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Teleport Island
0 Users 5 0
Neverworld has a vast amount of public use regions, whether it be to explore, role play, live or shop and Teleport Island is the solution for visitors to find all the good places to go. Pick up land...
DJ Riker's Saturday Holiday Blues at Rockin' the Blues tonight at 6:00PM! (Pre-set at 5:30!)
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM grid time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Happy Holidays from Rockin' The Blues!! DJ Riker is here to get you into the spirit of the season with some great blues tunes!! Oh yeah! We know how to party here in the swamp, so head on down to Wyldwood Bayou Grid and join DJ Riker, his lovely host Jillian & the Tribe for some holiday merriment!! And come early for Riker's famous Pre- Set! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
Am 25. und 26. Dezember verwandelt sich die Novale-Adventsjagd in eine Weihnachts- und 2. Weihnachtsfeiertags-Schatzsuche.

Wenn Sie irgendwo auf den Adventsbaum klicken, der sich neben dem Gewächshaus in der Nähe des Landepunkts befindet, erhalten Sie eine Notizkarte mit einer vollständigen Liste der 24 Hinweise, die nacheinander zwischen dem 1. und 24. Dezember veröffentlicht wurden. Verwenden Sie die Hinweisliste, um Weihnachtskugeln zu finden, die in der Region verstreut sind. Alle Weihnachtskugeln werden aktiv sein und ihr Geschenk bei Berührung (vorausgesetzt, Sie stehen in einem Abstand von 5 m oder weniger von der Kugel) vergeben.

Wenn Sie den Advent ein paar Tage verpasst haben, ist dies Ihre Gelegenheit, Ihre Serie von 24 exklusiven Geschenken zu vervollständigen.

Von Dabici und Kelso

On Dec. 25th and 26th, the Novale Advent Hunt will transform into a Xmas and Boxing Day Treasure Hunt.

If you click anywhere on the Advent tree located near the greenhouse close to the landing point, you will get a notecard containing a complete list of the 24 hints that were released one by one between Dec. 1st and Dec. 24th. Use the hint list to locate Xmas baubles scattered in the region. All Xmas baubles will be active and give their gift on touch (provided that you stand at a distance of 5 m or less from the bauble).

If you missed a few days during the Advent, this is your opportunity to complete your series of 24 exclusives gifts.

From Dabici and Kelso

⚔ Vikings ⚔
NEW product!!!
Double hand Daggers

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each and everyone of you! May it be full of love :-)

Merry christmas everyone.
Joyeux Noel a vous tous.

Allen ein schönes Weinachten...-)

JeanDagostino: wünsch ich dir auch thorben 2 years ago
Tattoos, Drinking, And Outfit Making
I have a friend who, unlike many these days, does not have a tattoo. He says he will never get a tattoo. The only modification of his physical appearance is his developing beer belly.

I've warned him that drinking as much as he does is not safe. He runs the risk of getting too drunk and ending up in a tattoo parlor! I would know. It happened to me.

OK, that's a lie. I mean, I might have been a little bit drunk while assembling this outfit. But really. In my mind, the outfit would not be complete without the tattoo.

Oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Thirza Ember: Tatoo much information? Never. 2 years ago

We wish all the residents of OpenSim a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Enjoy the time wherever you are.

Love and peace to you all!

Charlene McNally: Merry Christmas from Pa 2 years ago

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2023!!!

May your Christmas be filled with magical moments and your new year be filled with endless possibilities. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your loved ones.

Kerzenschein und Christlaterne leuchten hell die Weihnacht ein.
Glocken läuten nah und ferne,
Friede soll auf Erden sein.
Wir wünschen dir gesegnete Weihnachtsfeiertage
und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!
Genie & Bella
Candlelight and Christmas lantern brightly illuminate Christmas.
Bells ring near and far,
Peace shall be on earth.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a good start into the new year!
Genie & Bella
Kerzenschein und Christlaterne leuchten hell die Weihnacht ein.
Glocken läuten nah und ferne,
Friede soll auf Erden sein.
Wir wünschen dir gesegnete Weihnachtsfeiertage
und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!
Genie & Bella
„Jetzt leuchten die Kerzen überall. Deshalb ich wünsche Euch, dass deren Wärme und Geborgenheit Euch durch das gesamte Jahr begleitet. Habt ein frohes Weihnachtsfest!“
"Now the candles shine everywhere. Therefore, I wish you that their warmth and security will accompany you throughout the year. Have a Merry Christmas!" Von mir auch frohe Weihnachten 2 years ago
Littlefield Grid's annual Christmas Eve Dance Party!! Littlefield Grid will be hosting it's Christmas Eve Dance party from 9.00 p.m. Pacific Time on December 24 at Christmas Island.

