Angelic Ronin @angelicronin


Partnered with my yummy Asteris my soul partner for ever

Joined 6 years ago

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A place to meet friends old and new and know there's no Drama and all are safe to have fun and maybe a frolic or two
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For Those who think they can attack Caribou Grid and control the owners
Hi all i find i have to mention that a certain Grid is trying to destroy Caribou Grid by attacking one of the owners making her crash and making her time painfull but they have reconed without me and the Caribou Grid owner who is a lawyer and will be taking legal action

Pagane: Again same peoples... They use different names/grids but is same. Now with next fake account try to join us with her "webs". Always is same scraps from Sac* and nex Avi* About attacks, read this: htt... 2 years ago
Staff wanted on Caribou
We are looking for a reliable DJ , Host/Hostess and a manager as we are restructuring one area of Caribou, The new venue will be the joining of our Castle,Lost Underground and Pink Villa so it is all mmm adult if interested contact me or Jeanne Lefavre or come to Caribou on Kitely

Just to let all know DJ Gertie passed away Friday she was a part of the Caribou family for a long time and was DJ in many clubs, Rest well Gertie hun xxxxx

Looking for a reliable DJ for our Rock Club on Kitely on a Tuesday from 12 till 2 grid time. Call me or Jeanne Lafavre for more info if interested and come join the Caribou Family

Looking for a reliable DJ for our Rock Club on Kitely on a Tuesday from 12 till 2 grid time. Call me of Jeanne Lafavre for more info if interested and come join the Caribou Family

Are you looking for a permanent post as a Country DJ on a Friday? Well on Kitely grid at 12 till 2 pm Caribou is looking for a good one thats reliable, just call me or Jeanne Lefavre and we can sort out perks hehe

Looking for a reliable DJ for our Rock Club on Kitely on a Tuesday from 12 till 2 grid time. Call me or Jeanne Lafavre for more info if interested and come join the Caribou Family

Looking for a reliable DJ for our Rock Club on Kitely on a Tuesday from 12 till 2 grid time. Call me or Jeanne Lafavre for more info if interested and come join the Caribou Family

Looking for a reliable DJ for our Rock Club on Kitely on a Tuesday from 12 till 2 Kitely grid time. Call me or Jeanne Lafavre for more info if interested and come join the Caribou Family

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