OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

0 Users 50 1
Freebie Mall shopping, mash clothes, furniture, Great Hair, classics clothes, Gift shop, decoration need Help lets us know Dwell is a District of malls and shop and enjoy, boat to the other ones t...

Hi Folks
It gives over 100 new houses on the sim Free house Market II
Feel free to visit and enjoy it. There are also whole compositions.
Governor Heron

le retour du marche pirate en construction
pirate shop returned underconstruction

=[OUT NOW] Peace Decor Set=
A new decor set with 11 items:
Stone lamp (light-scripted)
Bowls, Candle holders, coaster, mugs, plates, and stools (just decor)

Uber: hop://
I needed one, but couldn't find one, so I built one. :)
Here is a parking garage for your town or city. The arms raise to allow entrance. The top part is faux so only the bottom floor is accessible but you get the look of a full parking garage without all the prims. (40 prims total, without cars.) The cars inside, you should be able to copy if you wish. You can find it where the industrial buildings are. Thanks for stopping by.

Lillysparks: Love it!!! 15 days ago
Hello, I hope you all are having a great day as we start Friday. Sam has created a BEETLEJUICE set. Have you seen the new movie? I got to say I was amused. It was not bad, but the first one was awesome to me. If you get a chance, go see it. Happy fall, everyone.

CyberGlo CyberStar: I saw both movies. The first one was better. The second one had too much weird stuff.... Like when beetlejuice explains what happened to him and his wife in some weird dead language and continues o... 16 days ago
At landing, we have created gifts, even though everything is free here in Dallas. But these 99% are new items we have created, so come in and grab them all, but check daily or weekly because new ones will be added along the way.
6 new Xara/LaraX outfits.
tops pants Skirts and Gown
come check it out.

If you havent already picked up your Xara Body, why not? its the fastest growing size body in Opensim. Our body has a great hud that has many perks, such as Auto Alpha, BOM, Working neck Fix so it will fit any head you put on it with little work. We designed a flat nipple so your nipples will not stick through your clothes., and much more.
Hurry Down !!
Hello, it was brought to my attention today. I was loading information in the wrong place to see where the items were. I am sorry for that and will not set them on Dallas but on to Dallas Mall. Because here gives you the address to get the items. So anything you have seen comes from Dallas; this is where the address is. Happy Shopping Please remember the new items are on the circles for the moment.
New Project, Interior Decoration Ideas.
This time a Beach House, I made some modifications to it. Complete furniture & Decorated. Almost everything is copy for your own delight & creativity. Hope you like it
Hugs Bebe

Sodasullivan: Bebe, you are amazing and everything at Wonder is such a delight. 20 days ago
The Complete Rental System 4.0 is now out
Come grab your copy.
Now with Reporting, notifications and Auto Ejection.

. Two types of lands renting:
Rent Owner : Renter own the land
Rent Group : Renter get group privileges
. Multiple Tenants per parcel
. Management team : Multiple admins
. Restrict user from your Grid (or not)
. 3 ways of calculating pricing:
$Sqm, $Prim, $Fixed
. Price set on server and or Rental Box
. OS$ Money system ( $G Gloebit / PODEX)
. Paypal Payment (with or without IPN)
. Rental unit settings:
4- or 8-weeks mode
. Display Rentals with Cards
. Automatic group Invite (or not, as you wish)
. TOS Distribution
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySql DB API
(MySql :query currently rented parcels, etc..)
. Reporting : Configs, Rentals and Exceptions
. Notification of Exception : Prim Exceeded, Rental expired and Required presence
. Auto Ejection
Complete sytem comprised of:
. Rental Box
. Rental Server
. Kiosk Browser
. Map Kiosk
. Rental System Updater


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

IndigoQueen King: WOW!!! Perfect timing Valerie. You are so talented!! Thank you!! Will be picking up this one later today. The older version I had was so incredibly helpful looking forward to using this one. 22 days ago

Hey everyone, have you heard the buzz about Kindroid and wasnt sure where to start, I have it available for you on the 3rd floor.

It comes with the script, how to notecard and npc generator. If using it with animesh must find your own.