There will be rides, ice skating, a Christmas shopping area, and a dance with with LIVE DJ Walter Balazic.
Come on by and join in the celebration! Island.
DJ Macy's Friday Night Blues Party at Rockin' the Blues tonite at 6:00PM!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00 pm grid time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
It's finally Friday! And time for those merry mischief makers, DJ Macy and her hosties Pixie and Amara! Macy has the upbeat, feel good blues you love all wrapped up in laughter and lively chat with the Blues Tribe! Macy searches out the most fun blues tunes for you every week! Her library contains the happiest tunes...the ones you need to get your weekend started!! Come on down to the swamp and let's Rock those blues!!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
2-4am GMT

DJ Storm, live at The Temple Club

Spinning what he wants, when he wants!
and, of course, taking requests or dedications

So, come on down and say hi!

You never know... you might like it
For anyone who may have gotten the Vintage Country Barn, I must admit that when I went over it again I found parts that were not attached and therefore would not have been included in the box - SHAME ON ME!! I should have checked closer. But I found all of the missing parts (unlike all my missing marbles) and got them linked and everything is working great! So if you did get a copy of the barn and found it wanting for a few parts, just message me and I'll send you the corrected version, or you can pick it up at -- Al Kahov -- which is our Star Jinn Palisade shopping region!

All Skate Forever at Dante Inferno's Skate Park is coming soon at Pangea, Immersive

Moonrose Grid: Frohe Weihnachten wünsche ich 2 years ago
That's the beauty of Christmas. Sometimes you don't know who's giving you presents!
Tomorrow I will be closing the seasonal sims Atmos and Xanten for the public again.
Thank you, thank you for your great interest, suggestions and nice comments. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your Thomas
Das ist das Schöne an Weihnachten. Manchmal weiss man nicht, wer dir Geschenke macht!
Morgen werde ich die saisonalen Sims Atmos und Xanten für die Öffentlichkeit wieder schliessen. Vielen Dank für das grosse Interesse. Ich wünsche Euch allen ein Frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Euer Thomas

RosemaryWoodhouse: Hello Thomas. Same to you. Some people confuse shy, reserved people with arrogance. You can't change them. Just stay as you are and don't change yourself to please others. Merry Christmas and all the ... 2 years ago
Just spent the last couple days making these earrings, and they are now available at EQG Steampunk Festival. They are not rigged, you will have to position them on your ears properly. Two pairs are available in the box. The xaSteampunk Earring Box can be found in the Women's Accessories in the Main Hall. Steampunk Festival
Meilleurs voeux de Noël à tous nos amis d'Opensim et en particulier à tous ceux qui ont visité les quatre saisons de Novale au cours de la dernière année. Au plaisir de vos revoir tous l'an prochain.

Die besten Weihnachtswünsche an alle unsere Opensim Freunde, insbesondere an alle, die Novale vier Jahreszeiten im vergangenen Jahr besucht haben. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie alle im nächsten Jahr wiederzusehen.

Best Christmas wishes to all our Opensim friends, especially to everyone who has visited Novale four seasons over the past year. We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Dabici Straulino & Kelso Uxlay

Happy Holidays to all. May the New year bring peace and joy to all.

Looking towards Free Port our urban steam build

Looking towards Free Port our urban steam build

Home Sweet Home - Arriving just in time for Xmas

Biberty Libs?
Liberty Bibs has been making the original women's overalls since 1912. And, for the last one hundred and ten years, I've been trying, without success, to say Liberty Bibs ten times fast. You try it. As for me, I'm just going to call them Biberty Libs.

Oh HELLO: Outfits with Biberty Libs

What could be nicer than sharing something. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the shared time. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Hopeful New Year....
Was kann es Schöneres geben als etwas zu teilen. Ich danke euch von Herzen für die geteilte Zeit. Friedliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches und hoffnungsvolles neues Jahr....
Wir wünschen Allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest. Danke allen die uns 2022 unterstützt haben.

We wish everyone a merry Christmas. Thank you to everyone who supported us in 2022.

Vi önskar alla en god jul. Tack till alla som stöttat oss under 2022.

Adult_life: Dir lieber Marlon, Deiner und allen anderen im Grid auch von mir frohe Weihnachten und eine besinnliche Zeit. 2 years ago

JeanDagostino: wünsche dir auch frohe sweety♥ 2 years ago
Merry Christmas everyone! :) I have made a terraformer that you click that has a menu system built in. It uses Keyframe motion. You can use it on your land to smooth out terrain, or make roads. It's sort of a Christmas present to everyone from me to you. Hope you enjoy it. (Now at

Spax Orion: Thanks, I would like to see a terraformer which is larger than the LSL size restrictions. I suppose more than one prim can be linked together with the same script inside with caveats. 2 years ago

COME JOIN US AND WIGGLE YOUR ~~(_/_)~(_|_)~(_\_)~~

I have no idea about the traffic ranking system,
but I figure being almost 200 must be pretty good,
so, thank you to everybody who has visited Absolution,
whether it was just for a quick look or whatever the reason was,
thank you!

