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Ruth and Roth

Good advice for Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2 users:

Ideally, your body and everything else that's scripted (HUD, eyeballs if you're wearing them, feet and nails on Ruth2 v4) should show those yellow "Finished reading notecard" and "Free memory" messages after logging in, at least after teleporting somewhere that's running on a different server.

If it doesn't, it might be a good advice to reset the scripts in these scripted attachments. Chances are it even saves you detaching and re-attaching everything just to get the scripts back working, for example if your alpha mode acts up, or if you can't control your hands.
I am using the Ruth 2 v4 BOM body and I was wondering if anyone knows any good legal sources for singles dances that do not use face animations (or face animations that work well with Ruth). Thank you :)

NilaShavaress: I am looking for singles dances, not couple :) thank you 2 years ago
I decided that I wanted a custom manicure, but was disappointed to discover that the UV mapping for the fingernails and toenails only allowed for a single color (or texture) to be applied. So. . . I remapped the UVs and now each nail can be unique. I've only made one "polish" so far but have saved all of my working files (blender, photoshop, etc) out on GitHub if anyone else wants to play around with it or make their own. I didn't modify the meshes at all, but since I changed the UVMapping for the nails, I rigged and re-exported those as .dae files that will work with the universal texture. The fingernail texture is on Aux1, and the toenail texture is on Aux2. I also put them in a box in the welcome area of my region.

My GitHub:

NilaShavaress: got them, thank you :) 2 years ago
In order to make things easier, I've started making off-site lists with shopping destinations which I can update when necessary.

So far, I have a list of shops that offer legal mesh clothes either for the Ruth2 family or for the system body (Damien Fate, Clutterfly) which bodies from the Ruth2 family may be able to wear nonetheless.

Here it is:

Since it's part of a personal wiki, I can update the list if something should change, or if I should stumble upon new shops.

Another list which I want to make but haven't started yet will contain shops that offer layer clothes that could be useful for BoM bodies, of which there are several now, especially in the Ruth2 family.

I'll also link all lists on the group pages to make them easier to find.
I have another shopping destination for all you Ruth2 v4s who like Clutterfly and Damien Fate: Marianna Monentes' Catena di isole (

Just recently, Marianna herself opened a shop named Classic Closet that offers textured Damien Fate clothes along with other things, now even including original mesh skirts by Mari.

Around the corner, there's 100 Dresses by Robin Ridley. She mostly textures Clutterfly, and judging by the name, there's a whole lot more to come than what she already has.

Of course, while you're on the grid, I also recommend you to take a closer look at Monentes Jewelry ( where even guys can find something.
The Ruth2 v4 mesh head is not usable for me, since it won't accept a shape well. Is there a compatible mesh head in Opensim that's a good quality? I see a some heads available on the Kitely Market but I know nothing about them. Until now I've only used the system head with the Ruth body

Jupiter Rowland: Unfortunately, no, there is no 3rd party head for Ruth2 v4 whatsoever. No BoM head at all with the same neck cross-section as Ruth2 v4, for that matter. All you can do is spend some time (a lot of ti... 2 years ago
Unexpected find at All Free Shopping Spree (

At about 186,261,22, in the middle of a hodgepodge of Athena and HG items that aren't even shoes, hangs this box. It's labelled "chaussures ruth free boxed" and contains a pair of high-heeled sandals.

Which, as the name indicates, are rigged for Ruth2. Most likely the only box of clothing on this entire sim that is. They also have to be one of only two pairs of high-heeled Ruth2 sandals; the other one is Taarna Welles' reBoot Luella Mytho Sandals High set. She also made a set of medium-height Mytho sandals, by the way.

Creator of these sandals is Robin of Wood from HGluv, old home of LuvMyBod. So I dare say they're safe.

By the way, the box is full-perm and can be picked up, just in case you're working on a Ruth2 fashion store.

📝 Taarna, Loru and Klara meet Ruth2 and Roth2

Juno and myself wearing original OpenSim clothes on original OpenSim bodies again

My 2022 Christmas gift for the community, at least for the Ruth2 v4 users:

Nail polish for Ruth2 v4.

Two boxes with BoM nail polish in 31 colours altogether. One box contains the 22 original colours from the Ruth 2.0 nail polish applier plus one bonus colour. The other one contains the 8 nail polish colours from the Ruth2 v4 HUD, but now covering the whole nail. Both sets come with a Readme notecard with instructions.

They're currently only available in the Westend ( at my R2 shop (at 44/67/22, opposite the Statue of Liberty), but I've passed copies to Ai Austin, and I expect it to appear on the official R2 sim soon. I'll also roll them out to other sims offering Ruth2 v4.

