OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

💬 Chat

Kelso.Uxlay: Misère! encore une autre grille qui plante 3 years ago
Hello Everyone... I am hoping someone can help me out. I am looking for the Skye Rocky shore box of shore pieces.. Does anyone know where I can go get them or even purchace them. I am working on a beach area . Thanks in advance

Kris Patrick: or maybe, 3 years ago

Or.....stars, maybe?

Irusu Hikikomori: Beautiful picture, very creative! 3 years ago
Looking for Kemono Body clothes
In my current state I am walking around as an anime avie. I found a great starter pack, it came with great clothes but I want more, if anyone knows of where I can get some more clothes for the Kemono Body I would be grateful to you all for the leads. Thank you!

Stupid santa
idiot de père noel
Christmas market
from Virtualdreamgrid

hey everyone here's the latest announcement I am now in AviWorlds no longer osgrid
I will be opening a new store soon. keep watching my page for updates

Can't Copy Items

Why is it that so often I can not take a copy of something even if it is set for copies? This is driving me nuts. Is there a way or setting that I can do to fix this? Thanks

yah, you got it... if you want in, you must be smart enough to message me... otherwise... move along....rofl

Stuff Boxes

I miss the days of stuff box exchange with neighboring grids.

Grand Opening
Where: The Furniture Vault
When: 3 years ago [19 Jul 2021 19:00 SLT]

Grand Opening of The Furniture Vault in AviWorlds... Come shop !!! High End Items!

Today we are all

increase storage

How can i increase storage from !00% to 500% im using SF Quintonia

Legal content

Are there any legal content in opensim?? Is the a region like diamond Galleries still around with legal content and only legal???

The new Stark! magazine is out now!

Nice Minik from Stark Islands ZetaWorlds did another great edition as photographer with the beautiful Vanessa Mondar, her model and muse.

You can get your copy of the magazine and vendors at the Stark landing point.
How to tell if your sim got hacked.
Well usually the signs are obvious. Missing items, White items, even possibly 100's of scripts missing. How do they do it? Simple. Viewers like hydrastorm and darkstorm have options such as God mode override hack, which let's the user become a god on your land. The viewers also can let someone delete items from your sim, clone items, and even take the scripts. Well that's fine, you say, my opensim blocks hydrastorm and darkstorm. Except these viewers have a feature that lets them masquerade as regular firestorm, singularity, hippo, and others... It tricks your simulator into thinking the person is not using hydrastorm, but is instead using firestorm. But there are other hacks as well, the reverse friend permissions hack, sim crashers, and more. So what's a good defense? Some packages like dreamgrid, include an option to autobackup when you like. And keep N number of backups before recycling them. Dreamgrid also makes it easy to back up your inventory to an IAR. I suggest you use features such as these, or if you're on linux, learn to save your oars from the command line, as well as your iar's. While hackers can and often do use a vpn to gain access to a sim they plan to attack so their ip cannot be traced. For example PIA (private internet access) gives their users thousands of servers to choose from, with many different IP addresses. So blocking by ip address is nothing more than a temporary snafoo for hackers. If you block by name, they come back with an alt. Also there's a setting in opensim that allows a grid owner to edit the attachments of people that come to their grid, and it's trivial to turn this feature on. To sum it up, some people are just jerks, and all you can do is backup, backup, backuppppp.

╔═══════ ೋღ :: ღೋ ═══════╗
Social Holiday
╚═══════ ೋღ :: ღೋ ═══════╝
Welcome to Social Holiday Christmas Region

Explore the region and find :

► Resident Decorate Area's with various free items

► New Never Seen before Animated Furniture (ADULT/PG)

► Christmas / Holiday Decor

► Ice Skating Rink (With Skating and AO)

► Christmas Costumes

► Christmas Village - Explore and Get many items

► Lodge with Gatcha Machine Of Uncommon and Rare Items (Collect them all)

All items Copy/ or Buy 0

This Region Will be Available 12/24 - 1/2021 Enjoy!
Party happy birthday ♥ betty fl ♥
Where: World1
When: 4 years ago [20 Nov 2020 13:00 SLT]

It will be a birthday party for betty fly to a wonderful and beautiful person!
Land : TET-A-TET
Dj: Dj Stereo

Moria brennt !
Etwas über ein Jahr ist es nun her, dass wir bei uns in Dorenas World ein Event zum Thema Flüchtlinge in Mittelmeer veranstaltet haben. Titel: Seenotrettung ist kein Verbrechen
In der Zwischenzeit ist viel geschehen, aber es hat sich wenig verändert - und wenn dann kaum zum Besseren. Wir hören von Booten in Seenot die von der Marine nicht nur nicht gerettet, sondern auf's offene Meer hinausgedrängt werden - ein Verbrechen, dass jeder Menschlichkeit Hohn spricht. Und die, die es bis auf die griechische Insel Lesbos geschafft haben, hat man mit unzureichender Versorgung zu Tausenden in ein völlig überfülltes Lager buchstäblich eingepfercht. Es war keine Überraschung, was wir jetzt an schrecklichen Bildern zu sehen bekommen:
Moria brennt !
Es war eine Katastrophe mit Ansage - und das Elend ist noch nicht am Ende. Schon ist man dabei das Problem zu "lösen", indem man die Menschen in ein neues Lager einzusperren versucht.

