OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Nice evening for surfing

Surf's up!

Yoshikawa Lighting Ltd. is open for business. Scripted rotating pars & lasers with HUD controllers, pendulum lasers, mesh box truss, animated DJ console, drum kits & guitars! All free and more coming soon!

there are still two vacant lots

Getting things boxed up for buyers, at the Shopping District in Avalon Reborn

Another week ill have all the freebies for Halloween out and then week after for Christmas. All the things I have gathered are my favs! tonight we are having a little pre party lol so welcome to come anytime and have look so far 2 levels of freebies in the sky hugss
Welcome to our Association.
Born in 2007 on Secondlife and declared in 2011 in real life. I am called to all kinds of Humanitarian Action. Telethon.Mucoviscidose.Sidaction and fight with the LGBT community. (c) (R) is looking for Dj's or Singers. and his Team is recruiting. Contact us.



We have come so far! Never could have gotten anywhere without the undying support of my Beloved, Hairy Thor and all our wonderful friends and members of the OpenSim community! A toast! Here's to another wonderful year!
Moria brennt !
Etwas über ein Jahr ist es nun her, dass wir bei uns in Dorenas World ein Event zum Thema Flüchtlinge in Mittelmeer veranstaltet haben. Titel: Seenotrettung ist kein Verbrechen
In der Zwischenzeit ist viel geschehen, aber es hat sich wenig verändert - und wenn dann kaum zum Besseren. Wir hören von Booten in Seenot die von der Marine nicht nur nicht gerettet, sondern auf's offene Meer hinausgedrängt werden - ein Verbrechen, dass jeder Menschlichkeit Hohn spricht. Und die, die es bis auf die griechische Insel Lesbos geschafft haben, hat man mit unzureichender Versorgung zu Tausenden in ein völlig überfülltes Lager buchstäblich eingepfercht. Es war keine Überraschung, was wir jetzt an schrecklichen Bildern zu sehen bekommen:
Moria brennt !
Es war eine Katastrophe mit Ansage - und das Elend ist noch nicht am Ende. Schon ist man dabei das Problem zu "lösen", indem man die Menschen in ein neues Lager einzusperren versucht.

Wir denken es ist höchste Zeit für ein neues Event und haben die Woche vom 21.-27.9. dafür ausgewählt, denn es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren.

Wer mit Aktivitäten oder Ideen Idea zu diesem Event beitragen möchte, wird gebeten sich kurzfristig mit mir oder Anachron in Verbindung zu setzen.
Event planning

It's been a little over a year since we hosted an event on the topic of refugees in the Mediterranean at Dorenas World. Title: Rescue at sea is not a crime
Much has happened in the meantime, but little has changed - and if so, hardly for the better. We hear of boats in distress that are not only not rescued by the navy, but are pushed out to sea - a crime that scorns all humanity. And those who made it to the Greek island of Lesbos were literally cooped up by the thousands into a completely overcrowded camp with insufficient supplies. It was no surprise what horrible pictures we now see:
Moria is on fire!
It was a catastrophe with an announcement - and the misery is not over yet. You are already in the process of "solving" the problem by trying to lock people up in a new camp.

We think it is high time for a new event and we have the week of September 21-27. selected for this because there is no time to waste.

Anyone who would like to contribute to this event with activities or ideas is asked to contact me or Anachron at short notice.

Druids' Circle

Corpo bento mesh ( Male body ) corpo editado com os produtos da loja, pegue os produtos e monte o seu

Adonis 4 is now a work in progress, for more updates please follow

Hey guys!!! Today we bring you this 52 Male BoM Hairbases Starter Pack for your Bento BoM Mesh Heads enjoy and Share!!! :) Harbor Conglomerate City

Our FkickR

121 793 views Since December 2019

Second concept: (c) YaKa-Western Land&Club (By Elo VitaKali)

An Amerindians corner accompanied by a superb Western Village. The whole Protect from Mountains. A Perfect reproduction made by my Niece Elo VitaKali. A Club is also planned for entertainment. Corners for Lovers. A concept that gives you a feeling of Serenity.

Parallel-Free-Full Jewelry

Looking for beta testers - now using coins for trading and also a backpack for carrying things around.
You can test without affecting your main farm. More info at and Beta items in the Mintor shop (

Salão de beleza para elas com cabelos grátis

YaKa-Island 2

Party Destination Grid Official Partners of our Association (c) (R) since 2007 on Secondlife. OpenSim is an excellent social network for multiple shared activities. We will do great things with Respect & Solidarity.

When you need some down time, a peaceful get away from the bustle and the pressures of the day to day, Odayakana means Peace.

Silver Waves Band-Unisex-Free Full Perms-

Hobbiton free hobbit houses
Free House Gallery II

Welcome to the desert oasis

While walking you will find shops with free stuff to share. Boxes that I find throughout my visits, and that I put at your disposal. Clothes, boxes of decorations, stuff to decorate the sim. In short, the best is to come and visit.

Good visit

Hi everybody :) Athena 6 is a Work in Progress, will bring Bakes on Mesh and will come out soon :)

Mr.Wobbit in Rock
Where: Nihilon
When: 4 years ago [18 Jul 2020 11:00 SLT]

Dorenas-World proudly presents
Live at the Rock House
Mr. Wobbit in Rock
Sa. 18. July 2020, 20:00 Uhr (CET)
Taxi: Dorenas-Woröd:8002:Nihilon

Relaxing Place with few hidden chillouts enjoy the experience.......

Hey Naturals :) Today is your day and we just bring you this mesh add-on with 3 new shapes for your Athena body that work with all appliers as another version for the Future Athena Bakes on Mesh Body, Enjoy and share :)

Spinel Pazazz for the lovers of gold-Free-Full Perms

Spontan Party im TOSCA !!!!!!!!!

Welcome! fashionable and stylish men's clothing. men