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This is a scripted King Air Aircraft which comes complete with Hud for starting the props, Nav Lights, Landing Gear and Interior Lights.

I will be making this plane available with the hud very soon from the International Airport for anyone who wishes to fly it.

Click the link below to see a video I did when Adventure Bay was running. It doesn't feature the New FemDom City or the Updated Airport but it gives you an idea of how the plane flies. It can be a bit wobbly but its great fun to fly.

To see the video click Here :

Before you mention it. I know it wasn't a perfect landing.

Roland Francis: Gotto retract that gear first ;) Makes flying so much safer. 3 years ago

Littlefield Grid's new splash page. Keep the people of the Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers.

Next....: Ma Unichorn....with baby, of course ;)

Do you do Voice? are you available on Sundays around 12 noon Grid Time? Would you like to promote your grid, project, creations, or performances in OpenSim? Good news - the Mal Burns talk show Inworld Review is coming back to Opensim!
Guest bookings are beginning NOW, for more information on how to participate, join and friend Mal Burns#5591

Thirza Ember: To those who asked, yes, this is in English, but if it's not your first language, don't let that hold you back. Who doesn't love accents! 3 years ago
Well, this morning I've put out a new fountain at the shop.

The Dolphin Fountain has 2 models. One with and one without lights, also, the sound is owner touch on and off in case you find it annoying.

The fountain is surprisingly easy to move considering it's made out of bronze and concrete :D and it's perfect for those who like something fishy around their home.

No dolphins were harmed in the production of this fountain.

Thirza Ember: Fin dining. 3 years ago

Bonjour, hello, guten tag, ciao
New shop, new contexte
new promotions, yes !

Where Is The Damned Taxi?
I often get an event notice from a group I'm a member of, and it inevitably gives the event link, with the comment "Here's your taxi." First of all, I never get a taxi. A link is not a taxi. Where is the damned taxi? At the very least they can put a taxi at the landing zone to make it look like I got there by taxi.

And don't get me started about VIP group tags. All I'll say is that if everyone is a VIP, no one is a VIP. If I really was a VIP, they would actually send me the taxi!

Speaking of which, I have a taxi in the Xinashi Car Bar Treehouse. It has a wine bar in the trunk. Open bar for all VIP members! (joking). Here is your...oh, never mind. Just click the link.

River: LMAO at you girl! You're so funny! 3 years ago
It was just time for a new plant release. Gotta have flowers!

Think spring, these are some of the first flowers that show up after winter....sunny happy daffodils (they never complained to me so I'm just assuming they're happy).

There are versions for the garden as well as some in a vase in the main shop building.
The garden versions also include singles so you can put them in your own favorite vase, container etc.
Check the notecard in the box to see which version contains the textures.

Have a lovely day :)
Today I've released an update to an older item plus an additional co ordinating piece.
The Concrete Garden Set 2.0 is now available next to the Garden Gazebo (it's base also co ordinates with the set.).
This time around, there is the bird bath, table and seat as well as a garden bridge.

All pieces are guaranteed wind proof and might even stand up to a hurricane ;).
Textures are included in the items should you wish to modify.

Have a fabulous day!

es gibt immer mal wieder was neues auf der Sim ...

JeannieDagostino: awwww wie süüüsss♥♥♥ ganz toll gemacht chubbylein 3 years ago
The Outfit Officially Banned From Bouncy Houses
The American Association For Bouncy Houses makes every effort to make sure bouncy houses are durable, safe, and fun. They took one look at this outfit and said "Hell no." The outfit has spiked pants and spiked heels. No way and no how. No bouncy houses for you Missy.

oh HELLO. Outfits With Options and, occasionally, danger pants.

Hugabug: great outfit thank you ! 3 years ago
New outfit for today, a MadHatters outfit for the girls ;-)
This outfit does only fit the Open Sim Dinkies.
The white Dinkie avatar is made by Etheria Parrot and can be bought at CGC BuildersGuild with gloebits.

New Outfits!!!!

Well, the enchanted section of the shop officially has it's first new item, also, my first release of 2022.

I made a dryad tree with several versions, with and without lights in different colors, particles and ivy etc. The leaves and lights have a bit of animation and the particles blow in the wind ;). There are quite a few of those combinations in the box and I included all the textures in case anyone wants to mod things. I've seen a few dryads around VWs and always thought it would be a fun thing to make.

Have a magical day!

A carful of too lazy to work thieves tried to sneak into my home late Christmas night. They found out real quick amputee does not always=helpless. An old grey maned wolf with a missing leg still has fangs... heh. Rebelworld is running, but PC still has issues from the most recent breakin during my last hospitalization. Apologies if you experience any lag, or brain hiccups. Happy New Year ya'll, :) hugs n high 5's
Merry Christmas everyone, hope Santa was good to you this year!! I created these 2022 Glasses because our future is so BRIGHT! Free/Full perms in the foyer at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry and also at the GCG store!

