OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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#christmas2023 #merrychristmas #arkhamgrid

thedeeferry: Same wishes to you and yours! Simply the best! 1 years ago

Someone. Make this please.

Nico Kalani: You are the greatest! It looks incredible. Thx so much. 1 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Anniversary Party ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁
1st anniversary Smaili und Tommy
1 jähriges Jubiläum Smaili und Tommy

▶ Sunday/ Sonntag 17.December 2023
◕ starts 11:00 OS grid time – startet ab 20:00 Uhr EU Zeit

At the decks / an den Decks
☊ DJ Tommy White & DJ Crazy Ever

In the map – in der Karte: CC Clubregion
░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC Clubregion ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Carmen Jewel: Thank You To all our friends and guests who Attended the Celebratio of Tommy and Smaili's anniversary party ,. we had a great time :) 1 years ago

Check it out, new BDSM items on the 4th floor. Some are scripted and some are not for you to use as a blank canvas, all are modify and copy.

Lillysparks: It finally clicked exactly what shop this is that you run. Your shop is THE BOMB BABY! All the good stuff there. I noticed you have some that are projects with the animations in the pieces but not t... 1 years ago
Recent Helpful People
Please add a comment to acknowledge the people who have been helpful recently in you finding what you are looking for

This group is huge! I have to confess I haven't had the time to read all the recent posts. So, this will be the format for the weekly post about who has helped recently. And as always, a picture completely unrelated to the topic! Remember when bearded babies were a thing?

Nico Kalani: Yikes! People aren't mentioning who helped them? Let's recognize and celebrate them so they will be inclined to continue to be of help. 1 years ago

SheaButter: Some really neat ornaments there people. Huge tree, needs tons more. So git er dun! 1 years ago

CLOE: bravissimo 1 years ago

I could not resist!

Mistressdalgato: lots of fun surfing there, when we can buy a version lol 1 years ago
Hi everyone.

Some of you may know that Barefoot Dreamers Grid has been down, fully or partially for several days.

we are sad to say that things are still not functioning fully.

we are working on the server side, trying to restore assets and functions.

because of this, we are cancelling all events on Barefoot Dreamers Grid until we get it sorted.

We will post here when we get back to full functioning.

Please know that we are working on the issues and trying our best to get things back to normal.

stay safe!!! peace!! Huga, Gabe, kotu and rayne

LaviaLavine: Wishing the best for you all! Until you're back you will be greatly missed! 1 years ago

Bobby the AI robot at Europa Region - now with his new charger we "borrowed" from an electric car place.

Lone Wolf: Now with text to speech. 1 years ago

Hi, I'm looking for an elf or an npc that shovels snow for a Christmas world. I seen some people had something like that last year. Thanks!!!!! :)

Nico Kalani: Cool idea (literally). Let us know if you find it and who from or where. 1 years ago

Here is a new way to post Sims.
Take a look at it here:

Lone Wolf: Where do you get the terminal from? 1 years ago

Unplanned party at the Tribute Club. Please attend only if you don't have any plans :)


Nico Kalani: We had between 7 and 11 people over 6 hours at the club last night. What will happen if we actually planned an event and announced it in advance? Yikes! 1 years ago

Mal burns Interview with Wolf Territories Grid

Thirza Ember: Thanks for being such a gracious guest Lone! 1 years ago


NineZero: So, who's requesting sexy underage looking avatars? 1 years ago

KatKakoola: lol - hello Grace how have you been? Did you mean Outworldz? Hope you're well. 1 years ago

Ellen: Very cool but Marie's grave is in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans not Lafayette! Still cool tho 1 years ago

Finally I have the answer, after much research and asking my neighbours dog...

WOKE = Woefully Obvious Knowledge Extinct

I'd like to thank my main assistants, the haters on OSW

Love to all

Nico Kalani: Some antonyms of woke: dossed, kipped, confused , coo-coo, oblivious, torpid, indolent, otiose, and knackered. I hope that helps clear things up. :) 1 years ago

There is a question posted about whether Gloebit is working, it is on my grid.

