OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Here in Everlove we have three sims that are connected to the main sim, a shopping mall where new things are constantly being added. Everlove is the perfect place to take a walk with your loved ones o...

With lots of free goodies for your downloading pleasure.

Symphony Vive: ~Super! 6 months ago
It's my Birthday!! Time for gifts and I have one for all of you!
My shop is looking pretty well stocked (YAY!! What a load of work!! But there is MORE coming!! And I am still working on things, but do say hi!).
I promised monthly group gifts for the pleasure of having you join my group and become one of my many favorite friends! Yeah, I pretty much love everyone! I know..sappy...but it is my birthday, and I love our beautiful community!! Flaws and all, as I am most certainly flawed myself! :/ :)
So come by, join the Family if you haven't already, and grab this sweet little bar. While you are there, have a look and see all the goodies I have for you.
Beautiful, Interesting, Strange, and Useful, perhaps you will find the elusive thing you didn't know you were looking for! Most stuff is Full Perm so pick up a gift for that special someone or that thoughtful friend to show your appreciation for them. Or grab it for yourself as we all deserve to treat ourselves too!
Bonus: It's FREE!! $0
Original content created for Open Sim in Open Sim.

Xenon Darrow: Ty Star!!! 6 months ago
Eventankündigung: „Blue Monday – Eröffnungsparty der neuen Region XYPartyzone“

Liebe Partyfreunde, es ist endlich soweit!
Die neue Region XYPartyzone öffnet ihre Tore und das feiern wir gebührend mit einem spektakulären Event:
„Blue Monday – Eröffnungsparty der neuen Region XYPartyzone“.

Wann: Montag, 22. Juli 2024, um 20:20 Uhr
Wo: Live aus dem Risa – Taxi:

DJ: Xenos
Thema: „Wir feiern die FPS und schauen mal, ob Ihr zufrieden seid“.

Da der Sommer nun endlich Einzug hält, bietet sich das RISA als perfekte Location an. Freut euch auf eine entspannte Atmosphäre bis ca. 22:00 Uhr.
Danach gibt DJ Xenos bis 23:00 Uhr, oder auch ein wenig länger, Vollgas im bekannten „Xenos Style“.

Vorprogramm: Ab 20:20 Uhr könnt ihr euch auf ein besonderes Highlight freuen: „Touch Yello – Virtual concert“.
Erlebt die faszinierende virtuelle Performance von Touch Yello, die euch mit ihren einzigartigen Klängen und Visuals in eine andere Welt entführen wird.

Wichtig: Beachtet bitte das neue Taxi!
Zappelbude, RISA, XY Club und AquaDance sind umgezogen!
Ab jetzt finden hier alle Events statt.
Wir freuen uns auf euch und auf einen unvergesslichen Abend in der neuen XYPartyzone!

Kommt zahlreich und feiert mit uns den Sommerstart in der XYPartyzone!

Hypergrid :
Web: oder

Sunday Brunch Blues with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle every Sunday Morn at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Bayou Belle at Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-07-21 09:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Bring your horse to meet Smokey!

We know there are a lot of horse lovers in opensim. One of the biggest challenges to horse owners is having large, beautifully landscaped areas to ride. the second challenge is having ridable trails over uneven terrain. It sounds simple, but can sometimes make a person say bad words when building it. then you also have issues of will the horses physics work on the uneven terrains.

At friends grid we offer the amazing horses from my friend,Roland Francis, and we have two totally different trails for you to enjoy. Now, you can now bring your own horse!

Friends Stables - Enjoy a ride which will take you through the beautiful stable area with ocean views, continue on to the working friends farm. and then ride over the mountains and into the beautiful rainforest! There are many different trail options here.

Friends Mall - this is a beautiful easy trail located in back of the mall. This is a simple cannot get lost. You will ride along the landscaped path viewing the ocean and gradually climb high into the mountains.