Wir denken es ist höchste Zeit für ein neues Event und haben die Woche vom 21.-27.9. dafür ausgewählt, denn es ist keine Zeit zu verlieren.

Wer mit Aktivitäten oder Ideen Idea zu diesem Event beitragen möchte, wird gebeten sich kurzfristig mit mir oder Anachron in Verbindung zu setzen.
Event planning

It's been a little over a year since we hosted an event on the topic of refugees in the Mediterranean at Dorenas World. Title: Rescue at sea is not a crime
Much has happened in the meantime, but little has changed - and if so, hardly for the better. We hear of boats in distress that are not only not rescued by the navy, but are pushed out to sea - a crime that scorns all humanity. And those who made it to the Greek island of Lesbos were literally cooped up by the thousands into a completely overcrowded camp with insufficient supplies. It was no surprise what horrible pictures we now see:
Moria is on fire!
It was a catastrophe with an announcement - and the misery is not over yet. You are already in the process of "solving" the problem by trying to lock people up in a new camp.

We think it is high time for a new event and we have the week of September 21-27. selected for this because there is no time to waste.

Anyone who would like to contribute to this event with activities or ideas is asked to contact me or Anachron at short notice.

Been Collecting stuff from my Fave opensim Artist since i Joined. Now, I have a museum dedicated just for her things. Who else Loves Cherry Manga's stuff?

Good day all you lovely farmers out there. Can anyone tell me what i have to do with the honeycomb, i have no storage for it, and i do not see it required in any of the menus. ?

Just an update that there are some new items in the animals section of the welcome centre - come free shopping!

Time to stop The Rumor mill!
An open letter to the Open sim community . There is a rumor going around the HG that because Club Equinox is owned by a lesbian and has a large girl presents that it is a lesbian club! Let me clear the air right now Club Equinox is not nor was ever a lesbian only club! We welcome everyone man, women or Transgender people even Furry's and fairy's. What we do offer is a Drama Free and fun place to party! It is not a strictly lesbian club as some have tagged us to be, As a mater of fact the majority of the girls that come are straight girls in relationships with guys! So for those that are starting this rumor you had better get your facts in order before you spew your racist comments. Thank you and see you at Club Equinox! Becca Kershaw owner and DJ of Club Equinox.
Hi can anyone help
Hi i am trying to solve a problem i have been wondering why my sim was not being visited for over a week now. I realised that when i try and teleport from my grid to others it keeps saying unable to verify identity. I'm not sure exactly what the problem seems to be but all ports are open that are meant to be i have been trying the obvious trying to change the MyWorld.ini and opensim.ini but nothing seems to be helping i can not hypergrid anywhere.
Looking for anthropomorphic avatars

If it is counted as off topic then it can be deleted. Just like in title i'm looking for anthro avatars or how some people call it furry avatars. I use osgrid and hypergrid work for me.

Another DreamGrid OAR # 259 is Elf Beach by Cyberglo. It's in your Free Content list.

Short video at

Frank Hurt: Thank you, Cyberglo, for sharing this with us! And thanks, Fred, for being the conduit for it all! I will definitely be loading this one up to check it out. 4 days ago
As we inch closer to the WolfTec Learning Conference beginning this Saturday, I have updated the website with the locations for all the events: Campus Island University Workspace

See the updated website @
And see you at the conference!

victorialogan: interesting proposal, welcome. 5 days ago
Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump is Open to Public - Everyone Welcome

I added Giraffe Family today and Fred added his excellent camels!

@FerdFrederix thank you for adding your rideable camels so that we can ride here 🐪🐫 and Dexter's Community Dump

Caribia: Thanks camel was working fine to me usually I get all kinds of bug's :P 4 days ago
The Japanese Home and Garden is now available at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid! Just click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area. That area is under reconstruction but the home and the bridges are available now.

