OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

New!!! Out now

Here begins Cap'n Kelso Underwater Tour
Be ready for a very IMMERSIVE experience

Cherry Manga: Excellent! ♥ 3 years ago
There are actually 30 worlds totalling 486 1x1regions on my dying workstation (most for old friends) Not a traffic zone, or popular, but there if they need them. 100% free. lol I hope everyone is well. Have an awesome weekend! Prayers n love. Hugs n high 5's :)

(ADDED IN... lol) If it takes me a few days, or I miss a comment. PLEASE do not be offended. I live with severe chronic pain, and at times I miss things for a few... days? My everything body, and belongings seems to be falling apart at present. :o No worries though. Imma stubborn ole goat! haha! :D But there is 1 constant in this mess. I DO CARE. About everyone. Prayers n love, ALWAYS
Enjoy your weekend. hugs n high 5's :)

BTW? that isn't me. Not quite that old... yet. haha! :D

(added at noon today)meds were stolen. ripped from my hands, and dragged me through my yard on the edge of the road til I fell injured after I had just gotten them out of the mail? Was my pain meds, 4 more weeks of blinding pain... Cops refused to do a report, e ven though the car injured me... I can only say... hugs n high 5's :\

Spax Orion: We wish you well... take care of yourself then you can take care of others =D 3 years ago

New clothes for man and woman !!!!!

Frohe und friedvolle Ostern wünschen euch alle Bewohner von Soul, living with friends.

KikiBaily: Frohe Ostern wünschen wir Euch 3 years ago

wieder was neues auf der sim ...

Rudi Bakerly: Feen, Elfen Kobolde. Wo die Fantasie nicht weiterkommt, hilft diese Sim. Sie ist einfach bezaubernd gestaltet. Viele kleine Ecken, mit Liebe fürs Detail hergerichtet. Fantasy Freunden kann ich diese S... 3 years ago

New !!!
Men underwear

Brenden Joseph: Thank you very much :) 3 years ago

immer mal wieder was neues auf der Sim ...

Ellen: so cute! 3 years ago
Xinashi is recovering from an attack on the grid that has resulted in missing assets and textures. You might find this is the case with some of the over 100 outfits at oh HELLO. You can help me fix the problems by reporting on the status of outfits you get at the shop. Each outfit vendor has an "oh HELLO Outfit Status Report" note card. All that is required is DELETING the sentence on the note card that does NOT apply:
* OK (All assets found and all textures present)
* NOT OK (Assets and/or textures missing)
Then drop the report note card into the mailbox next to the oh HELLO shop sign.

The outfits that are OK or have been repaired will have a "Quality Assured" label on the vendor. To get the fixed outfits, join the Xinashi group and I will send them to you. I'm also working on repairing the rest of the region, but my first priority is the shop. Thanks for your help.

rayne: i am so sorry you are having to deal with all of this... you work so hard to create and share... your regions are lovely and your outfits are too. i will use the status report note cards for any outfi... 3 years ago

Khaos reworked

Updated Avi-eater, with goggling eyes

Justyn Tyme: Is he/she up for grabs? 3 years ago
2nd Anniversary
Thanks, everyone, we're still here ? let's hold on and play. Happy Birthday Arkham
Birthday party
╠▧▧▧░▒ Deep in the Groove
╠▧▧▧►Dj: DjChanel Hurricane
╠▧▧▧►What: ♬2nd Anniversary Arkham Grid ♬
╠▧▧▧►When: 2 pm Grid Time January 22
╠▧▧▧░▒ Live Remix
╠▧▧▧►Dj: Andron Rae
╠▧▧▧►What: ♬2nd Anniversary Arkham Grid ♬
╠▧▧▧►When: 4 pm Grid Time January 22

Lille Region
#newregion #2022 #arkhamgrid

My favourite style, Harlequins. New Male outfit for OS Dinkie, now available in the store.

The Goth Shop Chapel at the north west corner on the hill.

BellaBigBooty1: Beautiful sim with a lot of outfits to offer. Thank you :) 3 years ago

Happy new year. :-)

Some guy was annoyed by my posts about outfits I assemble. Sorry darling, these clothes aren't for you. Anyways, the grid was down for a bit and is now back. Assembling outfits to annoy easily annoyed guys is happening again!

oh HELLO: Inspired by Fashionista. Accessible to all.

bonjour hello guten tag
derniére semaine last week
LM dans l'image, Lm on the picture
yep bonne chance, good luck

'Stella Polaris' opened in 2020 in Kroatan, but as you can see, she is now beautifying Offworld.
The bubbles above the rocks contain images and landmarks to other beautiful regions in Offworld.
* * *
'Stella Polaris' wurde 2020 in Kroatan eröffnet, aber wie ihr sehen könnt, verschönert sie jetzt Offworld.
Die Seifenblasen über den Felsen enthalten Bilder und Landmarken zu anderen schönen Regionen in Offworld.

I wish you a Merry Christmas. Ich wünsche euch allen frohe Weihnachten. - Loru

Alle Bewohner vom Soul Grid wünschen euch ein frohes Weihnachstfest .
Viele schöne Momente im Kreise Eurer Lieben.
Und vor Allem viel Gesundheit!

