OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Dreamgrid 5.491 is out. I installed it and experienced issues. For some reason dreamgrid is choosing random port numbers outside the range i forwarded for dreamgrid use. This means that random sims in my dreamgrid are unreachable when i go to teleport. In my case half the sims were offline. It seems if you do not use Upnp, that the latest dreamgrid skips ports in the allocated port list, and chooses some ports in a slightly higher range. If you have a small number of ports allocated, then this means that some sims will come online with a port number outside your forwarded port range making them inaccessible. So beware of this issue.

Mistressdalgato: until my grids one problem is fixed with any update past 5.19 we have to wait to upgrade. let me know if you find any other issues, I heard one version brakes dream grid. 1 years ago

Hello everyone, virtual beach is still offline. We are having issues getting things to recognize the hard drives. The grid should be back up sometime today.

Pagane: issues getting things to recognize the hard drives is one of simptoms of BROKEN SATA cabble. Try to change SATA cabbles 1 years ago
I had a request by @LeonitasLionheart asking if the Nadder (Cobra) snake could be given too. We have made it available in both the Goliath size (for those wanting a Goliath sim-we plan to give this OAR when completed) I have also included the regular-sized snake for a normal sim. There is a Snake AO that you can wear to animate and the animations are also included so that you can also create Animesh snakes, there is an Animesh kit here too with everything you need. Thank you, Ferd for making this possible!! Gardens

RemmyRavenhurst: You are awesome!! 1 years ago

Ladybug, Bee, Dung Beetle, Praying Mantis, and Stag Beetle avatars! Come hang out in the garden as the bug of your choice! Gardens Thank you, Ferd!

Marianna: The house is phantom so the bugs can fly inside the house and look around. Inside you will see a beetle in a cereal box munching, ants in the sugar, and a beetle in the bathtub drain. Take some time... 1 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Libido - Yacht - PARTY ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂▁

Soulmate Party
Couples and Singles, all gender welcome , meet new people chill, relax, dance
Ship with indoor Bar ,Relax Areas, Vip cabines, Sex Shop and lot more….

Paare und Singles , alle Geschlechter sind willkommen, neue Leute kennen lernen, entspannen, relaxen, tanzen,chillen,
Schiff mit Innenbar, Entspannungsbereichen, VIP-Kabinen, Sexshop und vielem mehr….

Saturday / Samstag 08.July / Juli 2023
starts ◕12:00 OS time / 21:00 Uhr europ.

Electronic music mix
with/mit ☊DJ CRAZY
▶▷▶ at CC – CLUBREGION 2 Libido Yacht
enjoy / good mood / gute Laune / gute Stimmung
Dresscode: come as you are / kein Kleiderzwang


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: Generators running all systems online ready to party :)))) 1 years ago
⦁ Club is almost complete.
⦁ Bring wine

Fast Facts About Collective Central
⦁ Hub region for the CopyKat Collective.
⦁ Home of the new Tribute Club.
⦁ Located on Friends Grid.

Fast Facts About the Tribute Club
⦁ A hang-out for friends old and new.
⦁ A place for funky time fun and frivolity.

My plans
⦁ Build club.
⦁ Drink wine.
⦁ Design Club Logo.
⦁ Drink more wine.
⦁ Design Region Logo.
⦁ Wine.
⦁ Organize opening event.
⦁ Dance dance dance!

⦁ Be kind
⦁ Be helpful
⦁ Be sharing

KatKakoola: You mean the guy who looks like he just sat on a recently unexploded cracker than now isn't? 1 years ago
Welcome to the enchanting Goliath Gardens, a realm where you can shrink down to the size of a bug and experience the wonders of nature up close. Be the bug!! We have bug Avatars! Ladybug, Beetle, Bee, and Praying Mantis!! Be careful in the garden there is a snake that might bite! Gardens Thank you Ferd Frederix!

Marianna : I added a box with the animesh script and animations so that you can create Animesh bugs. Keep in mind these bugs are avatar size, the world is Goliath so that the bug is to scale of the world. Thes... 1 years ago

New in ZZ's shop, my Aurora Borealis.
See if u like it!

Destiny257Seranade: Love,Love,Love your place! SO much to see and the owner is such a sweet guy! Ty for the cool gifts! 1 years ago

A stylish BDSM pole that fits equally well in a designed living- or bedroom, or in the darkest dungeon.

Pagane: Amimations not work for 2 persons, after move to adjust in room freeze and cannot delete, not reset nothing.... I see same results years ago with Sacrarium protections and hiden scripts. And yes i alw... 1 years ago
Mi nombre es Safine y soy el dueño de la red de amigos. Aunque no hablo bien el idioma español, el pueblo hispano siempre tendrá un lugar especial en mi corazón. Tengo que usar un traductor, y probablemente cometer muchos errores, pero tengo un gran corazón.

