Liked posts

Hi Everyone , just a post for new people. I run a few free malls within Neverworld Advantis , All Free Shopping Spree , Free Port and have a hand in many more places . We try to keep alot of our items full perm . Plase on any sim you are visiting remember when you click on a vender that item has to be sent from the grids server you are on to your home server. If you click to fast walking around hitting everything like machine gun kelly all that will happen is scripts will stop working and servers will stop communicating . All we ask as sim owners is take your time you do not want to crash sims or just not receive items.

SheaButter: Those network cables are like a freeway, with cars travelling that road. Some are going north, south, east and west. If your in Canada and item is in Europe, it has to travel over that water. lol. I a... 2 months ago
Val's Butt Plug v1.0
features :

3 different access modes
5 different Butt Plug
1 Vibrator Butt Plug (12 modes)
1 note accessory: 10 notes available

2 cum mode
1 drip mode

All the Butt plugs can be customized:
choose from:
7 Materials
43 colors

Access any option of the Butt Plug either through the menu (click on Butt Plug) or from the HUD.

Hud can stay and get out of the way.

Easily remove your Butt Plug with a button.


thedeeferry: Working now, Chubby! Thank you! Teleported using Arielle's suggestion (that worked) and then tried direct teleport to Chubelz Ostermarkt (that worked). Yay! ´(人❛ᴗ❛)♪ тнайк чоц♪(❛ᴗ❛*人) 3 months ago

Best aircraft

Two of the most visited and important monuments in Portugal are represented on the grounds of the GavezDois Art Gallery, in Osgrid.

Here you can see one of them, the Pena National Palace, which is located in the Sintra mountains. Eternally grateful to the generosity of Ernest Moncrieff who built this magnificent building.

It is now open to the public and can be found in Osgrid's Destinations Guide. There will be a grand opening party soon!

TheFactory: Lots of fun to build, look forward to the opening! 3 months ago
In the 7th grade, in physical science class, I got a hard paddling with a wooden paddle with holes in it. Our physical science teacher had just explained that the universe was created by a big bang. I asked if God created the big bang. I was the only one in class with a question weighing heavily on my heart as my parents had raised me in church, and my belief was in direct conflict with what the teacher was saying. I was not rude, I didn't ask with a smirk on my face, or with ill intent. I asked as a question of curiosity. I was beaten so hard that I cried - in the 7th grade. I still wonder and marvel at the origin of the universe, often reflecting about it in my mind. Scientists thought all the stars in the universe would be pulled back together into a ball every so often, and tremendous forces would cause it to explode apart again. This way the universe was forever a constantly repeating explosion and contraction that had always been this way. Around 2017 the greatest minds in the world decided after analyzing their collected data that the universe does not go back together in a "big crunch" after the "big bang" but that it is expanding forever. Scientists then decided that to explain the big bang that the universe was empty, but b/c it was so empty the possibility for matter to exist was very high, so all the matter in the universe created itself out of nothing... That's the current theory of the creation of the universe. It just appeared out of "thin air" so to speak... I call that magic, and I am aware of the famous saying that "All significantly advanced technology will appear as magic to primitive people". In some ways the bible and science are similiar. Science says in the beginning was a tiny spark of light that exploded into all matter and all things. The bible says in the beginning God said "Let there be light..." Religion is often the way of primitive people to explain the world around them, and where you are born in the world can largely determine what you believe. I have a book that lists over 4,327 Gods and Goddesses in the world, each bound to the geographic area of their worshippers, except where the boundaries move due to war, or evangelism. That's not counting the over 2,000,000 hindu indian gods, they have a new one every so many months, e.g. a person born with a long tail. We are biological entities in a physical universe. Lifeforms, but we are also very special, we are gifted with knowledge & wisdom, and with knowledge comes the knowing of right & wrong. It's the same in most all religions, but here again opinions vary, and that's ok. We are all entitled to our own opinion. Because nobody knows for sure, if there's a God, if there's a krishna, ra, zeus, odin, big bang theory, etc. It's ALL a belief. The evidence seems to favor a big bang theory, and scientists looking up say everything is flying apart which supports the explosion idea. When I look up at night, I see stars that swirl imperceptibly slowly in the celestial realm. I know that more people have been killed in religious wars, than in all world wars combined. I know earth is a small blue ball of water, precariously suspended near a giant fireball. Last night I didn't sleep. I had been sick for days with a cold, and was literally up all night scripting things to help people as many people come to me all the time asking for help scripting something. At 5:30 am eastern standard time, I woke my partner and drove him to the hospital in the dark for colon cancer surgery. It was raining, the windows fogged up. The hospital was more like a sprawling university campus of buildings. There were no signs, and finding the right building involved parking in various parking lots walking a quarter mile to a building in the pouring rain, only to find we were at the wrong building yet again. My glasses were covered on the inside by rain, as I had forgotten my umbrella. I could not see clearly, and had nothing dry to wipe them with. Frustrations ran high as we had made it to the hospital at 6:30 am after a long drive on the interstate. We walked around the hospital in the cold rain for 50 minutes. It was 7:20 am and his surgery was supposed to start at 6:45. Headlights cutting us off on the campus and cars blocking the path to the next building. My partner started yelling and cursing at me. I started yelling and cursing back. Finally I just stopped and said "God please help me."

