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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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2nd year!
Hello folks, happy weekend. I decided to open my Christmas Sim for public sooner than scheduled . So it gives you time to explore the sim and for decorating your winter sim to make it cozy and to snuggle around with your beloved ones. All things i found so far on the open sim..The sim is really, really fully loaded so give it time to rez or make a relog, that mostly helps! Have fun exploring! If you need any help, give me a call!

New !!!
you will find them on floor 2

Wir hoffen ihr hattet alle einen entspannten, erholsamen und vor allem gesunden Sommer, der ja noch nicht ganz vorbei ist.
Deswegen senden wir euch allen mal herrliche Sonnengrüße aus dem Pangea Grid und freuen uns euch bald wieder zu Live Konzerte und andere Kulturveranstaltungen begrüßen zu dürfen. Dieses Jahr starten wir erst im Oktober, da einige von uns noch auf Reisen sind.
Einen Termin solltet ihr euch aber schon unbedingt einmal vormerken, denn wir feiern vom 5 bis zum 7 November 2021 unseren ERSTEN großen Gridgeburtstag! Wow, schon ein Jahr Pangea Grid, und wir freuen uns jetzt schon sehr auf euch alle.
Wer mag ist natürlich jederzeit herzlich eingeladen uns im Pangea Grid zu besuchen. Einige von uns sind schon zurück und bauen fleißig und bereiten das große Grid - Fest vor.
Natürlich werden wir euch rechtszeitig alle Termine zu den kommenden Veranstaltungen mitteilen.
Bis dahin genießt den Restsommer und bleibt gesund und munter!
We hope you all had a relaxing, restful and above all healthy summer, which is not quite over yet.
Therefore we send you all sunny greetings from the Pangea Grid and look forward to welcoming you soon to live concerts and other cultural events. This year we will start in October, because some of us are still traveling.
But there is one date you should keep in mind, because we will celebrate our FIRST big grid birthday from November 5 to 7, 2021! Wow, already one year Pangea Grid, and we are looking forward to seeing you all.
Of course, if you like, you are always welcome to visit us at Pangea Grid anytime. Some of us are already back and busy building and preparing for the big grid party.
Of course we will inform you in time about all dates of the upcoming events.
Soon we will see each other again! Until then, enjoy the rest of the summer and stay safe and sound!

DjChannel Hurricane at Club Huang

Colorful, beautiful and a little bit crazy..

New to the sim, inside the Freak Show.."Axehead"..

New !!!
Face tattoos bom
you will find them on floor 6

yah, you got it... if you want in, you must be smart enough to message me... otherwise... move along....rofl

NEW !!!! NEW !!!!
Naomi´s Shop
Shopping on 8 floors .

New..... Daddys Girl Dress

All things I found so far all over the hypergrid, belonging to Autumn and Halloween at one place . nice arranged, some modified . The sim has 3 parts.. on the Plateau you will find Autumn things for decorating your home. The horrible blood and gore part is inside the circus tent, surrounded by a more or less rotten ,abandoned funfair. Next to the Circus tent you find..well to much to tell and I want you to look yourself and explore. And for all Freebie Hunters..there are 4 places on the sim where you can overindulge your massive shopping, lol.:
-Next to the landing point
-Inside the Magic Shop
- tons of boxed stuff inside the church
- the house next to the graveyard
Not everything is copy but most! (and it is really a lot!!!)
And to give it a name I call the sim "Autumnville -where good meets evil and in between"
The sim is fully decorated ,so please give it time to rez or ,if necessary relog for better results! Have fun

New !!!!....Pants and Bodysuit

bastelwastel is starting again with a lot of new things to build. Everyone has a lot of fun with it, if you need help with the design of your sim please ask me when I have time I am always ready to help everyone. best regards Karin Becker

Wet Heart Region
2 days of life I already love her...

Ladies and Gentlemen...be invited to see the famous Freak Show in Autumnville

The sim is open for public now .For some nice soundeffects, remember to enable it at your sound button. The picture shows the view from the plateau. Have fun!

Kurt Cobain? LOL

Evening meditation

NEW BoM !!!!

