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Eden Travels
0 Users 13 0 A
Honey's Fun Creations Shopping Mall.... tobacco, Party Time, homes, birthdays, hula hoops, balloons, birthdays...weddings, jewels, bathrooms, showers, bath, kitchen, fun furniture, office, meeting roo...

Enjoy, and Share!
Halloween Land

New bom make up !!!

Bonjour hello gutten tag ciao
Youpi 1 aout 2021
so super
thank merci danke
à tout le monde

New Bento Dance Animations Pack
Store AO/Animations/Bento
Arkham City

A new release today. A very tiny's a little goldfinch. I never made a bird before but I thought the bird bath perhaps needs one and maybe I'll be doing some other bird related things. This guy is in 2 versions, flat feet for the ground and feet to perch on branches and things. He also comes with and without random finch sounds. He's at the main shop by the bird bath of course :)
This is a beautiful Heart Bezel solitaire in Ruby. It is bento rigged so it increased the LOD it is a bit heavy. The mesh was reduced 50% prior to rigging too. For those that demand bento, and to the ones who scream at me for being heavy, I have to say, sorry but had to do it!! You can find it in the Bento rings section in the Foyer. Jewelry

Shark City Region
#spring #summer #arkhamgrid

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Store Men Style
Teleport in Arkham City

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Teleport in Arkham City

hello everyone I'm finishing working on a new hud version of each furry avatar will have new functions such as alpha and eye colors !

#bom #bakesonmesh #malemeshbody
Bento Mesh Body BoM
Have fun enjoy and share!
Arkham City Store Body / Bento / Baches On Mesh

renewed Sarracenia, this time, the Leucophylla

and, a fresh Nepenthes

Halloween Town Square. Brought in and Modified by Blue WingBabe
Visit her shop at steamland

YES STUFF BOX #122 Arrived
Arkham City
Kingman City Store STUFF

YES STUFF BOX #121 Arrived
Arkham City
Kingman City Store STUFF

Zoe's mall II, Oceanid II

Tosca das Original , bekannt aus SL auch in Open Sim .
Toscanischer Flair , romantische Abende verbringen bei schöner Musik , Voicen in gemütlicher Runde mit netten Menschen ......komm auch du und sei dabei
I hasten to invite you to my birthday. I would like to celebrate this holiday in a circle of people dear to me, in an atmosphere of love, joy and fun. And you will undoubtedly make this day brighter and more beautiful. I sincerely hope to meet and wait for you
So many moralists ... OK too many. I don't understand it, please help me. You don't do everything yourself. You copy right and left. From people who give you everything free, copy mod transe. You do the same things on your land/sim. You block it for others. No mod no trans ...... DID YOU ASK YOURSELF AT WHICH RIGHT? ACROSS FROM YOUR PEOPLE? Do you understand the message Yes? Welcome to Opensim! :-)
Go to Google, learn what is Opensim Free spirit!

So viele Moralisten... OK zu viele. Ich verstehe es nicht, hilf mir bitte. Du machst nicht alles selner. Du kopierst rechts und links. Bei Menschen die Dir alles frei geben, copy mod transe. Die selben Sachen stellst Du an sin Land. Du sperrst es für andere. No mod no trans...... HAST DU DICH IRGEND WANN GEFRAGT: MIT WELCHEM RECHT? GEGENÜBER DEINEN MITMENSCHEN? Verstehst Du die Botschaft? Ja? Willkommen in Opensim! :-)
Gehe zu Google, lerne was Opensim Freigeist ist!

The new Stark! magazine is out now!

et voila la salle des maquettes

Due to the Hurricane emergency I am cancelling Saturday's dance at Masala Al Kohav! Again there will be NO DANCE tomorrow, Saturday the 28th. Please be safe, seek shelter and let us know you're alright. God bless and Keep!

CyberGlo CyberStar: I watched team connercroff and team dominator as they live streamed on youtube while in the eye of the hurricane. 2 days ago

Everyone Loves the Pumpkin Patch!

Ankhsenaton: If I'd seen all this in my early days in SL I'd have been really scared I'm not much of a haloween “customer” but the medieval mix appeals to me. I almost destroyed an island with the cannons! Well do... 7 days ago


Lillysparks: So cute 13 days ago

365 degrees of EUROPA COLONY

Xenon Darrow: Your colonists are filled with gratitude for this gorgeous space! 14 days ago

Spotted some more goodies I could add to the shop.
See the stand New Items!