Arcfury: Years ago, after just a few weeks of study I was able to notice that there was never a "big bang". It is just difficult for some to admit that they were wrong, and so the big bang theory is stuck wit... 3 months ago
Are you an artist, photographer, or sculptor in the realm of Open Sim? If so, I extend a warm invitation to showcase your exceptional creations at Le Beau Retrouve, my forthcoming art gallery.

With only a few spaces left to adorn with your art, and ample room for sculptures both within the gallery and amidst the surrounding landscapes — whether along winding paths or visible from the tranquil rivers — there's boundless opportunity for your work to captivate and inspire.

Given the limited availability, I encourage you to reach out at your earliest convenience to explore the possibility of featuring your art in our opening exhibits. Please note, we're currently excluding AI-generated art for a future showcase.

Rest assured, you maintain full ownership of your creations. Rather than relinquishing them, I kindly request that you personally arrange their display upon joining our group. Moreover, you need not be confined to the same grid to participate and showcase your artistry.

As we anticipate our Grand Opening Party, complete with a lively DJ and festivities aplenty, I'm excited for the vibrant community that will converge to celebrate creativity and expression.

In preparation, please have a brief biography ready, providing insight into yourself and your artistic journey. Feel free to include landmark coordinates to your region or grid, as well as links to websites or any additional resources showcasing your portfolio.

Isn't this thrilling? I'm genuinely passionate about art and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you. Looking forward to connecting soon!

Aurora Starchild: Oooooh amazing project! 3 months ago
We've done a bit more unpacking today and now we have in store the following:

4 Piece fantasy path set. A nice wood log set suitable for either roads or paths with some nice colours on the edges.

Also a 3 Piece fantasy forest set which would be great as a portal or just an archway to decorate your region. These are all glowing with lights from the runes, however you can turn this off if you like.

If you like what we're doing, please keep popping over for new items in stores daily!

Mike & Zoey

Sodasullivan: Wow! so much cool stuff coming in. Thank you for making it available to everyone. 3 months ago


When we last left my meandering rant, i mentioned that my landlord and (Undecel Masala at Masala Estates!) regarding two regions that had popped up right next to mine. I was "Avedon Park" and they were Avedon Forest and another name. When I explained that I had no relation at all to the owners of those regions, my landlord and HERO was kind enough to lift my region up and move it elsewhere. Apparently, they were just trying to copy as much of my whole damn region as they could. And soon enough, a region pops up using the same naming concept as me. (Avedon Park, How about Avedon's Peak? Mark's Park? or Avedon Place? Oh well. As so many like to argue, this is how we roll in OS and it "happens all the time". The saddest part is that these are people I associate with and consider friends!

