OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Back online! Have fun exploring!

AlexisCarrington: I missed this wonderful place 2 years ago

News For Roleplayers Male
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

How about a classy chair, you can take with you and sit in anywhere? This beautiful golden elven chair can be rezzed and sat in, or attached and sat in, making it possible for you to sit anywhere in style. Get it now at Wizardry!

♬ Arkham Grid Birthday Party ♬

Autum at Novale ends on November 12th
Still only a few days to enjoy Autumn at the farm

River: I must visit here soon! My previous visits have been amazing! 2 years ago
Our Winter's Magic region has been graced with @JoeBuilder OAR "Time of Year" a wintery sim we will have ice skating soon here, stay tuned. Thank you Fred for making this available to us, and thank you Joe! Also thank you to the many creators whose creations helped to create this OAR. We have free shops available if you have winter themed items to share, please IM to get set up.

Marianna : Thank you everyone for stopping by and adding to our gifts! Jamie Anna Wright, thank you for these great ice skates! Trizzy Hunter has shared her ornament collection. A stunning collection of vari... 2 years ago
The park - isn't it pretty? Isn't it wonderful-wonderful?
It would be, if it weren't for the unicorn with the flatulence - and the rainbow only looks good from outside...
* * *
Der Park - ist er nicht hübsch? Ist er nicht wunder-wunderschön?
Er wäre es wohl, wenn da nicht das Einhorn mit den Blähung stünde - und auch der Regenbogen sieht nur von außen gut aus...

With a bag on your head the world doesnt looks better but the world has more fun with you !

Ellen: These are really cute masks and the region is beautiful! Thank you for always making so many lovely things and sharing them! 2 years ago

A little bit of Halloween

What's happier than a Halloween Hunt region? One with a dancing Jack Skellington!

Ellen: I love Jack Skellington!! 2 years ago
When Art Inspires Art!! Kimm Starr, amazing Animesh creator was inspired by our world, AI Dreams in Art, especially our Gothic gallery, and gifted us, 2 amazing Goth Animesh, male and female...We are offering them too, as gifts on our world. She says," This Animesh was inspired by the AI art created by Dale Innis & the world in which it is shown built by Karima Hoisan. I was incredibly inspired after visiting their Art Installation and hope you were too!" Kimm Star is creator of Virtual Vignette Animesh, available on the Kitely Market. Take a peek here and come see the whole gallery for yourselves! Thank you Kimm! You are just amazing!
PS For any who had a problem taking the Goth Girl home ...she has been fixed and is now fully Export!! Thanks to HG Georgina Mills for pointing out the problem to me!

Kimm Starr: This was so much fun. I really enjoyed the installations and was unable to stop myself from making these 2 complimentary animesh inspired by the art. 2 years ago

Antonia Ling: Real nice idea, isn't it? I enjoy my short visit, but come back later with another viewer (Firestorm) to take some photos. I like it! 2 years ago
There are still a few days left to enjoy summer season in Novale before we close down to install autumn. We received the HG Safari crowd a few days ago. Take a look at the very nice and detailed blog entry by Thirza Ember to get a feeling for the region.

Lilly Pond: Beautiful place! 2 years ago

Do you like fast food? Try to eat at the "Brain Shack"! (made by Kimm Starr). Food so fresh, its still screaming!

Here is the "guestbook" of Stella Polaris: click on one of the closed geodes- then it opens and your name is immortalized as hovertext above it...
Hier befindet sich das "Gästebuch" von Stella Polaris: klicke auf eine der geschlossenen Geoden- dann öffnest sich diese und dein Name verewigt sich als Hovertext darüber...

Bill Cosby. Drinks.
What could go wrong?

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options

Misty_Falls: cute, do you think you could make a k-pop (korean-pop music) one? if not i could for you. 2 years ago

NEW Outfit

Something Like Something Older But Now Better
New & Improved is such an odd phrase. Here is an outfit that is "something like something older but now better." Get it at...

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Another look I like. Ruth2 RC3 mesh body with my own hair, skin, and shape as in the earlier post. Clothes and shoes from the Kitely Market. Blouse is by Rune, leather pants are by Dadiellas, and my favorite boots came from Dollys, which has since closed due to constant fighting with the never buy in opensim crowd. She got tired of it and left opensim, closing all her stores.

I just wanted to party in opensim, hang out with friends, and make nice stuff that I could sell to pay for my land. I never wanted this fight but it came to my door anyway. If there are those who want give away a bunch of stuff stolen from SL then that's their decision, I'm not going to call them out over it - that's a bigger question for people far more important than I am in Opensim to grapple with. But I'm not going to let anyone dictate what I can and can't do with my own creations.