This is a full pbr build but still has standard textures for those using non-pbr viewers. The home itself has 5 rooms, each with separate sliding shoji doors and light controls. In the back is a full garden in the Japanese style with all new mesh flora and landscaping, it's own lighting control, as well as pbr prim water that is animated. The full build is 1154 prims and fits comfortably on 53m x 45m space. Permissions are modify and copy and comes with full instructions.

As a bonus, I included extras of all the plants and trees used in the build.

Mike Chase: Beautiful build! 7 days ago

Hicks: c est fait 7 days ago

Wie angedroht :-)

Heute 20 Uhr gehts los ... Ende noch offen aber wenn es zu lange wird spiele ich Rausschmeißer xDDD

Gruß Wiener

Cosa: Geht doch...laaaacht 9 days ago
**Trinity Skin for EvoX Briannon OUT NOW!**
Something a bit different, a gorgeous brownie toned skin! Fits Briannon EvoX Head.
The tone is 'out' of the range tones I have brought for other skins, so it includes body skin as well.
- Trinity skin in 1 tone for EvoX Briannon Head
- Addons (Dimples, eye lids, moles...)
- Body skin in several versions (including a feet 'fix' for legacy bodies).

**Uber:** hop://

Tay Blindside: still can't get to your LM you have posted 14 days ago

Esti Mation: happy jule! 19 days ago

From Adora and PP mint, we like to wish you and your family a merry Christmas, and may God bless and keep you and everyone safe .

PinDeluca: Have a wonderful time over Christmas. Thank you both for all the fun and Laughter over 2024. Hope you have a lovely holiday ! 22 days ago - How to create 3d text in blender and upload to OpenSim Jimmy Olsen/Lone Wolf

Marianna : When I first started creating jewelry I discovered that I could use the dingbat fonts for neat jewelry parts. You have to make sure you have permissions especially if you plan to sell the jewelry. ... 1 month ago
No ideal individuals were being prohibited from Dallas. When I checked my email this morning, I saw that someone had been blocked. Listen, I don't ban anyone. The only reason I do so is if they treat me disrespectfully. In that case, I'm unable to communicate with you, so I say goodbye. I only ask that you talk to me if you have problems with me and not criticize me behind my back if you don't know me. Hell, even though I don't do what I do for myself, I still do it because I enjoy being active, if not for myself in real life. In any case, I prefer to see others happy. Have fun and happy holidays! When I started using OpenSim, I remember that people greeted and helped each other. It's an open sim with too much squabbling, rumors about who took what, and so forth! If you ban me, I won't lose any sleep.
Since I've met more individuals here than I have in my 20 years in Second Life, we make a lot of things here rather than bringing them over. As I mentioned, I felt that people were more considerate and grateful when I first started OpenSim. What is going on? :(

Mona725: When I log into this site, there is always someone bitching about something, people are bickering back and forth. Feels like some people have no life on their own, they have to stir the pot to feel ha... 1 month ago
„Das süßeste Fleckchen der Weihnachtszeit, wo süße Träume wahr werden und der Duft von Weihnachten zu Hause ist!"
"The sweetest spot of the Christmas season, where sweet dreams come true and the scent of Christmas is at home!"

MiguelTorres: So wundervoll.. Hoffe sie bemerkt nicht das ich geknabbert habe.. Lebkuchen mit Mett ganz neue creation. Ein Besuch lohnt sich. 2 months ago
🎄✨ Bonjour à tous ! ✨🎄
L’esprit de Noël commence à s’installer doucement, et j’ai envie de partager avec vous un peu de cette magie ! 🌟
C’est le moment de se réjouir, de penser à ceux qu’on aime, et de préparer de jolis souvenirs pour la fin d’année. 🎁❤️
Je vous souhaite déjà plein de douceur, d’amour, et une belle dose de féerie dans vos cœurs ! ❄️🎶
Et surtout… n’oubliez pas : Noël, c’est l’occasion parfaite pour illuminer nos vies et celles des autres.

Avec toute ma joie et mon sourire ! 😊
Joyeuses fêtes à l’avance ! 🎅🌟

Ankhsenaton: brrrrr j'ai déjà froid ;-) .... mais je vais venir ! :-) 2 months ago
Hi all! Anyone interested in Virtual Vignette products. Virtual Vignette is the place to go for all of your Animesh needs. I have a new Discord channel to help keep you up to date with new items in my shop and new events.

Mistressdalgato: excited for this region, we have needed something with just animesh for a while now. 2 months ago

Morning Coffee! Have a great day everyone.

KrisTina: A wolfie and his fleas,.... I mean thoughts. 2 months ago
Someone have problem with the Loguin today? I can't come in Osgrid

JustCurious: Unforseen circumstances made them have to take grid offline for asset issue. Dan says they are working on it. Should be back by weekend he said, I posted this in chatbox. 2 months ago