OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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How many of you have wanted to install Marvelous Designer only to find how expensive it is? Me too, I had it at one time and loved it. I made a skirt that I still have and wanted to try creating clothing again so researched and found a great "Garment Tool" addon for blender it is only 40 USD and works just like Marvelous Designer! I am learning it now so wish me luck lol this is where to purchase it!

Han_Held: I'm not sure I'd buy it -but I'm intrigued and passed the link along to a friend who's into blender. Thank you! 3 years ago
Video of my latest region at VWZ. Vintage garden

Sylvia-Koeln: Wonderful 3 years ago

DUALITY: Another "funeral black club-wear" outfit. Who died? Boring outfits.

Jerom Franzic: Let's try this again... pic link to my comment, DUALITY's bodice dress 3 years ago
Close to both Tokyo and Mount Fuji the small town of Hakone holds something of a revelation. However, unless you are from Japan, you may well not have heard of it. The town plays host to a large open air museum where the works of many famous artists are held - outdoors. It balances art and nature in harmony. The artworks, combined with the beautiful views of the surrounding mountains give the visitor an unforgettable experience. Now recreated in OpenSim for all those missing travelling in Real Life.

SamAdama: Original from Kanagawa 3 years ago
Remember the Unknown Comic? He had it right all along! Rigged, free/full perm bag mask for the days you simply want to be incognito. Can be found at the Rigged avatar store,

Hugabug: Marianna this made me smile & laugh this morning great way to start my day :) 3 years ago
Cyberpunk Electronica/Jpop/Kpop at Black Sun w DJ Rosa
When: 2 years ago [19 Jun 2022 18:00 SLT]

DJ Rosa spins a 2 hour set of Cyberpunk Electronica K-pop and J-pop in the cyberpunk techno setting of the brand new Black Sun Club. 6-8pm Fridays. Hosted by Mike Lorrey

Looking for something new and unique to do? Come to Phantom Rose Grid's Nature Region and do some rock climbing! Lannorra has hand made all the rock climbing poses and set up a dual course near Olympia Falls. The side by side climbs let you race a friend to the top! The view once you get there is spectacular and you can follow the stairs up to the free hang glider, to float your way back down. Upon landing at Phantom Rose Nature Region, make sure you get a trail map pamphlet and region guide from the kiosk. Follow the yellow trail thru the campground and pick up the Lake trail going past the falls on your right. The rock climbing area is on the side of the mountain. Take some pictures of your climb and drop on Lannorra Sion, and she will post one to the Champion board! You can hop to PR Nature region via the Opensimworld beacon, or go via the viewer map using url: and use the IDP teleporter from the welcome area.

OpenSimUser: Only you would go rock climbing in high heels and leather britches lol 3 years ago

Apollo_Star: That looks Awesome ! 3 years ago
Looking for catwalk poses

Anyone know where I can find some poses for a model runway i am building. for example, the avatar walks down the runway strikes a pose and walks back.

Say with Sensor
Aloha, I don't understand why this simple script occurs error and won't work, can someone help please?

llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, "5", PI, 5);
sensor(integer total_number)
llSay(0,"If you see a black box, enable Advanced Lighting Model in preferences. Turn on sounds to max too. ");


Cherry Manga: thanks you guys! ♥ 3 years ago
Large Mall with a lot shops. Fashion for woman and male, furniture, houses, and lots more. Also adding new uploaded fashion and other products from time to time. new textured fashion. come over and have a look you will find something you like for sure. see you there.


Trizzy Hunter: Have enjoyed all my visits so far lots to see and explore and lots to be added to your inventory. 3 years ago
radio stations into opensim

hi is there a list anywhere of radio stations that can be used in opensim i know some of the SL ones dont play in aviworlds opensim. please and thanks

Jupiter Rowland: Check out OSWRS (; stands for "OpenSimWorkingRadioStreams"). You'll find ready-to-use radios, general ones that cover a variety of genres as well as specialised one. ... 3 years ago

Jerralyn Franzic: Worth a visit, I love it... I LOOK SO TINY THERE, I'm not worthy LOL :) 3 years ago
A famous but humble man once said, "“When I get dressed, I put my pants on one leg at a time like everyone else." Here at oh HELLO we put our pants on both legs and butt all at once! Amazing but true.

Here is a new outfit at oh HELLO with a pair of all-at-once putter-onner pants and a matching top. The detaling on these is perfectly matched by an exquisite white-silver scarf/necklace and the pair of flats. I always add the hair last when assembling an outfit, and this hair just thrilled me with how right it looks. You will be thrilled that you can personalize your look with the fat-packs in the vendor.

oh HELLO. Outfits with Options and our patented all-at-once putter-onner pants.

rayne: love this, thank you so much for sharing 3 years ago
Hair History Is Being Made Today at oh HELLO
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "redhead" has been in use since at least 1510. According to me, my AV has been a redhead not once since at least 1510 -- until today. You can get an outfit at oh HELLO that commemorates this historic day, and if you like, you can use the hair HUD to make your hair a historic color for yourself.

