OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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@Shirl Taintedangel keeps creating great .oars to share, Thank you Shirl!! Fred has just put in your drop-down list of Free Outworldz .oars the latest two .oars offered. The Permanent Vacation and Motels and Hotels!! #outworldz #shirl #oars #oar
Outworldz-DreamGrid .oars
Fred Beckhusen designs and creates .oars to share with his Outworldz-Dreamgrid members. The OAR is licensed exclusively for use in DreamWorld Grids. CC-BY-NC, Outworldz, LLC.

Open Sims Art Fest 2022 - Be Part of the Art - Nyx Breen 3D Artscapes @ Immersive. explore the different and unique.

Thirza Ember: that's big art. 3 years ago

Take the moment to be Lost In Time :)


Novale's Summer Season is now open !
Nice hangout beach places and more !

La Cittadella Di Rachel: Beautiful place, worth visiting! 3 years ago

Mind Odyssey - Pain Passes coming soon. 3D immersive Artscapes. Be part of the Art. Explore Mind Odyssey a sim dedicated to Art.

Marianna : Thank you, Nyx... 3 years ago

Hi! I'm the unofficial spokes-doll for the Barbie World Grid. CEO Barbie wants you to know, "Unrealistically shaped AVs on Barbie World Grid are the rule!" Cool beans!

Thirza Ember: @ xishi, surely any lawyer hired by Barbie is unlikely to sue. They wouldn't have the cojones. 3 years ago

Have you gone Immersive yet? Be part of the Art. Discover the other side of virtual.

Thirza Ember: Lovely! (in an immersive way) 3 years ago
Just a touchy-feely ... a friend of mine wanted to know about an online witch-coven, I would consider building it, to help her out.... just want an opensim feedback first... please leave your comments

OpenSimUser: Woo-hoo, witchy woman See how high she flies Woo-hoo, witchy woman She got the moon in her eyes 3 years ago

New Release at oh HELLO

Luna Lunaria: Nice look :-) 3 years ago

A Safari on Safari today!

Thirza Ember: 3 years ago

wieder was neues auf Chubbys Fairy Dreamland

Chérir Wedding Set, a beautiful three stone engagement ring with a rippled wedding band. Free/Full Perms, in the wedding section of Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

The company buying Trump's social network Truth Social warned investors about Trump's history of bankruptcy and failed business ventures. If anyone plans to "solve world poverty" by selling regions for AviTron, you should warn potential buyers too.

(See comment for more info).

Spax Orion: in case that coward deletes the Virtualville listing here is a WBM snapshot: 3 years ago
"Pangea lässt die Sau raus"
Freitag, 20. Mai 2022
☆ Live und in Farbe anwesend: Porky Pangea Famlie
☆ 11 PDT/ 20.00 Uhr europäischer Zeit
☆ Am Musikpult Gridsau Marlon Wayne
☆Taxi Porky Party Pangea
☆Pangea Info:
"Pangea Porky-Freakout!
Friday, May 20. 2022
☆ Live and in color present: Pangea Porky Famliy.
☆ 11 PDT / 20:00 European time
☆ On the music desk Grid sow Marlon Wayne
☆Taxi Porky Party Pangea
☆Pangea Info:
Amoa Nude Beach has been re-opened.

No one was banned, but due to all the issues and repercussions related to emotionally disturbed idiots griefing regions and grids over the past couple of weeks, changes made across grids caused issues with performance at Amoa Nude Beach.

To slow the influx of so many IM's letting me know the beach was a lag monster crawling at a massively slow pace, I shut the region down until it was resolved.

All group members were sent a notice regarding the issue, however if the half that would actually read it, may have never received it.

Again, our apologies for the inconvenience and much thanks to grid owners Huga and Gabe of Barefoot-Dreamers grid as well as Fred Buckenhausen for his assistance as well in improving the performance and helping restore the best and only nude beach on the hypergrid.

GlennXpletive: Apparently, the beacon went offline for 24 hours yesterday as well. Geez. Anyway it is online and available. 3 years ago

What can it be?


Kashi Takeshi: YaY We missed you :o) 3 years ago

Sunflower Solitaire with a pretty Citrine gemstone. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

River: Mari, its beautiful! Thank you! 3 years ago
2 years soul grid
2 years living with friends
2 years living with YOU
2 years of creativity, fun and cohesion,
2 years of a community that makes us happy.

We want to celebrate all of this with you this weekend at Tosca.

From Saturday 14.05. until Sunday 15.05.2022

Our program :

Saturday 05/14/2022

10:00 PDT Welcome Party with Tailor
11:00 PDT Show in the sky : Soul Man Group with an amazing light show & Gisela Blue and her cowl gang
11:15 PDT Tailor's dancefloor
13:00 PDT Bea's Nightwish

Sunday 05/15/2022

Hunt the Soul in the morning until 7:00 PDT The hunt around the grid.

01:00 PDT Birthday pint at Tosca
10:00 PDT Warm-up with Bella Diesel
11:00 PDT Janice Mills, a smooth voice with heart and soul. Live at Tosca.
We have been able to win over this wonderful singer again and are looking forward to a top-class concert

Afterwards we party until the lights go out.

Celebrate with us, celebrate with friends!

We look forward to welcome you

Your Nasti and Rudi

Thirza Ember: Really looking forward to celebrating with you, we need good news and 2 year anniversary is definitely that! 3 years ago

Es war ein unglaublich toller Abend, magisch! Vielen Dank an alle.

It was an incredibly stunning evening, magical! Many thanks to all.

Thirza Ember: That was so much fun, I loved it. 3 years ago
On May 4th, Season Two of the reborned HG Safari kicked off in region Novale ( As usual, Thirza Ember published a nice blog entry describing the visit in details with many pictures. Read it at: . Second stop was at the impressive Abyss Observatory in Japan.