KrisTina: Reading my mind peter, ty. 15 days ago
After many requests, I've added a new Egyptian area to my store Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Most of the large items are ready, except for the pyramid club which is nearly done. There are a few smaller items ready but there will be many more of those to come and some will be free. Click the Egyptian sign in the lobby to teleport there.

MaiseyMoon: Seeing this reminds me of the Neverending Story ♥ 14 days ago

...added a hairbase too :)


Sodasullivan: You have been so busy Aurora! The hair bases you have been offering are top quality. Come on boys! Get out there and take your look to the next level! 22 days ago


Jupiter Rowland: Looks safer than the previous tour with the carriage. 28 days ago
New landscaping has arrived! I am obsessed! Meadows and bushes and trees and flowers! I put a big red glowing NEW sign above them. When you land, face the store and walk to the right then left at the corner. You can't miss them. You will find "New" signs to identify recent additions in the shop. More architecture is now available as well. Thanks for visiting. All are welcome.

RemmyRavenhurst: These are really beautiful! 28 days ago
VAL's COCK 4.0

now with Intuitive Materials / Colors HUD
Compatible with Val's small Thong Bulge
+ 4 cock positions for the thong

Cock control accessible by YOU, the PUBLIC or your GROUP.
Blacklist / whitelist
Cock position: flaccid, erect1, erect2, erect3, erect4, erect5
+ 4 cock position available with the Thong Only (big bulge, bulge, Semi tucked, tucked)
2 cum selection available. 1 drip mode, 1 pee mode.
CUT / UNCUT Skin for your cock.
2 Toys : cock cage and ring piercing.
2 cock sizes: regular and small
Intuitive Materials / Color Hud :
. 9 Materials to choose from :
Textiles, Latex, Plastic, Silicone,
Transparent, Glass, Diamond,
Fluorescent, Metal
. +180 colors to pick from
Change cock color to fit your skin color.
Change the material and colors for all parts of the cock / toys
Compatible with Val's Small Thong Bulge 2.0+ (cock inside the thong)
Compatible with SJ Cum System
Compatible with NPC Companion 2.22+
Several animations for your Avatar: Jerk, doggy position, etc,
Bento head control, open your mouth from xSmall to Large as well as tongue option.
Position your avatar.
Access the cock either through the menu (click on cock) or from the HUD.


If you find my work valuable and want to contribute and help me keep working on, please send your donations or come rent a few weeks in Glossy Island.

Thank you for your generous donations.

Tonia: I guess this is for a She/He as like ME in RL? 1 month ago

FLORA new EEP sky at ground area (welcome area)

==OUT NOW: Epsilon bed (Futa&K9)==
A requested bed, has similar animations to the Zenith bed, but a few different - and includes Futa & K9 menus.
Comes with 600 animations, materials, and texture HUD.

Yeah...the 'Dog Sex' menu animations are not broken...I just don't think they mean what you think... 👀

Uber: hop://

Ankhsenaton: There is not only "beds" ;-) I love all the other shops arround, and I discovered one about Pokemon :-) Pikatchuuuuu ! 1 month ago
From the firestorm creators own website, I quote. "There are occasions when a block is probably best for everyone. As an example, we can consider the recent 6.6.16 release, which had the potential to mess up inventory. That needed to be blocked to stop people from “hurting themselves” and causing ourselves and Linden Lab undue support overheads."

Ankhsenaton: Bravo Pagane ! 1 month ago

I am alive and well. Sorry for my quiet stretch of time. Happy to be here still, as I always have been. Cheers all. xoxo

Star Ravenhurst: I am glad you are OK. (((HUGS))) 2 months ago
Infoabend erfolgreich Absolviert. Vorab einen Riesen Dank an die Organisatoren vom Pangea Grid. Mit viel Aufwand wurde eine echt starke Go Kart Strecke erschaffen die Spaß macht und viel Action bietet. Das fängt bei der Streckenführung an bis hin zur Boxengasse. Time Boards zeigen jedem an wie schnell die Runden absolviert werden. Bei diesem heutigen Infoabend wurde nochmals genau der Ablauf des Rennens welches am 13 Oktober statt findet erklärt. Anmeldungen zum Kart Event müssen bis zum 15.September erfolgen. Ab dem 15.September finden dann die Qualifikationen statt die gleichzeitig zur Startaufstellung erfahren werden können. Wer noch Interresse hat Teilzunehmen kann dies gerne in der Boxengasse machen. Jedes GRID kann 2 Fahrer Anmelden !!!!

