OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Volle Moehren Party im Tosca !!!
:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ Volle Möhre Party im Tosca
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Heute/Today
┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 20Uhr/11SLT
┊ ┊ ❤ Hasencharts & Osterrock......hier Wackelt das Möhrenfeld
┊ ☆ ♥ Dj Nasti ♥

Captain Shadow: Best Easter Party I've been to in years !!! 2 years ago

Hope you will have a not such a scary easter than those 2 kids!
A peaceful easter to you all and hope you will find big eggs with your beloved ones!

Thirza Ember: Thomas you are a genius. Thanks for the laugh. 2 years ago

New items over at TSD garden, happy shopping ♥

NEW!!! Jumpsuit Trusty in Four Pattern available
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping:)

Monentes ~ Jewelry ~ Poseidon Blue Sapphire Wedding Set ~ You will find it in the wedding area of the store, back entrance. Jewelry

New ♥ Valentines Outfits ♥

Ellen: Adorable sim and so many nice things not seen anywhere else! Very well organized into cute little shops! After shopping, take a walk around and see what a lovely job they have done! 2 years ago
What's new on Camballa
Sena in many colors
have a good time and take care of yourselves
everything can be found in the news box
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
greet yours
Karin Beckers(Bearbeitet)
My Regions Are Mime and Puppet Free!
Pantomime and puppetry are part of the Dramatic Arts, and my regions are No Drama zones. Show up as a mime, a puppet, or a puppet mime and you are banned I tell you. Banned!

HanHeld: I guess Raggedy Ann and Andy are gonna have to go somewhere else for date night... 2 years ago
My first feeble attempt at making a bed. I need to find the sleep pose ball for it and it'll be ready to go. Hopefully I'll learn to do more and nicer things. This will be available at our mall region in the furniture portion. Good thing it's free because I doubt anybody would pay for it LOL. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Star Ravenhurst: I like it! It is unique and I love the headboard! Those legs are kinda kool too! 2 years ago

Die erste Chonsu Kleidungswand ist fertig .. Happy Shopping
The First Chonsu Clothing Wall is done .. Happy Shopping

On Camballa in the news box you can find a lot of new things for Valentine's Day.
Pretty for the wonderful day with your loved one
or for a hot party
Use the teleporter to the news box
Auf Camballa in der News-Box ist für den Valentins Tag vieles neues zu finden.
Hübsches für den wunderbaren tag mit deinem liebsten
oder für eine heisse party
Nutze den Teleporter zur News Box

Cindy comes in 9 Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

MidnightRain Glas: Thank you for sharing this. 2 years ago
That's the beauty of Christmas. Sometimes you don't know who's giving you presents!
Tomorrow I will be closing the seasonal sims Atmos and Xanten for the public again.
Thank you, thank you for your great interest, suggestions and nice comments. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your Thomas
Das ist das Schöne an Weihnachten. Manchmal weiss man nicht, wer dir Geschenke macht!
Morgen werde ich die saisonalen Sims Atmos und Xanten für die Öffentlichkeit wieder schliessen. Vielen Dank für das grosse Interesse. Ich wünsche Euch allen ein Frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Euer Thomas

RosemaryWoodhouse: Hello Thomas. Same to you. Some people confuse shy, reserved people with arrogance. You can't change them. Just stay as you are and don't change yourself to please others. Merry Christmas and all the ... 2 years ago
Meilleurs voeux de Noël à tous nos amis d'Opensim et en particulier à tous ceux qui ont visité les quatre saisons de Novale au cours de la dernière année. Au plaisir de vos revoir tous l'an prochain.

Die besten Weihnachtswünsche an alle unsere Opensim Freunde, insbesondere an alle, die Novale vier Jahreszeiten im vergangenen Jahr besucht haben. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie alle im nächsten Jahr wiederzusehen.

Best Christmas wishes to all our Opensim friends, especially to everyone who has visited Novale four seasons over the past year. We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Dabici Straulino & Kelso Uxlay

Ronya Outfit with Shoes -Top
pants in 5 Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

Free Hobbit House

Sometimes people spy on you.
They use a simple script like this one and put it in any object.
key gkyOwner;

gkyOwner = llGetOwner();
listenHandle = llListen(0, "", "", "");

listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
llInstantMessage(gkyOwner,name + ": " +message);
This script then reports back to them everything you say in local chat - EVEN ON ANOTHER GRID. How can you find these hidden bugs? They could be inside that vase of roses, or even in your wedding band ! Well now you can. The Xray Spy Device will let you see scripted items all around you. It's up to you to God mode them, and read the script inside to see if it's a spy script. Ask yourself a simple question. Does that rock my friend gave me really need a script?
Come get your Xray Spy Device today at

CyberGlo CyberStar: i totally agree, however i've tested it out and the spy script works very well. 2 years ago

We have new Male Outfits for the
new Chonsu Body.
Come and grab your copy and / or
register for the Body.
You find it all at our Skymall.
(TP at landing point)

Hypergrid Safari Four Region Tour
A whirlwind tour of four art venues in Opensim, this year’s HG Safari Tour for the OSCC is a Special Event taking you to OSgrid, Pangea, Kitely and Craft.
You will see the work of Ellen Tiratzo and Ernest Moncreiff, Karima Hoisan and Dale Innes, Tosha Tyran, and Nyx Breen. 12/13/22 at OSCC. Visit the largest 3D Art in all of the Virtual Worlds. Immersive at Pangea. hop://

Marianna : I love seeing the arts being promoted at the OSCC, thank you Thriza! 2 years ago
A better alternative to Mixxx, winamp, & Butt. If you want to play music in dreamgrid, this is the way to go. I use XMPlay to play the mp3's. You just put a bunch of music in a folder, then in XMPlay select the folder, click the repeat button and you are done. XMPlay is very very very tiny and uses very few cpu resources, unlike mixxx and winamp and others. You may notice in the back of XMPlay im using an encoder, it's called AltaCast. AltaCast picks up the sound from XMPlay and sends it right on over to iceCast which is built into the dreamgrid package. AltaCast however, is another free download, again it is very tiny and uses very little cpu.
In my opinion, you want fast tiny programs, b/c it leaves more cpu for running sims, and frees up a lot more ram which is what avatars visiting your grid need. So with this simple combination it's a win win. It works perfect and is flawless, i never have to restart it or have any problems out of it, and i've been using it 24/7/365. I love it.