If you don't have a horse, feel free to use my horses. After you enjoy riding these wonderful creations by Roland Francis, you can go to my store and get your own horses.

enjoy your virtual life!
The hypergrid never ceases to amaze me. I went shopping over at Nutella tonight on a shopping avie. My main avie has over 120k items in my inventory, so I use other avies to shop. It has become more and more common that when I jump to other grids, all my mesh gets ripped off. I am then a lumpy nekkid system avie with a hairy face. It's not fun for anyone, trust me. To avoid this, I will strip down to a system avie, then use a full body alpha and be invisible. This prevents the embarrassment, potential maturity rating violations, excessive shopping lag, and having to tp home, log, clear cache, log back in, sometimes 2x to get things to act right again. It's efficient and effective.

I haven't filled out the profile of this shopping avie's a SHOPPING AVIE. I guess I could put "I'm just here to shop" on the profile. But honestly...she is 1/10k avies running around without anything in their profile.

Apparently, a resident there took exception with me and sent me some rather rude messages. I didn't see them because I was engrossed in shopping and had the chat window closed. I saw them when I returned to my home grid. I then reached out to her and explained 1) why I was invisible, and 2) why there was nothing in my profile. She promptly told me she was reporting me to the grid owner for "not acting right."

I popped back over there and spoke to her in genchat, once again explaining myself. I told her to be well and left. I am interested to see if that avie or even this one gets banned because a resident didn't like that I was invisible and shopping. It's always an adventure.

ContessaLacombe: smh. Well, now I'm dying to hear the rest of the story...if there is any at a later date. The suspense is almost more than I can bear.... Grins and winks. 6 months ago

Sadly, my sim is gone, until I can find a new host.

Dies ist die ausgelagerte Partyzone von Xenotown um Besucher eine bessere Performance zu bieten, die so deutlich mehr FPS erwarten können. Hier findet ihr nun die Zappelbude, den Club XY, das RISA und das AquaDance. Viel Spaß.
This is the outsourced party zone of Xenotown to offer visitors a better performance, so they can expect significantly more FPS. Here you will now find the Zappelbude, Club XY, RISA and AquaDance. Have fun.

!!! Vorankündigung !!!

*** CANADIAN HEMLOCK PINE TREES PACK*** NEW RELEASE! Up to 16 of them, only 1 prim MESH! Seasonal textures included // leaves with smooth animation! All for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA, BOX 06. Enjoy :)

Omy2024: Wonderful thanks so much Jimmy! 6 months ago

We're sorry but at the moment the grid is offline because of working on the server

The next morning, I left my room at the break of dawn, shook as I was by what I had seen in the red dusk the day before. As I was heading back the way I came. I noticed a sign that I somehow missed. Perhaps there are lighter times that way?

"Sign, sign
Everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the scenery
Breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that
Can't you read the sign?"
-- Les Emmerson
Live from Rockin' The Blues! It's Saturday Night with DJ Kith! 7:30PM-9PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-07-20 19:30 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
Blues man DJ Kith continues our Saturday Night Blues Party!! DJ Kith is gonna ROCK OUR HOUSE with the most exciting blues anywhere!! Kith's sets are guaranteed to be fresh and full of surprises, so if you like your blues with an edge... Grab a friend and hop the first gator down to Rockin' the Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid! This party will be full of fun, friendship and awesome blues tunes! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
DJ Rosie in for DJ Riker at Rockin' the Blues 6:00PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins: 2024-07-20 18:00 SLT
Added by: Kith Whitehawk✦
DJ Riker can't make it tonight but our own Hot Daddy's DJ Rosie steps up to spin your Blues tonight at Rockin' the Blues!!! Rosie has the rockin' Blues you love with her crazy sweet giggles and humor! This girl from Down Under will have you laughing and dancing all night long! Come share this rare opportunity for Rosie to spin the Blues!!! You're gonna love it! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

-Zoree Jupiter Live
-3:00-4:00pm a
-Osgrid Events Plaza
-Casual Fun! Friendly atmosphere! Come Join us!
-Music Variety
♥𝕋𝕒𝕩𝕚↘ Plaza