Information evening successfully completed. First of all, a huge thank you to the organizers of the Pangea Grid. A lot of effort has been put into creating a really great go-kart track that is fun and offers a lot of action. This starts with the route and goes all the way to the pit lane. Time boards show everyone how quickly the laps are completed. At today's information evening, the exact sequence of the race, which takes place on October 13th, was explained again. Registrations for the kart event must be made by September 15th. Qualifications will then take place from September 15th and can be found out at the same time as the starting grid. Anyone who is still interested in taking part can do so in the pit lane. Each GRID can register 2 drivers!!!!

KarinBecker: Freu mich auf das rennen 2 months ago

The volume of publishing here easily makes visitors miss things...
so, here it is again, including a peek preview of my ratz:)

Ankhsenaton: I find many things nice, tank you Peter ! 2 months ago
Some of my favorite dreams are actually nightmares. I have vivid dreams that feel so real, it's like I can hold them in my hands as I wake up screaming! I quickly write them down before they escape me. I’ve read that if you keep a dream journal, after a year, you might see that many of your dreams came true in some way. Having kept dream journals for years, I can confirm this is true for me. I’m a bit psychic, though not enough to win the lottery!
Some of you have shown me bits or given hints of your projects, and I know the results will be epic. This community has incredible talent, and I can't wait to see the art each of you create.
Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery accepts art from novices to established artists, promising to handle your work with care and respect, showcasing it to its best advantage. We believe everyone should have a chance to express themselves, so whether you're new to creating art or a well-known artist, everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and become part of the Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery family.
I’m about to start rearranging the gallery to make way for your amazing art for the fall exhibit. Starting next week, for those working on sculptures, please stop by and see me so we can decide where to showcase your pieces on the grounds. Those creating wall art, please stop by so we can determine the best space to show off your dreamscapes.
I can't wait to meet with each of you. Thank you for being part of the gallery and my journey as an art curator.
- Art inspired by dreams and surrealism.
- Focus on imaginative, otherworldly scenes.
- Incorporate elements of fantasy and abstract expression.
Any medium, including AI Art, is allowed.

* AI Art created in NightCafe Studio

Arcfury: Your dreams remind of the term: hyperphantasia. 2 months ago

Come visit Ragville, a toy village that I have recently added as a new sky level to ShapeShifter. hop://

Jared Seda: Such a neat place to visit 2 months ago

Something different... The Gypsy Fortune teller Wagon

LaviaLavine: This is awesome as is most of what I've found in your region. I'm creating an ancient Japanese region so the items from your region have really come in handy. 3 months ago


Live Traffic
Maze ofthe Mind A
17 2
Jungle Welcome
15 3
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Jungle Friends Seas A
7 0
Nova Space Grid Welcome
16 2
Welcome Area A
16 1
Welcome A
19 2
Roughnexx-Cathedral A
10 3
AMV Welcome
96 0
Shopping FUN A
0 0
Brown Beach Surf A
16 5
4 3
7 1
Trianon Complex A
89 18
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Regions Online: 1,785
Active: 152 avatars in 111 regions
The Box
Timur 3 hours ago
grammatical syntax and computer syntax very well confused ;)
Xenon Darrow 5 hours ago
OpenSimUser 8 hours ago
We want nothing but additional free advertising in this box because there is no reason to pay for it if it can be gotten for completely free, god forbid anyone actually pays for advertisement space on this site anywhere.
CyberGlo CyberStar 9 hours ago
People must remember on a scale of 1 to 10 what is their favourite colour of the alphabet? So screw world peace, I want a pony. When life gives you lemons, throw them at people you hate. Picture a pineapple in a bathrobe... That's you! Disposal file is not exist! FILE 13 ERROR!
JoshBoam 9 hours ago Now Free Setups. 80/M for full grids you control! Many options to choose from and custom website check us out! 2 8x8 Free Included
Pagane 11 hours ago
Google and 'degraded university professors say spelling is syntax and meaning of letters and words is bad indexed SQL DB:) And Timur, if someone really graded professor want to say some HE WILL SAY!
KHIRONAMETZA 13 hours ago
2pm KHIRON AMETZA on AMV @ Stingray Speakeasy - Today Brazilian and Spanish songs will be added to the repertoire, besides 80's, disco, rock and many other rhythyms. Come join us at this special place full of funny people. hop://
Arielle 13 hours ago
A Uni degree even??
Arielle 13 hours ago
Pretty sure "sintax" is spelled with a Y like syntax! Do I get a prize?
Timur 14 hours ago
A professor's degree in philosophy does NOT help in grammar is a typical expression of zero education may be, just experiencing this often
Timur 15 hours ago
again for all intellijealous people papa google says what i understand A syntax error in English is a mistake in using a language that involves organizing words and phrases that don't make sense. And not 3 dots so far or i missed something. And without correct grammer you wont get any uni degree
Pagane 15 hours ago
Philosophy and grammar are two fundamentally different sciences! A professor's degree in philosophy does NOT help in grammar, nor does a midwife's degree in politics :) And 3 dots is sintax error. Ellipsis is punctuation.
Timur 16 hours ago
@ Pagane : The ellipsis itself can be 3 dots without any spaces (...)OR it can be 3 dots with spaces between each (. . .) :)) pls correct google also after you attack Ellen, an american former RL university teacher and a Dr. of Philosophy still pretty active forming a specialised school in Japan.
Pagane 17 hours ago
@Ellen @Coper: ELLIPSIS is NOT 3 dots. It is separate Unicode Character “…” (U+2026)! Don't talk arrogantly about topics you don't know!
Ellen yesterday
I wish some people here would use the correct tense of a verb, write complete sentences, and use correct punctuation when criticizing others' posts.
Ellen yesterday
Copper, the ellipsis is three dots...
NoraCola yesterday
That's me, Leo, I'm saying nothing at all ;)
LeonitasLionheart 2 days ago
I wish some here followed the simple but wise cliche of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." 😁