Oh HELLO - Outfits with Options &, every 500 years, historic hair.

Nico Kailani: Thank you all for your post likes. I should note that MinkeTinke and Antonia Ling are rocking red hair in their profile pix. Well done ladies! 3 years ago
My apologies for the repost, I was trying to edit the post not delete it :( I got click happy.

Fairy of the Glen is available in the fantasy section of the shop. They are animesh with 5 styles to choose from.

Scripts are thanks to Arcadia Shop. Directions on activation are included in the box

The fairies float and fly around fluttering their wings. The animations are in a different order for each fairy in order to avoid synching if you put out more than one.

They add a little action wherever they are.

Have a great day!

River: The fairies are very beautiful and I love the animations! Thank you, Bibiana!! 3 years ago


AnaKathy: Dear Avia, such a nice choice. You make us all Dinkie lovers very happy ♥ 3 years ago
Are you searching for love but can't find it? Do you long for someone to hold and enjoy a passionate romance with? I've taken satyr aeon's opensim npc framework and stuffed it in a genie jar just for you. What? in english. I've made a genie jar you touch, and select men or women. There are about 10 in the genie jar, and they are very very beautiful. You can command them to do anything you wish, as long as you have the ability to rez npc's, and you can allow scripts and object entry. Example: Cindy follow me, and cindy will follow you until you say Cindy stop. Cindy use ~ball0 and Cindy will use whatever bed, chair, or other that you can imagine. What's more is you can use it with her. For the ladies, the men do the same things. There are many commands, please feel free to contact me for a list. You can say Cindy seen all and she will list all the people she has seen on your sim. Cindy light and cindy will turn on a light for you. Cindy movetovr and cindy moves to that location. Cindy flywith me. Cindy come. and Cindy will come to you anywhere in the sim (as long as you don't have teleport routing set)(( you may also have to region shout in order to be heard). You can also control the men's parts. Contact me for the list of commands. The possibilities are endless... Come to Free Magic and get your impossibly perfect love today. Your better half is waiting...

CyberGlo CyberStar: Thank you to all the many many people coming to get this item. I never expected such a huge turnout. Wow. Now if you would be so kind as to upvote my region please. :) 3 years ago
Changing display name on OSgrid

I've been around for nearly two months. Why am I required to hold off on changing my display name until the early afternoon on January 19th?

Aaack: OSGrid doesn't supports display names, so don't pay attention to what the viewers say, even if you could change your display name once per second it wouldn't be shown to others. 3 years ago
content that I cant believe is allowed
I will probably get some comments on it but if you do comment please be respectful. if this is not allowed just delete

I came across a sim that was sex related and owned by a child avi with a G rating. to top it off there were gifs and pic of child avis having sex with adult avis.keep in mind the childs avis pics/ gifs are naked as well as the adults in them

now the content itself is great I just think a sim geared towards sex stuff should be ran by an adult avi and A or M rated. Also I think the child porn needs to go.
ive also noticed that people that take that stuff to share with others on there sim dont remove the child avis, or child and adult pics/gifs from the object. personally its not appealing and we all know related things that have happend on the hypergrid.
Well, since I made the "Enchanted" section at the shop, I feel like I need to put new things in it. This always happens, I end up on a theme for a while (cough, cough polar bears).

So, I give you Magical Mushrooms (no, not those kind of mushrooms, that's another theme).

These Fungi have the power to be tree size and come in several variations including versions with 2 spore color choices.
All the textures are in the box for those who like to customize :).

Have a magical day!
Was wir euch fürs neue Jahr wünschen:

Nehmt euch Zeit zum Träumen,
das ist der Weg zu den Sternen.

Nehmt euch Zeit zum Nachdenken,
das ist die Quelle der Klarheit.

Nehmt euch Zeit zum Lachen,
das ist die Musik der Seele.

Nehmt euch Zeit zum Leben,
das ist der Reichtum des Lebens.

Nehmt euch Zeit zum freundlich sein,
das ist das Tor zum Glück.

Eure Nasti und Rudi Bakerly

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What we wish you for the New Year:

Take time to dream,
this is the way to the stars.

Take time to think,
that is the source of clarity.

Take time to laugh,
this is the music of the soul.

Take time to live,
this is the richness of life.

Take time to be kind,
this is the gateway to happiness.

