Monica Cloud @monica_cloud

Spain Offline

Building on opensimulator since 2008

Joined 12 months ago

About Myself


Started on Secondlife when I was a teenager, and switched to Opensim at 2008 when I discovered it on the community of Irene Muni.

Now at my 30 I keep my goal of make a giant city, but on Opensimulator: Ciudad_404 (in OSGrid), I work on it alone when I have free time, some districts have more buildings and more detail than others.

Normally I'm always building on my regions if I have spare time, is where I spend most of my time when I'm with Opensim and programming tools for some objects on my regions.

I speak Spanish and English.

FFXIII trilogy fan ^^

My Interests

Videogames (JRPG, MMORPG, racing games)
Final fantasy 13 trilogy
Programming (PHP, C#, ABAP, Javascript)
Sysadmin (Linux)

Favorite Quote

"It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do." - Lightning FFXIII

Music I Like

EDM, Rock, Makina, Orchestral

Films I Like

Pokemon 5: Heroes
Asterix and the house of gods
The Dark Knight Rises
Lupin III the movie
Pacific Rim
Ready player One
Sonic the movie (1, 2)
All the Toy story movies
Tron (original and legacy)

Books I Like

Final Fantasy XIII - Episode Zero
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Fragments before
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Fragments after

OpenSimulator Version

Opensim Dev

Viewer Version

Singularity viewer


Server of where is my city:
Intel Xeon-E 2136 - 6c/12t - 3.3 GHz/4.5 GHz
64 GB ECC 2666 MHz
2x4TB RAID 1

Server on where I have my racing circuit:
Intel W3520 - 16GB DDR3 ECC 1333 MHz - SoftRaid 2x2TB SATA

My Regions

Ciudad404 Racing Circuit
1 0 Racing Circuit 0 Users
Need to accelerate? This giant speedway is the place for you. You can test your cars, or do a race for the fun (currently without a working racing system). Speedway with multiple track combinations (custom track route selector will be available in some weeks, need to code it and finish the circui...
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3 0 0 Users
My opensimulator project which I started on 2011. A giant city split on 16 regions (var region 2x2), not fully finished, but still working on it. The name of Ciudad 404 I choosen it by the name of Ciudad which is the word City but in spanish, and 404 the http error of not found, the 404 I choosen...
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I needed to create a car spawner/rezzer for my city (since I can't allow a single space for rez items), so I needed to code this, which allows you to configure cars to be rezzed on designed points, it's split into 3:

- Car spawner (parking): must contains the cars available to be spawned, note the name of the item you put there since you'll need to configure it on the rezzer machine
- Rezzer machine: Here it contains 2 notecards: CFG (configuration) and CARLIST (cars to be rezzed)
- Temporary object: It will have the script to rotate and listen the finall call to destroy itself (when moving to other car or reset)

The panels for images can be modified and added several, just look at the config value from there.

It's full perm, copy transfer including the scripts, you can modify it, do whatever, if you do a modification remember to keep the credits.

It's the first version, maybe it will have some bugs, but I tried to have the best code quality for it.
If you have a question, or found something remember to contact me.
Once I can, I'll do a better guide (there is one included on the object), you must copy or right click buy it (since the object contains all the scripts, the notecard, rezzer, spawner and instructions)

You can get it on: on my freebies mall (same landing point)
I used some cars of Prince Armor from his Region as demo and are the ones currently which can be spawned on my city for drive (these are not included, if you like them go to their region ^^)

FreshVirtualWorld: thankyou 12 months ago
How is organized the city splitted into the 16th regions.

Every one have the same start name: Ciudad_404_ where the can be found on the image, so on the middle there is Ciudad_404_1, and on the left Ciudad_404_2.

More than 34.000 prims, some districts of the city are not fully finished, other are half or not still initiated, but I'm still working on it (since it's a project I'm doing alone)