Mistressdalgato: Issues with copying Kindroid have been resolved, region has been restarted. no one should have issues. if you cant copy it, send me a message in world. 23 days ago

News!!! Elf Ears with Gauged S Black Tunnel plus 17 Skintones (Velour) so you can customize to your skin ------> hop://

=OUT NOW: Wickman Farmhouse Kitchen Set=
Happy weekend everyone. Available at the Odds&Decor store is this 8-piece set.
- Includes material layers and a Texture HUD with 4 metallic options.
- Cup stand and Coffee Maker dispense coffee mugs with animations and on-click steam.
- Stand mixer has the whisker animated on click ON/OFF.
- Microwave door scripted.

Uber: hop://

AnaKathy: OMG ich liebe es, vielen lieben Dank ❣️ 23 days ago

While white is still my go-to hair color, red is always fun from time to time, especially after seeing others with red hair

FLORA new welcome area. Don`t mind the pixel dust.. redoing a lot of areas, optimizing SIM, reducing graphic lag,scripts used. etc :)

hello folks . I wish you a happy weekend.. Restocked for a 3rd time, the outlet store should be now completed..Here you can find fine selected Autumn and halloween items

Jared Seda: Thank you so much for all the awesome Autumn stuff!!!! 1 month ago
There is a new blog by Thirza Ember about the gallery. Thanks for reading! Some of you are mentioned in it.:) Bring your art to the gallery so we can get it up, please! Thank you!

Arcfury: That article captures a good sense of Star's grid and gallery. 1 month ago
I am trying to make (a touchable or walkable) prim that will change the EEP for the agent interacting with it.
I tried this script but it does simply nothing.
Does anyone has a working script or a suggestion, please?

string daycycle_a = "3545d068-b539-4f55-9687-2d33e1762eb4";
string daycycle_b = "19d7a2a7-e10a-451f-9064-0e2f426f21f1";
integer transition = 1;
integer switch;

llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Touch to see osReplaceAgentEnvironment usage.");
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Transition: " + (string)transition + " second(s).");

touch_start(integer number)
key agentKey = llDetectedKey(0);

if (llGetAgentSize(agentKey) != ZERO_VECTOR)
integer result;

if (switch = !switch)
result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_a);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_a: " + daycycle_a);

result = osReplaceAgentEnvironment(agentKey, transition, daycycle_b);
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "daycycle_b: " + daycycle_b);

if (daycycle_a == "" || daycycle_a == NULL_KEY || daycycle_b == "" || daycycle_b == "")
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "The normal environment for the parcel or region has been selected.");

if (result > 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced with success!");

else if (result < 0)
llRegionSayTo(agentKey, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Agent environment replaced without success!");

llInstantMessage(agentKey, "You need to be in the same region to use this function ...");

Jimmy Olsen: Another suggestion, I have on my SIM LIght and Sound Museum, on EEP sector, the EEP HUD where one can change EEP by touch (HUD).. guess it could be used to what u need.. Take a look script inside and ... 1 month ago
This week alone, three people have asked me about Outworldz DreamGrid. Simply put, it's a powerful software developed by Ferd Frederix (Fred Beckhusen) that makes it incredibly easy for anyone to run their own virtual grid. If you're curious to learn more, you can check it out here:

CyberGlo CyberStar: I once ran opensimulator on slitaz linux, on a pIII 900 mhz with 512 mb ram. 1 region. LOL. It was actually not slow at all. But I couldn't have more than 1 visitor. 1 month ago

Hey everyone, come to the grand opening of Virtual beach new welcome region. August 22 12-2 cst

DJ INDI~Q will be the featured DJ and spinning all your favorite tunes.

Plus there will be a costume contest for best tropical/beach wear! Winner will receive 1 free 12024 Piece of land 45,000 prims. Open to anyone and judged be me, and no you cant bribe the judge, I will 100% fair.

IndigoQueen King: Looking forward to DJing for you and your guests!! Gonna be a fun time :) Thank you Mistressdalgato!! Woohoo!! 2 months ago
Pack with many options (different light position and angles of rotation).
Perfect for ur Event/GIG
Available for FREE and FULLPERM at PARTY SECTOR.