He decidido hacer algo muy diferente. En la red de amigos, voy a desarrollar una villa hispana sim de 36 muy especial.

Si alguien está haciendo esto, no quiero ofender ni copiar de ninguna manera. Esto es algo que he querido hacer desde hace mucho tiempo.

Al principio, este pueblo albergará a unos 14 residentes hispanos, cada uno con un gran paquete de 1 sim isla en nuestras aguas marinas. Además, quiero trabajar con alguien que elija vivir aquí para ayudarme a desarrollar un centro de aldea de 9 sim. Este centro podría incluir compras, recursos, entretenimiento y cultura. Estoy dispuesto a expandirme, pero primero quiero llenar esto.

Estoy buscando gente que quiera vivir en la red de amigos y estar involucrada. No quiero coleccionistas que raramente aparecen.

El centro del pueblo tomará tiempo para construir, pero tengo algunas islas que están disponibles inmediatamente para los residentes.

Si usted está interesado en ser parte de esta especial Villa Hispana, por favor contacte con safinemahoe2 en el mundo abierto sim. Trabajo y a menudo me cuesta llegar debido a las zonas horarias, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo en Osw.

Por favor, comprenda que acogemos con beneplácito todas las nacionalidades en la red de amigos…. y tengo espacios disponibles para otros.

Este proyecto es algo de mi corazón para mis amigos hispanos.

Una vez más……. por favor, envíeme un mensaje directo sobre la OSW si está interesado en ser parte de esta aldea hispana en la red de amigos.

victorialogan: desde que te conozco ,y ya hace varios años, jajajaj, siempre demostraste ser una persona solidaria y desinteresada. Esas actitudes son realmente admirables. Un abrazo muy fuerte. since I've known y... 1 years ago

Now in Forest of Azure Gallery: Portraits. I'm sure you'll recognize some of them!

Thirza Ember: is there a prize if you guess them all? 1 years ago

The Party is going Wild!!!! Come join us at friends-grid

Safinemahoe2: A special thanks to all who came out.....all you people made it a very special evening! 1 years ago
The Metaverse in the Threadiverse
I've already mentioned that OpenSim has entered the Fediverse several months ago, and that there are even two dedicated Mastodon instances for OpenSim users. One is (, run by Buzzy Cnayl of VivoSim (formerly Quintonia, see news below). The other one is (, run by Lone Wolf.

But the Fediverse has more to offer than "Twitter clones" like Mastodon. With Reddit messing up big time currently, the time has come for the "Reddit clones" Lemmy and /kbin to grow.

And just a few days ago, Hyacinth Jean has started a Lemmy community (= subreddit) for OpenSim:

If you already have an account somewhere in the Fediverse, e.g. on Mastodon, you can use it to join Lemmy communities. If not, or if you find that too inconvenient, feel free to join Lemmy instead.

Harper Held: Nice idea but the link didn't work when I tried it :p (no flies on Hyacinth -she's a busy woman!) 1 years ago
australian trees

does anyone know where i can find some Australian mesh trees please we need it for an australian farm sim


Chubby Dagostino: @ Ellefisch ....i tried it, it says on our welcome at the information sign on the right, ready for you to buy 1 years ago
I have a favor to ask. If you like this crazy place called friends would you please give it a like and leave a little review when you have time. Nothing fancy…. Just say what you like. Your words carry much credibility!

Hope you all are having good beginning of weekend. I am having carpal tunnel issues (could it be the 500 zombies Lily and I shot?), But plan on being online a bit this weekend.

I am planning on sailing to the new regions this Sunday at noon, would love company if others want to join.

I would like to have a
Friends-grid dance next Sunday, June 25, at noon.

Don’t know who could make it or if Reggie interested in DJ (which we love). Please comment on this thread if interested.

Pin, we could use one of your venues or Party Mountain at my place. This is meant to be fun and relaxing after a busy week….not adding stress

PinDeluca: Im up for Sailing too, should be good :) 1 years ago

Luna Lunaria: Nice presentation :-) I never wanted the headache of trying to set up a store of my own textures (and there are a LOT of them) 1 years ago

HG Address:

Thirza Ember: fabulous lighting 1 years ago

Butterfly Hair Comb-For the updo! Jewelry

Lelly: lovely thank you 1 years ago

Sunday Funnies!!! @FerdFrederix BS News!! Read about new x-ray vision, and the opensim economy!

Lone Wolf: Brilliant thank you. 1 years ago
Après l'échec cuisant de META, Second Life se rêve-t-il en metaverse des années 2030 ? On peut se poser la question à la vue de l'arrivée des PBR (Physically Based Rendering) qui contribuent à combler la distance entre un rendu scotché dans les années 2000 et les jeux vidéos AAA sous Unreal Engine.