⚔ Vikings ⚔
Viking style toilet
You should close the door while using the toilet.

A quick look at our village on the harbor. We have a few empty stores that we would love to rent out for free to creators. Please contact us if you are interested.

Get on your best Holiday Wear and come join us for an amazing Holiday Celebration!
BEST IN HOLIDAY WEAR! 10K (grid money/podex) or $40.usd to 1 lucky winner! Have to be in attendance & in it to win it!
10:00am DJ ROSA
11:00am SMYLES AVERY - Live Singer
12:00pm OUIENANDA - Live Singer
1:00pm KATIA PORTUGAL - Live Singer
2:00pm ROXANNE YSABEL - Live Singer
3:00pm DJEMBE DRAGONFIRE - Live Singer

Sending Love and Light

Symphony: TY! Happy Holidays Nautilus persons, Love and Light Chad. 2 years ago

Snowy winter at the northern camp

Symphony: eets so pretty. 2 years ago
Great evening tonight at 10.00 pm at the Avalon castle of CosmoPlanet New, with our unsurpassed DJ Arponera who with her musical repertoire let's celebrate the arrival of Holy Christmas together. CosmoPlanet New Owners wish Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Gran velada esta noche a las 22.00 horas en el castillo Avalon de CosmoPlanet New, con nuestra insuperable DJ Arponera que con su repertorio musical celebremos juntos la llegada de la Santa Navidad. Los nuevos propietarios de CosmoPlanet desean Feliz Navidad y Felices Fiestas.

Grande seratona questa sera alle ore 22,00 al castello Avalon di CosmoPlanet New, con la nostra insuperabile DJ Arponera che con il suo repertorio musicale festeggiamo insieme l'arrivo del Santo Natale. Gli Owner di CosmoPlanet New augurano Buon Natale e Buone Feste.

Ronya Outfit with Shoes -Top
pants in 5 Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

Melina Outfit with Boots and Socks
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

Everything In The Picture But Me
A recent review commented that oh HELLO outfits include hair and accessories. Gosh. I guess I haven't mentioned that lately. So, just so you know, you get everything you see in pictures of oh HELLO outfits -- except me. Also, if any item is part of a fat pack, you get them all.

One of the hardest parts of making this outfit was deciding on the footwear. Ankle boots? Knee high boots? Thigh high boots? Well, now that decision is up to you. The outfit includes all of the Samantha boot set (which, by the way, can be hard to find).

Back to accessories. I have a relatively small number of them, and I could use more. Please, tell me the best places to shop. Thanks.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options
Happy Holidays

Go and get yer free full permissions copy of this radio and other commercial free only radios at ............ .....

UPDATED commercialfree MAIN Radio Stream List updated 9/19/2024


SnoopKing: Funk & Regaetton 2 years ago

People in Hell want to Ice Skate.
Join them in Immersive at Dante's Inferno Ice Skating 3D Artscape Immersive experience. Coming SOON!

Thirza Ember: hell freezing over? It'll never hap... oh wait. 2 years ago
The new Peace Enclave Museum located at my Safari Wildlife Reserve. This museum is dedicated to continuing awareness of our responsibilities to our animal friends that we share this planet with. While there must be a balance for healthy wildlife, to quote Mr. Spock "To hunt a creature to extinction is illogical", we must not allow continued poaching of these beautiful animals. It is my hope you will visit the museum and I will be adding to it and to the reserve as time goes on. This has become a very interesting project for me to dive into. Be Blessed, ~~Lavia~~

Star Ravenhurst: We are supposed to be the "Intelligent" species. And yet we can't figure out how to protect our most vulnerable creatures on this planet. Even the mightiest, strongest, scariest creature is no match f... 2 years ago
Zoree Jupiter live at 3:00pm
Please join us for a fun hour of music dance and Christmas celebration.
This special event will happen at Victorian Christmas.
All tips/donations go to benefit Osgrid
Formal attire please. Christmas

Sending our Love and Peace to You All

From all of us on, to everyone in open sim. May you truly find peace and joy this Christmas and throughout the coming new year.

Mudyblues: Auch dem Soul ein frohes Weihnachtsfest 2 years ago

Tonight 1PM Grid Time - Princess Alex plays Playing for Change at the I Love You Arena Main Stage - 2 Hours of great music from these international musicians - 20th Year and still going strong.

