OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Emerald City
0 Users 10 4
Welcome to Emerald City A Realm of Enchantment and Imagination Greetings, traveler! You have stepped into the mystical realm of Emerald City, a land inspired by the magic of the enduring tales of...

Welcome back (Unknown)

Grazie Lando è una cosa che apprezzo molto sono felice che i miei lavori piacciano

Gravity on Earth is about 9.8 meters per second. On Europa Moon,it`s 16.66% of Earth so gravity has been changed accordingly on all Europa Regions. Go give a try! Climb the highest building and jump. Nice effect :)
Enjoy :)

NiaKara: What if you don't believe in a force called Gravity? 3 hours ago
Half time with dj LARISSA
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered
A-maze-ing Eggstravaganza Grand Opening
This is your formal invitation to come and mingle with each other
on April 12th 12-6 Grid time...possibly longer. So far we have 3 DJS
hope for more in which case the party will go longer!
Link for the OFFICIAL grid calender is here:
Attach is an advertisement for your viewing.
It is an Easter theme will have free gifts and an egg hunt!
I appreciate every single one of you. We have gone through a lot with the osgrid thing and all that. Hope to see you!

RemmyRavenhurst: Congrats on getting this all set up!! 8 hours ago
Get ready to rock! Friday, March 28th, at 12:00 PM Grid Time, singer Smiley Avery is hitting the stage with an amazing mix of American pop, rock, and country music! Come dance, sing along, and enjoy the ride!

Stage 3 hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22

#OSWF #opensim
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered

The grid is back online

Copper: Which of the ca. 2700 grids in Opensim? 10 hours ago
Water Race Jet Ski
die Vorbereitungen für das Rennen sind sind so gut wie fertig , also üben üben üben
the preparations for the race are almost finished, so practice practice practice
Zoree Jupiter Live
1:00pm at The Triannon Ballroom
Friendly crowd and music variety according to your requests.
Looking forward to having you join us :)
Attire: Formal Complex

Zoree is on stage Singing Live for you.. come on down to the FORMAL Ballroom to enjoy the great music Complex

Khiron Ametza Live
Thursday, March 27th, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to good music among nice people!

1 pm @ Starfleet Infinity
Region: Infinity
Location: 880, 887,2001

Khiron Ametza: I'm about to start! Come on over here! ♥ 13 hours ago
This COMING Saturday night @ 6PM Parcel 8! Come check out and join the fun in Spooky Town at the OpenSim Worlds Fair. It's the Last weekend and the last Saturday Night party of the Fair. Tons of surprises! It's a Costume Party!!!!!!

Feeling spacey? How to set gravity on your region using our control panel

Xenon Darrow: That is a GREAT ship, Lone! Sketchfab, right? 15 hours ago
Coming up soon!
🤠🎶 Join us today at 12:00 PM Grid Time as DJ Country Bob takes the stage, bringing you an hour of toe-tappin’, boot-scootin’ country music! Don’t miss it!

Stage 4 hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22
Coming Soon:
One of the most famous racetracks in the world.
The “Nürburgring with the Nordschleife”, also known as the “Green Hell”.
Rebuilt on a VAR 12 x 12 for a real racing feeling.
Racing cars and racing bikes as well as matching outfits are available in the pit lane near the start and finish.
You can also race your own car or bike if it is suitable for “bullet physics”.
There is also a lot to see outside the race track that is also available on the original race track.
Paddock, Rock am Ring, Camping am Ring and much more.
The track at the F1-Ring has a real length of 5.2 km and the Nordschleife 20.8 km.
Races have been held there since the beginning of the 19th century.
In 1951, the Nürburgring was one of the first race tracks in the world to be converted for F1.
***Geo Leather Jacket Fatpack (LegacyM) OUT NOW!***
Come grab this amazing leather jacket for Legacy M:
- Leather comes with 12 textures. Fur with 8.
- There's an add-on t-shirt, available in 8 textures.
- Auto-alpha's on attach/detach when wearing Sciattisi Grid's Legacy Alpha

Taxi: hop://
Freitag 28.3.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Die Deutsche Hitparade
Alle #1 Hits
1970 - 1975

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid :

Friday, March 28, 2025
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 PM

The German Hit Parade
All #1 Hits
1970 - 1975

Ends as always at midnight.
Red de Tutores Virtuales – Aprendizaje sin fronteras: ¡Transforma tu Futuro Profesional con Nuestros Cursos ¡No dejes pasar esta oportunidad única! 🔑 Inscríbete hoy mismo. Visita nuestro sitio web para más detalles e inscripciones.