Happiest holidays Open Sim from your friends on Wyldwood Bayou!!

Christmastime all snowy and white, bundled up in my little cabin I think of all of you. The many friends I have made in opensim thank you for all the great times and laughter. We will be in a New Year soon, as Brad Paisley once said, "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one." -Brad Paisley. It can be anything we desire. I love that! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Keep making opensim awesome!!
Typically, I'm very modest in my dress. But I thought I owed it to the large "my butt cheeks are showing" fans to make an outfit for them. It has to be a large number of people judging from the multitude of "my butt cheeks are showing" clothes I see everywhere.

So, is this post just an excuse to say "my butt cheeks are showing?" Mmmmm...maybe. I should mention that modesty is preserved by "FINA'S 'CutebutPsyco' thong which is color-able. How in the hell they came up with that name, I don't know.

Oh HELLO. The shop that can boast of having at least one "my butt cheeks are showing" outfit with a cray-cray thong.
Listen to the good sounds on 648 kHz (medium wave)

Happy to see the Ross Revenge - the Radio Caroline ship - today from the top of my house on 'The Art Factory'. Ernest postet yestday a info. See here:

'MV Ross Revenge is a radio ship, the home of Radio Caroline, as well as having supported Radio Monique and various religious broadcasters. She was constructed in Bremerhaven in 1960, and initially served as a commercial trawler as part of the Ross Group fleet, notably taking part in the Cod Wars of the 1970s. Following her decommissioning, she was purchased by Radio Caroline and outfitted as a radio ship, complete with 300-foot (91 m) antenna mast and 50 kW transmitter. Her broadcasts began on 20 August 1983; her final pirate broadcast took place in November 1990. She ran aground on the Goodwin Sands in November 1991, bringing the era of offshore pirate radio in Europe to an end. She was, however, salvaged, and is now maintained by the Caroline Support Group, a group of supporters and enthusiasts.' (
Well, I messed up! There was a script problem with my logs and the poses were pretty borked. I've now replaced both the summer and winter versions with shiny new scripts so they are ok to replace.
My apologies for any inconvenience to anyone who already took the log and campfire items from my shop.
Ho Ho Ho....or is it Ha Ha Ha. Poor Santa, it looks like he tried to go down the chimney of a tiny house or possibly they fluffed the red suit too much at the cleaners; in any case, dude is stuck in the chimney. He's going to be there a while so you might as well use him as seasonal decor :D! He's in the Christmas section of the Shop, 2 versions, one with and one without snow at the base.
*MARULA TREE* From Africa to Opensim * FREE and FULLPERM * Available at FOREST AREA, BOX 03!

MARULA TREE (Sclerocarya birrea)

Indigenous to southern Africa (and parts of West Africa and Madagascar), the Marula tree is known for its sweet, yellow fruit – and local lore says that same fruit becomes 'elephant alcohol' once it's fallen to the ground and fermented. Although scientists debunked the drunk elephant myth back in 2005, the alcohol association is not really surprising as the fruit is used to produce Amarula, the second-best-selling cream liqueur in the world. Traditionally the tree is used for everything from malaria cures to insecticide, not to mention as a food source – even more so in the summer months when the branches are often decorated with brightly coloured mopane worms, themselves an important source of protein for millions of people in southern Africa.

visit the mediterran 4*4 SIM Mokka Island in our wonderful german "SOUL" grid

Wir wünschen allen Bewohnern und der gesamten Opensim Gemeinde
einen besinnlichen ersten Advent !

Yay! OSG is back online and I've got another Polar Bear release. These bears work well outside like street lamps however, they are heavier meshes than the regular street lamps so you might not want to rez like 50 of them. I'm using them in a winter area as lamps for feature spots. As with the ceiling lamps they have 3 different bears and automatic or manual light scripts.

This dancing guys are so cool!
High quality stuff on ENCANTADA | OSGrid

New Dina Outfit !!!

Shuttle Ferry to Observatory (5 minutes) - Fähre zum Observatorium (5 Minuten)

Golden Age will be staying at VWZgrid as long as the gridowner it wants. It's my gift to him, for his generousity to give me free sims to work at them.
All the work I make at his grid, will be given to the gridowner to use in Open Sim , just because we can haha!

New !!!

now a little bit of ChinaTown on BastelWastel. have a lot of fun building it makes your world a little more interesting
etzt neu auf BastelWastel ein kleines bisschen ChinaTown . habt viel spass beim bauen macht eure Welt ein bisschen intressanter

Halloween Sky!!!!
Teleport at Mall Landing Point

le retour du vaisseau bananne
yep an older space ship

War.... Face Tattoo New @ Body Shop

Many new tattoos for your back !!!

Press release of the project 2Lei in Opensim. All grids are invited to participate or even a single sim of each Grid.

Bonjour , hello gutten tag
Merci à tous
Thank all
Danke alles

Shopping on 7 floors .
Come in and find out !!

NEW !!!!