Enjoy :)
The Hawpanyu, or healer, in Na'vi culture is a highly respected role due to their deep connection with nature and their essential role in maintaining the well-being of the clan. The training focuses on ecotherapy, herbal medicine, and the unique skill of energy healing known as "The Flow of Healing." I have a RP kit for the Hawpanyu (Na'vi Healer)
it consists of various items to enhance your pandoran Roleplay. If you would like a kit it is at the landing here. It would also work with other Roleplays as the kit has items and info that you might find useful.

Ankhsenaton: I ti so nice to be able to create all that :-) I love you plants, thank you ! (I was not able to take the female avatar) 2 months ago

Galerie d'art où j'expose une partie de mes peintures / Art gallery where I show a part of my RL paintings

falene hawks: bonjour petit village sympatique loi des foules des shops et de party's, de l'art de la detente, du calme. bravo 2 months ago
The MAGABAGAS intersim maglevs are now rezzed by rezzers available on all INTERSIM AREAS in all regions(but the sandbox).
Intructions on how to use it are in MAGABAGA and in English and its super easy:
01- Click the rezzer;
02 - Once maglev shows up, take a seat;
03- Wait for 10 seconds and maglev will start run automatically, crossing allover the eight (4x4s) regions!! (*)
Have fun!
(*) Thx @cliffordhangar AMV who gave me the hint on fixing the script to keep objects rezzed remaining inworld after a SIM crossing. and Thx also @lonewolf AKA Furball that had sent me script that make it all work.

Xenon Darrow: Teamwork makes the Dream work! 2 months ago
Important announcement:

I have updated all my Clutterfly Upgraded and Clutterflakes boxes. All furniture uses the recent SFposer version 0.91112 now.

This includes a number of bugfixes:

The Clutterflakes cuddle lounge chairs had all animations wrongly oriented because I had put them directly into the furniture instead of taking over the animation cube.

The Christmas firepit set had the animations wrongly oriented in one tree stump with blanket because I've discovered that one of them has the stump as the root, the other one has the blanket as the root.

So far, I have replaced all boxes in the DropBox in OSgrid:

RemmyRavenhurst: Awesome work!!! 2 months ago
Einladung zum Infoabend für das große Pangea Go-Kart-Rennen am 13. Oktober
Liebe Go-Kart-Freunde,
wir laden euch herzlich zu einem Infoabend am 9. August in der Zeit zwischen 20:00 und 22:00 Uhr ein. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Abends steht die Planung und Organisation unseres bevorstehenden Geburtstags-Go-Kart-Rennens, das am 13. Oktober stattfinden wird.
Details zum Infoabend:
Datum: 9. August
Uhrzeit: 20:00 – 22:00 Uhr
Gastgeber: Karsten Runningbear
Karsten Runningbear hat die Scripte für das Event erstellt und wird euch mit wichtigen Informationen versorgen. Dies ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um offene Fragen zu klären und mehr über das Rennen, die Rennstrecke und die Teilnahmebedingungen zu erfahren.
Warum ist eure Teilnahme am Infoabend wichtig?
Eure Teilnahme am Infoabend ist besonders wichtig, da wir dort alle Details für die Teilnahme besprechen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass ihr bestens vorbereitet seid. Auch die Teilnahmebedingungen werden für jeden Teilnehmer nachvollziehbar und gut verständlich erklärt. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Punkte, die wir besprechen werden:
1. Jedes teilnehmende Grid hat die Möglichkeit, 2 Teilnehmer/innen für das Go-Kart-Rennen zu melden.
Anmeldeschluss: Der Anmeldeschluss für die Rennbeteiligung ist der 15. September 24:00 Uhr Gridzeit.
2.Startplätze: Die Startplätze für das Rennen werden durch ein Qualifying und Sprintrennen ermittelt. Je besser die Platzierung, desto größer die Chance auf den Sieg.
3. Renndauer: Die Anzahl der Runden beträgt 10 – etwa 18 Minuten.
Teilnehmerzahl pro Grid: 2 Fahrer aus jedem Grid.
4.Rennablauf: Sollten mehr als 5 Grids teilnehmen, wird es mehrere Rennen geben. Aus diesen Rennen ergeben sich dann durch die besten Zeiten die Fahrer, die in der letzten Runde um den Sieg fahren.
5.Trainingsmöglichkeiten: Das Trainingsgelände ist für alle bis zum 15.September (Anmeldschluß) geöffnet. Danach würden bis zum Event nur die gemeldeten Fahrer/innen tranieren.
Das Training auf der Rennstrecke hat bereits begonnen, und wir möchten sicherstellen, dass ihr das Beste aus dieser Vorbereitung herausholt.
Alles Weitere erfahrt ihr dann am Infoabend.
Wir freuen uns darauf, euch am Infoabend zu sehen und gemeinsam in die Vorbereitungen für ein unvergessliches Rennspektakel einzutauchen.
Mit sportlichen Grüßen,
Euer Pangea Go-Kart Team
Invitation to the Information Evening for the Grand Pangea Go-Kart Race on October 13th
Dear Go-Kart Friends,
We cordially invite you to an Information Evening on August 9th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The focus of this evening will be the planning and organization of our upcoming Birthday Go-Kart Race, which will take place on October 13th.
Details of the Information Evening:
Date: August 9th
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Host: Karsten Runningbear
Karsten Runningbear has created the scripts for the event and will provide you with important information. This is the perfect opportunity to ask any questions and learn more about the race, the track, and the participation requirements.
Why is your participation in the Information Evening important?
Your participation in the Information Evening is particularly important as we will discuss all the details for participation to ensure you are well-prepared. The participation requirements will be clearly explained to each participant. Here are some of the key points we will cover:
Number of Participants:
Each participating grid has the opportunity to register 2 participants for the Go-Kart Race.
Registration Deadline: The registration deadline for race participation is September 15th, 12:00 AM grid time.
Starting Positions:
The starting positions for the race will be determined through qualifying and sprint races. The better the placement, the greater the chance of winning.
Race Duration:
The number of laps will be 10, approximately 18 minutes.
Number of Participants per Grid:
2 drivers from each grid.
Race Procedure:
If more than 5 grids participate, there will be multiple races. From these races, the drivers with the best times will advance to the final round to compete for victory.
Training Opportunities:
The training track is open to everyone until September 15th (registration deadline). After that, only the registered drivers will be able to train until the event.

Training on the track has already begun, and we want to ensure you make the most of this preparation.
You will learn everything else at the Information Evening.
We look forward to seeing you at the Information Evening and diving into the preparations for an unforgettable racing spectacle together.
Best regards,
Your Pangea Go-Kart Team

Collectibles IV @ Wonder
To share with you our wonders a bit more!!
Hugs Bebe

IndigoQueen King: Beautiful Space I enjoyed my visit :) 2 months ago

KarinBecker: sooooooooo viel spass klasse Musik mit DJ Nasti 2 months ago

After the amazing success of Wolf Fest we are planning our Winter Festival. Wolf Winter Fest. The problem is, it's on an icy wasteland. Well at least we've got some time to sort it out...

ZoeyRavenheart: Looks like Christmas! 2 months ago
Hi everyone, continuing with the focus on masc items at the new Starchild Beauty location, I have added a few stand poses!
It comes with an instructions notecard on how to leverage Firestorm AO functionality! There's a stand in front so you can test them too!
Locations is DIFFERENT from usual: hop://

Jordan Melody: Would be nice if more couple poses were also brought in. 2 months ago

News!!!! hop://

Aurora Starchild: Yo me tendría que poner las dos a la vez. Y otra con cubatas :D 3 months ago
(2/2) ...not enough skins in the previous post? Oh well, here another 2 styles in 16 additional tones. As well as 5 full fatpacks of body hair!
Bear in mind it's in a new location (since I plane to bring some more items on this theme): hop://

Blake Hayvenhurst: Thank you Aurora, love the chubby one! 3 months ago

Giovane avatar "DAVIDE" 08/07/2024

Welcome to Port Arcadia in the Avedon South Region. Arcadia is a festive little gypsy port in the waters of Oceana. Much to explore! There is ample open water for boating, plenty of beautiful photo spots or just enjoy some horseback riding. We are extra proud to be the home of Black Cat Radio, the best music provider across the metaverse! Come by and grab a free radio and check out their festival grounds! Avedon South is an Adult region. Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.