We are building a Community!

The missing piece is YOU!



Come wake up with us!
Bring your coffee or tea and come
join us for our morning greedy social!
Edge Harbor
7:30am OST
Hop: hop://

Hello everyone, the BloodMoon grid website is getting a makeover, the development of the vampire and Lycan role play is also progressing. We recently concluded a partnership with Podex and changed our currency due to a lack of communication from Gloebits, our messages remained desperately unanswered for several months. The team at Podex is very professional and it is easy to communicate with them, we recommend them for their professionalism. See you soon:

Jared Seda: Very neat place! I love how you are building up the village.. And the bats are fun! 20 hours ago

Have a nice day, everyone. :-)

Hicks: Spring is here!!! Woot Woot 22 hours ago


Hi, lovely people ... Last Minute party happening now! 3-26-2025 10 pm pdt time.
Club Toxic - Infinity 21 - Dj Bebeto - happening now. 9:50 pm pdt time

Now available thanks to Jamie Wright- Inclusive hair styles for women, and a few for guys as well.

Opening wednesday, 26th march! Gloebit mall of original mesh creations by Remmy Ravenhurst! There will be free gifts which also are not available anywhere in the metaverse. The idea behind this mall is to give original creators an opportunity to make a few coins here and there, hone and improve their skills, support each other, and ensure OpenSim can gain continually more traction as it's own entity, with truly unique items and people!

Some of us may have been around long enough to even recall the days of approx 2003-2008, where average players could create things in SL, hone and improve their skills, sell knick knacks, gestures, what have you...not to get rich or gouge each other, but, perhaps earn a few bucks with our work ethic. But all the big businesses, corporations, and college grads rolled in, had access to million dollar motion capture animation machines, expensive softwares and hardwares out of reach to the average user, and things like this. We happily choose to support other creators that have the "audacity" to ask a small pittance or few coins for their hard and original work.

ALL of these items are legally licensed or free use mesh. Most of it was custom textured by Remmy, and applicable furnitures have poses. Some may have various scripts, a few may have color huds. We will be posting the hop location on Wednesday, when it opens. Thanks for your support and encouragement, in advance!

LeonitasLionheart: Remmy's Gloebit Mall is officially OPEN! We hope to see you soon! hop:// yesterday
Khiron Ametza Live
Wednesday, March 11th, 2025
"A Place To Greet and Meet Friendly People"

4 pm @Majestic Waltz Venue
Region: Abraham Entertainment Venues
Location:1432,199, 22
We are back with a new and faster internet connection.
Sorry for all the inconvenient it might have cause you.

But there it is.
Also notice that the shop will be closed this friday 5.00 to 8.30 grid time.

Thanks to Lotek who was of great help and supprt.

Yinni Benelli: Yay for cool stuff!! =D 2 days ago
Starting soon!

She’s back and ready to rock! ✨ 🎤 Wednesday, March 26th, at 12:00 PM Grid Time – We’re thrilled to welcome Rogue Galaxy back to the OpenSim Worlds Fair stage! Get ready for an unforgettable mix of Blues, Pop, and Rock that’ll keep you moving! 🎶 🔥 🎸 Don’t miss this amazing performance!

Stage 2 hop:// Worlds Fair/1279/1175/22 #OSWF #opensim

I normally dont put other peoples creations out in a store in my grid unless i have permission. But I had new members in my grid asking for BDSM collars, Arcadia who worked with lotek who brought the original opensim collar in world made some really great ones with script fixes. I was sad to hear he retired and she has most likely stepped back. I was able to find his collars thanks to a new friend and i have placed them out for all to enjoy. They have all been updated to the last version update I knew off and I have added a few cool animations.

If anyone who really new the owner of arcadia wants to make a special sign i would love to place it in the store to show where they came from.

Lotek was a good friend of mine and i want to continue to show the great work she has done.

there are also the owner huds and a couple of leash posts.

PinDeluca: Hello - thank you for placing the items in the store. I not sure if it a mistake or not but i cant seem to purchase the items - they do not apear to be set to sale ? 2 days ago
🌹 Thorned Heart 🌹
Love, wild and untamed.

With golden vines that twist and curl like whispered secrets in a dark forest, Thorned Heart cradles a fiery red ruby at its center—bold, defiant, and full of passion. Each leaf and curve tells a story: of fierce devotion, tangled emotions, and a heart that dares to love deeply… even when it hurts.