New Comments

Star Ravenhurst 2 hours ago
Open SIm is not SL. I rarely go into SL and only if I need to get a texture I made long ago when I was active in SL. I disagree that most people in OS are also in SL. Most of us left SL and never lo...
OpenSimUser 4 hours ago
No generaly speaking, people here do not play both worlds. You can not compare SL to here. You want to address SL, you do it somewhere else, where they hear you. This is Opensim.
Nico Kalani 5 hours ago
✦Streaming service generously sponsored by Suzi Avonside✦
Jimmy Olsen 6 hours ago
very impressive piece of art.. indeed
Xenon Darrow 6 hours ago
Beyond stunning
JeffKelley 11 hours ago
Oniric, awesome experience. C'est top, Cherry. C'est TOP !
Star Ravenhurst 12 hours ago
The party is still going with Forest Azure next to grace her with her beautiful voice as we immerse ourselves in art, music, and community! Come join us!! ALL are welcome!
Marpil Grafenwalder 12 hours ago
A whole experience, the music envelops you while you walk through the art itself, you have to live it, you can't explain it, simply sublime, thank you very much for such a magnificent experience
Kal 12 hours ago
Cherry and Nico, your collaboration in 'Paradoxical Sleep' is absolutely breathtaking... The way the art and music come together creates a magical, immersive experience unlike anything I’ve seen in Op...


Funsize Academy
5 FAT FABULOUS STARS ...Fantastic Building Classes taught by Ted Junior are great! Only taken 3-4 classes and I already learned more than I thought I would. If you have a chance to catch one of these ...
Faith Fromund 6 hours ago
Trianon Complex
Très bon accueil. Propriétaires adorables. C'est très joli. je lis des commentaires vraiment pas sympa! Des alts ? hum et après? ca change quoi à vos vies? Je trouve leurs avatars très jolis et en tou...
Celeste Charnelle 10 hours ago
Trianon Complex
A fun place to be, great tunes and fun times dancing from ballroom dancing to disco and others.
windrunner 10 hours ago
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Complex is a very warmful place, here, you can find always good tunes, a cheerful owner and a great DJ as well, and always nice guests joins party. Come visit the region and just enjo...
Adani 11 hours ago
Serrallo de Mogor
Owned by Pakojohns Oh this incredible region has so much to offer! From Spanish to Arabian and worldwide flavor, Pako has multiple events weekly with guest DJs and himself. Ive attended Flamenco danci...
Cataplexia Numbers 14 hours ago
The creativity is endless so it seems, The Cathedral is amazing! Did not visit an event yet, but will do that for sure. Pleasantly surprised, well done and worth a visit.
AnsjelaAmat yesterday
Valeria's Avatars 2
Your work is fantastic, but what's the point to display your avatars, if they can't be bought nor copied? Opensim spirit is usually, what we make and others are interested in, we share it, or sell it ...
Mona725 yesterday
Trianon Complex
The Trianon Ballroom is one of the many beautiful venues on Trianon Grid. I love that it is a formal venue. There are not enough venues to wear all the beautiful ball gowns available on Open Sim. Whet...
Lynne Lundquist yesterday
Paradise Lagoon
Went for Alex's Birthday Great place Awesome music and very pleasant people Love this place ....
EllieVenusa yesterday

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