OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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I think I'll build this store for the items

William hell: OK, then I'll continue the project. 2 years ago

You can end up where you started from, or you can go elsewhere. Sometimes you have to try elsewhere.

Lone Wolf: What an amazing structure. 2 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ANNIVERSARY – Jubiläumsparty C&C ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

We clebrate our 2 Year Partnership CRAZY & CARMEN
Wir feiern unsere 2 jährige Partnerschaft

You are all warmly invited to celebrate with us
Ihr seid alle recht herzlich eingeladen mit uns zu feiern

Monday / Montag 11.September 2023
starts ◕11:00 OS time / 20:00 Uhr europ.


good mood / gute Laune


░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-CLUBREGION 2 ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Crazyposeidon: we thx all the wonderfull guests at our anniversary - PEACE and LOVE to all wishes C&C 2 years ago

Parcel at Opensim Fest is ready !! Phew !!! And I made a little typical Dutch freebee.

Thirza Ember: It's so pretty! the Safari - Inworld Review plot is next door so I spend a lot of time distracted by your gorgeous build! 2 years ago

Eden is home to a hidden water city, the lair of mermaids who will definitely charm you.

falene hawks: bonjour merci d'utiliser la cité Nemo en provenance de chez Falene joli travail, continue 2 years ago
This is just one of the many beautiful sights to see at the Wildlife Preserve called Peaceful Enclave located on the Lioness Den region of our grid. Glow worms are such a beautiful sight to see in their dark caves and this little cave is no exception to that rule. Stop in and tour the region, enjoy the animals and the landscape, there is just so much to see and you can tour on foot, on a horse or use one of our many vehicles available. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

LaviaLavine: On a side note, the preserve covers the entire 4x4 region not just the front quarter where the museum is. 2 years ago


ValeriaRossi: la fida maggiore è trovare le cose per farlo ad esempio i capelli, la barba lo trovata in bom dopo 11 giorni di ricerca in negozi e prove su prove, nel bom le scatole contengono un infinita di oggett... 2 years ago
Why do people live at friends-grid?

There are many places you could choose in Opensim

*Make friends from all around the globe
* focus on people and community
* most detailed underwater worlds in open sim
*fully connected grid offering excellent sailing
*horse riding through Friends Farm and the rain forest
*Surfing, wind surfing, kayak surfing and body surfing
*Xinashi region and Oh Hello clothing store
*Annihilation region - zombie apocalyptic rp
*Large selection of boats available at our public Marina
*open water areas and extremely tight sailing areas
*Sail with a group every Sunday at noon
*stunning landscapes
* Friends Casino - no money to buy
* Coming Soon - Fantasia region, Darwin Region, F1 track, Hispanic Center, The Retreat and much more!

These are all great reasons....but the main reason people come to friends-grid is the PEOPLE! We would love to have you come visit friends-grid!

We currently have 65,000 sq m island parcels available with 10,000 prims for rent. These rentals are free....we are simply looking for people who want to be a part of our growing community....not simply collect homes on every grid.

For rental information contact Safine Mahoe, Zuzu Bahro or Serina Gee

poi ci sono gli attori e i protagonisti dello spettacolo su richiesta

Chilling at Luxor < Check this out if you want to see the latest viewer that is on the way! Being tested on our grid this weekend

It's that time of the year again when OSFest is nearly ready to open the doors of a new grid to exhibitors, merchants, and sponsors to start placing their creations before the official opening on September 15th. I know I've been working on my new exhibit since mid July.

OSFest (OpensimFest) is a big event with tons of exhibits from multiple grids, including individual exhibitors, merchants, and artists, as well as educators and grid owners. Each year they create a grid just for the festival with multiple regions and tons of performers that lasts 2 weeks. At the end they have a large celebration just before the entire grid is taken down until the next year.

If you wish to participate as an exhibitor, performer, or merchant, please go here to register for a parcel: then click Register on the top menu line. Once the grid opens you'll receive a parcel number by email.