Both boxes are full-perm (or should be; drop me a note if they aren't) and licensed under Creative Commons CC0. You can copy the boxes or buy the content.

Jupiter Rowland: Well, Austin was surprisingly fast. He added both boxes to the official sim (hg.osgrid.80:RuthAndroth) yesterday. 2 years ago
Juno has put up two new boxes of calf-length skirts. Again, both meshes and textures were made by Klarabella Karamell. The meshes were made for Ruth 2.0, and they work well with Damien Fate clothes.

Get them in Santiago (, just go upstairs in the building you landed in.

And yes, she's wearing one of these skirts and not a table cloth...
Working on Roth

Starting to work on Roth and have turned the Roth 2.0 (RC#1) Prepared 2018-12-29 body into a BOM one

Ruth store

The Queen was always dressed so elegantly and loved color, so I have put up a pic of her in the store to celebrate her.

My Ruth store is now open! Outfits that fit the ruth body I have turned into BOM. I thought id post it here in this group before doing so in the main OSw pages. I have done my best to make the clothes work as well as i can but some alpha is required.
Ruth2/Roth2 shopping destination: Craft-Store

Another sim which sadly isn't listed on OSW. Still, it's a shopping destination worth promoting here.

Look at Juno in the picture. Her red and blue outfit: T-shirt, skirt, socks, boots. Everything she's wearing is from the Craft-Store. In the southeastern corner, there's an area for mesh clothes where you can find quite a lot of exclusive items for both ladies and gentlemen. For the ladies, for example, there's Damien Fate textured by Eva Kraai as well as Clutterfly textured by the shopkeep herself, Tosha Tyran (unfortunately only in her size, I guess, and not in all sizes). There are also a few things you can indeed find elsewhere such as a Damien Fate/Deva Moda pencil skirt or some Taarna Welles shoes.

The mesh bodies offered here are unfortunately outdated, Roth 2.0 RC#1 not as much as Ruth 2.0 RC#2. Don't bother picking up the blue boxes, most of them are empty, and they don't contain anything exclusive either.

Now, the Historical Shop is where it really gets interesting for those of you with Roth2 v2 or especially Ruth2 v4 as well as other BoM bodies. For both sexes, there are skins, shoes and complete outfits to pry apart for bits and pieces. But while Roth2 v2 users may otherwise not find much more than a pair of knit socks which I double-dare you to actually wear, the ladies should go up that big white helix. You'll eventually encounter swimwear and lingerie, and you'll encounter stockings, socks and tights, all of which are exclusive to Craft-World, if not even to the Craft-Store. This is where Juno got her socks from. No more cold legs when autumn comes!
Ruth RC3 body that I have turned into a BOM body

I have made a BOM version of the Ruth RC3 body as i like the hud on that version. I have made a shape that will work okie with the clothes in my store though some alpha is needed. Will be open soon.

A store for Ruth outfits i have put together using Linda Kellie, Damien Fate, Fleep grid layers and some Remake shoes. During war time and the depression there was a push for people to make do with what they had, reuse it or remake it. This store is based on that philosophy and is my Os version. Some items are original form and others i have textured myself and so I have called the store MAKE DO AND MEND!
Ruth outfit 3

Jupiter Rowland: Where did you find that dress, or did you texture it? 2 years ago
Jupiter mentioned that i should share these pics of some ruth outfits i have been working on. The clothes I am using are from Linda Kellie and Damien Fate meshes. I have also borrowed shoes from Tarna Wells Savvy and the jeans are BOM layers. When i have a few outfits done i will put them out for any who want them.

Jupiter Rowland: First of all, thanks for making this group no longer a one-man show. Then I like the twist about this outfit: The jeans are good old-fashioned layer clothes, but it's next to impossible to tell with ... 2 years ago
Ruth outfit 4
Ruth outfit 2
Ruth2/Roth2 shopping destination: Steam
Steam may sound like an unusual place to go hunting for avatar accessories. After all, it's Vbinnia Radek's legendary steampunk varsim.

At 343, 589, 21, there's Vbinnia's Emporium 1 with lots of boxes including Arcadia Asylum creations mostly from the Urban Blight, Steampunk and Space Pirate themes, but also stuff by Vbinnia herself and others. It isn't too interesting when it comes to avatar accessories, but it's worth mentioning nonetheless. For you Arcadia Asylum aficionados: The buildings have working doors, but you may find more tricked-out versions elsewhere.

