OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

Hi Everyone!

Plenty of stores are open right now at Nysa and more stock is on its way! We have fashion, furniture, landscaping, avatar accessories, poses, photo backdrops, dances and lots more!

We also have stores to rent if anyone is looking at expanding, franchising or just starting up something new! Chat to Mike or Zoey Ravenheart to get your store now!

Mike & Zoey ♥

And more new dresses!
... The second new one ... soon there will be a third!

Been working on some mesh rivers... on region WT Atlantic 01

Lillysparks: Wow beautiful!!! 1 years ago
Novale's Winter Worlds Travel Agency is located at the Christmas Market Place. Get inside to discover the destination's panels. You know a winter place that is not there yet, send me a message with an LM.

tree with poses and children...merry Christmas to everyone

My creation...she will of course be free as statue, avatar and possibly animesh when all work is finished (with credits and license).

CyberGlo CyberStar: wow, grooty! 1 years ago
There are those who associate nudity with the threat of child abuse and exploitation. However, moral panic leads to claims that "exaggerate the seriousness, extent, typicality and/or inevitability of harm" For example, if nudity always invites or incites sexual behavior, all-age clothing-optional beaches and resorts in RL would be closed.

Some people object to even clothed child AVs. Is this also a result of moral panic? Maybe. But it could be a mental health issue. An emotional state of fear, disdain, aversion, or prejudice toward children or youth is known as paedophobia. It is a condition diagnosed and treated by psychiatrists. There is hope, people. There is hope.

But, for now, these folks should stay away from SL. Some lurid facts about that place. If someone is at least 13 years of age in RL, they can use Second Life with some restrictions. You could not only encounter teen AVs in SL, you might even meet some RL teens. SL does have a policy about age-play, but says, "Merely having a childlike avatar does not violate this policy. It is not our intent to banish childlike avatars in and of themselves". Isn't it ironic? On this issue, SL is more open than some are on Open Sim.

In the past, simply stating these facts about SL has resulted in my being stalked in OS and threatened by, I think the clinical term is, cuckoo-bananas wack-a-doodle cray-crays. The truth is that my regions in OS are for adult AVs only. I have nothing against child AVs, as such. I just prefer to avoid dealing with unbalanced moral crusaders.

Zara Cigarette holder.Animated Smoke and Pose Animation + Exhaler Add on
hop:// Terra/226/50/25

New added to Samsara! You can practise your Tai chi here in the beautiful environment of Samsara! Teleport system is added

Jerralyn Franzic: Cool... where may I score a similar outfit? Would love to visit soon, but I'll feel more at home with the right clothes. :) 1 years ago

I could not resist!

Mistressdalgato: lots of fun surfing there, when we can buy a version lol 1 years ago

*** Camballa***
Tattoo Unisex - Viking Warrior [ Full Body ]
Bom classic and Evox
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

*** Camballa***
iris Elegant Gown
in 3 colors
Have a good time everyone
Best regards
your Karin Becker

harthelie: Toujours de belles robes 1 years ago

----- NEU NEU NEU -----

Copper: Wäre noch von Vorteil eine sim mit Gridadresse dazu zu schreiben um in die Karte zu kopieren ;-) 1 years ago

Face tatoo flora lel Evox- Bom
Have a good time everyone
Best regards
your Karin Becker

"Artemis" Sky Level 425 meters

Kashi Takeshi: Compliments, like always, awesome work FeliX! 1 years ago
When I posted about my newest edition of overwatch sentry with height and age block menu's, it got a lot of negative comments and not one person posted anything good about it. This made me realize it is not a good idea, and I heard you. As a result I have canned that project and deleted the prototype from wizardry and from my inventory. I have schizophrenia, and I have had to learn not to be ashamed and to ask for help is the only way I can get it. But that also means sometimes I do things which are not normal, so I rely on the feedback of you guys to let me know when I've done something a bit odd. Thank you for your feedback, I have heard you loud and clear. :) No more overwatch sentry.

Pagane: Thank you! KISS!!!! 1 years ago

Come and meet Bobby our AI chat bot - start the sentence with Bobby so you know you are talking to him.

Lone Wolf: Please try and be kind to him, I found him hiding behind a sign. 1 years ago
As the day comes to a close, I couldn't let it pass without wishing a very happy birthday to someone who prefers his privacy. Your dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of others is truly commendable, and your selfless work as a philanthropist speaks volumes. Though you may not seek the spotlight, your actions shine brightly in the lives you touch. Today, I celebrate you quietly, respecting your preference for understatement. May the year ahead bring you the fulfillment and happiness you deserve for all you do. Happy Birthday to a remarkable individual who makes the world a better place in the most humble and impactful ways. 🎉🎂 Thank you Ferd Frederix, I adore you. We were all blessed when you were born.

KarinBecker: Thanks for all you do, Fred! Happy birthday! 1 years ago
Post Your Wish List
The new "What Are You Looking For?" group is a place to post about items you are, well, looking for, for your outfits, builds, shops, and so on. What Are You Looking For?:

"Mythologies" Sky Level 400 meters

How to produce 3d Textures on Prims.