OSFest sponsors are those who support the grid monetarily to help offset the server and technical costs of running a short-term grid. Their support ensures the grid is free to everyone. If you would like to become a sponsor, go here to register where you can choose a support level you're comfortable with:

For those of you who would like to attend, you can find the calendar of events here:

To hear all the news before everyone else, join our Discord here:

Star Ravenhurst: I had no trouble registering from the website and I joined the Discord server with no issues. I plan on being a volunteer for some hours and a Hostess for some time and helping out in any way I can. I... 2 years ago
Nella welcome potrai trovare teleport per tutte le varie land della grid e nuovi avatar costruiti dai nostri creatori.
Registrarsi è facile vieni a far parte anche tu di NewLifeItaly
In the welcome you will find teleports for all the various lands of the grid and new avatars built by our creators.
Registering is easy come and join NewLifeItaly too

Dangazi Forest
Don't forget your umbrella

KrisTina: Awesome 2 years ago
oh HELLO again!
I'm updating outfits from a former shop where I did not include fat-packs. When I can, fat-packs are now included. When a fat-pack is missing from my current inventory, I'll include a note. If you can, send me that fat-pack or tell me where to find it. For example, I believe the layered tops in this outfit are part of a fat-pack with other dog graphics. When I get the fat-pack, I'll add it to the vendor and update the post about it. Also, look for items in the shop with an "updated" sign. Thanks in advance for your help.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

CopyKatCollective: Just a note. Xinashi is home to the oh HELLO shop and part of the CopyKat Collective. Visit Collective Central to hang-out and dance with old friends of the CopyKat Grid, and new friends of the Collec... 2 years ago

Chillin out at the Isis Club on Luxor before getting back to work on my OSFest build Bikerworld


Creating Tiaras this morning, this is Heart Afire. In the store foyer Jewelry

GREEDY DINKIES GREEDY TABLE NEW RELEASE! Up to 16 furballs! Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy.. and clean the paws before playing eh..

New Dress Madlen - NO Resale-
Comes with Color Hud

> Comming soon MAN STORE

---- NEW ----

Celebrating friendships new and old ones renewed.
Sunday @ Sicario's
Open to all.
Don't forget to bring your dancing shoes.
Dress Code: Dress as you please but please dress.

Kashi Takeshi: The best to get on down in the Metaverse. 2 years ago

Time for New Dress
2 Color

Happy 4th of July to everyone that celebrates it. All those that do not celebrate the 4th, have a great day and eat a hot dog :)

LeonitasLionheart: Happy 4th and a huge thank you to all of our veterans! 2 years ago
Fred thank you!! We have a beautiful bee to add to our collection! This bee has a built-in AO too, making it super easy to animate! I love this Bee and I love you Ferd! Thank you!! Please stop by to fly the garden! Please stop by to pick up your free BEE!! Gardens

SheaButter: Awesome! Thanks for sharing. 2 years ago

**** News at Camballa****
Lydia Dress in many Colors
in eBODY_ and Maitreya
Use the teleporter at the landing point
he takes you everywhere
have all good time
Karin Beckers

Thanks for the post-Thirza. Are you looking for something different? Check out what's been done, new possibilities, and a way to expand your grid's experiences. Reach out to Nyx Breen

nyxbreen: Please go to link. 2 years ago

July is here and once again OS-expo opens its doors to bring you a collection of new items from around the grids. Don't miss the party at Zee Lounge - playing classic soul from 70s/80s.

Walking through the streets of Birch Grove during Pride month is like stepping into a vivid dreamscape. Rainbow flags sway in harmony with the breeze, adorning storefronts and lamp posts. Thank you @JamieAnnaWright for recognizing that all people matter.

Do you know anyone who suffers from this common hypergrid misconception ?

Arielle: Some of the early iterations of the ToS's some Grids put up for authorization, sounded like they collected and held on to all information about visitors for 7 years, not just IP. 2 years ago
Just wanted to give a shout out to the team that has made friends-grid totally rock!

Sometimes the techies get overlooked, and they are the people who make this virtual world possible.

friends-grid is not a simple job to run….it is probably a pain in the butt because I have a minor addiction to scripts.

These guys are how I hosted a huge party yesterday with 31 people and 8,000 scripts in that region alone…. with no lag!