Star Ravenhurst: It looks like a fun place to explore. 3 months ago

SN Giona Beachdress V3
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Lera2012: где это можно приобрести? 3 months ago

News! hop://

SilviaFrey: Una fiesta para el recuerdo. Todo perfecto, la música especial y preciosa y todo el montaje espectacular. Muchas felicidades Marpil y equipo. Hay que repetir estos eventos. Gracias! 3 months ago
Dear Friends,
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday to honor our dear friend, brilliant musician, and wonderful person, Torben Asp. Your presence and compassion made this moment truly special.
For those who wish, you can continue to visit the Torben Asp Memorial on Pangea to pay your respects. More information will follow.
Liebe Freunde,
von Herzen danken wir allen, die gestern dabei waren, um unseren lieben Freund, genialen Musiker und wunderbaren Menschen Torben Asp zu ehren. Eure Anwesenheit und euer Mitgefühl haben diesen Moment zu etwas ganz Besonderem gemacht.
Für alle, die möchten, besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit, das Torben Asp Memorial auf Pangea zu besuchen und seiner zu gedenken. Weitere Informationen dazu werden folgen.

Luna Lunaria: I'm so sorry I was unable to attend. We've been out of town all week for a family funeral 3 months ago

NEW in the Store --NaaNaa`s Bunny Complete Outfit for Legacy / Perky

Re-thinking the region, adding new things, removing others...
To be PBR or not to be PBR, that's the question!
(well, to me no doubt PBR rocks ♥)

Just in my grid^^

Xenon Darrow: FIERCE! 3 months ago

To all my piggy friends I created this in your honor! Piglets in the Mud cake, a cute decoration for your table! Jewelry

Marianna: Here is the recipe 3 months ago
News! Take the Teleport in the Darkroom located in the commercial area (in front of the swimming pool) and you will get directly to the new area or -------> hop://

Aurora Starchild: Ahí está, que estaba yo el otro día pensando ¿dónde se ha metido estaaaa? Precioso! 3 months ago

Kitten Tattoo for Face/Back and Ass. Comes in 60/80/100%
Can be found in the Y-Y-T Tattoo Equiqment Store.

Sodasullivan: I know where mine is going =) 3 months ago

SN Yinni Bikini V2
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

BelaCara: Por favor podeis poner la urls para poder ir?. Gracias 3 months ago

Live Traffic
Tosca A
95 4
2 0
Bachata A
16 2
46 7
Xenotown A
13 0
106 0
Stark A
133 77
4 0
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Trianon Complex A
89 18
4 1
4 0
0 2
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
Ruritania A
87 12
Regions Online: 1,809
Active: 302 avatars in 170 regions
The Box
Xavian Omega 28 minutes ago
I just did a deep scan on my PC for viruses and was shocked to discover the NSS.exe inside Dreamgrid has an embedded Win64.CoinMiner.ddln...... what the hell is going on ????
VernBall 3 hours ago
OSW has costs, they offset those costs by ad revenue. If you are looking for customers, you need to have an advertising budget. It is the cost of doing business.
OpenSimUser 5 hours ago
just gets annoying that josh bloom feels the need to continuesly advertise in this box for sim rentals
Arielle 10 hours ago
A sin tax keeps the poor poor as it mostly the less well to do who indulge in those to deal with their lot in life.
Ellen 10 hours ago
A sin tax (also known as a sumptuary tax, or vice tax) is an excise tax specifically levied on certain goods deemed harmful to society and individuals, such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, candies, soft drinks, fast foods, coffee, sugar, gambling, and pornography.
KrisTina 11 hours ago
Timur 15 hours ago
grammatical syntax and computer syntax very well confused ;)
Xenon Darrow 17 hours ago
OpenSimUser 20 hours ago
We want nothing but additional free advertising in this box because there is no reason to pay for it if it can be gotten for completely free, god forbid anyone actually pays for advertisement space on this site anywhere.
CyberGlo CyberStar 21 hours ago
People must remember on a scale of 1 to 10 what is their favourite colour of the alphabet? So screw world peace, I want a pony. When life gives you lemons, throw them at people you hate. Picture a pineapple in a bathrobe... That's you! Disposal file is not exist! FILE 13 ERROR!
JoshBoam 21 hours ago Now Free Setups. 80/M for full grids you control! Many options to choose from and custom website check us out! 2 8x8 Free Included
Pagane 23 hours ago
Google and 'degraded university professors say spelling is syntax and meaning of letters and words is bad indexed SQL DB:) And Timur, if someone really graded professor want to say some HE WILL SAY!
2pm KHIRON AMETZA on AMV @ Stingray Speakeasy - Today Brazilian and Spanish songs will be added to the repertoire, besides 80's, disco, rock and many other rhythyms. Come join us at this special place full of funny people. hop://
Arielle yesterday
A Uni degree even??
Arielle yesterday
Pretty sure "sintax" is spelled with a Y like syntax! Do I get a prize?
Timur yesterday
A professor's degree in philosophy does NOT help in grammar is a typical expression of zero education may be, just experiencing this often
Timur yesterday
again for all intellijealous people papa google says what i understand A syntax error in English is a mistake in using a language that involves organizing words and phrases that don't make sense. And not 3 dots so far or i missed something. And without correct grammer you wont get any uni degree
Pagane yesterday
Philosophy and grammar are two fundamentally different sciences! A professor's degree in philosophy does NOT help in grammar, nor does a midwife's degree in politics :) And 3 dots is sintax error. Ellipsis is punctuation.