Jump ahead only a month or so later that I started releasing the history or "lore" I have created and posting it here for people to enjoy. It is an overall narrative that applies not only to the region in OS but is also being used as part of a graphic novel, artwork, and music. It was less than a week that a similar "history' with just a minor change or two popped up at the previously mentioned region.
Anyone who says copying is the best form of flattery should be stripped naked, tied to the back of a truck, and drug down a main street.) Again, you can make endless arguments about how "everyone does it" "that is how OS works" and "no laws are being broken" (though I am learning fast that is questionable!). The point is that it shows a complete lack of INTEGRITY. It is such a shitty thing to do, especially in OS, where you are not likely to make any sort of financial gain from it, you are just doing it for "likes" and laziness.

But enough whinging. What can you really do about any of this? Well, after some research, I probably more than you think, especially if you live in the US.

First, say something! Even if you end up being wrong, it is important to publicly express your feelings on the issue and explain your work.

Second, Copywrites and protection through the DMCA are fairly easy and cheap (ie Free) to acquire. You can file for protection yourself for free, OR you can find someone who is already protected and simply absorb your content into their protection. And in the US you often don't have to file ANYTHING to be protected if your idea has been completed and made public, you can seek DMCA protections.

Now, and here we go back to just needing some integrity.

Idea vs. Expression:
Ideas themselves cannot be copyrighted. This means that the core concept or plot of your project cannot be exclusively protected by copyright.
However, the expression of that idea—how you write it down, how you present it, and certain details or traits—can be protected. (This is the future path I am walking but you should choose what works for you)

Also, OSGrid and other grids need to do more to police themselves. Know the difference between BOB Q Guy buying an item in SL or Kitely, copying it and bringing into Open Sim, and handing it out, as compared to someone just taking a person's work without payment or permission, and then claiming it as their own idea or concept. And don't assist them by allowing them to use your website and tools to promote a hijacked concept.

And finally, when it happens just speak out. you will take hell for it and you might even be WRONG, but speak up and let people know this hurts you.

and wow, did I just ramble on or what?? Sorry about that, but I do think there is a possible "integrity deficit" in our house and it would be up to us each to change that. I now climb off my teeny tiny soapbox and just wish you ALL a happy weekend. Feel free to come by Avedon Park and visit. We welcome everyone.

Verna Avril: I total agree with all your statements ..... they can hunt and shop and go to all trouble to get things and peoples regions should be safe from copy especially either copy all the best stu... 3 months ago

new clothes with hud

FreshVirtualWorld: Thankyou. 3 months ago

----- NEW -----

We happy to announce that our new Mall is opened right now !

As you seen we didnt posted new updates the last 2 Weeks. We used the Time to build a Custom Mall for more space so we can grow.

Why a new Mall? We builded a modular System so we do not need always to change the Land. Every Store got a own Brand name so do not be confused about :)

We got so much new stuff done:
* Male Hair Shop as Requested ( 60+ Hairs with 6 Variation )
* Wedding Shop with Suits & Dresses
* Mesh Nail Shop
* Furniture Shop
* Decoration Shop
* Flower Shop
* Skin Shop ( ofcourse with new Skins )
* Sound Shop
and much more!

As requeseted there is allready a Inworld Group Joiner.
We hope that you like the new Mall and ofcourse there will come more stuff for you.

Happy Shopping,
Amelia & Hertha

Sylvia-Koeln: Thx for the quick and friendly Help 3 months ago
A tall ship battle , ships with crews ! It's great fun. This is last ship standing ( mine :) ) burning! No cargo to steal, all was burned ! With many thanks to the Catronian Archipelago group members to make this event exciting.
Week 6: Learning the Fundamentals of Your Viewer
This week, we will cover the basic functions of your viewer, essential for customizing your experience. You will learn how to create outfits and get dressed, utilizing the outfit system. We will go over the toolbars buttons, clearing cache and building in your AO. Volume controls for adjusting other avatars' voices will also be addressed. By the end of this day, you will have a solid grasp of the core viewer features allowing you to tailor Open Sim to your needs. With practice, these functions will become second nature. Understanding these basics paves the way for more advanced creativity down the road. Class will be starting at 10am grid time every Saturday

Omy2024: What a great service you offer to the community who are unfamiliar with Firestorm 3 months ago

YAY! suuuuuper sexy >.< ... GET me outfit! Bra, Panties and Top , Athena - Perky - Reborn with color replacement hud

Aurora Starchild: Como se nota la crisis....el aceite de oliva y ahora el tejido :P Gorgeous! 3 months ago