Live Traffic
34 0
13 0
Xenotown A
14 0
The Almost Islands
25 0
Lbsa Plaza
191 38
4 2
Mariner's Bay A
6 0
Ruritania A
88 12
Rock City
56 15
Stark A
133 77
Super Nova Beach Resort A
48 7
Welcome A
20 2
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
Trianon Complex A
90 18
Hypergrid Games
12 5
Regions Online: 1,802
Active: 278 avatars in 158 regions
The Box
Nico Kalani 8 hours ago
I beleive that F&I was a project related to Sara's studies. After she graduated, it seems she paid less attention to the grid, and finally closed it.
Pagane 20 hours ago
Fire and Ice is down from years
Mistressdalgato 21 hours ago
I think i recall fire and I grid shutting down
Pagane 21 hours ago
MorganStJohn 22 hours ago
question: is Fire and Ice grid gone?
OpenSimUser yesterday
I could have used a breakfeast like that myself
CyberGlo CyberStar yesterday
I cooked bacon, eggs, and 9 grain wheat toast with strawberry jam, went to the gym, and mowed the yard. Now I'm here to give you the fanger. \/^^^\/
OpenSimUser yesterday
Besides just trying to cause trouble, since everyone knows you are nothing but trouble
OpenSimUser yesterday
And i do not earn any money what so ever from my grid, so learn before you go running your mouth.
OpenSimUser yesterday
And pagane needs to get a life, rather than causing trouble, period.
Pagane yesterday
People, if you earn money from fake rating here, NOT ARGUE again me with your real, primary acounts! Make new fake account and blow all mud and hate!!!
OpenSimUser yesterday
What ever, since it seems you have nothing nice to do.
Pagane yesterday
oh yes, is not fake and not contain 3 parked and one active avatar:) Sorry, i again make mistake:)
OpenSimUser yesterday
i do not run fake regions
Pagane yesterday
@OpenSimUser, yes may be must add and fake regions with 3 parked avatars. But parking avatars in regions is also some "activity":)
OpenSimUser yesterday
Pagane do you not have something better to do, like play in traffic?
Pagane yesterday
Major problems always have easy solutions. Only must use brain:
Ellen yesterday
⁀⊙෴☉⁀ ٩(^◡^)۶ /(=✪㉨✪=)\ (`°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू) ♡(ŐωŐ人)

New Comments

Aurora Starchild 21 minutes ago
Olvidate de la colmena. QUIERO SER UNA SETAAAAA!
Pagane 2 hours ago
Aurora Starchild 2 hours ago
Soooo shineeeh and pretteeeh *-*
niki stuart 3 hours ago
woot woot, big yays for rogue, come see her live soon
Luna Lunaria 4 hours ago
Really sorry to miss this event :-( We will be out of town
Hicks 8 hours ago
I met her sometimes, she was a nice person.
Hugabug 8 hours ago
So sorry for your loss Thirza hugs
Nico Kalani 8 hours ago
It's obvious that at least one person here does not understand Athenian democracy very well. The fact is that “...Athenian citizens were paid by the state to participate in public affairs. Various com...
Gentle Dragonheart 9 hours ago
So sorry for your loss. Sounds like Lucy will be living on for a very long time in people's memories and hearts.


My RL partner and I visited this grid, looked very nice, so we both decided to make an avatar on this grid, they offered free regions when they come available which is very nice, we asked Mandy if we ...
Gazza Dezno 35 minutes ago
Nefertari Beach Resort
This "person" has a child/baby-filled area in one of their regions, when confronted about it, they replied, "It's normal." So... Pedophilia is normal at Digiworldz?
RyzenCore 1 hour ago
Ansjelagrid Shopping
very nice quality items. good layout. owner is helpful! thank you for taking time to share!
rayne 23 hours ago
Unnethe Anon
5 Stars for being absolutely Original and having everything avi sized! This place is amazing and the fact that everything was made by Sum with the exception of some landscaping and an NPC or two! So m...
Faith Fromund 2 days ago
Unnethe Anon
wonderful place to visit, see the imagination of this team come to life, go visit :)
Hopelives3 2 days ago
Super!!! Très joli travail d'organisation et de qualité. Merci pour vos partages.
Celeste Charnelle 3 days ago
Great Club, Awesome DJ's, People here are nice. It was a Awesome vibes here to be had :)
EllieVenusa 4 days ago
Haunted Halloween Isles
So much to see here and so much fun to explore. really well done. My lawyer will be in touch about us getting blown up in your caves :) Seriously go see this people, you will love it.
Gentle Dragonheart 4 days ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
This is a great place to shop. With so many wonderful outfits and everything you need, it's definitely a must-visit place!!
RyzenCore 4 days ago

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