River @River


United States, East Coast.

Joined 3 years ago

About Myself


Favorite Quote

Minds are like parachutes. They only work when open.

Music I Like

Rock, blues, electronic/house/techno.

My Regions

River Run
18 7 login.digiworldz.com:8002:River Run 0 Users
My home and satyr farm using Quintonia additions. Still working on the region, but visitors are welcome any time.
more info



Hugabug: RIVER!!!! Great Party we hope you come back again DJ MARHSAL is every Wednesday 12-2pm :) 2 years ago
Sick of fishing!

LOL, actually, I went AFK to do some house chores RL and forgot I had my SF HUD on.

Hoping to get off the farm soon!

I feel like a cartoon figure in a cartoon world! Oh no!

Jupiter Rowland: In other news, the Fleischer Studios apparently make a comeback with 3-D animation. 2 years ago

I am so ready to get off of the farm for a while. I'm starting to feel like a cartoon figure in a cartoon world!.

Finding a great spot for my chimps! They are so much fun!

Finding a good home for my chimps!

So much fun!

Finding a good home for my chimps! lol

I am having so much fun integrating my animals into my region.

What's up today?!

Today I fish, with the cats eagerly watching! lol

FUN AT LAMPADUSA, happening now!
Terraforming and All That

I've been taking my time making my region into what I see in my RL mind. This is one of my favorite spots, though not done with it.


River: The music is jumpin'! 2 years ago
Zoree & Remy singing live...come on over!

Interlude, Aria

River: They aren't record pushers, lol. 2 years ago

I fell off my horse cart while searching for old friends.

River: I love sharing pics of me when my SF HUD makes me collapse/fall out! 2 years ago
Satyr Farm Fun!

I am making egg sandwiches today!

Having a lot of fun tonight! I love the sunset. Don't you?

I love Spring! The season of new life! Today I am appreciating some time spent with my goat, Betty Goat. :D

OpenSimUser: And she's got Betty Davis eyes.......... 2 years ago
Making Orange Juice

Because, you know, it's fun!

I be chillin tonight.

Thank you for this Jimmy Olsen. I have this at my landing point.

I like the blue & yellow banner.

I am appreciating your support of Ukraine.

Pure Exhaustion

I fell out underneath the SF leather-work station from overwhelming exhaustion and starvation, lol.

Aaack: ehhh refill your electrolytes? 2 years ago
"Waiting!" *looks at wristwatch

Digi has been down this morning. I see my region is online now, but still can't log in as logins are restricted right now. What shall I do other than bother all you folks?!

Winter at River Run, reflecting RL right now. BRRR!

Jamie Wright: Love it:) 3 years ago

Cherry Manga's work. I am only posting 1 photo so as not to spam. I have more posted on FB.

River: Oh, lol, you can find me on FB: River Lonetree. 3 years ago

Having a blast at Event Beach with DJ Crazy and hostess Carmen! Come out for a great time!


Bored...looking for something to do. Any ideas?


Autumn is such a lovely time of year on the farm.

I aint 'fraid of no ghost!

Cozy Comforts....love this place!

I love Halloween!!

There be bears up in them there hills!

Wild boar on the farm.


My caribou and reindeer...

Making wine. Looks like fun, eh?

I had a wonderful, wonderful time here @ Nightwish!

Making sugar pulp and sugar extract

And it was soooo early in the morning! :P

@Cherry Manga - I hope you see this, I don't know where else to post my pics taken in your regions. This one was taken a few years ago. I am wearing your avatar Coco. I love Coco!!! Wait a minute...was this supposed to be on FB??? LOL!

comments 106 post likes 170
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Tropicana Tuneage

Sorry, didn't even hear you play but I didn't need to. All your band members are alts. Anyone who piles on alts acting as band members....man I'm not even going to spend my time on your performance. Thumbs down.

Rayvn's Roost Concourse

I really like this place; and the cat band is just too cute!! (Nice jazzy music to listen to.) I'll be back to see what's been added as time goes by.

Victorian Christmas

This is one of the most beautiful, if not THE most beautiful holiday region that I have seen! The gently falling snow seems so real...and I hear wind blowing...its simply amazing what you and your friend have done here. Everyone must come see this region!! And wear a coat or some long sleeves at least. I'm getting cold walking around here in this loveliness. :D

Event Beach

I had a great time last night!! Very friendly place, great music, & there is a translator one can pick up at the event. Great place to party!! Love this place! XOXOXO

Cozy Comforts World

I am having a blast here! Lovely and friendly people!! Thank you for providing this experience to me! xo


Unique and interesting free items! This region does indeed feel magical. Great job and thank you!


I love this region! NEW clothes - YAY! A lot of great shopping here. Thank you, thank you! And Rudi, thanks for your help today. :) I'll be back soon! :))


Lovely place.

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