OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Looking towards Free Port our urban steam build

Looking towards Free Port our urban steam build

A quick look at our village on the harbor. We have a few empty stores that we would love to rent out for free to creators. Please contact us if you are interested.

Great evening tonight at 10.00 pm at the Avalon castle of CosmoPlanet New, with our unsurpassed DJ Arponera who with her musical repertoire let's celebrate the arrival of Holy Christmas together. CosmoPlanet New Owners wish Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Gran velada esta noche a las 22.00 horas en el castillo Avalon de CosmoPlanet New, con nuestra insuperable DJ Arponera que con su repertorio musical celebremos juntos la llegada de la Santa Navidad. Los nuevos propietarios de CosmoPlanet desean Feliz Navidad y Felices Fiestas.

Grande seratona questa sera alle ore 22,00 al castello Avalon di CosmoPlanet New, con la nostra insuperabile DJ Arponera che con il suo repertorio musicale festeggiamo insieme l'arrivo del Santo Natale. Gli Owner di CosmoPlanet New augurano Buon Natale e Buone Feste.

A sneak preview of "The Temple Club" at Absolution

I Love You Zeta is still there for 5 days .... well some of it ....

Lone Wolf: Is everything ok? 2 years ago

The region is now finished, back up and running, so, it's business as usual!

⚔ Vikings ⚔
Blacksmith Little Shop

Grand opening invitation Thursday 22 th dec 1 PM with DJ Melanie Auxifur and a lottery.. prize is a ship!!

NEWs at the Mainstore

Today is the day!
Sat. Dec. 17th at 1pm Grid

You are cordially invited to a Coopersville Holiday Celebration in honor of our special guest, the great author Charles Dickens. Mr. Dickens will grace us with a special reading from his novel, A Christmas Carol.


When you arrive walk onto the trolley and it will teleport you to the event.

Nett hier.
Nice here.

some of you may have noticed that suddenly the rides that were not jerky suddenly are. Well the newest upgraded in opensim is causing that issues. so until creator can look at it and fix it they will still look like that. Sorry for the inconvenience.

OpenSimUser: Yes thats why i havent updated to the newest just yet. It is possible for you to rollback to a previous version, but Fred would have to tell you how to do that. That is if you are running Dreamgrid. 2 years ago
bon les franchouilles
et si vous parliez ici de vos realisations ?
hein juste comme ça pour montrer et que l'on puisse visiter el liker le terrain (pas les posts )
Elle est 'y pas bonne cette idée ?

Bonjour à toutes et tous, je viens de vous rejoindre j'en suis honorée, merci à Kelso, à tout bientôt pas marrant tous les stickers sont en anglais ^^)

Dec. 18th @ 1 - 3 PM SLT Come ROCK around the Christmas Tree !

GeoPortal Nunca hemos estado Solos Constelacion de Orion 2 Tematica Alinijena Pleyadiana Historia contactado si deseas saber de mi pregunta y te esplicare es mi proposito coincientisar al ser humano que no estamos solos y que nuestra humana alma vive en nuestro ser .

📝 "Nunca Hemos Estado Solos" GeoPortal By JPerez.

As the whole future has arrived Santa will no longer use reindeer or sleighs we have a more effective method of traveling a faster holy spaceship so Santa can rest thanks tina bey creator Of Constella...

congrats and thanks to everyone who participated in the OSCC safari event! While we were grid jumping, a 'safari' video was being broadcast. The bit about the safari event begins here:
If you didn't get the souvenir gift, your own personal Ivory Tower, it's still available in front of the Artist's Biographies on
Note: the OSCC video looks a bit pixellated - try Mal's version of the video here -

Oubliet: OoOOOoo...I need to go back and pick up the gift! 2 years ago
DJ Kith Spins at Rockin' the Blues Plus OSCC After Party! 7:30 PM!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Tonight 7:30 to 9 pm SLT
DJ Kith is taking over the stage for DJ Rosa for a special 3 HOUR Sunday set at Rockin' The Blues. Tonight we are welcoming guests from Opensim Community Conference (OSCC) for their "After Party"!! Come on down to Rockin' the Blues and hang with friends old and new! It's going to be a great party night on Wyldwood Bayou Grid! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Star Ravenhurst: The party was a blast!! Thank you so much for hosting it! 2 years ago

⚔ Vikings ⚔
Fireball Catapult  

Boa noite a todos,

Começando a Festa A Volta dos Que Não Foram, no comando do DJ Gladiatuz!!!