Hugabug: thank you for sharing this information 2 years ago
This here outfit has been updated. Same: boots and skirt. New: everything else. Hair, top, jacket, jewelry.

oh HELLO: New or Newfangled -- Always Outfits with Options.

Nico Kaliani: I have deleted the comments about the use of R. Lion hair in this outfit after first saving a copy of them. I will be sending that to Richard and we will be discussing the matter privately. Please res... 2 years ago
Come and participate to our Advent Hunt 2022 from Dec. 1st to Xmas.
Once you are out of the Xmas Globe, walk toward the Greehouse nearby
The calendar in a shape of tree is very obvious
Click the Xmas Bauble on the ground to get info on the Hunt
Have Fun !

Kelso.Uxlay: Merci pour le commentaire et le like sur la région 2 years ago

Pinewood Run Trailer - Premiering LIVE on YouTube @ 4:30 PM OS Time!!!
Watch Here:

Roland Francis: WoW, what an intro (!) Seriously awesome machinima 2 years ago


The original is in Arkham City, its copies present in other Grids have not been authorized by Arkam for sharing and are not up to date

Thank you all

Heute ist wieder "Dream Night" Zeit

Ihr dürft euch wieder auf einen Abend mit romantischen Love Songs, schöner Balladen, und feinster Kuschel Muschel Musik freuen.
Endlich wieder eine Gelegenheit die Abendgarderobe auszuführen und in einer bezaubernden Location einen harmonischen Tanzabend zu verbringen.

Nasti und Rudi Bakerly freuen sich auf Euch !

Today is "Dream Night" time again

You can look forward to an evening with romantic love songs, beautiful ballads, and the finest cuddly music.
Finally another opportunity to wear your gala clothes and spend a harmonious dance evening in an enchanting location.

Nasti and Rudi Bakerly are looking forward to seeing you!

KarinBecker: Conny beeile dich bin schon daaaaaaaaaa :) 2 years ago

A last look at the Haunted Valley in Novale's Autumn 2022
Thank you to everyone who visited us this Fall
Novale will be back online later in November
just in time for Advent ! See you soon !

More For Roleplay hope you like and have Fun

On recevait aujourd'hui les amis de la communauté francophone
Ici quelques uns d'entre eux font la traversée entre la Vallée Hantée
et Les profondeurs des ténèbres, lieu de la course au trésor.

MinordLoup: et bien sur, qui fais encore le pitre ? lol 2 years ago
DJ CLASS @ KORYPHON ACADEMY Monday 11/7 @ 10am

DJ Cataplexia teaches DJ Class @ Koryphon Academy 11/7/22 @ 10am
Learn on MIXXX Free broadcaster from a DJ with 16 years experience!
The Class is free, but needs a couple of Pre Requisite downloads

Download MIXXX Latest Version here:
and LAME here:
Download libmp3lame 3.99.5.....either the 86 or 64 Bit depending upon which MIXXX you downloaded, make the numbers match (64 or 86)
Copy the ENTIRE FOLDER of the lame player into your MIXXX main folder in Program files

See you Monday - Upstairs @ The Koryphon Academy Annex Academy
The Class is 100% free and so are the downloads!

CliffordHanger: Nico, sorry you are having issues, if you want to usr mixxx om more than one machine you can point both libraries to the same mp3s, you can then export a playlist and import it on the other machine, h... 2 years ago

I loved building this theater with Bill Blight on his old grid. We watched so many movies there. It's only a memory now. Maybe I'll rebuild this as a stage venue :-)

Star Ravenhurst: I would love to have that! I miss movie nights on Bill's grid. Hanging out with everyone is some of my best memories. Loved the Writer's group too. I have been thinking of trying to start a writer's g... 2 years ago

News At Elas fashion-men Avatare and new styles
come and look around,have fun and a good Time for all your Karin Becker

Spirits and Witches, Bats and Black Cats, Candy and Pumpkin Spells Let's go Halloween Season is back at French Creat Home

Ellen: I got all items for free! 2 years ago

Just opened, Bluebay in the Lost In Time Jungle, a friendly place, bar, dance, beach, cabaret and lot of activities
Thank you if you take time to visit :)

News at Elas Fashion look in the news-Shop have all fun and great Time to all
your Karin Becker

Taliya: Ganz toll gemacht wieder ...Danke 2 years ago

Fernsehabend, keiner sieht was..........
TV night, none sees anything..........

Wer für eine Weile in die Wickingerzeit eintauchen möchte,ist auf Viking Valley genau richtig!
Es gibt einiges zu entdecken und mitzunehmen Möge der Weg unserer Ahnen uns weisen,welchen Pfad wir auch betreten

Hail brothers and sisters ;-)

If you want to immerse yourself in the Viking Age for a while, Viking Valley is the place for you!
There is a lot to discover and take with you. May the path of our ancestors show us whichever path we tread

Brand New Gallery, "Las Piratas" 25 beautifully rendered women pirates, from all parts of the globe, and you can learn to dance like a pirate too:) Complimentary chocolates and wines...strewn about

Ellen: Very amazing work! Thank you for sharing your visions with us! 2 years ago