Come by the Valland shop and see our new release.
NPC Companion new release 2.21

thedeeferry: This sounds fun! ●ヽ(゚∀゚ヽ)♪♪(ノ゚∀゚)ノ● 4 months ago

~ Morgan Freeman

KatKakoola: Life can be like a frantic, hot kitchen - try to be non-stick cookware 4 months ago

Pagane: Do you notice we are talking to ourselves? None of the drama queens pooped here? I thank them for blocking us and we can discuss without their hysterical attacks :) 4 months ago
For the last 3 weeks, I have dealt with a intermittent issue on my grid that has about driven me nuts. I have tested, and eliminated possibilities …..without luck.

Yesterday two of the largest grid owners in open sim, Lone Wolf from Wolf Territories and Josh Boam from Aviworlds, took time from their busy schedules to help finally fix this issue. In addition , Rafael from Wolf Territories assisted. I cannot say thanks enough!

Although I work with Josh’s hosting business, this involved much more. Josh would not give up and recruited Lone Wolf.

In my opinion, maybe this is what opensim was designed to be: sharing of knowledge and helping each other.

Lone Wolf and Josh did not have to give up their time to help a tiny grid…..but they did!

Maybe we can all learn from these individuals!

Sharing knowledge is Caring

FYI. The default setting of 2 threadsets can cause major headaches depending on your region….it is way too low in some cases. You all probably know that…but I learned.

thedeeferry: So, OpenLife has me blocked, so I cannot reply directly to its comment. Nor can I send it a private message which I prefer. I apologize to any others if what I type now offends you. This is directe... 4 months ago
*** SAVING VALUABLE MIN. OFF YOUR LIFE - You can thank me later!

***Will go on sale in store Feb. 8, 2024 for PUBLIC! Check back then for pricing.***

Low Complexity Square Bento Nails FREE for [TTG] Grid Residents for a short time! Timez Welcome Area

5 Mesh Bento Low Complexity Full Set Nails (just over 1k)
HUD w/32 Textures


AVAILABLE ONLY AT [TTG]Welcome Area Faith Fashions Main! FREE thru February 7, 2024 for GRID RESIDENTS ONLY.

thedeeferry: I am sorry. Forgive me. Reading these comments I do not understand what is wrong. Anyway, Faith, well done. 4 months ago
LIGHTNING ADDON PACK added to the boxed version of the SCANDINAVIAN RAIN/SNOW SYSTEM V6 HUD . Better effect to your SIM when playing thunderstorms! Lightnings with nice effects (light, glow and bright) and thunder sound!! // 05 different models! //Available for FREE and FULLPERM at WEATHER AREA. Enjoy :)

Luna Lunaria: Thanks Jimmy, will definitely check this out. I've used a great weather engine in SL for years but could never find a good, legal one in Opensim. 4 months ago
Come see my latest creation at VallandShop,

SmallThongBulge is a rigged thong bulge for the athena Body.

features :

Rigged mesh Thong

Hud can stay and get out of the way

Easily remove your thong with button

4 Bulge size : from Tucked to Big

36 Textures to choose from

Materials aspect on/off

Arielle: Some nice other items there too. Loving the NPC hud! 4 months ago
Valentine's is around the corner...if you don't want to leave the plans for last minute...we have brought some cute items for you! Petals, bunch of roses with pose (full perms!), some decorations...and don't forget the champagne dispenser!
Uber: hop://

Aurora Starchild: These ones don't have any box (only the petals coz....+30 items!), so click&'buy' where you see them :) 4 months ago
I'm banned but you're not!

If you don't ever see me in your favourite opensim grid, most likely it’s because I'm banned.

My grid has no such bans though, so do feel free to visit anytime and help yourself to my free, unique and original creations, if you want!

Kelly4U : that place is going nuts. and way over board 4 months ago

Working on a new Ebody Reborn top :)
I wonder if I can actually manage to rig it an UV map it, I guess, time will tell :)
(I did get a bit distracted by nipples, though) :-/

Hello, there IS A FUN RELAXING OUTFIT. New to store and to open sim... I have the leggings in RL and thought about what fun it would be to bring them here. Enjoy the set on these cold nights.

