OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Ce Jeudi 01 Septembre à 21h00 ! (heure de Paris)
Minord Loup fête son anniversaire
Une soirée à ne pas manquer !

Le taxi :

Gold Chest "MyBox" Edition. A friend gave me this fantastic beautiful chest, a gold leaf Louis the 14th French Fleur De Lis pattern. I scripted the drawers to open and close when you click them. You can reset the drawers by clicking the main cabinet. But then my good friend Chopsy Bode said, "It would be cool if you could put items in it and have the chest give them to you."
I immediately thought of the MyBox script by Typhaine Artez. Typhaine is a female programmer (and genius) that creates amazing scripted inventions. Her MyBox script provides a menu on click that offers you the items in the box, and let's you select the ones you want it to give you. I immediately sat down and combined my Magic Drawer Script with Typhaines MyBox script. Et Voila! A beautiful legendary golden chest that can store and organize inventory, and yehhh the drawers still open and close on click. :) Get yours at FreeMagic region today! :)

New sim of Virtualife StoreHause free where you will find some structures to furnish your sim all copi

Here comes season 3.

Roland Francis: Great read, Thirza. 2 years ago
DJ Rosie at Hot Daddy's - 6:00 PM (SLT) -- "Classic Rock Power Ballads & Love Songs"!!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Hot Daddys
Event begins at 6:00 tonight! 2022-08-29 18:00 SLT
DJ Rosie is spinning at Hot Daddy's tonight from 6:00 to 8:00 PM!! Hot Daddy's is the sister venue to Rockin' The Blues where each Monday the musical theme is DJ's Choice! This week, DJ Rosie has selected as her theme "Classic Rock Power Ballads & Love Songs"!! She'll be sharing a mix of 70's through 90's tunes. A Power Ballad is an extremely touching rock love song featuring strong vocals and deep meaning. They can be fast or slow, soft or loud, acoustic or electronic, but they are all emotionally charged both musically and expressively. REO Speedwagon - Can't Fight This Feeling, Whitesnack - Is This Love, Heart - Alone, Meatloaf - Two Out of Three Ain't Bad, Journey - Open Arms...the list goes on! It's sure to be an evening that will sweep you off of your feet!! Bayou Hot Daddys

Kith Whitehawk: Halftime here at Hot Daddy's with DJ Rosie!! Bring a friend or meet some here!! Wonderful classic rock ballads, lively chat and great people! The best in all worlds :) 2 years ago
T.J. and I went to eat here. It's the #7 chinese restaurant in the united states, located in columbus, georgia, usa. It is a winner of the top 100 restaurants out of 45,000. There is a bridge you walk over with gold fish swimming beneath in a small stream, and inside the restaurant are glass walls carved with flowers and water flows between the glass walls. We were there 8/28/2022 sunday night. From my table I used my tablet to log into my grid, and let my avatar sit down and eat. hahahaha. crazy! :) Of course I could only use chopstix in real life. :O Lumiya still worky in 2022! :)

Jerralyn Franzic: Hold up, Lumiya works with OS? Guess I'll have to try that. Good food BTW:) 2 years ago
FUN AT LAMPADUSA, happening now!
Immersive playing vs "it's just pixels"
There are two general ways of acting in virtual worlds like Second Life or those running on OpenSim. One is the "it's just pixels" way of seeing OpenSim as a chat platform, barely caring for the virtual world around them and putting convenience above everything else.

The other one is immersive playing. It means seeing these virtual worlds as such, as wide-open role-playing sandboxes, and their avatars as characters in these worlds, and putting realism and immersion above everything else. It is not, however, as extreme as hard roleplay that involves character sheets with character stats (strength, stamina, dexterity etc.) on them, going on pre-scripted quests or throwing dice much like in Dungeons & Dragons.

I'd like to explain these two concepts here.

"It's just pixels":

Your avatar is nothing but a profile picture that more or less represents your real-life self in a 3-D chat app. Same goes for all other avatars: You assume they only represent their real-life users.

Your avatar never interacts with other avatars. It's always you interacting with the real-life people behind other avatars. Always.