I was asked to record a video to show how I construct vines. This is another Thorned Heart ring in just a bit different style, a signet ring, this video shows how I construct the vines.

Created this morning in the foyer on the little table, thank you for the requests 💗

Andremus Miklos: Such a great work as usual Marianna! :) 2 days ago

New Sword from Luna Lunaria's store and a video...

Luna Lunaria: The sword looks quite dapper on you :-) 2 days ago
Hello Everyone! Join me today LIVE for some romance & music
♬ WHO Rogue Galaxy
♬ WHAT LIVE Singer
♬ WHERE hop://
The Sun Voyager, or "Sólfarið," is a stainless steel sculpture in Reykjavik that symbolizes the sun, exploration, and new beginnings. It was designed by Jón Gunnar Árnason (1931-1989), who drew inspiration from a Drakkar Viking ship for the project, and it's one of the most visited attractions in Iceland's capital!

Hyacinth: They are Vikings busting a move \O/ singing.. I'm on a boat! I'm on a boat! Take a good hard look I'm on a mutha f'in boat! haha 2 days ago
Hello Everyone! Join me today LIVE at OpenSim World Fest!
♬ WHO Rogue Galaxy
♬ WHAT LIVE Singer
♬ WHERE hop://
A-maze-ing Eggstravaganza Grand Opening
This is your formal invitation to come and mingle with each other
on April 12th 12-6 Grid time...possibly longer. So far we have 3 DJS
hope for more in which case the party will go longer!
Link for the OFFICIAL grid calender is here:
Attach is an advertisement for your viewing.
It is an Easter theme will have free gifts and an egg hunt!
I appreciate every single one of you. We have gone through a lot with the osgrid thing and all that. Hope to see you!
Long ago in a cellar bar far far away....

I was once in a bar with a couple of friends and an MC Hammer vid came on the TV.

MC had on his iconic "trousers", you know the ones I mean?

My friend, perhaps a little worse for wear pronounced that he could indeed fill MCs trousers.

I couldn't out do that boast so I had to go with:

"So could I - but I'd need a number 14 bus right behind me".

Gotta keep it real, right?

Liverpool John Lennon Airport now open, free stores available inside

**Ash Hoodie for LegacyM OUT NOW!**
Don't you hate wearing a hoodie and not being able to wear any hair? This new hoodie for Legacy M has plenty of space!
It comes in a full fatpack with HUD:

- 10 different textures to choose from
- 3 different animated logos on the chest - and the option to hide it too via HUD.
- Auto-alpha on wear/attach and detach for Sciattisi Grid's Legacy M body version.

As the previous one, you can find it in one of the little stores to the side at the Mall's ground level.

Taxi: hop://
🌟 Join Exotic Realities – Let us help you make your virtual dreams, become an Exotic Reality! 🌟

Are you a builder, shop owner, or role-play creator looking for a place to bring your vision to life? Look no further than Exotic Realities, a thriving OpenSim grid where imagination knows no limits!

🏗️ Builders Wanted! – Whether you specialize in landscapes, architecture, or custom creations, your talents are welcome here. Help shape a grid full of creativity and beauty!

🛍️ Shop Owners Welcome! – Set up your own store, sell your unique creations, and become part of a growing marketplace where commerce and community come together.

🎭 Role-Play Creators Needed! – Bring exciting new worlds to life! Whether it's fantasy, sci-fi, medieval, or an entirely original setting, we’re looking for engaging role-play regions that benefit the grid as a whole.

✨ Looking to fill Staff Roles! - If you're an experienced Grid Admin, Liaison, or Events Staff, we want to talk to you!

🌍 Why Join Exotic Realities?
✅ Free Regions Available for the afore mentioned Roles! Speak to Tara Exotic today to claim yours!
✅ A supportive and friendly community
✅ Opportunities to collaborate and grow
✅ A stable & expanding OpenSim grid

🚀 Now’s the time to bring your vision to life! Whether you're an experienced creator or just getting started, Exotic Realities welcomes you. Join us today and help shape a world where imagination thrives!

🔗 Get started now! Contact us in-world or visit our website > to make your grid account and grab your piece of Exotic Realities.

🌍 Exotic Realities – Where Possibilities Become Reality! 🌍
NEW in Moana: more T-shirts! You can find them at Shirtzz, directly across the main landing, a shop for all your funny or inspirational T-shirts.