Arielle: Do a simple map search of " Free Clothing" and the jump is fast. 5 months ago
Announcing the opening of the Raven's Peak Grid (ex Resurgence).

We managed to find an old backup from a month ago and have loaded it up. Not ideal, however we are all encouraged that not all is lost!

We have decided on a separate landing area to the main regions. You will now land on an island where you can TP to the region of your choice using the region teleporter.

The shops are open along with Hellfire Bay and Cinders Beach & Residential. We are all working hard to re-upload all our lost items and more! This means everything else has been put on hold so we can bring you quality items once again. So pop on over regularly because there will be new items in the stores daily.

If you were living at Cinders Beach prior to the hack, please contact Mike or Zoey. Either your island is still standing and needs to be handed back to you or it was lost. Either way, we can certainly assist.

We do have whole regions available and payable monthly POA:
1x1 - 30,000 prims
2x2 - 60,000 prims
4x4 - 90,000 prims

If you wish to live at Raven's Peak or have a store here you will need to make an account. You can make an account at Raven's Peak on this link:

There are shops available for rent in the main shopping area. If you are interested in having a store here please contact either Mike or Zoey. Store owners are provided with a free 1x1 region with full admin rights.

As we get back on our feet again, we will be reverting back to our original plans to bring you a grid that you can live at, play at, shop at and more. The regions currently allow you to sail and fly around, we will be bringing back our Friday and Saturday night events and there will be lots more coming!

Everyone from Raven's Peak would like to thank you all for your support and look forward to welcoming you back.

Mike, Zoey and the team at Raven's Peak ♥

Mistressdalgato: Welcome back! any backup is better then no backup, i will come shop soon. 5 months ago

On 12/28/23 wed my darling beloved Jeremy. One happy lady and pray he shall always be as well.

LenaLastchance: Best wishes of a long, rewarding and easy virtual life! 5 months ago
AI Art Creation-MidJourney/Night Cafe' Cataplexia Numbers 1/15 11a-1p

Using text to create master works of art!
Cataplexia Numbers brings you art creation using the AI Software- Night Cafe' via their website and Midjourney via Discord. Learn useful prompts and techniques for getting the most out of your AI Renders. This class is suitable for beginners to advanced AI creators. Our server is equipped with real-time discord to Midjourney creation. Please join either BOTH Discord AND Midjourney or Night Cafe' before attending class @ Koryphon Academy, Wed 2-4pm

hop:// Academy (954,541,62)


some new Legacy for you to start out the New years with

KarinBecker: i like it in Athena .......please 5 months ago

Merry Christmas everyone, wishing you all more of all the good things.
Look after each other eh?

OpenSimUser: And to you as well, happy holidays 5 months ago

Our annual Holiday Dance Show is tonight at 7 pm Central Time- All Adults are welcome to attend

A 100% legal, non copybotted , creator made mesh head. Boxed as an avatar base...shape, skin, eyes, head, courtesy Ruth RC3 made BOM. The skins I used a template for in part, according to the creator's license it cannot be transfer-sorry about that. You can of course use any skin or shape you want. Responds to bento animations such as smiling and blinking. No mesh eyes or AO included.
These heads I made from 2019 to 2021- I put a couple up an SL. They were intended as a low ARC, "Wear and go" solution without huds and scripts. I made them first for my partner who just HATES most huds. I sold them for about 400L each. People liked them but I got a lot of bizarre comments like "yeah it's really beautiful and good but I have to stay loyal to Catwa even though I like them a lot"... since opensim people seem more capable of not letting brand loyalty totally dictate their interests, they are better fitted here.

Don't sell, don't tell people you made the mesh, don't put it on SL . Please don't god mod the skin, I legitimately cannot give it transfer, if you need it for your alts bring them all in or message me and I'll just give it to you.

Harper Held: I think they're cute, I have to come see them ingame. As far as this specific thread goes? Moderate, rip and tear -delete mercilessly. It's kind of what you have to do here. Anyway -thanks for adding ... 6 months ago
A 100% original BOM mesh, 100% legal , bento responsive head with skin, shape, eyes, and a recent version of Ruth sans it's usual head as a courtesy. It's SLUV so you can use any skin or eyes you want- no mesh eyes are included, system ones do work fine. There is a PG flat chested and not PG boob versions of the skin.
Don't sell, don't put on SL, don't tell people you made it (and tell them who made it if asked).