What's more interesting and actually on-topic for this group is Vbinnia's Emporium 2 at 291, 391, 22. It offers lots of classic avatar accessories, bits and pieces as well as entire outfits. But there's one box, all the way to the right from the entrance, that may be useful for everyone with a BoM body that can use alpha masks: the Free Lower Body Alpha Mask Set. It contains nine textures from which you can make alpha masks that render your feet and lower legs invisible. An absolute must-have for boots.
Brand-new Ruth2 (and, growing by and by, Roth2) shopping location: Meshmatsch

Now here's one from my home grid. A select few of you may know Meshmatsch for being the site of a jazz club, Klaras Jazzklub. That's where this picture was taken, it's Juno's standard profile picture.

While Klaras Jazzklub hasn't seen any event in quite a while, Klara has just recently added something to the sim, namely a number of shops. Her intention is to finally offer all her clothes and avatar accessories on one sim.

And she has created a lot so far and still continues to create. Before she started making her own meshes, she made textures for Damien Fate mesh templates, many of which Ruth2 can wear quite well, especially those which Klara used.

But then she learned Blender and making original mesh clothes with it. At this point, it's fair to mention that Klara is a Ruth 2.0 RC#2 herself. So all her clothes are made for this body. This also means that many of them fit Ruth2 v4 as well. At least her most recent clothes can also be worn by Athenas, but that's beyond the scope of this group.

Special mention goes to her new skirts from 2022. They're kind of universal, they come in lengths which you aren't too likely to get from SL, and they can be combined with Damien Fate mesh clothes.

Another special mention goes to Klara's mesh shoes. Klara is one of the few mesh makers to offer medium-height pumps and, just recently added, sandals. These, however, are rigged for Ruth2 and therefore too slim for Athena, but amazingly enough, they fit both Ruth 2.0's shorter feet and Ruth2 v4's longer feet, not to mention they can easily be retextured or tinted.

For the first time, you won't have to travel across the grid to gather Klara's creations (although that could be done by foot), and instead, you can get it all on one sim.

Grand opening is tomorrow from 5 AM to 2 PM SLT. ( Don't let the German audio play at 9 AM irritate you, though.

One more thing: Juno has made a box for Klara's new miniskirts, including two skirts as they were made by Klara and another 20 either made with textures provided by Klara or with retinted versions of Klara's denim texture. If the box can't be found at Meshmatsch, you can find it on the top floor of the Kaufrausch Mega-Store in Santiago on the same grid (; you'll land right inside the building).

Jupiter Rowland: Okay, as far as the pumps are concerned, I've just received fresh news that Klara wants to upgrade and re-upload them. So don't pick them up just yet, or prepare to come back and get the upgraded ones... 3 years ago
Ruth2 shopping destination: Shopping City

What really makes this place stand out are the sheer masses of clothes and avatar accessories that can't be found elsewhere. This is not your standard stolen Athena, Adonis and Apollo stuff.

Classic system avatars that still avoid mesh like the plague can find lots of layer clothes with or without prims. This is actually one of the last places advertised on OSW which still offer any of these beyond Linda Kellie and FleepGrid standards.

Even the mesh clothes aren't what you find everywhere else. Not only have they all been (re)textured, but only few of them are based on SL content. Especially in the ladies' department, you'll discover lots of clothing based on Damien Fate meshes including one of the biggest selections of tank top and miniskirt sets. Unfortunately, some of the few Clutterfly clothes and some other older rigged mesh clothes only come in the size matching whoever retextured them instead of all five.

Nonetheless, the Shopping City is a treasure trove for both Ruth2 v4-based avatars and female system avatars who do use mesh clothes. It's just a pity that it often takes quite some detective work to find out who actually made what.
Ruth2/Roth2 shopping destination: Klamotto

(Warning ahead: This place doesn't support BoM yet.)

Klamotto became famous as one of the biggest avatar outfitters on the Hypergrid. Both Ruth2 and Roth2 can find a lot here, even if nothing is explicitly rigged for either. For Ruth2 v4 I even consider this place essential.

Gentlemen may start at AlCapone menSweaR. Most recommended are the classics from early mesh clothing days, namely the Gavin jackets, the Ed shirts and the Peak suits. The Ed shirts can be combined with the trousers from the Peak suits, but there are also the Broberry jeans which fit them perfectly if you want to wear something more casual. Don't forget footwear, especially the Dandy and Monk shoes.

Some of these items can also be found inside the big yellow Klamotto/Deva Moda house, but there's even more, especially for the BoM-capable Roth2 v2. Pick up the boxes with the complete avatars and the kimono at the entrance. Further inside, you'll find loads of classic skins, classic tattoos (including body hair), hair, beards, classic eyes, hats etc. You could get the Box Of Sox for the classic grey argyle socks, but if you take all the Dandy outfits with you, you'll get argyle socks in even more colours.

