Joined 4 years ago

About Myself

Simply Perfectly Imperfect

I'm beautifully broken, perfectly imperfect, beautiful in my flaws. All together, I am a beautiful disaster

Favorite Quote

”Rain beats the leopards skin but it does not wash out the spots”.

My Regions

Tubarao Azul VI
6 4 Azul VI 0 Users
Fantasy under construction
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1 0 0 Users
Open for visit .. still under construction
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Ponto Costa Azul
6 1 Costa Azul 0 Users
Still under construction but welcome to visit .. I call this place my calm .. please set to sim environment to enjoy the ambiance
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MasElie Coast IV
4 0 Coast IV 0 Users
Fishing ,Food & Wine and don't forget the ice-cream a cool place to come and relax and take pictures wonderful dinner and of course the details made with love for your enjoyment
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Bella Vita
3 0 Vita 0 Users
Free Rentals ..Open don't go over 10 thousand prims lol... take a look a place to call home sailing sea
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coming along

Aurora Starchild: Looks GORGEOUS! 6 months ago
soon i will open(under construction)
For me it is not just dropping prims it is every detail every little pixel corner .. i am enjoying this so much (my calm) .. and having people walk upon it after .. the feeling of walking upon the fairytale that ponders my mind

Another project done feeling .. chill.. If you like to come and look .. place shared environment to experience it all

Niketa Amly: Awesome work sis.. Outstanding work on details of the land. 7 months ago

simplicity and Calm for your enjoyment .. still adding detail to the sim for public

Bella Vita

MasElie Coast IV

Bella Vita

soon to open

soon to open

soon to open .. working on the details .. just wanted to share

soon to open .. working on the details .. just wanted to share

Under Construction .. soon to come
The Sim is my canvas and my calm

Under Construction .. soon to come
The Sim is my canvas and my calm

Under Construction .. soon to come
The Sim is my canvas and my calm

Under Construction .. soon to come

getting there

JUST A AMAZING PLACE .. thank you for all the hard work

comments 9 post likes 92
No upcoming events

My Reviews


Just perfect .. love the detail and the neat way of having fatpacks ... great job and effort and making it possible for us to enjoy the shopping .. thank you for your hard work

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