same fashion just by typing into chat and it applies to the body!
We have a few just for fun and RP and a few that can be worn every day. I can create alphas to work with most clothes. The skin can be changed to your skin if you have the textures. If you know Photoshop or Gimp you can create your very own textures unique to just "you".

A huge thank you to Reyn Softly for creating our store, and a special hug and big thanks to our friend Fred Beckhusen who helped to make all this possible, thank you!
I will be creating new clothes for these avatars as time allows~

Marianna : I owe everyone an apology!! Yesterday for me was wild and had a few issues, firstly the teleportation is now fixed! The second issue I noticed is the Flintstone avatar had the NPC in the box that wa... 3 years ago
P.s Being perfectionist suck lolol Thx some friends alerted me about how trees look like RL so once more made modifications. Hope u all like it.
Ps.1 Modified as well the White Fir conifers! (same box number!)
Large Mall with a lot shops. Fashion for woman and male, furniture, houses, and lots more. Also adding new uploaded fashion and other products from time to time. new textured fashion. come over and have a look you will find something you like for sure. see you there.


Trizzy Hunter: Have enjoyed all my visits so far lots to see and explore and lots to be added to your inventory. 3 years ago

Jerralyn Franzic: Worth a visit, I love it... I LOOK SO TINY THERE, I'm not worthy LOL :) 3 years ago