
Added by :
Monica Cloud
Created :
12 months ago
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My opensimulator project which I started on 2011. A giant city split on 16 regions (var region 2x2), not fully finished, but still working on it.

The name of Ciudad 404 I choosen it by the name of Ciudad which is the word City but in spanish, and 404 the http error of not found, the 404 I choosen it for 2 reasons:
- It's a city which doesn't exist, and can't be found (not based anywhere, for that the http error reference)
- Was going to replace the old city I did on 2008-2010, so it was was gonna be missing at the moment I finished the first block of streets, buildings

All the buildings can be accessed on the city (otherwise it's a placeholder building and I did which I still need to rework it), and also there is things under the surface.
Transport is not scripted yet, right now the only way to move is using fly or by walk.

It contains several subway lines, a lot of streets, buildings, and it's split into 6 districts:
- Downtown: The main district, it contains the most important avenue of all the city, with High Buildings, offices, stores and other services.
- Seaside: A residencial district with high buildings, hotels, restaurants and stores.
- Waterfront: This district has the beaches, stores for the fishermans, restaurants and the most luxurious hotels, also includes a stop for Cruise ships.
- Uphills: The district of the mansions, hotels and luxurious buildings.
- Harbor (Docks): The docks where it loads and unloads the containers filled with the local industry of the city or for exports.
- Airport: Where all the influx of tourists enters the city (excluding the ones which came from the Cruise ships), on the nights once the flights ends the illegal racers always go to drive inside it.

The last district, I'm still planning on how to start building it

I needed to create a car spawner/rezzer for my city (since I can't allow a single space for rez items), so I needed to code this, which allows you to configure cars to be rezzed on designed points, it's split into 3:

- Car spawner (parking): must contains the cars available to be spawned, note the name of the item you put there since you'll need to configure it on the rezzer machine
- Rezzer machine: Here it contains 2 notecards: CFG (configuration) and CARLIST (cars to be rezzed)
- Temporary object: It will have the script to rotate and listen the finall call to destroy itself (when moving to other car or reset)

The panels for images can be modified and added several, just look at the config value from there.

It's full perm, copy transfer including the scripts, you can modify it, do whatever, if you do a modification remember to keep the credits.

It's the first version, maybe it will have some bugs, but I tried to have the best code quality for it.
If you have a question, or found something remember to contact me.
Once I can, I'll do a better guide (there is one included on the object), you must copy or right click buy it (since the object contains all the scripts, the notecard, rezzer, spawner and instructions)

You can get it on: on my freebies mall (same landing point)
I used some cars of Prince Armor from his Region as demo and are the ones currently which can be spawned on my city for drive (these are not included, if you like them go to their region ^^)

FreshVirtualWorld: thankyou 12 months ago
How is organized the city splitted into the 16th regions.

Every one have the same start name: Ciudad_404_ where the can be found on the image, so on the middle there is Ciudad_404_1, and on the left Ciudad_404_2.

More than 34.000 prims, some districts of the city are not fully finished, other are half or not still initiated, but I'm still working on it (since it's a project I'm doing alone)

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