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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Hallo ihr Lieben,
heute ganz SPONTAN Querbeet-Party im Tosca !!!!!!!!!!!!
: WER : Nasti
: WAS : Querbeet
: WANN : 19.30 UHR !!!!!

Belze Cherub: PARTY PARTY PARTY 5 months ago
It's scientifically proven that laughter strengthens the immune response!

Hey hey hey it is (or will be) the 5th of May and ZW pushed the boat out for WORLD LAUGHTER DAY!!!!!! Another fabulous evening of entertainment.


10am - DJ TANYA
11am - HAZEL ITO
1pm - MATTIE

Do your body some good and enjoy some jokes and great music. It will be another night to remember so go Zeta go Zeta go Zeta rarara!

TailorNova: Great Party 5 months ago

and... one new ride for the fun.... for speed try the orange snake car .... ;-)

LeonitasLionheart: YESSSSSSSSSSSS....SSSSSSSSSS....i soooo need thisssssss in my life! 5 months ago
Dear friends of fairy tales
Cloudshead Worldheart
will be closed for a few days,
due to a major grid update
As soon as all work is completed,
we will let you know!
Thank you for your understanding!
Warm greetings
Liebe Märchenfreunde,
Cloudshead Worldheart
wird für ein paar Tage geschlossen sein,
wegen einem großen Grid Update.
Sobald alle Arbeiten abgeschlossen sind,
werden wir es euch wissen lassen!
Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis!
Herzliche Grüße
its officially ready, come down to three rivers and check out our small shops on diff street corners, they are scattered round town.. enjoy exploring and finding our lil treasures


Check out Lone Wolf's Wolf Territories Grid for the best Modern Virtual Land!
Yes folks! Come on down to Lone Wolf's today for some amazing offers, tools and fun!


Now, with a HUD :)

News! hop://astralia.eu:8002/TierraDeVolcanes/156/475/3224

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh esas capas de materials como se notan 6 months ago

#newbody #davissbody #ultimatebom #arkhamgrid

hg.osgrid.org:80:Mech Lab

The Mech Lab Egg Hunt is on! Gear up and scramble to find 4 hidden eggs scattered around the Lab. Each egg cracks open to reveal a different awesome Mech Model!

Get ready to search high and low, pilots!

Your Clues:
Egg 1: G-Suit Gambit

Amongst the gear that pilots don, a hidden Mech awaits, ready to spawn.

Egg 2: Fountain Fortune

By the water's flowing gleam, a Mech Model waits in a parkland dream.

Egg 3: Secret Lab Stash

Deep within the hidden Levels lair, a Mech Model's secrets wait to share.

Egg 4: Hangar Hideaway

Soar through the hangar high and wide, a Mech Model's waiting, where giants reside.

Happy Weekend!

hg.osgrid.org:80:Mech Lab

LeonitasLionheart: very cool and ty! they look amazing. are you working towards making them fully operational some day...scripted, animated, fireable weapons with damage, etc? so cool, either way. long as they aren't u... 6 months ago

----- NEW -----

A new outdoor piece, a beach cabana that sits up to 4 people!
More than 1300 animations in several configurations.
Comes with a HUD for the textures.

Note: Please click once on vendor, and WAIT. Specially if HG-ing. Spamming it will only send debug to all region.

Uber: hop://playground.darkheartsos.com:8002/Darkhearts Boutiques/392/352/23
This is called a lectica. It's a small bed that you are carried on by 2 npc's. Satyr Aeon built the original one, I fixed it up some here and there. You can drive it around like a car and up to 4 people can ride with you. :) You can make the npc's run by pushing the pgUp button. Here my NPC servants are walking across a narrow rope bridge carrying me. hehehe Satyr Aeon made this, I just tweaked some scripts and rebuilt the bed. :) Now with the new scripts you can link whatever you want to it, and it won't mess up the npc's because it gets their named prims prim numbers through script. Also I've fixed some issues with the original code. But credit should go to Satyr as he made it. There's one at wizardry you can copy for free. cyberdatastorm.com:8002:Wizardry And yes their legs actually walk when you are moving it around.

Jared Seda: Very cool! Its so cool what everyone does with NPC. I liked the way you set up those ones at the castle you showed me. 6 months ago
This THING. It's a globe of the sky which turns around the flat earth. A sun & moon also turn around the flat earth. The earth (map of your sim?) sits on the backs of 4 elephants which are standing on a turtle. I found this and it was very old and very broken. I fixed it. It is now at the school of magic on wizardry for you to copy. Note: The school of magic is not the magic store, it's the building you can fly over to beside the castle.

New user boards at the Welcome Area

2 New avatars you can found them at LFG11 Littlefield Anniversary Expo hop://lfgrid.com:8002/Littlefield%20Anniversary/485/355/22 Till Abril 30 (after at Mexico Lindo ) -

Just added 40 more avatars to the 200. Be a superhero or mech or spongebob. All free...never pay for things in opensim!