┌───── •✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧• ─────┐
Saturday Cyber Ꭰꭺɴꮯꭼ Ꮲꭺꭱꭲꭹ @The Dome With DJ Andron!
└───── •✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧••✧✧• ─────┘
➤ Ꮃꮋꮻ: DJ Andron Rae ꭺɴꭰ ᎽᏫᏌ!
➤ Ꮃꮋꭼɴ: Ꭲꮻꭰꭺꭹ, Saturday July 20 2024
➤ Ꭲꮖꮇꭼ: Ꮐꭱꮖꭰ Ꭲꮖꮇꭼ 2:00 ᏢᎷ ᏚᏞᎢ (Ꮲꭺꮯifꮖꮯ)
➤ Ꮃꮋꭼꭱꭼ: Ꭲꮋꭼ Ꭰꮻꮇꭼ, Ꮪꮋꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ ꮖꮪ Ꮯꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ Ꮐꭱꮖꭰ!
ꮋꮻꮲ://ꮪꮋꭺꭱꮖɴꮐꮖꮪꮯꭺꭱꮖɴꮐ.fꭺꮇꮖꮮꭹ:8002:Ꭲꮋꭼ Ꭰꮻꮇꭼ
I'm rested & ready to get back to what I LOVE!
I'll be taking your requests and Singing your favorites!
TIME: 2:00pm/1400h
MAP: Plaza
Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
DJ Alex comes on fire, guys at 3 pm grid time! with the hottest tunes for everyone to set the mood. Yes! because it's always time to party. What's the reason for it? Well... we are PARTY PEOPLE!
Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together. Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
ıllılıllı ║【◉】║? HEREDEROS GRID ? ║【◉】║ lıllılıllı
║?✇?║ılıll★ DJ ARPONERA ★lıllı║?✇?║
║?✇?║ılıll★ GOTHAM CITY ★lıllı║?✇?║
║?✇?║ılıll★ DIA: SABADO 20/07/ 2024 ★lıllı║?✇?║
║?✇?║ılıll★ HORA 20:00HS ESP / 11:00HS DEL GRID ★lıllı║?✇?║

KarinBecker: sooooooooo viel spass klasse Musik mit DJ Nasti 6 months ago
Hey Everyone 🙂
I'm performing at AnKaBi Bikers Heaven at 12:pm/1200h Grid Time!
Come join us for some great fun & music!
Bi-Weekly on Saturdays!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴12:pm/1200h OST ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: Bikers Heaven

A sunny weekend, everyone :-)

NEW at Grimm: Sissy Section
Sissy Maid Outfits on the 3rd floor of the Athena Shop Check them out.

Jerralyn Franzic: Love that second one at the bottom row, left side. Good one for an anime look. :) 6 months ago
Gute Nachricht für alle FPS Hungerleider.
Ich habe für die Zappelbude eine neue nackte Region angelegt.
Ich stehe gerade drauf und habe in jede Richtung 285 FPS.
Auf die Region, die, oh Wunder, ZAPPELBUDE heißt, kommt nichts außer eben die Zappelbude und ein bisschen Deko. So wird es bestimmt ein FPS Paradies.
Aber das schaffe ich natürlich nicht bis Montag.
Also verschiebt sich der Blue Monday um eine Woche.
I found this beautiful maypole while out shopping one day and brought it home but it didn't work other than the rotation, so, I went to work and added pose ball scripts and some dances and now it works. I love spring time, even though we're heading into the end of summer because spring has such a promise of new life and fresh beginnings. You can find this maypole in our Create A Scene Garden Center at the mall. It's free and full perm! Enjoy! Blessings and much love, Lavia.
Come join me today at OSGrid Event Plaza!! It's GOOD TO BE BACK! I'll be taking your requests and Singing your favorites!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00pm/1400h ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL!∵∴ ❈
» MAP: Plaza

Heute Abend bei uns im Roadhouse
ab 20 Uhr **11am**
Lunastar Phoenix & Rouge Galaxy Bikers Heaven

Come relax and enjoy a drink at the new at the La Fountaine Hotel at Avedon Park. For more privacy, check into one of the available suites. All are welcome and the hotel rules are posted clearly in the lobby. No magic is allowed in the hotel and all deals made within the hotel must be honored! Enjoy your visit!

Everything will take its bitter revenge at some point, says the Dark Angel.

LaviaLavine: This saying is just another way of saying, be careful what you do and say, because eventually those things will come around to bite you in the butt, or the old saying "What goes around, comes around".... 6 months ago
It's a shame, I'm happy to give everyone a new chance, which is why I lifted the block for Joe. But with this kind of language he's forcing me to take such measures, it's a shame that it has to happen like this...