Never act in-character because your avatar isn't a character. It's just a profile picture that represents real-life you. So there is no in-character or out-of-character.

Put real-life info about yourself on the "2nd life" page of your profile. Don't use a picture of your avatar as your profile pic because your avatar IS your profile pic. Disregard the "1st life" page, it's useless, and navigating to it is more inconvenient than simply throwing everything on the "2nd life" page.

Keep your viewer always set to midday. You couldn't see anything otherwise. (Side-effect: You'll never notice that you've got lots of glow-in-the-dark things on your own sims that shouldn't glow in the dark like plants or entire buildings. You'll never see your own sims in the dark.)

Wear the brightest facelight you can find because the sun throws ugly shadows on your face when it's constantly standing vertically above your head. Or switch your body and all your clothes and attachments to full-bright.

Never walk. Never use vehicles either, they're too slow. Prefer teleports directly to your destination because that's maximum convenience. If you can't teleport, but you can fly, then fly. Fuck realism. Or land on a sim, keep standing at the landing point (even if you're standing on someone's head with someone else on yours) and cam around. Hate teleporters that only work by walking into them with a passion. Demand all teleporters be clickable.

If you go to a party, prefer teleporting or being teleported next to the dance floor and automatically oriented so that you face the dance floor. Or right onto the dance floor.

Leave parties by teleporting away or logging out while still dancing. It's the most convenient way because it requires the fewest mouse-clicks and the fewest steps to take.

Take landmarks of sims either right where the action is or, if there's no action, right at the landing-point.

The only in-world objects that matter are sales boxes/vendors, whatever you can copy that's interesting for you, scripted dance floors, dance pads, dance machines, teleporters and maybe sex furniture. Disregard everything else.

Beaches are only there for beach parties, as a justification to be naked or for public sex. Own beachwear only to flaunt your body while staying within the G-rating.

Wear what you always wear, regardless of where you go. If your avatar is male, wear a black leather jacket, long jeans and black leather shoes (or even black biker leather from neck to toe) on a tropical beach. If your avatar is female, wear a thin, sleeveless micro-minidress, ultra-high-heeled platform sandals and no hosiery whatsoever on snow-covered Christmas-themed sims. Pixels never get hot or cold. And it's your right to look as badass or sexy as you want wherever and whenever you want. If someone kicks you out of a formal event with a mandatory dress code for breaking the latter or even bans you for doing that repeatedly, rate the sim where it happened zero stars on OSW and insult the sim owner.

Finally, insult immersive players for being idiots who do dumb and weird shit and try to explain to them how to use OpenSim the "correct" way.

Immersive playing:

Your avatar is a character in a virtual world, one that interacts with that virtual world. Other avatars are characters, too.

Your avatar interacts with other avatars like video game characters would interact with other video game characters, or like role-play characters would interact with other role-play characters.

Always act in-character because your avatar is one, even if it represents you. If you have to act out-of-character, put it in ((double brackets)). Bonus points for making your differently-named alts characters of their own with no connection to your real self whatsoever and their own fictional background. More bonus points for even giving your main avatar some in-world lore, thereby confusing the "just pixels" faction that takes it for your own real-life background.

Use the "2nd life" page of your profile only for in-world/in-character info. If you absolutely have to give real-life info away, use the "1st life" page for that.

Keep your viewer on "shared environment" unless you need different lighting for photography or for immersive purposes. Or even build your own more realistic EEP day cycles. It's just a pity that only you can see them.

Don't wear facelights or bodylights. Are there facelights or bodylights in real life? No. See?

Walk or use moving/steerable vehicles whenever possible. Only teleport as a last result, and even then, try not to be seen. Hate buildings that substitute stairs with teleport pads (maybe unless the teleporters are disguised as a lift). Don't fly unless absolutely necessary due to how badly the sim is designed where you are (e.g. no other way to get out of the water). Don't cam. You can't teleport or fly or cam in real life either, right?

If you go to a party, prefer teleporting or being teleported to somewhere that can't be seen from the party venue and then walking to the party. Ignore any and all teleport offers because they'll land you right in the middle of the crowd which is exactly what you try to avoid.