All the People from, Soul Grid wish you all a merry christmas
Enjoy the peaceful time with your loved ones and please all stay healthy

toutes les personnes de la Grid de Soul vous souhaitent un Joyeux Noël
Beaucoup de beaux moments dans le cercle de vos proches
Et s’il vous plaît, gardez tout le monde en bonne santé !

Koburk - Firewood Rental
As soon as it is cold outside, the firewood rental is indispensable!
Koburk -Brennholzverleih
Sobald es draußen kalt ist, ist der Brennholzverleih unverzichtbar!

Crystal Piano (with pose & music)

Stairway to Heaven

Christmas time
Kingman Furniture Design

Weekendstuff ;-)
New arrival at Dinkietown at VWZgrid

Dinkietown will have every week new fashions, so stay tuned! For now, I am playing in my sandbox ;-)

Christmas time
Kingman Furniture Design

So, in the event you are looking for a frosty yet romantic winter fantasy vibe, these are winter magic frosty trees. The leaves are still on them and somehow froze and became a shade of white, definitely total magic.
Make some hot chocolate and wear your mittens if you put them out. Land 2

*SANTAS NPCs with animation and music - Duet Piano & Cello * for ur xmas decoration! Available for FREE and FULLPERM at LIGHT n SOUND MUSEUM at XMAS sector.. Enjoy :)

The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!

That's Weslorien on a bright day

A question has to be posed to the community, in regards to illegal activity, preventions and counter measures.

I am the builder of Amoa Nude Beach. Along with my partner Robin, we created a nude beach region that we donated in appreciation to the amazing generosity of the owners of Barefoot-Dreamers grid. A win-win for both, in which my partner and I who have loved nude beaches since our days on secondlife, could enjoy once again. We have permanently left secondlife and no longer have to endure the abuses committed and performed by visitors or owners of those beach sims, some in a pro-active manner. All because we didn't agree with their opinions. But that is another subject altogether and not part of this discussion. We didn't build this beach for massive traffic influx nor profit. We take NO donations, traffic means nothing to us. But exists, for those that wish to enjoy it. Amoa is a place where everyone can enjoy that wishes, without question.

All that is required is 3 BASIC rules to be observed and adhered to. Human, Nude and Adult.

Measures were taken so that this is clearly prevalent BEFORE even arriving. It is shown AS an adult region. The name itself states NUDE. Our very very limited advertising (Since we do not seek waves of avatars and want to keep it comfortable and not overwhelming) states HUMAN. Simple and easy right?

However, recently it has attracted a daily stream of nothing but naked toddlers, naked pre teens, dragons, Japanamation cartoon children, demons, lumberjacks who stand on the landing fully dressed spraying and praying all females on radar and lastly, women dressed in ball room gowns.

I am not one to eject or ban and usually give plenty of warning, in hopes that all will enjoy our creation in whatever way they wish. Our aspirations have been to provide a little of everything for everyone. However, I have held back from providing some amazing custom creations, because of this recent wave of illogical behavior.

The guys dressed as lumberjacks will never stop. Same old excuse, it's to hard to take clothes off, lag, blah blah. Even when I hypergrid, I can still change to a saved outfit within 1 minute, thus proving this is merely an excuse for them to spray and pray every chick with "How are you?", "hru", "U'r Hot, want Fk?" or some other classic pickup lines like "yo" and "Hi Fk?". Because every chick just melts when a guy says those things to them. Which makes me wonder why each of these girls IM me and ask me to save them with a TP.

Which brings me to the question of this article. Is it complete lack of common sense or just a flagrant arrogant disregard of rules or merely laziness (because reading is so hard and takes too much time to read 3 words) for this increased wave of violating visitors?

I have asked some violators, what did we not do to make it clear enough? I was told that I should extend the title of the region name to include all 3 rules, plus add it to the description (even though it already is stated in description). Flagrant arrogant disregard.

Now I know for a fact there already exists pedophilia regions like Golden Sun that is comprised of mostly senior citizens using toddler avatars trying to convince each other that their mic is broken but they are really 12. Why do they feel the need to visit THIS region that clearly states that pedophilia is NOT tolerated? Which indicates a leaning towards flagrant disregard.

Some known pedophiles have already been banned such as a 70 year old man in Alberta Canada that we know his avatars.

But it all brings me back to the original question. Is it Lack of common sense, Complete flagrant arrogant disregard of rules, or just flat out laziness?

I would love to hear the feedback so I can impersonate Spock and say "Fascinating!. I am sure, enquiring minds would like to know.
Upate. This address should work for everyone:

Goodmorning, it seems not everyone is able to visit my region Avia at Virtual Worlds Zone Grid. Would you pls let me know? It should be opened to everyone. Alternative is to hop to and there choose region Avia. Hope it will be solved soon.

Enjoy, and Share!
Halloween Land

Well, from time to time you just need a lamp that goes with almost everything. Basic lamps called the "Daily" lamps, they are available in the main shop building. The textures are included so they can be customized and there's also a menu script which includes the option of having them go on and off automatically with the sim day cycle....but, hey, if you want, go ahead, leave the lights on.

New in the Store, Join :)

Enjoy, and Share!
Halloween Land