Yesterday somebody said to me "remember, it's only 21 weeks until Christmas". I thought, wow, you must really love the holidays. In any event, since a lot of people may really like Christmas, here is an appropriately themed item from the shop :). It's a snow globe with a tiny toy train travelling around a Christmas tree. You can turn the train on and off with a click. It resizes just fine too so it works even when it's huge ;). The train is also available separately.
There's several types of wild grass at the shop, some you would even call "fantasy" (Ikr, pink grass in a virtual world, not really a stretch :D). I seem to keep adding to them, ground cover always comes in handy.
Memorial Service for Pasha Theas
Where: Opensim Memorial Gardens
When: 3 years ago [1 Aug 2021 14:00 SLT]

Please join us in the Gardens for a celebration memorial service for Pasha Theas, who passed onto to another realm on 7/6/21. Readings and memories followed by a selection of her favorite music to be held at the Solitude Memorial Venue. Pasha was well known throughout virtual, she was a creative artist in real life and virtual for many years, including fashion designer and virtual landscape architect with no compare. Opensim Memorial Gardens venue is opened to anyone to use for memorial services, in addition, there is an area for making permanent memorials in honor of someone you have lost.

If you knew Pasha, you will want to attend. Dress - semi formal.

My Grid,my fun,my game,my good friends THANK YOU ! Hugs

new nails hud for athena and femme body

Cutting the crap
I know there is freedom of speech and all that but when is enough is enough? Everytime I come on here that assholes feel the need to bash whole grids with unfounded lies and keep at it for freaking two weeks! I have a sim that is HG enabled, I like to check on how it's doing in the rankings, I also come on here to check what events are going on, what new items are available in what shop......NO instead I constantly read useless bottom feeders bash an entire grid over.....JEALOUSIES.....I am sick and tired of seeing this shit on my feed. I was always taught that if I had nothing good to say to not say anything but this has gone on for too long, I want something done about it, thank you!

Equinox this one is classic, not rigged. Free/Full Perms on the table in the foyer.
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

Pay attention because there will be a quiz. There are five tree houses in Tree House Park. Five! Come visit Tree House Park where we have, count them, five tree houses. Spoiler Alert: The park has a Tree House Car Bar and a Bird House Tree House. How cool is that? OK, here's the quiz. How many tree houses are here in Tree House Park?

Old Hickory trees. Summer and Fall, they are in their respective sections at the shop in separate boxes because they are so far apart. Excellent hardwoods...well, if they weren't virtual ;).

A lap on the flying carpet for two takes you into a world to dream

New Tattoo Lucky Letters

Memorial of Ricky Maya
Where: AMV Welcome
When: 3 years ago [27 Jun 2021 10:00 SLT]

We are gathering today on Ricky Maya's region "Terra Formatae" to pay respects to our dearly loved and sadly missed friend who left the earth on Sunday June 20th 2021. All are welcome to attend. Please join us in Alternate Metaverse Grid hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Terra%20Formatae/566/180...

Virtual Discovery Tour Mardi 29 Juin 2021
Rdv comme d'habitude vers 20h45 à l'accueil de VD .
Nous irons visiter la nouvelle sim de Max Hill "Solstice" sur la Grille Française Ignis Fatuus .
Virtual Discovery Tour Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Meeting as usual around 8:45 p.m. at the reception of VD.
We will visit Max Hill's new sim "Solstice" on the French Ignis Fatuus Grid.

If you like wandering, Novale has a network of trails
Rez a horse and do not hesitate to explore beyond trails
and go where no one has gone before

Everyone is welcome at Novale in Summer
but please do not feed the raccoons

We have a real treat for you today. DJ Terra will be on the decks for a Pink Floyd exclusive set, mixing their great tracks into a wonderful Dance Mix, all combined with an outstanding light show!

Battersea sits in the Factory estates and pays homage to this legendary group with exhibits and art works. Take the Teleport from the Art Factory Square or drop this address into your map hg.osgrid.org:80/Factory West Sea/422/450/27

Colorful, beautiful and a little bit crazy..
Come in and find out