Jerralyn Franzic: Love it! Grabbed a few figures, including Beverly Crusher and the Peekachoo bot. Thanks again! =) 6 months ago
A visit from @FerdFrederix today. Bringing more magic to the Sakuragawa region! He added horse stables and horses so that we can ride and explore this 3x3! He tested it out and said you can ride the whole way even going over the bridges! After your ride, you might be hungry so stop in at the Ramen House next to the Fish Market! Thank you, Ferd! three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Zensational https://youtu.be/okFpz1RpmnU?si=VHGHaXYU8cAk9a2Z

WTF?.... I'd rather leave this to your imagination.......

LeonitasLionheart: Someone is bound to get lucky, sooner or later... 6 months ago

We are making progress at Zensational's Sakuragawa. @FerdFrederix has been adding cool touches throughout the region, come see his fishing shack! three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Zensational

I felt the earth move under my feet in NYC today. Thank goodness my Brownstones in Indigo Industries are still standing.

We are so not used to earthquakes on the east coast but this is the second one this year. The one we had in January however I didn't feel at all but people up in the Bronx did. The one today I felt it. And it lasted too long to me.
Did any of you feel the quake today in NYC or NJ or PA or anywhere in the NorthEast of the United States?

Well it is definitely safe here at Indigo Industries in Indigo Blue Realm on Wolf Territories.
We have furnished apartments.Transitory housing, free for new residents of Wolf Territories for 10 days while you decide where you would like to call home. 300 personal prims, parcel security, radio, welcoming community. Come take a look. If you want to stay with us after 10 days. Take a look at our Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli Villages.

Hyacinth: We get quite a few 2.0 - 3.0 magnitude earthquakes in New Hampshire per year, and all around New England. There was a 5.6 in 1940.. and in the past there were several 6.5 earthquakes. The Pilgrims ... 6 months ago

Wanna play with fire?

"Fire good!" by Jason O'Halloran is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts

that little store everyone is talking about

Grand Opening of Flores Sea: A Spectacular Adventure Awaits!

We are thrilled to announce the official opening of Flores Sea, an enchanting destination for adventure seekers and explorers. As of today, Monday, April 1st, 2024, at 05:00 pm european time our gates are wide open, inviting you to immerse yourself in a world of natural beauty and thrilling experiences.

Visiting Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 4:00 PM to midnight (European Time)
What Awaits You:
Picturesque Landscapes: Flores Sea boasts numerous breathtaking locations waiting to be discovered.
Arrival Instructions: Upon arrival, take the teleporter (TP) to Wild Adventure. From there, you can access a variety of islands via our convenient boat rezzer.
The wild adventure Island has a lot to offer , take your time as there is a lot to see. We offer Surfing Rock climbing and jumping , Quad Rezzer, Elephant riding Rezzer, cozy hideaways and much more.

Island Exploration: Explore the hidden gems scattered across the archipelago. Crystal-clear waters, lush forests, and pristine beaches await your discovery.
Thrilling Activities: Whether you’re into surfing, rock climbing, or adrenaline-pumping jumps, by boat crossing caves, underwater world at the caves and naturist area Flores Sea has it all.
Cozy Retreats: Unwind in our cozy hideaways, where tranquility meets adventure.

There are also skippered sailing yacht tours throughout Flores Sea, upon request.

Adult-Only Experience: Please note that Flores Sea is an adult-only sim, ensuring a mature and respectful environment for all visitors.
Join Us!
We extend a warm invitation to all adventurers, thrill-seekers, and nature enthusiasts. Come experience the magic of Flores Sea—a place we’ve poured our hearts into creating.

Warm regards,

Crazy and Carmen Ever Owners, Flores Sea Adventure

Feierliche Eröffnung von Flores Sea: Ein spektakuläres Abenteuer erwartet euch!

Wir freuen uns, die offizielle Eröffnung von Flores Sea bekannt zu geben, einem bezaubernden Reiseziel für Abenteuersuchende und Entdecker. Ab heute, Montag, 1. April 2024, um 17:00 Uhr europäischer Zeit sind unsere Tore weit geöffnet und laden euch ein, in eine Welt voller natürlicher Schönheit und aufregender Erlebnisse einzutauchen.

Dienstags und donnerstags: 16:00 bis 24:00 Uhr (europäische Zeit)
Was euch erwartet:
Malerische Landschaften: Flores Sea bietet zahlreiche atemberaubende Orte, die darauf warten, entdeckt zu werden.
Ankunftsanweisungen: Nehmt nach euerer Ankunft den Teleporter (TP) zu Wild Adventure. Von dort aus könnt ihr über unseren praktischen Bootsrezzer eine Vielzahl von Inseln erreichen.
Das Wildlife Adventure hat viel zu bieten, nehmt euch Zeit, denn es gibt viel zu sehen. Wir bieten Surfen, Klettern und Springen, Quad-Rezzer, Elefantenreiten-Rezzer, gemütliche Rückzugsorte und vieles mehr.