Não fiquem de fora!!!

Todos convidados!!!

Equipe de Festas de Terra Nova Grid

The Grid is down for Maintenance til tomorrow Midday German Time ..
Das Grid ist bis morgen Mittag runtergefahren wegen Serverarbeiten

Attention Cinéphiles!
Dimanche, le 11 décembre 2022 à 12h00 (SLT) / 15h00 (Qc) / 21h00 (Fr) Ciné-parc chez Jo - Profitez d'une projection de cinéma en plein air, sur grand écran, confortablement assis dans une automobile. Système de diffusion synchronisée permettant à tous les avatars participants de voir et d'entendre la même chose en même temps, quelque leur emplacement dans le monde.

Rendez- vous à
- À l'accueil, un téléporteur vous transportera au ciné-parc.

Cette semaine: Bon Cop, Bad Cop 2 - un film d'action québécois de 2017. Un policier québécois francophone et un policier ontarien anglophone se réunissent pour enquêter sur un important réseau de vol de voitures dirigé par un gangster italien.
Pour plus de détails, voir

More islands made. for people to live in..

CataRaven: Trouble Ahead made beautiful island with a beautiful house on Catronian Archipelago! Come and check it out:)) 2 years ago
Winter Solstice Solitaire-the advent calendar comes to mind. I have really enjoyed creating 25 new items for the Advent calendar. I also enjoy the messages I am receiving too! The charm bracelet may be difficult for some to assemble, but no worries I have one assembled for you, please ask I will pass it to you. Thank you everyone this has been lots of fun!
Mac with 15 accounts on 6 grids caught .. two down,....


Hugabug: yeah that one there is trouble 2 years ago
Private Mail and Objects...
If you want to leave me totally private mail, you can come to There are 3 mailboxes. One takes notecards that only I can read. One let's you type in messages only for me, it's made by Aaaack Ardvark { arcadia's mailbox } , finally the middle red mailbox is for items. If you like, you can drop off an item you think I will like in my red dropbox. It will stay there until I open the box and take out the item(s). If you would like copies of these please come by, but get arcadia's mailbox from Aaaack's sim.

still have time to join us in the ballroom.. Complex

En plus de la chasse au calendrier de l'Avent et du marché de Noël, la région Novale propose un grand nombre d'activités liées à l'hiver. La photo ci-dessus montre ma compagne Dabici Straulino faisant une belle balade en ski de fond sous les étoiles avec son chien compagnon. Nous entretenons plus de 7 km de pistes de ski de fond pour vos tenir en bonne forme. Les parcours sont scriptés afin que vous puissiez concentrer toute attention sur l'environnement qui défile et les sons qui vous entourent.

We are back open server update is complete!

Our annual Holiday Show is approaching soon! Dec 16 at 6 pm pacific time- come early to get a seat and listen to holiday music.

Latest updates on Neverworld City Role play areas, Lucidus and Stilwater are now becoming one huge city zone located in the bad lands area of Neverworlds Continent Project . So if you want a role play area and Free land for your own home or base right next door come check out Lucidus , Stilwater and the great Fallout Badlands Continent project areas. ( Free Home areas available to Neverworld Avatars only) Role play open to all. Dont forget to check out our other Great Role play sims Advantis Scifi Starwars , and Free Port Steam Punk.

Nexus Storm: Lucidus and Stilwater revamp will be finished over the next few weeks come check out the place any ideas welcome!!! 2 years ago
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴1:00p ∵∴ ❈
» Шhat: • LIVE MUSIC •
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ Chic/Casual ∵∴ ❈
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Diese Woche das grosse opening Wochenende auf OFFWORLD .. Sonntag ab 18 Uhr Rock Abend mit DjGenie & Djane Bella .. kommt und seid dabei .. HUGs

This Week .. great opening Weekend at OFFWORLD .. Sunday from 9AM SLT Rock Evening .. with DJ Genie & Djane Bella on the Turntables .. come on and join the great Party

The music of the night