Dorena Verne: Ok, I'm going to close this one, it was kind of a stupid spontaneous idea of ​​mine, this post... 6 months ago


NEW at Grimm: Legacy clothes come check them out


ist Freitag und es ist eine Party!!


This adorable little café named for a very dear friend is the perfect fit for just about any region that has a small town setting or an urban or suburban setting. It does not come furnished but can be if you want it to be buy just asking, though I find the decorating and setting it up to be the most fun. Effie's Kitchen Café is cute and quaint and delightful. To see it fully decked out and in use you can find it at my region called Lioness Den, but if you would like to pick one up for yourself, it's here at the Masala Al Kohav mall right behind our "Everything Music" department. Stop in and check it out, it might just take you back in time. Blessings and much love Lavia.

Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization.
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt

21 Luglio alle ore 22:30 (13:30 pmSlt)Concerto Live con la grandissima Lucrezia Angel. Vi aspettiamo al Red Carpet per una serata tutta in musica.
21 July at 10.30pm (1.30pm Slt) Live concert with the great Lucrezia Angel. We are waiting for you at the Red Carpet for an evening full of music.
21 Luglio alle ore 22:30 (13:30 pmSlt)Concerto Live con la grandissima Lucrezia Angel. Vi aspettiamo al Red Carpet per una serata tutta in musica.
21 Luglio alle ore 22:30 (13:30 pmSlt)Concerto Live con la grandissima Lucrezia Angel. Vi aspettiamo al Red Carpet per una serata tutta in musica.
*** There is a worldwide Internet outage (in case you hadn't noticed) of Windows Servers using Crowstrike software - for more details, we are unaffected *** (because we are running linux)

CyberGlo CyberStar: Well this has happened a lot through the years with microsoft. I'm not surprised. 6 months ago

Pooh The Bear Full Avatar & Animesh Dancing Pooh
- Full Avatar 56 cm
- Animesh Dancing Pooh (animation can be changed)

Nico Kalani: When using this Avatar, please use that endearing voice we all know, to utter a soft: "Oh bother." 6 months ago
I left the confines of my grubby room of questionable privacy. The desert called to me, so I went. The further away I strolled revealed more signs of life...but I question the variety thereof.

The hills have eyes...

"Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us, and the prophet who wishes to write a new apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts, and beasts so terrible that the ancient animal symbols of St. John will seem like cooing doves and cupids in comparison."
-- Heinrich Heine