Inselerkundung: Entdeckt die verborgenen Schätze des Archipels. Kristallklares Wasser, mit Booten durchfahrbare Höhlenwelt, Unterwasserwelten in der höhle und im Naturist Gebiet , üppige Wälder und unberührte Strände warten darauf, von euch entdeckt zu werden.
Aufregende Aktivitäten: Ob ihr euch für Surfen, Klettern oder adrenalingeladene Sprünge interessiert, Flores Sea hat alles zu bieten.
Gemütliche Rückzugsorte: Entspannt euch in unseren gemütlichen Rückzugsorten, wo Ruhe auf Abenteuer trifft.

Auf Anfrage werden auch Segelyachttouren mit Skipper im gesamten Flores-Meer angeboten.

Erlebnis nur für Erwachsene: Bitte beachtet, dass es sich bei Flores Sea um eine Simulation nur für Erwachsene handelt, die eine erwachsene und respektvolle Umgebung für alle Besucher gewährleistet.
Begleitet uns!
Wir laden alle Abenteurer, Abenteuerlustigen und Naturliebhaber herzlich ein. Kommt und erlebt die Magie des Flores-Meeres – eines Ortes, für dessen Erschaffung wir unser ganzes Herzblut eingesetzt haben.

Herzliche Grüße,

Crazy und Carmen Ever Owners, Flores Sea Adventure

Carmen Jewel: The region boasts an abundance of breathtaking natural landscapes, ideal for photography enthusiasts. 6 months ago

And in the darkness, will their cups runeth over, into the well of despair.

ToyBoy: Cool! 6 months ago

Many have tried. Many have died. And their bones turn to dust even now.

Happy Easter from the Valley of Ancient Easters
Where the traditional forms to mold Easter Chocolates
Are preserved in conservatory cottages
Happy Easter to everyone ( from Dabici and Kelso)

Week 9: Lets get Moving with SF Poser
with out animations we wouldnt be moving. So lets learn how to set up our own sequences
hg.trianon-world.com:18002:Learning Center
10 am Saturdays is when all classes start

LeonitasLionheart: Good job esse. You rock. If knowledge is power; sharing knowledge is divine! 7 months ago
Own your DreamGrid, own your creativity. Build captivating virtual worlds, foster a community, and be the architect of extraordinary experiences. It's not just software, it's a boundless canvas for your imagination to take flight. https://outworldz.com/outworldz_installer/Grid/ @FerdFrederix thank you!
As usual, I had lots of windows up and didn't see a message from Captain Shadow until I closed my windows. Some mornings the kindness people extend just overwhelms me, Captain sent me this lovely Tea House for Sakuragawa, thank you Captain this is such an adorable house. I have it already placed and it looks incredible! Thank you!

SN Outfit Karin
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

Genesis Roleplay Grid will be off line for a couple of hours barring any issues to allow for an upgrade to a newer version and some other maintenance responsibilities. We'll be back as quickly as we can.

LaviaLavine: Our Masala Al Kohav region is back on line for all who wish to do a little shopping. I will be sure to let you know when the other regions are available. :) Thank you all for your wonderful suppor... 7 months ago
Ask and ye shall receive. The church I made was loved but, far too big for my friend's needs, so when I suggested something smaller, it was agreed I'd make a chapel and this is it. A really beautiful little stone chapel that has a wonderful warmth to it and it comes fully decorated and furnished. It's free, full perm, and waiting for you at the Star Jinn Palisade in our Masala Al Kohav region. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

First meeting of the Board Of Directors. We are getting close! Lavia Lavine and Ms. Kal. Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey and the members of the BOD. Countdown...

Today there will be one more special event for visitors to the GavezDois Art Gallery: an hour-long show by the excellent singer Zoree Jupiter, at 1:00 pm grid time (20:00 GMT), at Velazquez Bonetto Space.

Good music in a stunning space is what we have to offer to anyone who visits us today. We meet there.


Patinha: I'm looking forward to today's show! 7 months ago
Amor fati is a Latin phrase that can be translated as “love of destiny” or “love of one’s own destiny”. It is used to describe an attitude in which one views everything that happens in life, including suffering and loss, as good or at least necessary.

And it is also the name of the new exhibition at Art Gallery GavezDois. It was brought from a large and magnificent exhibition taking place at Grid Craft World, entitled "La Terra Inquieta", where several artists, including us, were invited to exhibit art on the themes of War, Migrations and the Environment.

We were very moved by this exhibition which, from now on, will also be available to visitors at Osgrid.


Jerralyn Franzic: I've enjoyed all of your current exhibits. I'll check this one out soon! 7 months ago