S'ils arrivent sur Second Life, il ne fait pas de doute qu'ils arriveront sur OpenSim. La révolution viendra par les viewers. Saluons le tout dernier arrivé : Sharpview.

Passer au PBR ne sera pas une mince affaire pour les créateurs, mais les ignorer est se condamner à rester coincé dans la platitude des années 2000. Ne ratez pas le train. Quelques ressources pour les plus pressés :

Photo : Andred Darwin.
Benvenuti nel nostro Shopping qui troverete anche il reparto dedicato ai bambini con vestiti e accessori annessi venite a visitarlo!
Welcome to our Shopping here you will also find the department dedicated to children with related clothes and accessories come and visit it!
Bienvenido a nuestro Shopping aquí también encontrarás el departamento dedicado a los niños con ropa y complementos relacionados ¡ven a visitarlo!
Willkommen bei unserem Shopping. Hier finden Sie auch die Abteilung für Kinder mit passender Kleidung und Accessoires. Besuchen Sie sie!

Mariacazzetta: Esilarante :) evito di continuare questa spiacevolissima conversazione di bassissimo livello. Inutile rispondere a chi mente sapendo di mentire. Tante care cose 1 years ago
Rice Tyler
wird heute mit uns abrocken
---*noch 3 Std*---

Sylvia-Koeln: Typisch Belze wieder *tzä* 1 years ago
AnatoBotanica is the name of the current sculpture collection I am doing IRL under MVN name, my initials.

Inspired by the connection (and the lack of connection) of human being in its environment, the nature.
Made of organic shapes, hybrid creatures comes to life with the use of moss and a lot of gold paint on PLA which is a bioplastic, sometimes clay and paper are added for the finest parts.

To introduce this new art form I am experiencing in opensim, I chose to show a glitched version of the real space I work from, my home.

My home is my shelter, but also my workshop.
The stones of the walls, the plants and animals living in the garden, are themselves an inspiration. Observing birds, bees and butterfly, listening to their songs, watching these creatures feeding from flowers, those simple « little things of life » are deeply touching my soul and question my own place in this world.

Luna Lunaria: I love your work Cherry, so unique and beautiful :-) 1 years ago
Adult grid with open waters & Air, Copy your own OAR from website, Self Restarts & Rollbacks, Low cost land packages, Regional God powers, FREE HOMESTEADS, 2 FREE weeks on your first land purchase, A choice of many FREE pre-built regions you can have put on your land. A community grid filled with clubs, parks, beaches, Roleplay, Free Education, Arts, Performers & DJs Daily, Karaoke, Open Mic, Galleries, Clubs, Adult Getaways, Dinkies world, Game nights and countless places to explore & Enjoy! Join for free today - Own a region as low as 5$ USD monthly! WEBSITE

AbbiAshland: The website URL takes me to a page that said " Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource. Apache/2.4.56 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80" 1 years ago

Still waiting for this mysterious server owner to return from walkabout. In the meantime, visit my Etsy store for some cool stuff.

Lone Wolf: STILL!? - Wanted to ask about Etsy as a plat form I want to do merch for Wolf Territories Grid do you think it's okay? 1 years ago

DJ Esse is playing all UK songs to celebrate the Victoria Day Holiday.

LaviaLavine: Suzi, I'm sure all of that is important to you. 1 years ago

La Cittadella Di Rachel: Spektakulär 1 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ROOFTOP – PARTY ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

It`s Partytime – dance at the Rooftop Club

Saturday / Samstag 13.May 2023
starts ◕12:00 OS time / 21:00 Uhr europ.

Techno remix and TECH-House MIX
with/mit ☊DJ CRAZY
▶▷▶ at our Rooftop CLUB - über den Dächern

Dance, chill, enjoy / good mood

Dresscode: come as you are
Kleiderordnung: kein Kleiderzwang


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: Aliens Landing, carry green Goods - ALL STONED >LOlL 1 years ago
I had a visitor a couple of days ago at Luxor while I was working on some new stuff there. They messaged me to let me know how well my textures 'fit' together. I thanked them then I asked them if they had shared environment on with a higher graphics setting. They said no. I said 'try it'. next thing I hear is WHOA...

Lol. This is about as close to pbr as I can get.

You can see Luxor here:

Lone Wolf: Time for my daily visit. 1 years ago
Les couleurs d'opensim changent ! Encore en beta-test, le nouveau viewer de Linden change son modèle colorimétrique. Nous ne savons pas si et quand ces modifications seront portées sur Firestorm. Opensimulator a d'ores-et-déjà intégré les fonctions llLinear2sRGB et llsRGB2Linear. Les testeurs intrépides d'Atlasgrid se sont jetés dessus et les ont décortiquées. Sur le nuancier de gauche, les anciennes couleurs. Sur celui de droite, les nouvelles.