IndigoQueen King: Pretty Neat Lone, thank you! 1 years ago

Life is short, and it is here to be lived - Kate Winslet

EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. // On this pic, close view from the lounge club, THE TERRACE where you can relax and play Greedy Table. Enjoy :)

Slowhand: Phantastic work Jimmy, thank you! 1 years ago
EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter now opened for public. Enable EEP sky for better experience. Space base with some dwellings. Day cycle here is 84 hours like on RL moon. Feel free to use our public transports on ground area, several models of hover/speedbikes.. Just don't mind the magabaga creatures.... they don`t like much people lol...

New Dress for REBORN BODY "Phantom Black"
Use the Stargate to "Town" in MI AMORE
hop:// Amore/126/241/3012


KarinBecker: Klasse Männer-Klamotte 1 years ago

Taking the "kitten" for a walk. I was told it was kitten when I bought it off a guy in a pub but it seems to be growing...

KrisTina: What's a few fleas between friends. 1 years ago

NEW Outfit Scandal
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

THE WITCHES HUD is BACK! Everything broken is now fixed!!! Works fantastic, with some beautiful spell changes to the hud! I worked like mad on this to fix it for all of you for a gift! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! note: unfortunately i've not had time to fix the fairy hud, the vampire hud, and the wizard hud. But the witches hud and the elf hud are fixed and fully operational. To get it just go to It's upstairs on the bookshelves.
What tthe buttons do: [Apparate] - tp you to any person in the sim. [Scrying] - remotely view any person in the sim. [Shield] - Rez a shield around you. [Speed] - enable super fast walk/run/fly speed. [Broom] - Rez a broom you can ride. [Familiar] - Rez a black cat you can talk to. [Arcane] - Rez a secret headquarters in the sky and tp you to it. [Elemental] - Rez a forest scene for you and your friends to sit. [Deity] - Rez a goddess that will ask you who you want to ban. [Orb] - rez an orb you can click on. The Orb will list nearby items or people, if you click select it will point to that item or person with a beam of light. Note: you must be in a rez area where scripts are allowed, and the functions are allowed.
THE WITCHES HUD is BACK! Everything broken is now fixed!!! Works fantastic, with some beautiful spell changes to the hud! I worked like mad on this to fix it for all of you for a gift! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! note: unfortunately i've not had time to fix the fairy hud, the vampire hud, and the wizard hud. But the witches hud and the elf hud are fixed and fully operational.

CyberGlo CyberStar: To get it just go to It's upstairs on the bookshelves. 1 years ago

Pray for Peace in Israel.

Hey there and happy Sunday!

We added 17 new beautiful Clothes for Gianni and new Shoes as well in our Store! Feel free to check them out .


ToyBoy: Great looking clothing! Besides male clothing, women also are spoiled here Pin ;) 1 years ago
Now has a clickable menu. You can turn it on /off in the menu. You can click the [ban] button on the menu, and select ban by radar, name, ip, or key. This way you can manually add in a name, ip address, or key OR if the person is on your sim at the moment you want to ban them, just click the radar button (sim wide) and click their name on the menu. They are unsat, ejected, tp'd home, and all their info is saved to the appropriate file. No more manual notecard editing (unless you want to...) I hope you all enjoy it. NOW AVAILABLE NEW AT WIZARDRY!!!

Adry: now 2 years ago

KrisTina: Evil never ran away from hippies holding a peace sign, would be nice if they did. 2 years ago
A great alternative to vivox is mumble. It's changed a lot since the mumble-whisper project for opensim back in 2010. I run a mumble server right here at my house, and anyone can connect to it and try it out. On windows just download the mumble client or on apple mac download this client
Mumble also has clients in most linux package managers already ready to go. Mumble has super high voice quality and it's totally private. I've already used it at my grid with several people and the quality was amazing. Plus the fact the mumble server runs on a small raspberry pi at my home with zero problems. If you wish to connect to it, just use as the server address and you can try it out on port 64738. There are also mumble 'servers' for windows, mac os, and linux. So you can run it on something besides a raspberry pi, and have your completely secure and private own voice server. I understand a lot of people worry about vivox listening in to their private conversations. ok. Here's an alternative. What's great about it is you can play opensim with mumble in the background so it doesn't affect the game play at all, AND it's great voice quality.

MrSnoodle: So does the end user who randomly enters your region need to do anything other than click the talk button in the viewer to be able to talk? 2 years ago

Curves? Someone mentioned, curves? I couldnt resist:)

This class will be taught in december of 2023 at Wizardry.
The class will be about all the many many ways greifers and bad people can harm your avatar and lands in the metaverse. Topics that will be addressed include:

0) replicators - physical objects
1) listener im scripts
2) tracker scripts
3) push scripts
4) bumpers & followers
5) orbiters
6) remote radar scripts
7) text bombs
8) particle bombs
9) dialog crashers
10) sound crashers
11) graphics crashers
12) ddos attacks
13) remote land takeovers
14) stack heap overflow
15) scripting exploits
16) c# exploits
17) viewer modifications

In order to combat, you must understand the attack, and you must know how to fight it.
In order to stop these greifers and hackers, you must first know if you are being attacked, and then how to fix it.
So as I teach each section, I will also teach you how to combat against it. I will also give you very advanced devices
that can detect these attacks and help you mitigate them, so that you can survive in a virtual world.
Those who are interested in learning Defense Against The Dark Arts, must put their name on a notecard and drop it in the mailbox at the Wizardry region by November 30th, 2023. After that date no one will be allowed to enter the region or the class except for the students who previously enrolled.

NineZero: Great idea for a class! 2 years ago