Ladies are recommended to head straight to the big yellow house and, after picking up the complete avatars box (you'll find exclusive bits and pieces in there) and the kimono box, go upstairs. Especially for Ruth2 v4, there's hardly a place that's better at stylishly outfitting avatars.

This store is the last to offer Cary Bean's entire Deva Moda line of Damien Fate retextures. Sakko outfits, pencil skirts, partly-buttoned shirts (mix and match like there's no tomorrow), glitter dresses... The same room also offers both vanilla and exclusive retextured Taarna Welles shoes. The sakko outfit boxes contain Taarna Welles footwear, too, by the way. (See also here:

Next to the usual vast collection of skins, hair etc., you'll also find Cary's own make-up. Do not forget to take the various lipsticks with you.

There's also a Clutterfly women's fashion shop on the sim. If you don't mind the inconvenience of almost everything being inside Oni Kenkon vendors, this will save you another shopping trip. Unless you're a male avatar, that is. In this case I strongly recommend you to visit your nearest Clutterfly (see also here: and pick up the jeans because you'll need the alpha mask for the Broberry jeans and maybe also for the Peak Suit trousers.
Ruth2/Roth2 shopping destination: Clutterfly
For example: Extension

Granted, rigged mesh made for the system body doesn't always easily fit Ruth2 or Roth2. This holds true for Linda Kellie's line of mesh products as well.

It doesn't help male avatars that she has only ever made three pieces of men's mesh clothing of which at least Roth2 v2 can only wear the jeans. I recommend you to pick them up anyway. You never know when you'll need them, and, in particular, the alpha mask is very useful.

Ruth2 avatars can only use fewer than half of the clothes offered at Clutterfly, too, especially Ruth2 v4 with her very pronounced shoulder blades. But Linda has made so many women's clothes that there's still a lot to find that you'll likely be able to wear.

The long straight skirt, the straight miniskirt and the circle skirt are too wide around the waist, but they work amazingly well with Damien Fate mesh tops. The Clam Diggers are Fate-compatible, too, but if you have a Ruth2 v4, you may want to make your own alpha masks for them because those added by Linda are a bit too extreme and alpha out way too much.

As for dresses, the babydoll dress, the halter dress/Lil Tennis Dress and the strapless mini dress/Glitter Dress are likely to work without any alpha masks. The ruffled bottom dress/Afternoon Party Dress works, too, but it may need custom alpha masks again.

Clutterfly isn't 100% mesh. There are also layer bikinis which could be useful for Ruth2 v4s who don't have enough beachwear yet.

Also, don't forget to pick up the jewellery.

Last but not least, there are also "raw" versions of the pre-textured clothes and of even more clothes in another building. If you want to re-texture Clutterfly clothes, these are way more convenient than the pre-textured ones.

Some of the shopping destinations to follow, by the way, will offer retextured Clutterfly clothing so you'll get even more of it.
Ruth2/Roth2 shopping destination: Savvy

Original mesh clothing? Even rigged for Ruth2? Sounds good? Well, you can get it from Taarna Welles and her sim Savvy. All female clothing under the reMake brand is rigged for the Ruth 2.0 release candidates.

As for Ruth2 v4 which is quite different in the shape of its mesh, Taarna's clothes are for advanced users who either already have a collection of alpha masks at hand or are willing to make their own ones. Even then, forget the shirts further back in the reMake shop, and the shirt and top from the Breeze running outfit may be troublesome, too.

Beyond reMake/reBoot/Luella, it's worth taking the old La Baronnie shoes with you, at least those that aren't open shoes with built-in feet. The La Baronnie footwear was made for the system body, so it comes with alpha masks. In certain cases (e.g. the Poppy trainers), you may still want to make your own alpha masks instead.

Speaking of which, you may also take a trip over to La Baronnie on the same grid ( Baronnie) where you'll find more shoes and other accessories. Unfortunately, you can't take the Rinestone boots with you. But if you're interested in them beyond what's in the Deva Moda outfit boxes, ask me here or Juno in-world, and I'll see if I can have them passed to you.

But Savvy and La Baronnie also offer something for the guys: Not only are there men's shoes and boots under the La Baronnie brand, but the reMake hoodies and jeans (especially in combination) can be worn by Roth2 v2, given the right alpha masks. And if you should find Taarna's old Poppy jeans somewhere which have vanished from her own sims, take these as well.
Miss Rowland dropped a BoM on Koryphon

Yeah, if there's BoM event, my sister has to go all the way.

Shout-out to Thirza Ember for the tops. And don't ask about the denim skirt, it'll become available soon(ish).