Leave parties by walking outside to where nobody can see you teleport away. If you have to teleport, that is. If you don't, then walk or use a vehicle. If you can't go outside because the venue doesn't have doors, try hiding somewhere.

Take landmarks of sims in places where you'd realistically arrive, e.g. harbour quays, marina piers, bus stops, railway stations, airports or the like. Go back to there to teleport back out. If nothing like that is available, take it where it's unlikely that you're being seen teleporting in.

Everything in-world matters, everything in-world can be interesting. Complain about furniture that looks like you could sit on it, but that you can't sit on. Play with your surroundings. For example, if you come by a supermarket, pretend you've yet to get some groceries.

When you're on a beach, take a sunbath. Or go swimming. If you can't go swimming because the beach isn't designed for that, the beach sucks; find a better one.

Dress appropriately for the location and the occasion. Wear summer clothes in summer. Wear beachwear on beaches (or nothing at all on nudist beaches that ban clothes). Pack yourself up well in winter. (Yes, even female avatars can do that. Yes, that'll take some searching around and/or asking others. If it's possible and has been done with a Ruth2 v4, why should it be impossible for Athenas?) Wear something in-between in spring or autumn. Generally, wear something comfy in your spare time instead of always dressing up like you're on your way to a club party. Wear a tuxedo or a gown to formal events; take that opportunity to dress up to the nines. Wear sturdy shoes when wandering.

Finally, complain about the "just pixels" side for breaking any resemblance to immersion all the time.

It's fair to mention, though, that there aren't only these two extremes, and you can always be somewhere in-between.
12-2pm Grid Time
Beach Wear or Casual wear what youfancy-
Just come along for a friendly and happy get together. with the Gentle Fire gang all are invited, the last time we did this it was a blast!
No DJ as Jon is not back yet so it will be Radio but it didn't stop us from having a great 2 hrs together in beautiful tropical surroundings.

New Swimwear - NO Resale-
Mix Swimsuit Denise

Elas Fashion has moved to a new region.
A whole mall awaits you.
have fun and look around

Elas Fashion ist auf eine neue Region gezogen.
Eine ganze mall erwartet euch .
habt viel spass und schaut euch um

KarinBecker: Thanks to all have fun your Karin Becker 2 years ago

Bill Cosby. Drinks.
What could go wrong?

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options

Misty_Falls: cute, do you think you could make a k-pop (korean-pop music) one? if not i could for you. 2 years ago

just opened up the floor.. lots of room for you and your friends .. come enjoy the Classic Rock with Esse

DJ Rosa spins at Rockin' the Blues tonite at 6:00!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00 pm grid time
Added by: Amara Uloran
DJ Rosa is here tonight to take the stage and spin the blues to ease you out of the last week and into another one! Rosa likes it HOT, HOT, HOT so be prepared for a rockin' evening down in the swamp! You love her Disco, Reggae and Latin sets, wait till you hear her Blues!! Come on down to Rockin' the Blues and hang with friends old and new! It's going to be a great night! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Join Us at OS GRID Nautilus Select Club for our Select Club Party Show

Time: Today Sunday August 28th at 1:00 PM - 2:00PM Grid Time
Location: Nautilus Select Club

Select Club Party Show is a combination of today's hottest dance music and older hits based on the chart listings. Feel free to join us this week to feel the beat to beat and back to back live mixing!
One hour of fun !!!!
Hope to See you then !
Chad and Jacek


Copper: mm..again that sl url for hop? *smile doesnt work for a click to tp in OS . edit: nobody here at for sunday event 2 years ago

Dinkietown has a new segment, which is called DinkieLane. Two shops are already open and have special hair for Dinkieboys and girls. Feel free to shop around. More to come!

Hugabug: super cute Avia you've done it again 2 years ago

New Swimwear - NO Resale-
Bikini Josi with Hud

New Swimwear - NO Resale-
Bikini Lua

GREAT time tonight at Speakeasy's Saturday Night Dance Party!!

One of Opensimulator's Longest continually running Dance Parties! 10 years and counting!! LIVE DJ and Dancing!! Music from the 60's to current day!

