OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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No nudity allowed? Well gosh. There went my promising career as a reverse stripper. I was gonna run on stage nekkid? Everyone would throw money at me, and scream put it on. OH PLEASE! Put it on! HAHA! xD :D Have an AWESOME week everyone. Prayers, love, hugs, n high 5's! ^^ :)

New clothes for man and woman !!!!!

HI all

My grid had been getting attacked from griefer throwing all items all over the regions even on "no build allowed" regions and can you please ban this fucking person. It not even funny. Why on earth this person want to attack grid for??


screenshot pic ===>

Panthera Mayor: The HG Safari did got attack not long ago by annoying griefer and also look this article on HG Safari that actually happened to that grid attack as well since 2012 at 2 years ago
You Never Know What You Will Find On CopyKat Grid.
This boy is full of dreams about who he could grow up to be. Astronaut. Rugby player. Surfer dude. Some random guy with a red hat. CopyKat Grid has 44 regions with umpteen number of free full-perm items. Maybe even a pretty pink princess outfit for a boy with a dream. One thing is sure. You never know what you will find on CopyKat Grid.

AireTenku: Random guy with a red hat. I think we've found the theme of the next event at Aether. 3 years ago

KarinBecker: Wunderschön gemacht..........Wonderful............einzigartig klasse was soll ich sagen Himmel A......und zwirn ......kisses to all 3 years ago
Yesterday, April 3rd, Kelso and I (Dabici) were Mal Burn invitees at Inworld News
It was a nice opportunity to showcase the four seasons of Novale
You can see it here :

Thirza Ember: Very beautiful grid. 3 years ago

Rudi Bakerly: Drei neue Outfits auf Level 2 " Women Outfits " Three new outfits at Level 2 " Women outfits " Come in and find out ! 3 years ago
What on earth? Or maybe not earth... I found this little robot drone like thing. It's eyes are lit up, it has a rotating radar antenna on top, it has flashing lights, and a jet blue exhaust.
It also plays many different robot sounds. I thought wouldn't this be cool if people could rez it at their welcome centers and it flew around. So I made it fly around using another script i found.
Oh, did I mention the lasers? It shoots blue lasers... Get it at Free Magic on :)

Lone Wolf: Love it! 3 years ago

Found this great character at Sketchfab. I rigged it and added it to the Rigged avatar store. Please meet "Archer"

oni kiri: 3 years ago
*** WEEPING WILLOW TREES V2** Not a new release but found a better decent model, now looking more like RL - Available for FREE and FULLPERM at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX 05.
Ps. Seasonal textures included!

Ludo Davis: Hello, I tried the V2 but in my opinion the other version look better. I'll keep the first one safe in my backup. 3 years ago
I've made an addition to the Enchanted section of the shop this morning.

They are possibly mysterious however if nothing else, they do make a statement. The Boba flowers grow in 5 different colors and have 4 different versions.
One version is scripted with SF Poser in case you would like to actually be "among" the flowers....or you just need extra seating at a garden party.

Textures are included, check the enclosed notecard for which model has them inside.

If you have some space to fill and you want it really full....these are the flowers for you.
P.s Being perfectionist suck lolol Thx some friends alerted me about how trees look like RL so once more made modifications. Hope u all like it.
Ps.1 Modified as well the Norway Spruces conifers! (same box number!)

The Rainbow Room, accessible via the sign board, filled with lots of lovely rainbow items for Pride or any time of year.

The sim will be closed for public soon . Thank you all for visiting this place. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Stay healthy and hopefully we see us back next year!

So many people wanted a fairy magic hud... Well wish granted!
This amazing hud has many powers and hopefully will leave you spellbound.
Cast Magic Spells, Ride a Leaf Chariot, or even Meditate on the Magic Mushroom Circle.
As always DON'T SELL IT. Other than that, enjoy!
Note: click twice to open hud, click once to close it, and erase all magic.
Note2: You can put the magic into any necklace you like, if you don't know how just hunt me down, and i'll do it for you. :)
Schloss Versailles ist eines der größten Schlösser in Europa und wurde ab 1661 immer weiter ausgebaut..
Der barocke Prachtbau gehört mittlerweile zum Weltkulturerbe.

Im Soul Grid hat Udo Fröhliche den Original Bauplan aus dem 16. Jahrhundert genommen und das Fundament mit Prims und Meshes nachgebaut. Auf den Fassaden und den Innenräumen befinden sich Texturen, die das Original darstellen. Viele Teile sind im Eigenbau entstanden.
Die Innenreinrichtung ist atemberaubend schön und täuschend echt.

Fertig gestellt sind bis jetzt das Entree, der Aufgang , Vorzimmer, Spiegelsaal und die beiden Schlafzimmer von König und Königin. Weitere Räume werden mit der Zeit folgen. Es wird so eine never ending Story :-)

Die weitläufigen königlichen Gartenanlagen hat Alice Wunder gestaltet

Die Meisterin des Landschaften hat hier die Symmetrie des damaligen Gartenbaus unvergleichlich schön dem Original nachempfunden.