SteveMaryweather: Orange Desert Sands... 6 months ago

Live Traffic
Trianon Complex A
95 23
Loose Cannon
1 0
Peapod A
6 0
Hypergrid Games
12 5
Loose Cannon
25 4
NakedWorldz Family Area
0 0
Agora A
157 7
Gentle Fire Grid
65 6
7 3
Valeria's Avatars 2
70 14
Fabrica dos Sonhos
5 0
Manderley A
7 1
Lbsa Plaza
190 38
Shinobar Annex
65 19
Event Plaza
126 18
Regions Online: 1,890
Active: 312 avatars in 161 regions
The Box
Glenys Bieler 2 hours ago
@Arielle, how about checking for anyone that was born on a day with the letter D in the name?
Glenys Bieler 2 hours ago
I've always said you were such a mean woman Harper :D
HarperHeld 2 hours ago
Who needs a script? I blacklist everyone except for those I know I want around. Ya'll let strangers in? How gauche!
Pagane 6 hours ago
@Arielle some of us already try similar script and alive. Your dreamed liberal democracy is only next level of ex-USSR socialism and Gulag. We alive after guns and prisons, your scripts cannot scare us:)
Dorena Verne 8 hours ago
Nobody is banned from our house. Just like in real life, I don't want to have any closer contact with everyone.
CherylFurse 8 hours ago
I recommend the movie "The circle" with Tom Hanks and Emma watson.
CherylFurse 8 hours ago
yes @Arielle. For tolerance and peace, we need maximum transparency and control
Arielle 9 hours ago
We need a script that checks everyone entering a sim to determine if they are a copybotter, a child avatar, their political stance, their religion and if they are a coffee drinker or teatoteler, before allowing them in. Anymore cards that need to be put on the table for the "tolerant" among us?
Pagane 15 hours ago
A long, long time ago, far, far away one CIA boss say: "If elections could change anything, we would have canceled them long ago"... Keep up the world stupidity and hate!
HarperHeld 18 hours ago
I encourage others to do the same; that way none of us waste our time. :)
HarperHeld 18 hours ago
Who's proselytizing? I'm talking about putting cards on the table so folks can walk away or not as they please. :)
Arielle 18 hours ago
Prostelyzing one's ideologue tends to alienate others more then attract them.
HarperHeld 19 hours ago
"OpenSim just isn't a terribly effective place to do any kind of activism or change a single person's mind about it" Agreed -that's what I was trying to say when I talked about inworld politics affecting the real world (which I may not have written as clearly as I should have)
Hyacinth 20 hours ago
I have very strong political beliefs. OpenSim just isn't a terribly effective place to do any kind of activism or change a single person's mind about it. In the meantime, there are people I disagree with pretty strongly, but are otherwise worthwhile human beings.
HarperHeld 23 hours ago
Now believing that inworld politics affects the real world? That, as the meme says "is a special kind of stupid"
HarperHeld 23 hours ago
Naw, the assertion that opensim can be apolitical and that it doesn't affect people here is demonstratably false. Partisians are partisan inworld just as much as they are here. As well they should be -politics doesn't stop affecting us simply because we go to the land of make-believe.
Frank Hurt 23 hours ago
Also: you had me at "bacon".
Frank Hurt 23 hours ago
I appreciate your sentiments, Hyacinth--both about the concept of trying to keep Open Sim apolitical, because we're already a fragile, fragmented, tiny community as it is without further dividing ourselves based on idealogies which really don't have a direct impact on our digital life here.

New Comments

Passion Jumanji 4 hours ago
Love this place. You will find the most oddest contraptions here . . . IT'S A FUN PLACE TO VISIT & get your most different object(s) here :D
Tailor Nova 5 hours ago
achhh neee wie schööönnnnnnnnnnn is dat
Dorena Verne 6 hours ago
Thought it was time for a video again. :-)
Cosa 6 hours ago
räusper...stimme ölen: siiiiinnnnnnnng
Ludo 6 hours ago
I have to visit this place
Rose Lavande 6 hours ago
langsam singen wir uns warm :):D
Dorena Verne 6 hours ago
We're getting started. :-)
Cosa 6 hours ago
ohhhh es geht schon los :-))
Linda_Luo 6 hours ago
so los gehts mit sing party


Eyecatcher with a lot of goodies
MaxFrost 3 hours ago
I really love what you have done here Jimmy! :D This place is awesome. At every turn I'm always finding something new & innovative! :D I especially love the farm, being a head over heels farmer myself...
Passion Jumanji 4 hours ago
Kings Quarter
You just got to love the Fashions by Domino Store. The items for sale have a logo on them saying "Keep Opensim Free" But you have to pay for them. REALLY ???, The majority of the houses and shops are ...
Michelle Hartley 13 hours ago
Dream Life Welcome
Great shopping mall great people and thank you for sharing such a wonderful place without drama! and your underwater world is awesome! Ive seen a few but your Much Nicer thank you for sharing when whe...
Adore yesterday
Obfuse Chill
Exactly as stated and great social chat well moderated and chill.
Innatenessboucher 3 days ago
L&M Shop
This place is amazing. They have everything and update as well. They have Mens, Women, Household and offer multiple body styles as well. Currently (2025) they have Athena, Erika, GenX, Freya, Kupra, ...
Annah Gestaga 4 days ago
NakedWorldz Family Area
Beautiful beach and welcome area, lots of friendly people to chat with too. There is a dance floor, surfing, water toys, pool, tanning loungers and more. A great drama free way to chill, relax and no...
Misty_Falls 4 days ago
Club Nakkie
It's a beautiful place, I enjoy making music
LucasLyra 4 days ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
This is a place of wonderful free avatars, made by a friendly Italian lady! Valeria graciously visited and explained her creations to me. She has great attention to detail and her avatars show it. I b...
Frank Hurt 4 days ago

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