Dressing up to the nines
What if you want to go to a formal dance, but you want to avoid unlawfully acquired content from SL? Well, Juno has mastered that, too.

Dress by Thirza Ember based on a Damien Fate mesh; find it at HG Safari (

Gloves, stockings, dessous (no, she won't show you) by Maya Rivera; find them at Surges (

Shoes by Klarabella Karamell; part of an outfit box which you can find at Bella Klara (

Jewellery by Marianna Monentes; find it at Monentes Jewelry (

Lipstick: Cary Bean/Deva Moda; find it at Klamotto (

Eyeliner: part of the skin (Starlight Remix).

Eyeshadow: Elif Kling; find it at The Hodgepodge at Wright Plaza (
Even if spring hasn't fully kicked in yet...
...there's no reason not to dress in stylish ways.

Jacket, skirt, boots and the entire sim around Juno (Bella Klara) are by Klarabella Karamell. The jacket & skirt set is available there.
If you can't get the boots there, find them in Santiago on the top floor of the Kaufrausch Mega-Store as usual. Also, check out the new arrivals.
Funky siblings
Straight from an on-going event (in a location that's basically devoid of any illumination): The Rowland siblings going funky!

No need to say much about my Peak suit and my Dandy shoes. Juno is wearing the Bibi coveralls made by Loru Destiny (I'll try to find out where these are still offered or get Loru to offer them somewhere; Juno's copy is no-transfer) along with white ankle boots by LyAvain Swansong.
Good news: Roth2 v2 can wear Trizzy's new tracksuits
See here:

And I'm the living proof. As you can see, they go well with Taarna Welles' Poppy trainers. All that's still missing (or is it) are white sports socks for men as layer clothes.

Recommended alpha masks are Gavin Jacket (only the jacket) for the upper body and anything made for jeans or trousers for the lower body.

Bad news: You may actually have to work out now, gentlemen.
Klara did it again: New jackets & outfits with the new skirts
Even before Juno got to make her boxes with pre-textured versions of Klarabella Karamell's new skirts, Klara herself has released a number of boxes with outfits containing them and a new jacket along with them.

You can get them at the Kaufrausch Mega-Store in Santiago ( and Klara's own clothes stores at Bella Klara (

Oh, and you can combine them with the hippie coats.
Same dress, different styles.

Here is Juno in one of her favourite dresses, Loru Destiny's Burta Dress. It's also one of the few dresses which fit Ruth2 v4 perfectly without the need of an alpha layer so it can quickly be put on and taken off. Unlike most other short dresses, Juno says, it's loose enough for hot summer days and long enough to neither look slutty nor mean significant upskirt danger on stairs.

On the left, she is wearing it "summer casual" style with Rana flip-flops as if she's ready to go to the beach. On the right, she is wearing it with make-up and red medium pumps by Klarabella Karamell, more fit for a party (it was too warm for tights, though).
New skirts incoming
Klarabella Karamell is at it again. And still dissatisfied with the skirts available on the Hypergrid. So she's making new ones.

Juno is combining them with Klara's own skirt textures. Here she is testing one in combination with a Damien Fate/Klarabella Karamell jacket, a Beth Ghostraven top, Masaki Shinomiya tights, LyAvain Swansong boots and a Neo Cortex pearl necklace.
Ruth and Roth
A group dedicated to the free, open-source, low-ARC, low-lag mesh bodies Ruth2 and Roth2 (formerly Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0), made in OpenSim for OpenSim. For now, it shall put a particular focus on the current fully BoM-enabled incarnations Ruth2 v4 and Roth2 v2.

Ask questions, answer questions, talk about your experiences — and show us pictures of your avatars based on Ruth2 or Roth2!
24 members
Created 4 years ago by Jupiter Rowland

New Comments

Nila Mari 2 years ago
in the meantime I'm using the random sexiness face animator from LuvMyBod during dancing and it does work pretty well :)
Nila Mari 2 years ago
got them, thank you :)
Jupiter Rowland 2 years ago
By the way, I can't guarantee that all entries on the list are always reachable. But if something should be offline, and it remains on the list, I'm confident that it'll return.
Nila Mari 2 years ago
wonderful, thank you so much for creating & sharing the list :)
Araminta Hexx 2 years ago
Thank you for compiling this list. This is a great help! I strive to have a fully "legal" avatar and inventory. The only thing I have left is my hair (which is currently a copy-botted Truth style I've...
Araminta Hexx 2 years ago
Hi There. I visited this location a couple of weeks ago for some Ruth2 clothes, but I can't find it now. Is this gone, or has it moved? The landmark I saved is no workie.