Wir sind stolz dieses Projekt mit einem würdigen Event einweihen zu dürfen.

Deswegen laden wir euch ganz herzlich am 23.12.2021 ab 20:00 Uhr zu einem
hochherrschaftlichen Weihnachtsball im Spiegelsaal des Chateau Versailles ein .

Wer mag kann die Gewänder des Barock tragen und seiner Angebeteten oder seinem Angebeteten beim Menuett die Hand reichen.
Wer nicht mag, erscheint trotzdem und lauscht den Klängen morderner Musik, wenn Hofdame Nasti auflegt.

Damit es eine Überraschung bleibt, werden wir erst kurz vor der Veranstaltung eine Region hier anlegen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Castle Versailles is one of the largest castles in Europe and was continuously expanded from 1661 onwards.
The magnificent baroque building is now a part of World Heritage.
In the Soul Grid, Udo Fröhliche took the original blueprint from the 16th century and rebuilt the foundation with prims and meshes. On the facades and interiors there are textures that represent the original. Many parts were made in-house.

The interior design is stunningly beautiful and deceptively real.

So far, the entrance, the staircase, anteroom, hall of mirrors and the two bedrooms of king and queen have been completed. More rooms will follow over time. It will be such a never ending story :-)
Alice Wunder has designed the extensive royal gardens

We are proud to inaugurate this project with a worthy event.

That's why we cordially invite you to a 23.12.2021 from 20:00 o'clock to a
a stately Christmas ball in the Hall of Mirrors of the Chateau Versailles.

If you like, you can wear the robes of the Baroque and shake hands with your beloved at the minuet.
If you don't like it, still appear and listen to the sounds of modern music when Lady Nasti spins the tunes.
To keep it as a surprise, we will open the OSW Region shortly before the Event starts
I am sorry my grid was down so long. I broke an ankle, almost died from gangrene, and lost a leg. I simply wasn't home for awhile, months in hospital. But I am back, and Rebelworld, and it's lands, including the 3 posted here live. lol ;) hugs n high 5's, good karma. and prayers for everyone.

(update) experiencing some bumps, but it WILL be back up as fast as I can fix the loopback, and address mess from where my internet provider has been changed. :)

(update 2) On hold with my ISP. Having [port-forward issues. Can't get in my router. I am waiting to get the info currently to access to manually port forward. I am sorry if you cannot access my world for a little while.

(update 3) A friend who has land, and an avatar on my server got on! :D If anyone not on my server gets on? PLEASE let me know? hugs n high 5's :)
To my taste, kitty clothes can be too cute. Well, to my mind, this outfit is cute, but not too. Admittedly, there are the kitty sweaters (you get 2), the kitty necklace, the rings with all kinds of stuff, but darn it -- there's a kitty on it too. The pants? Line drawings of kitties. But then there are the boots. No kitties there! Just a pirate skull & crossbones...a cute skull & crossbones. Damn. But hey, that's only on one of the 8 pairs of boots in the fat-pack. What kind of boots? You had to ask. Cute freaky flat wellies, aka Puddle boots...

01 prim only - leaves with animation! (seasonal tree, textures inside!)
"Prunus padus, known as bird cherry, hackberry, hagberry, or Mayday tree, is a flowering plant in the rose family. It is a species of cherry, a deciduous small tree or large shrub up to 16 meters (52 ft) tall. It is the type species of the subgenus Padus, which have flowers in racemes. It is native to northern Europe and northern and northeast Asia, and is grown as an ornamental in North America. "

Merci à tout le monde
Many thank alles
1 decembre 2021

Ok, I promise, the last polar bear item ;) These are in the event you are tired of just having snowmen in the yard. Polar bear snow sculptures are out in the winter section. These guys really like to have a good time.
I really hate to have to do this but, I want to make it clear that my region is NOT a shopping region. Most of what is on it are builds that I have made myself though there are items that I have gotten from around Open Sim in the freebie stores. That said, let's be perfectly clear - there are malls for you to go shopping for freebies if you want, my "Home" is not a freebie shopping mall, it is a residence you are free to visit and enjoy, but after today's experience I have made everything I can "no copy". When someone visits my region and I am there and greet them and talk to them and they do not respond at all even though I send them the same greeting in their native language that is just TOTALLY RUDE. Then walk around just grabbing all the "copiable" items you can find, well I become a whole lot less accommodating and make everything no copy and it will remain so. I'm usually a very friendly person, and I love to meet new people and chat and visit and will continued to be so, however if you wish anything from my region, from now on, show some common courtesy and ASK. Thank you.

Dinkies goes Gothic, full new outfit in the store, check it out!

This Dinkie cloth is only for opensim. It will not work on the Dinkies in Second Life. The topology and weighting is different, although they look the same.

Looking familiar?

Galleria of animesh parts & pieces of everything imaginable all copy all free all the time

NEW !!!

Come in and find out !!!!

Art is Pointless

New !!!
you will find them on floor 2

Sunset at Autumnville

New in the Store, Join :)

New!!!! Latex Boots

New!!! Sweater Dress Fatpack

bonjour hello guten tag
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new vote

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