The colors of opensim are changing ! Still in beta-test, the new Linden viewer will incorporate a new color model. We don't know when and if it will be ported to Firestorm. But Opensimulator has yet implemented the LSL functions llLinear2sRGB and llsRGB2Linear. Fearless Atlasgrid's testers has dived in. Left colorchecker : old colors. Right : new colors.

Jupiter Rowland: Ooh, that could mean two or three fewer sim builders who put everything on full bright because it's so dark. 1 years ago
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ TANZ IN DEN MAI ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

WANN? 20:00 UHR ET

Crazyposeidon: seems them have not own ideas / its ridiculous , denke sie haben keine eigenen Ideen es ist lächerlich ! 1 years ago
I apologize if it seems I am spamming you guys, but this creator adsky_pes at Sketchfab caused it by creating this Phenomenal Victorian Pocket watch that I have animated to open and close and it is on a chain that you hold. I have other chains around the store too if you want to wear it. There is a resize script and touch to open and close. If you add a chain make sure the watch is linked last as it is the parent prim. I promise this is my last post today!!

Lone Wolf: I'm at the store happy to pay for one :) but it's not for sale. :-( 1 years ago

Please stop by anytime and see a work in progress. SkyRealm Observatory...

The underwater world at friends -grid has been under construction...and will be built in 3-4 separate phases. Phase 1 (the coral reef) is now open and ready for visitors. This is my attempt to share what I have seen in my travels.

It is hard to describe being in the middle of 100,000 fish and bright corals.....but I hope this will help you experience a special part of my life. Phase 2 will be mermaid area........but.....keep in mind...mermaids can swim anywhere and enjoy the reef.

The reef includes two ship wrecks, two massive groupings of Pillar corals that you can walk through (yes....I have been in coral like these that was 75’ tall). Also on the reef: Sharks, rays, turtle, hermit crabs, jelly fish and approximately 50 different types of coral. Serina provided some custom made corals for this project which was a huge help! There is a lot to see.....take your time and enjoy!

I will be sending all an updated teleport board with this added today.

Lily Loire: I put my fins on and went swimming with the fishies. It's going to be the better...much, much better than previous builds. Way to go Safine. 1 years ago
Coming to the event? No? GramDomme Nico will be mad. Gramps Biker Billy will be sad. And you will be bad, bad, bad! Do come! Celebrate April Fools Day at our Fool Moon Festival. DJ Emmy Lou provides the tunes. We provide the insane NPC Dance Partners. Come dressed in your most out-of-this-world and/or out-of-your-mind costume and be prepared to have wild time.

Click the event poster at the landing zone to get to the event.

Mistressdalgato: o.0 2 years ago

Friends - Party Anyone ?
Was talking to Reggie today - is anyone up for a party ?
If so Whats your availability

Serina Gee: What sort of time (grid time so we can all work it out!! LOL)? 2 years ago
@RhysTaylor is a brilliant astronomer whom I recently interviewed. Imagine being able to ask any question you would like about the cosmos, yes I did ask about ET
My hope is one day he will build an Observatory here in Opensim and share with us all that he has learned.

Kashi Takeshi: An observatory here in Opensim would be awesome! 2 years ago
Good morning everyone

Thank you for your patience during this move!

A couple of quick notes

1. For Pin & Sora, and any others wanting to use an avi from a different grid, such as osg, I need to invite you to group and set land to group owned. The challenge, I have tried inviting all of you to group, but it will not allow me to invite cross grid when offline which is normal. I need to be be with you to get you in group.

2. For Lily and maybe Timur and Reggie. I need you to make account at friends-grid by going to website

If issues, try making with no period in name. I tried to get company to make accounts for you and they said they will do everything but that because of legal reasons. If you want the account at friends-grid…..please make it. Serina can assist….she did this on her own yesterday .

Send me account name on osw as soon as you do this

Safinemahoe2: If you have an account, I can easily sell your land and articles back in one move If you do not have an account, we will set land as group owned which also works I can handle either 2 years ago
You may want to delete the NPC notecards that come with dance machines and PMAC furniture and replace them with your own. There are several reasons to do this. One is originality. Another is having NPCs that fit the theme of your build. Thanks to Spax Orion for this script.

Mistressdalgato: without a script you can manually delete them as well 2 years ago
Hey there!
Come over and have a nice Trance Party with us today...
We open our brand new Steam Factory Club!
it starts at 20:00 german time (11 PST)
TP all your friends and lets have a buttshaking Party ;)

Crazyposeidon: coole Sounds, great tunes, nette Leute, die passende Location ,was braucht man mehr ? Peace and Love von Crazy und Carmen 2 years ago