Lone Wolf: I think the server is too busy we're getting timeouts on transactions . TBH I'm closed to dumping it. 1 years ago
A great alternative to vivox is mumble. It's changed a lot since the mumble-whisper project for opensim back in 2010. I run a mumble server right here at my house, and anyone can connect to it and try it out. On windows just download the mumble client or on apple mac download this client
Mumble also has clients in most linux package managers already ready to go. Mumble has super high voice quality and it's totally private. I've already used it at my grid with several people and the quality was amazing. Plus the fact the mumble server runs on a small raspberry pi at my home with zero problems. If you wish to connect to it, just use as the server address and you can try it out on port 64738. There are also mumble 'servers' for windows, mac os, and linux. So you can run it on something besides a raspberry pi, and have your completely secure and private own voice server. I understand a lot of people worry about vivox listening in to their private conversations. ok. Here's an alternative. What's great about it is you can play opensim with mumble in the background so it doesn't affect the game play at all, AND it's great voice quality.

MrSnoodle: So does the end user who randomly enters your region need to do anything other than click the talk button in the viewer to be able to talk? 1 years ago

Ready for export.....

Jupiter Rowland: Doesn't make you want to nope away like some of Arcadia's or Vbinnia's barrels. 1 years ago

Arkham Grid Presents
Grand Opening Celebration Piazza di Spagna, Roma
DJ TroyZen 14:00 SLT
Edison Rex Edison's Ephemera 15:00 SLT

AmberLeAnnBraham: how do I get there? been trying but cant get there 1 years ago

Thank goooodness for firewalls. and smart firewalls like the firewalla! :)

Pagane: really TLS attack not have nothing about this site ot CyberGlo devices but images on smartphone look better than naked butts:) 1 years ago
pizza hut

please i am looking for a pizza hut that is fully fitted out and linked together or a pizza hut kit if anyone knows where i can get it please pm me

My passion is building large architectural structures and regions for commercial, spiritual, and entertainment purposes, and doing them with highly detailed surfaces and textures. While I am not primarily in the business of making smaller items, in the process of making a venue I inevitably end up adding furniture, lighting, and accessories that match the style. A lot of these I make myself, but some, like this beautiful Art Deco Lamp, which will be part of my new OSFest build, I source from 3D modeling sites.

The first photo is of an original lamp from the 1920s, currently available on Etsy for about $300 usd. The second is the 3D model by Katmit developed for 3D printers. I purchased it on Renderhub for $12 and it came with an Extended Use license. After a lot of work with faces and UV maps I was finally able to get Firestorm to let my version upload, which is the last pic. I was meh about the plain globe, so I replaced that with something more interesting and added my light script. This little project took a lot more time and effort than I planned for, but I'll spend many happy moments sitting at the bar just looking at this lovely piece of art that began life a hundred years ago.

You will be able to see my full Art Deco venue at OSFest this September on the sponsor region.

Jasminecliodhna: lovely as always luna love your places 1 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Lover´s and Friends Party ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

Heaven`s Gate – Himmelstor
very romantic venue - sehr romantischer Veranstaltungsort
Couples and Singles, all gender welcome , meet new people chill, dance , relax,
Paare und Singles , alle Geschlechter sind willkommen, neue Leute kennen lernen, entspannen, relaxen, tanzen,chillen,

Saturday / Samstag 12.August 2023
starts ◕12:00 OS time / 21:00 Uhr europ.

with/mit ☊DJ CRAZY Liveset
▶▷▶ at CC – CLUBREGION 1 Heaven`s Gate / Himmelstor
Love, Cuddle, Dance Live remixes
enjoy / good mood / gute Laune / gute Stimmung
Dresscode: come as you are / kommt wie ihr wollt


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: on Way to Heaven 1 years ago
Liebe Besucher des Mainstores

Aufgrund das einige Besucher den ganzen Mainstore als Freeware mitnehmen und diese Ware dann nicht als Privat genutzt werden, werden ab sofort ALLE NEUEN Kleidungstücke nur noch in unserer SOUL GRID WÄHRUNG angeboten. Besucher haben jedoch auch die möglichkeit an einem unserer LUCKY CHAIRS kostenlos NEUE Ware zu erhalten.
Dear visitors of the main store

Due to the fact that some visitors take the entire main store with them as freeware and then do not use this product privately, ALL NEW items of clothing are now only offered in our SOUL GRID CURRENCY. However, visitors also have the opportunity to receive NEW goods free of charge on one of our LUCKY CHAIRS.