Yours Nasti and Rudi Bakerly
o.0 AMAZING NEW WITCHES HUD for all you would be witches! :) Totally free! Summon the goddess to eject someone from your land, rez a secret arcane practice center! Create your own relaxing witchy space!!! Cast spells! Find answers! :) Play with Salem the familiar!!! You should have many questions, well I have many answers. :) Please don't hesitate to contact me for help. I am very pleased to offer you this gift to enjoy your magical fantasy!
Note: please like my region, as your votes let me know I'm appreciated :) hehehe
Commands of the familiar: Salem followme, Salem follow cindy.resident, Salem seen (lists all people he has seen), Salem teleport teleports to center of sim. Salem has many many commands, for the list contact me.
I don't usually support mesh bodies that have got nothing to do with Ruth2 or Roth2. But I've come across an improvement trick for Athena 6 with BoM that nobody seems to know.

The major problem is that the skin on Athena 6's limbs may look weird under certain viewer settings, much like a lighting bug. Some skin areas look brighter or darker than they should.

A minor problem is that alpha masks don't work on Athena 6 although they technically should with BoM.

The reason is because Athena 6 has a chaotic hodge-podge of alpha settings all over it. Parts are set to alpha masking, more parts are set to alpha blending (it's them which may look weird to you or to others), most have alpha off (this is why alpha masks don't work on Athena 6 out of the box).

The solution:

Step 1: Edit your Athena 6 body. All of it, not just any piece. Select it in your inventory while wearing it.

Step 2: Go to the Texture tab.

Step 3: Set the alpha mode to alpha masking.

Now the different shades of skin colour are gone, but your hands and feet may turn partially white. Don't panic, this is supposed to happen and will be fixed in the next steps.

Step 4: Set the mask cutoff to 128. If it is already 128, set it to 127 and back to 128.

The white should disappear, and your body should look normal again. Or better than what you saw previously.

Step 5: Take the body off and put it back on to save the new settings.

Also, you can now wear alpha masks like you can on the system body which might save you from the hassles that come with the alpha cuts on the HUD, and which you can save with outfits. The only limitation is that the alpha masks still don't work on fingernails and toenails.

Should alpha masks stop wearing, just edit the body and set the mask cutoff to 127 and back to 128.

The same method should work on Adonis 4 if you want to use alpha masks with BoM.

Oh, and before anyone tries this on Ruth2 v4 or Roth2 v2: You don't have to, at least not with the "BoM" bodies and Ruth2 v4 "Business". They've got alpha mode controls on the HUD. The "" versions, on the other hand, are de-scripted and have no HUD, so they require this trick, too, if alpha masks don't work.
Happy Birthday Jesus. It's what CHRISTmas was always actually about. The birth of Christ. "fact" Merry Christmas everyone from me, myself, and I. lol :D Prayers, good karma, love, hugs, and high 5's everyone. :)

Crystal Piano (with pose & music)

Stairway to Heaven

Then the loud sound did seem to fade. Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase (648 kHz). That weren't no DJ, that was hazy cosmic jive.

The Radio Caroline pirate ship was probably one of the best-known “unofficial” radio stations in Britain. By sticking to off-coast locations, the boat ensured that it could remain outside of the legal reach of the British authorities. Without any broadcasting laws to hold them back, the DJs on boats like Radio Caroline gave their listeners the raw, authentic music and entertainment they were looking for. These rock-and-roll pirates changed radio forever.

Caroline passes Battersea on its way out to the Essex Coast
Avirtualworld Animesh Collection
AVW has placed all animesh & related Items in Vendors for a better experience & FR
All Free All Copy All the Time HOP: copy paste it to your map;-))

When you leave the snow globe at landing
Follow the steps, take the laser bridge and walk toward the greenhouse

Novale's WINTER 2021 2022 is finally ready and open to hypergrid visitors!
Come and enjoy its new Christmas Market!

wanted pub bar
folks im looking for a pub/hotel bar so far i have found cocktail bars but i want a pub bar with taps also looking for poker machines if your and aussie you would know the type of pub im thinking of. if anyone can help it would be appreciated

Just added a NFT art gallery to the shopping district.

Das Team vom

Arie Tenku's region Aether now features her original music, which is as well done and interesting as the Aether region itself. Head to Aether for a listen, or listen in the comfort of your own abode.
Aether Region:
Aether Radio:

Posted on Arie's behalf as she has no gold coins!
Mimi Reich's Gedenktag
Where: Hope Island
When: 3 years ago [26 Nov 2021 19:00 SLT]

Harte Töne , leise Klänge ,Musik die ans Herz geht Land 2

Well, it's been a while since I had a new release. I've been RL busy, busy and getting the garden ready for winter.
I know it's a little early for this one but before we know it the holidays will be upon us! I've put out pointsettias with and without pots in the Xmas section of the shop. They come in Red, Pink and White. Textures and all variations are included in the box.