New Comments

Cenicienta62 2 hours ago
si ya era bonito el de antes tendre que mirar
Luna Lunaria 5 hours ago
So sorry I wasn't able to attend :-( Was busy with family in RL
Kashi Takeshi 5 hours ago
Just when you think Cherry can't outdo herself, she surprises you again. Indeed, beyond stunning... beautiful! Great soundscape Nico, perfect fit.
Aurora Starchild 6 hours ago
Ohhhhhh me encantaaa
Jimmy Olsen 11 hours ago
Very tipsy lol
Nico Kalani 17 hours ago
✦Streaming service generously sponsored by Suzi Avonside✦
Jimmy Olsen 18 hours ago
very impressive piece of art.. indeed
Xenon Darrow 18 hours ago
Beyond stunning
JeffKelley 23 hours ago
Oniric, awesome experience. C'est top, Cherry. C'est TOP !


Totally enjoyable visit So much to see and lots of awesome unique freebies.. The Halloween location was so well done and is the entire region.:-)
Ripple 1 hour ago
Funsize Academy
5 FAT FABULOUS STARS ...Fantastic Building Classes taught by Ted Junior are great! Only taken 3-4 classes and I already learned more than I thought I would. If you have a chance to catch one of these ...
Faith Fromund 18 hours ago
Trianon Complex
Très bon accueil. Propriétaires adorables. C'est très joli. je lis des commentaires vraiment pas sympa! Des alts ? hum et après? ca change quoi à vos vies? Je trouve leurs avatars très jolis et en tou...
Celeste Charnelle 22 hours ago
Trianon Complex
A fun place to be, great tunes and fun times dancing from ballroom dancing to disco and others.
windrunner 22 hours ago
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Complex is a very warmful place, here, you can find always good tunes, a cheerful owner and a great DJ as well, and always nice guests joins party. Come visit the region and just enjo...
Adani 23 hours ago
Serrallo de Mogor
Owned by Pakojohns Oh this incredible region has so much to offer! From Spanish to Arabian and worldwide flavor, Pako has multiple events weekly with guest DJs and himself. Ive attended Flamenco danci...
Cataplexia Numbers yesterday
The creativity is endless so it seems, The Cathedral is amazing! Did not visit an event yet, but will do that for sure. Pleasantly surprised, well done and worth a visit.
AnsjelaAmat 2 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
Your work is fantastic, but what's the point to display your avatars, if they can't be bought nor copied? Opensim spirit is usually, what we make and others are interested in, we share it, or sell it ...
Mona725 2 days ago
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Ballroom is one of the many beautiful venues on Trianon Grid. I love that it is a formal venue. There are not enough venues to wear all the beautiful ball gowns available on Open Sim. Whet...
Lynne Lundquist 2 days ago

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