Thank you hosting4opensim

If you are not here for this celebration.. you are seriously missing out! This Region is beautiful.. BAD & SIWAS created a beautiful region!! Come check it out! Lofoten

Midtsommernatt i Norge
On Friday, June 23rd, from 12 p.m., we will be celebrating midsummer night in the "Lofoten" Norway.
Come and enjoy the longest day of the year and the midnight sun.
Djane Loru provides the musical entertainment and also broadcasts on her web radio
Welcome !

Midtsommernatt i Norge
Wir feiern am Freitag, 23. Juni ab 21.00 Uhr die Mitsommernacht auf den „Lofoten“ Norwegen.
Kommt vorbei und geniesst den längsten Tag des Jahres und die Mitternachtssonne.
Für die musikalische Unterhaltung sorgt Djane Loru und sendet auch auf ihrem Webradio
Herzlich willkommen ! Lofoten

SoA .BAD: Today, from 12 pm Heute ab 21.00 Uhr 2 years ago

Butterfly Hair Comb-For the updo! Jewelry

Lelly: lovely thank you 2 years ago
@FerdFrederix suggests "If you were to become a bug, you could do so by wearing an avatar that would allow you to experience the world from a bug's perspective. Imagine visiting a garden where everything is to scale, and you could truly be the bug. You would be able to explore this miniature world, see the intricacies of the plants and flowers, and feel the wind blowing through the grass virtually. You could crawl through tunnels and crevices, and even fly to new heights. Being a bug could give you a whole new appreciation for the world around you and the creatures that inhabit it." this is precisely why I adore Fred. I found a really cute ladybug that he helped to animate and for the last two days, I have been carving out a bug paradise where everything is to scale if you were a bug. I have free avatars that Fred gave us, his Rat, Blue Bird, and I am giving the ladybug so that you can experience the garden too. Please make sure you wear the avatars while visiting the 3x3 Region Goliath Gardens I will be adding new avatars too, I found a great praying mantis!! Thank YOU, Ferd!!! Gardens

Emeraude Solitaire, beautiful bezel, gold with an emerald marquise gemstone Jewelry

Skyrealm Observatory...Deep in the heart of a majestic mountain wilderness lies a floating mountain that defies all known laws of gravity and physics. It hovers above the rugged terrain, seemingly suspended in mid-air, and captivates the imagination of all who lay eyes upon it.

As you approach the floating mountain, you can feel the energy pulsing around it. It seems to draw you in, beckoning you to come closer and explore its secrets. The mountain itself is rugged and imposing, with craggy peaks and deep valleys that stretch as far as the eye can see. Despite its daunting appearance, there is a sense of serenity and tranquility that permeates the air, and you feel at peace in its presence.

I invite you to come to experience this peace. Thank you ferd frederix for making dreams come true.
Please add this to your map:

Araminta Hexx: Hi. I'm getting a time-out when trying to access the link, and I can't find the region... is it me?!? 2 years ago
What an awesome memorial day! TJ & I had smoked chicken, boston butt, and pork ribs, with potato salad, slaw, macaroni salad, texas toast, bbq baked beans, sweet tea and pecan pie. Tonight we played the board game clue which i picked up at walmart, along with some uno cards. Then I got busy in the kitchen and made a tiramisu cake, vanilla & chocolate petit fours, and white chocolate chip cookies. I sent TJ to the store for butter pecan icecream and we had a rare sweets supper while playing Clue (tm). Just all in all a fun memorial day!
A newly discovered supernova can be watched as it develops in real-time, online and for free.

This particular galaxy and supernova can be difficult to view in the night sky without the right conditions or telescope, however. Luckily, the Virtual Telescope Project will livestream the cosmic explosion on its website and YouTube channel as it develops via its power robotic telescopes based in Rome, Italy. The online event will kick off at 6:30 p.m. EDT (2230 GMT) on Friday, May 26 2023. Note that this event is weather dependent and could be delayed or cancelled due to poor conditions.

SheaButter: Now this is just virtual...right? Cause in real Betelgeuse, is unknown when this is to happen. It blew once in 2019 and settled in 2020, back to it's regular brightness. Next one is up to approx. 100... 2 years ago