All shirtzz come in: Athena + Petite, Legacy + Perky, LaraX/Xara, Reborn + Waifu, Belleza Jake, Legacy Male, Fitmesh for men, Signature Gianni, Slink Male.

She’s back and ready to rock! ✨ 🎤 Wednesday, March 26th, at 12:00 PM Grid Time – We’re thrilled to welcome Rogue Galaxy back to the OpenSim Worlds Fair stage! Get ready for an unforgettable mix of Blues, Pop, and Rock that’ll keep you moving! 🎶 🔥 🎸 Don’t miss this amazing performance!

Stage 2 hop:// Worlds Fair/1279/1175/22
🌿 Spring’s Promise 🌿
A symbol of renewal, hope, and timeless beauty.

Crafted with graceful intertwining gold, Spring’s Promise cradles a deep emerald like new life rising from winter’s hush. The solitaire setting evokes delicate vines awakening in sunlight, wrapping gently around the heart of the season. Elegant and full of meaning, this ring is a celebration of fresh beginnings, quiet strength, and the eternal promise of spring. Just created this morning - On the little table in the foyer. Jewelry

RemmyRavenhurst: That's gorgeous! 2 days ago
Tuesday at The Almost Islands

10:00 Danger Lytton (DJ)
11:00 Lucky Chiung (LIVE)
13:00 Evan Williams (LIVE)
14:30 Charice Singer (LIVE)

World map search from any grid: Almost Islands
For Taxi: Danger Lytton @ - uuid for search: 6f39bef2-cddb-4268-af4f-102f8a6e89e3
Or: Azi Az @ - uuid for search: 298c5fdd-9b70-41c7-b773-7bcf8b16575e

Danger Lytton: Charice is on the air!!! 2 days ago
Paypal Donation Box New Release 3.5

The new release 3.5 Save the historic payments in Link Set, You can use the Menu Admin and List Payments to see the payments received.

Make sure your OpenSim Version has LinksetData in it.
(typically 0.9.3 or any other fork that has LinksetData)

Use the release 3.3 if your sim doesn't support Link Set, payments are saved in a Notecard.

If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

Khiron Ametza: I don't know what's going on. Yesterday, I was on the grid, but today, it says that the grid doesn't exist. 2 days ago
Today and Every Monday at Magicland!
Join us for 2 exciting movies AND get to see our Electrical Light Parade!

2:00PM - Bruce Almighty
3:30PM - Electrical Light Parade
3:45PM - The Mask

Only at Magicland - The Happiest Place on the Hypergrid!

SilviaFrey: Un lugar muy divertido y hermoso. Gracias. 3 days ago

Ⓩ░░░ ( ¯:¯)░乙ƠƦЄЄ░JUPƖƬЄƦ
Ⓞ░░(¯`·.\ /.·´¯)░Magestic-Gentle Fire
Ⓡ░ (¯ `·. ❀.·´¯)░2:00 - 3:00pm
Ⓔ░░(_.·´/ \`·._)░ Casual/formal
Ⓔ░░░ (_.:._)░Pop,love,disco,fado,rock,country,etc
New location:

Live Traffic
China A
3 2
Rent sim A
1 0
Maze Grid Home A
6 1
Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
52 8
Xenotown A
18 0
Shinobar Annex
67 19
Welcome Area A
16 1
4 0
NakedWorldz Grid
24 0
Trianon Complex A
96 23
46 2
Infinity 11 A
9 1
Little Big City Shopping Mall
25 0
SciattiShopClothes A
95 6
ShoppingDance A
7 1
Regions Online: 1,801
Active: 190 avatars in 130 regions
The Box
Speck 3 hours ago
@Xenon - and I thought it was a cocktail sausage - my bad!
Sparky 3 hours ago
@Pagane you really are psychotic, I saw you saying somebody else is the person you keep saying I am, so how many people in the entire world do you think are actually only one person? all of them? you need to be locked up. or at least start taking your psycho meds, lunatic
Caribia 4 hours ago
Was it sharing is caring here or is it again not so adult, who are you telling what is right and what is not co syou do the straight talks too, and about mesh issues HG can be one issue but there can be more
Bink Draconia 5 hours ago
@Andromeda please read here:
Nico Kalani 6 hours ago
Let's see if anyone here can help:
Andromeda 7 hours ago
Does anyone know how to put a photo or texture on the island map? So that when you open the map it appears as a photo?
Caribia 13 hours ago
lol jesus christ when you know about marketing u surely know about jungle drums.. just saying
Xenon Darrow 14 hours ago
And those people who come to cause dissension become very very frustrated and angry when they are unsuccessful.
Xenon Darrow 14 hours ago
90% of the time, it is really just educating. And the 10%...I called them turds in the punchbowl. There are only a few, but they are REALLY LOUD ALL THE TIME. So...they show up.
Xenon Darrow 14 hours ago
They come from grids where it might mean something different or is not enforced. And none of controls when the HG rips all their mesh off. You just go fix it and come back.
Xenon Darrow 14 hours ago
Welcome is a bit of a challenge because it is the "public" face of the grid. And there are people who come there to stir up problems. But most people aren't there for that. Most people are making genuine faux pas. They often don't understand distinctions like G, M, and A.
Xenon Darrow 14 hours ago
@Speck: One thing that makes the grid different is that Lone is very circumspect about getting in the middle of personal spats. We are adults; he treats us like adults. It makes it much much harder for people to bully, exhibit power plays successfully, manipulate, etc.
Speck 19 hours ago
@Pagane - be of good cheer! I hardly ever ban so you are special! You attacked me without knowing me so either you're insane, causing trouble or just plain stupid. If you think I am "someone else" then please see criteria stated above. I have no animosity towards you, but I won't play your game.
Pagane 19 hours ago
@Speck .... you must be EXTREME STUPID and totaly maniacal in mass bann to answer to me... I"M BANNED FROM YOU! YOU IS BAN HISTERIA TWIN OF oops... all know who:)
Speck 21 hours ago
@JustCurious - but are the "happenings" due to WolfGrid staff or sim renters or just visitors - np with making a complaint just give them some way to check and respond eh?
Wolf Territories Grid 23 hours ago
If anyone has an issue with wolf territories grid please contact us via the ticket system rather than just posting things in this box - we're here to help.
JustCurious yesterday
All i will say is that i have not only heard things but i have experienced not so friendly happenings on said grid
Speck yesterday
@Pagane - "Block all"? Easy! Just make a web forum and don't allow anyone to join :)

New Comments

NiaKara 3 hours ago
What if you don't believe in a force called Gravity?
Chelsea Louloudi 3 hours ago
ehehe really. nice and floaty same with jumping. Good excuse to visit again.
RemmyRavenhurst 8 hours ago
Congrats on getting this all set up!!
Copper 10 hours ago
Which of the ca. 2700 grids in Opensim?
Khiron Ametza 13 hours ago
I'm about to start! Come on over here! ♥
Amara Lace 15 hours ago
Oh it was down? I was wondering it was me just not being able to go as it kept saying it timed out this morning
Xenon Darrow 15 hours ago
That is a GREAT ship, Lone! Sketchfab, right?
Elifunt 16 hours ago
Can't go anymore. Closed to outsiders.
Jared Seda 20 hours ago
Very neat place! I love how you are building up the village.. And the bats are fun!


ValeriaRossi 11 minutes ago
10 floors of great shopping with clothing for men and women, body parts, heads, tattoos... lots of choice and a lot of it is not the same stuff you find elsewhere. I will definitely be back!
Gentle Dragonheart 22 minutes ago
Lush Isle
A money front for well known kid grid Darkheart's Playground.
CaptainPlanet 13 hours ago
I found everything I wanted, and more ! Well laid out, and great products. Thank you!
Tish Wolfsong 18 hours ago
Neat place to visit!
Jared Seda 20 hours ago
Skinny Dip Beach
An Amazing Experience at Skinny Dip Beach!: I had such a fantastic time at Skinny Dip Beach on AlternativeMetaverse! The venue is absolutely breathtaking, with stunning views that will leave you in...
Nikita_Sylvestrus yesterday
Skinny Dip Beach
"A Hidden Gem at Skinny Dip Beach!" I had the most incredible experience at Skinny Dip Beach on AlternativeMetaverse! The venue itself is absolutely stunning—picture-perfect with gorgeous views tha...
Vychod_Radek yesterday
Hypergrid Games
No foreign visitors allowed?
Debra Ann Congi 2 days ago
The Almost Islands
I love to enjoy every Tuesday here, a quiet environment that allows you to enjoy good music and wonderful singers, thank you Azi and Danger
Marpil Grafenwalder 2 days ago

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