Woody: TaylorNova is not a designer. He stole it all in SL 1 years ago

AshaShanti: aw love these :)) 2 years ago
MY FRIENDS LIST DOESN'T WORK HALF THE TIME.... The reason is very simple. Look at your calling cards, sort inventory by name in the selection field. Many people may find multiple contacts for the same person. Delete the duplicates. I had as many as 40 calling cards for 1 person. Many other cards were duplicated many times as well. Once I removed all the duplicates (by hand), the friends list started working much much better. In all I removed over 5000 duplicates from my friends list. Check it out, it might be you have the same problem. Also check the sub folders too.

Spax Orion: I would like to point out that even if you remove duplicates, the friend list is still not 100% reliable. I still have issues with friends not showing up online regardless of the grid I am logged into... 2 years ago
these children everyone knows I did it I'm at a construction site in Astralia I wrote it only for personal use no resale everyone knows it and everyone respects the rules instead this grid newlife italy doesn't care about the rules and respect for the work of others .. too much comfortable so they take everything and put it on sale to attract people .. but the others know it anyway you make a bad impression ... you came here .... learn to do it yourself and remove my things

The Etheria Network: Its a wonderful family offering, I have several friends with virtual families and all this means a great deal to them :) Moving, fun babies and kids, amazing!! One note, some of the items - many act... 2 years ago

Lundi 15 Mai, à 21h30 heure de Paris, sur ATLAS : OpenSim 0.9.3 : Pourquoi ? Quand ? Comment ? Les ateliers se déroulent par voice et en langue française.

Hange: c'est sur la grid : ? 2 years ago
Ecco qua una grid italiana dove poter giocare ballare cantare fare musica interagire con tutto il metaverso italiana ma anche internazionale ricordiamo che è aperta a TUTTI.
A breve apriremo anche la land dedicata allo shopping , e la land dedicata ai giochi.
Here is an Italian grid where you can play, dance, sing, make music, interact with the whole Italian but also international metaverse, remember that it is open to ALL.
Soon we will also open the land dedicated to shopping, and the land dedicated to games.

Aquí hay una grilla italiana donde puedes tocar, bailar, cantar, hacer música, interactuar con todo el metaverso italiano pero también internacional, recuerda que está abierto a TODOS.
Próximamente abriremos también el terreno dedicado a las compras, y el terreno dedicado a los juegos.

Hier ist ein italienisches Raster, in dem Sie spielen, tanzen, singen, Musik machen und mit dem gesamten italienischen, aber auch internationalen Metaversum interagieren können. Denken Sie daran, dass es für ALLE offen ist.
Bald werden wir auch das dem Einkaufen gewidmete Land und das dem Spielen gewidmete Land eröffnen.

Darci Viper: would love to visit but cant find the LM for this 2 years ago
This Post Sponsored by the Letter D & the Number 171.

How many Adachi's are there? Well, right now I'm in the Adachi Tertius region. Adachi Tertius is a fancy-pants way of saying "Adachi 3." But this post is not sponsored by the letter A or the number 3.

No, this post is sponsored by the letter "D," as in the Doux Hair Shop, and the number 171. If you count all of the vendors from the DOUX - Adrienne Hairstyle to the DOUX - Zoe Hairstyle, you will get the number 171.

171 Doux hairstyles! Many with style change HUDs. All with color change HUDs. The Adachi Tertius Doux Hair Shop: where the hair is High Quality and Easily Accessible. Magnifico!