Not copy botted! Artist-made.

Jupiter Rowland: I hope you're ready to match it to Maxine in a few months. In the meantime, I'll see if I've got some room on the third-party shelves at my stores... 6 months ago
The first tree avatar is ready. Size 1- she is about 12 feet tall. A statue is rezzed next to the box that shows her approximate size. Mesh that is bento animation responsive- some appearance sliders are disabled. Shape, alpha layer, prim branches, all can be squashed, stretched, tinted, etc. Upcoming sizes: small enough to be wifey for Groot, and more like a normal avatar size.

License is here
Have fun with her.

Other updates: front beaches have seating and the new sand is installed.


Arielle: Super cute looking outfit but I couldn't find it. :( 6 months ago
The waves are finally running in the right direction, and the textures are nice totally custom. I need opinions of the surfing action now. Let me know what you think after you come try the waves in world. Thank you!

hop:// Terra/82/41/36

Ellen: You don't allow visitors from my world? 7 months ago

Ringtail's Store: Full male female avatars for mesh bodies and heads.

FallenAngel Absent: Happy to have you here in OS too. also a great sim of art. lots of creativity. Thanks :) 7 months ago
Wizardry Hud - The Most Powerful Hud of All!
[Teleport] - teleport to anyone in the sim
[Spying] - remotely view anyone in the sim
[Scrying] - find lost objects
[Invisible] - go invisible, click again to become visible
[Sanctuary] - rez a secret hideout perfect for a wizard
sub buttons...
[Bubble] - rez a bubble shield if you are in a rez area.
[Interceptor] - click this button for on/off. Repel bullets shot at you!
[Deflector] - wear a shield that reports collisions.
[Cluster] - rez a thick multi layer shield.
[Disruptor] - rez a star that will follow you and push everyone away.
[Megaceptor] - a giant shield.
sub buttons...
[Platform] - rez a green magic platform and be tp'd to it.
[SuperJump] - some cool thing here.
[Sim Razor] - rez a keyframe object that will bulldoze priscilla's prims away.
[Radar] - rez and attach a radar on screen.
[AFK Orb] - let others know you are afk. works in no rez areas.
[Air Walk] - rez metal magic disks in the air you can walk on. Click again 2 stop.
[Magnus Vox] - talk to everyone in the land and have them see what you type.
[Fix Cam] - fix your camera back to normal settings.
sub buttons...
[Bright Magic] - click yes to attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Dark Magic] - click yes t attach, then select a person on the menu.
[Follower] - Follow anyone in the sim very closely.
[Orbiter] - Send your friend or enemy into space.
[Clouder] - Put a cloud around your frenemy that follows him/her everywhere.
[Ban] - ban a person in the sim pestering you.
sub buttons...
[Attract 50] - in a sim with push allowed, pull everyone 2 u from 50 meters.
[Attract Sim] - pull everyone in the sim to you.
[Repel 20] - push people away 20 meters.
[Repel 50] - push people away 50 meters.
[Repel Sim] - push people away to the sim edge.
sub buttons...
[End Attacks] - end all attacks at once.
[End Utility] - end utility functions.
[End All] - stop everything at once.
All - Earthquake in Marrakesh Update 10/09/23

We have moved from our badly damaged home in Marrakesh to the capital Rabat - our power/broadband/telephone is very patchy but I have managed to make contact with Alex (Princess Alex), who will run the ILU side of things with Bobbi Fox, while we assess damage and living arrangements for the family.

Its just been announced over 2000 deaths and hundreds of injured - one close friend hasnt made it but he pulled his parents out of their wrecked family home.

Please pray for us and all those affected by this disaster.

We will see you all soon I hope.

Debz, Malik, Karen and Bethany Mansour

PinDeluca: This is just terrible ... My heart is with you. You Never know how strong you are until strong is your only choice. Take courage. God Bless you all. We will all meet again soon XXX 9 months ago