I love Spring! The season of new life! Today I am appreciating some time spent with my goat, Betty Goat. :D

OpenSimUser: And she's got Betty Davis eyes.......... 3 years ago
Beautiful Mutants
Mitosis is a process where a single cell divides into two daughter cells, which are usually identical. However, mistakes happen. Well, my one region Xinashi has now divided into three regions, each different. Très troublant! My regions are mutants! But what beautiful mutants they are.

Almost all of what was the singular Xinashi has been redesigned. I think you are going to like the changes. Come visit all the old but now renewed attractions: oh HELLO, Sol Et Luna Dance, Treehouse Park, the Rocket Club, Strictmore Academy, the BDSM Warehouse, Sparta Gym, the Eagle LBGT Dance Club, Eros Yoga Center, and the deeply strange Dead-End Drive-In.

Xinashi is now Xinashi, Xin2 and the Eros Yoga Center. But wait! There's more. Use the teleporter board to visit our sister region, the wonderfully unusual Aether. Yoga Center

Nico Kailani: One thing has not changed. Lumberjack AVs are still not allowed at Treehouse Park. 3 years ago

Just Released at RRD for the guys on your gift list

original mesh by Meli Imako and used with permission

Wir wünschen Allen frohe Ostern, entspannte Tage, Gesundheit, viel Sonne und jede Menge Ostereier

Jeannie: wünsche euch auch ein gesegnetes osterfest 3 years ago
Herzlich willkommen beim Pangea Osterhunt 2022
Es gilt 7 + 1 Ei zu finden, also eigentlich 8, aber das 8. ist ein wenig tricky ...

Welcome to our Pangea Easter Hunt 2022
There are 7 + 1 egg to find (actually 8 eggs) but the 8th one is a little bit tricky ...

Wikinger Museum

Another release today. Just some small garden mushrooms.

You never know when you are going to need some fungi, pretty on the ground and tasty in the frying pan.

These come in two texture variations, just plain shrooms and some that have red spotted caps. The textures are included inside "garden mushroom 1" in order for them to travel better for HG users.

They are located just as you go into the fantasy section at the shop.

Have a great day!

Frohe Ostern wünscht euch das AnKaBi - Team...
Auf unserer Welcome haben wir für euch einen kleinen Osterbazar mit niedlich Dekosachen zusammen gestellt --- wir hoffen es gefällt Euch

NEW Items !!!!!

You Never Know What You Will Find On CopyKat Grid
Mr. Miller loves it when Joan joins him in a rousing game of "Kick The Pickle." CopyKat Grid has 44 regions with umpteen number of free full-perm items. Maybe even a game of Kick the Pickle! One thing is sure. You never know what you will find on CopyKat Grid.

es gibt wieder zwei neue Komplettavatar Fairys in meinem Fairy Shop
there are two new Complete Avatar Fairys in my Fairy Shop

Misty_Falls: very pretty ... great job !!! 3 years ago


Jerralyn Franzic: Just sent an alt there LOL... he says there's not enough stuff for the dudes! Oh well, he liked everything else though. :D 3 years ago
Wir feiern eine 70er Jahre Party|
Wer erinnert sich nicht an Tapeten mit riesigen Mustern, Bonanza Räder, Schlaghosen und Käse Igel ?
Und natürlich eine Ära mit toller Musik .
Genießt einen Abend mit den Hits von Rod Stewart, Kiss, Baccara, Abba und noch vielen weiteren Knallern die unsere Nasti aus dem Jutebeutel zaubert.

Enjoy an evening with amazing music from Abba to Kiss and much more.
Djane Nasti is happy to welcome you at the tosca.
Like, I dont have enough to do.... silly me...takes on another project.... this is the "bones"... a wind power generating station .... 10 more just like it, all tesla transmitting linked to generate power for my huge-ass shipyard

Luna Lunaria: I have a fusion substation I can pass on to you for help in generating power: My main starbase needs a lot more power though. Here's the... 3 years ago
Suite à une panne des serveurs FrancoGrid hébergés chez Scaleway Online , et l'absence de volonté de la part de l’hébergeur de trouver une solution viable, nous sommes en incapacité de remonter la grille.
L'association perdure, et reste en veille.
Les assets sont perdus après 2020, les assets datant d'avant 2020 sont saufs. Notre admin technique réfléchit à une solution pour fournir des .iar aux personnes le souhaitant, pour toute information, veuillez contacter ssm par mail :
Pour toute information concernant la trésorerie, ou pour un hébergement (payant) sur un serveur pour monter des simulateurs sur la grille de votre choix, veuillez contacter Nino par mail :
Following a breakdown of the FrancoGrid servers hosted at Scaleway Online, and the lack of will on the part of the host to find a viable solution, we are unable to rebuild the grid.
The association continues, and remains on standby.
Assets are lost after 2020, assets from before 2020 are safe. Our technical admin is thinking about a solution to provide .iar to people who want it, for any information, please contact ssm by email:
For any information regarding cash, or for hosting (paid) on a server to mount simulators on the grid of your choice, please contact Nino by email:

Kashi Takeshi: Big loss... wandered a lot at FG. Let me know if I can help Cherry. 3 years ago

Peace! Be Kind! Be Thankful!

We ended the winter season of Novale yesterday.
Novale will be closed until late March.
We are preparing for Spring!

Old installation reworked

The trial run of Inworld Review was filmed yesterday. Still got to work on the poses, and this first episode really long, (90 minutes!) but if you want to get a general idea of how the show works, with a view to being a guest in the future, take a look here
Hopefully many people sign up at join in, it's a great way to let people know about your work in the hg! Contact MAL BURNS on DISCORD

River: Now I want to know what the horrible things were that was said! lol 3 years ago