Tonight at 8pm Pacific!

Where's the party????
Rockin' the Blues! Where else!!Back to Back Kick Ass Blues with DJ Kith at Rockin' the Blues tonite at 6:00!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins tonight at 6:00PM! 2022-08-27 18:00 SLT
(DJ Riker's net is out tonite)
DJ Kith is well known for his upbeat, modern, high energy blues and you get 2 rockin' sets of it tonite!!! He spins tunes you instantly fall in love with and that reach into your heart and soul and bring out the best in everyone!! When Kith spins...the house rocks and shakes...the excitement is crazy, and the Tribe is full of laughter and happiness! Come join us and get your happy on for twice as long with friends old and new, fabulously cool blues! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Boa noite a todos,

Grande festa, neste sábado, dia 27/08/2022, a partir das 21 horas, grande Festa Sertaneja na Arena Barretos aqui de Terra Nova Grid!

E no comando dessa super festa sertaneja, que acontecerá simultâneamente com a festa do rodeio de Barretos (SP), teremos a nossa DJ Miragem, com uma playlist imperdível!!!

Esperamos todos vocês lá, Cowgirls e Cowboys de Terra Nova Grid!!!

Mais uma super realização:
Equipe de Festas de Terra Nova Grid
Pause nach einem anstrengenden Pistentest, Leute wir sind im Endspurt - bis zur Eröffnung nur noch wenige Wochen

Break after a hard slope test, we are in the final spurt - only a few weeks to go until the opening
Purple Rain, Polkadot Panties, and Pinto Beans...
There are ways to improve your graphics. If you know in firestorm how to get into debug settings under advanced on the menu. (advanced does not show up by default and must be enabled.) You can find these settings. renderautomutesurfacevolume (140) renderautohidesurfacearea (180) rendersculptsatthreshold (2) setting these here thangs will help you not to crash from gpu crashers, and will keep stuff that uses a ton of { gpu card memory } from slowing down your system. Play with them thar settings a l'il bit and find out if you can adjust them better on your system and what and all.

Symphony: Thanks CyberGlo.. good stuff 2 years ago
Find Rangoli isle on Shanti to learn about this art form from India.

Rangoli patterns are created on the floor or a tabletop using materials such as dry rice flour, coloured sand, flower petals, and coloured rocks. They make a beautiful addition to any home.

Visit Rangoli isle to learn more, take home some rangoli patterns, and find links to videos that teach how to create these colorful patterns.

Turn on stream for a special selection of tunes from india.

Kashi Takeshi: It is Remmy, great art and Asha is a kind hostess that will explain all. 2 years ago
AviWorlds False Advertisement
It is time for this to be re-posted in a public manner, since the original was removed from FaceBook by Josh himself in order to try and hide the issue... First of all, here is the original from FB, since I was smart enough to get a screen shot of it, knowing it may be removed to try and hide it was ever said.

Following that, I have a screen shot taken today, to which proves he is knowingly advertising CoS and CGP AFTER it being requested it be removed, some 21 days later... It's not hard to see, just go to the AW login and see for yourself, both are still listed after the request they be removed.

ChopperGausman: Go ahead, try to remove this, but remember, I take screen shots! 2 years ago
DJ Macy's Friday Night jumpin' Blues Party! Tonight at 6:00PM(SLT) at Rockin' the Blues!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Event begins at 6:00 tonight! 2022-08-26 18:00 SLT
OMG! It's FRIDAY!!! The work week is over! Let the party begin! Tonight, DJ Macy is here with 3 hours of "Macy Magic", the most upbeat and happy, toe tapping, butt wiggling blues you have ever heard! Yes!! Macy loves the boogie side of the blues, and she rocks it like no one else! Add the Blues Tribe and you have the makings for a Friday night blues FRENZY! Come on down to our swamp where you will find the best blues and the best people in any world! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

Kith Whitehawk: Part 2 of DJ Macy's double delight 3-hour set starts at 7:30! She is blowing this set right outta the awamp as usual and you don't want to miss a single tune! Come on down to Rockin' the Blues and get... 2 years ago

still time for you to gone the rest of US enjoying some TGIF