Susanna_Heller: So don't get any stupid ideas ... because if you see me throwing letters and numbers around here ... the suspicion could arise that I went to school LoL 2 years ago

UNO-ON-THE-MOON! COME JOIN US!! NEW! AWESOME GAME! FANTASTIC FUN! monday,tuesday, & thursday nights at 8pm EST (5 SLT).

Thirza Ember: Happy hour ! 2 years ago
Volle Moehren Party im Tosca !!!
:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*:. .:*★*:. .:*☆*
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ Volle Möhre Party im Tosca
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ❤ Heute/Today
┊ ┊ ┊ ☆ 20Uhr/11SLT
┊ ┊ ❤ Hasencharts & Osterrock......hier Wackelt das Möhrenfeld
┊ ☆ ♥ Dj Nasti ♥

Captain Shadow: Best Easter Party I've been to in years !!! 2 years ago

Happy Easter! Have a great Time filled with joy and lots of yummy Easter eggs!

Crazyposeidon: HAPPY EASTER / Frohe Ostern wünschen wir euch allen C&C 2 years ago

Good morning, We are having to do some unplanned maintenance today. If you are unable to get in, this is why. If you can get in......all should be fixed.

Courreges Malatesta: All was fixed ! ;) 2 years ago
I currently have regions on four grids, three of which are part of the NGC (Next Generation Core) group of grids (8-10 grids at last count), who together are developing their own improved fork of Opensim. All three have great owners who can be easily reached through dedicated grid channels on Discord, and all have been tremendously supportive of my work.

Of those three, Wolf Territories Grid has become my main location (the other two are Mobius Grid and Utopia Skye Grid). All NGC grid owners are deeply committed to making their grid the best possible for their users. That is especially true for Lone Wolf at Wolf Territories when it comes to speed, security, stability, and the organization of servers and architecture.

For example, look at the console pictured here. By logging in to the website, multiple options are available to me: Restart the region, Update the map of the region, Download the most current OAR, Backup the region to create a new OAR that I can then download, or flatten the region terrain. By clicking Edit, additional options open up: I can change the region name, change the region currency from Gloebits to the local currency, or change the region physics from Ubode to Bulletsim.

And all those things we hope will work on a grid do here: Group notifications, Offline messages sent to email, a working Destination Guide, region crossings, and local currency transaction history, among others. I for one am deeply appreciative. the Most of this things for users we have a long time :) 2 years ago
Welcome at

Welcome to Bubble Grid. You are cordially invited to test the grid. Registration is open. So far we have 10 regions.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to contact (at)

DebzFox: Got there - looking good xx 2 years ago
SkyRealm Observatory is a work in progress-please stop by anytime and see the transformation of this observatory. We are making progress, thank you to @FerdFrederix just wow! Also @JamieAnnaWright thank you for contributing to my clock collection!

Luna Lunaria: Reminds me of Citadel on the Isle of Wyrms in SL. Always loved that place. 2 years ago
Well, at least I tried to be nice and...

You are now at Absolution, Absolution (127, 93, 29)
[12:43] Lexxy Luxx shouts: COME IN PAGANE, BITCH
[12:43] Nancy AO: 400% memory free
[12:43] Lexxy Luxx shouts: COME IN !!!!!
[12:43] Lexxy Luxx shouts: FACE ME!!!!!
[12:43] Lexxy Luxx shouts: You had a lot to say, just now.... come on!!!!
[12:44] Lexxy Luxx: You better say something I wanna here, or you are history
[12:44] Pagane.Succubus nice club
[12:44] Pagane.Succubus full with peoples
[12:44] Lexxy Luxx: Nice club? after you bitched at me ????
[12:44] Lexxy Luxx: I kicked everybody... problem ???
[12:45] Lexxy Luxx: You and that cunt, Dan Banner... all you do is bitych at people an start drama.... fuck off
[12:45] Grid: Teleport completed from hop://
[12:45] Grid: The region you have entered is running a different simulator version.
Current simulator: OpenSim 21.08.09 NextGen Universl (Unix/Mono)
Previous simulator: OpenSim Yeti Dev (Win/.NET)

Ellen: Wow what a scary person. 2 years ago