Jupiter Rowland: By the way: Kodama avatar. When? 2 years ago
Casual and Utterly Confident.
Believe in yourself and trust that no matter what happens, you’ll be able to handle it and learn from the outcome. Here's an outfit for those who are casual and confident. Maybe it doesn't fit now. No matter. You will grow into it.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Attitude

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: Yikes. Looks like I was a bit too confident and got things a bit wrong. The outfit is now available at the usual low low price of $0. If you don't have $0, let me know and I'll loan it to you. :) 2 years ago

Figured out the max setting thingie :)

ClanEscotia: Welcome to my World, wont you come on in........... 2 years ago

Sometimes we get gifts, like this lovely image, from someone I just saw on landing point. Thank you!

"I Am So".
Whether it's inattention, inertia, ineptitude, or some other kind of in-thing, all too many people are lacking a profile picture. Are you to be counted among these unfortunates? Or perhaps you have grown tired of your profile picture and are looking for something a bit more...different.

Problem solved. Come to our new Profile Picture Shop where you have your choice of countless (mainly because I'm too lazy to count) interesting, intriguing, inexplicable, or some other kind of in-thing, profile pictures.

Some call me weird, to which I say, "I am so!" These pictures may be suitable for display in your home if not your profile. Whatever the case, just be ready to say, "I am so!"

Visit the new Profile Picture Shop, especially if you are bored and have nothing better to do. (Which is kinda why I made the shop!)

Nico Kailani: Visit the back room for the new color pix! 2 years ago
Another word on ZetaWorlds due to a recent discussion on OSW.

I decided to move Stark to ZetaWorlds some time ago for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, I wanted a professional grid hosted by IT professionals who know what they're doing, because I don't want to mess around with all the technical stuff. I just want to build and have fun. So I'm willing to pay for a sim if I get a stable and reliable service in return.
Secondly, if I have to pay for the service, I want to know who is behind the grid. I would never transfer money to an anonymous person. I have no problem with transferring my real data so that the company, which is registered in the commercial register, can issue flawless invoices.
Thirdly, I live in Germany. As a German, I feel better if I can use a German service like ZetaWorlds, which has to adhere to the legal requirements of my country.

In the discussions about grids and how this is handled with hypergrid access, I think they are comparing apples with oranges. A commercial, professionally operated grid has higher challenges to overcome and is obliged to guarantee a flawless service to its paying customers. In contrast, the operator of a private grid, often hosted on his own PC, can do whatever he wants. If it breaks down at some point, that's just the way it is. The tenants are simply out of luck. With a commercial grid, I can demand the service by law. These are two completely different things that are often forgotten.

Kylie Brimmer: Another SL here in opensim??? 2 years ago

NEW!!! Outfit

To all those who feel the desperate desire to criticize my build based on religious idiology and not artistic creativity, please read the little attachment on this post and be aware, the next clown that does it will have their post deleted as well. I am NOT here to argue religion and I don't give a rat's ass what you do or don't believe. I'm here to create beauty based on a historical city described in the Bible that was built by probably the most famous King in history, I am not here to indoctrinate, convert or criticize so if that's your game, kindly play it elsewhere because I don't have time for your bullshit. My beliefs are mine based on 60 years of research and I don't care one inkling of a little bit if you agree or not so please keep your argumentative, judgemental, holier than thou posts to yourself and stay off my page.

JuliaAmly: Be you and do what you love...keep on creating what your dream is ... peace and love 2 years ago
Typhaine Artez, whom many of you may know, as a wonderful lady, and genius scripter, has provided us all with a redo of DJ PHIL's osvisitor web based system. It allows you to store your visitor list without storing sensitive data like ip addresses, but not having to rely on inworld objects - which often get reset. This project allows you to sort by visitors to a specific region, or a grid, or sort visitors by day, week or month. It relies on a free website for the free api call to process the data. What an amazing gift to the community!

JoshBoam: Hello Great Product... The Readme does not have much information.. Although setup is straight forward.. Some without any tech skills will find this hard to setup.. I suggest that a better how to ins... 2 years ago

My apologies to anyone who tried to get to Encantada over the past couple of days and was unsuccessful. I had a little server problem I was unaware of but the sim is up and running now.

It's been advised that every region owner protect themselves by having an OAR of their land. Wise advice, and something to be considered when renting a region, for example, on AviTron. Also advised: Have a copy of your account IAR. What does Alex have to say about this?

AviTron Terms and Conditions

From TOS Amendment 8/27/2021
"AviTron does not give out Region OARS and account IARs. Reason being is to protect our free content".

And your free content?

From Section 2.3
"Except as otherwise described in any Additional Terms (such as a contest's official rules) which will govern the submission of your User Content, you hereby grant to AviTron Virtual World, and you agree to grant to AviTron Virtual World, the non-exclusive, unrestricted, unconditional, unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, and cost-free right and license to use, copy, record, distribute, reproduce, disclose, modify, display, publicly perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, translate, make derivative works of, and sell, re-sell or sublicense (through multiple levels)(with respect to each Product or otherwise on the Service as permitted by you through your interactions with the Service), and otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of your User Content (and derivative works thereof), for any purpose whatsoever in all formats, on or through any media, software, formula, or medium now known or hereafter developed, and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed, and to advertise, market, and promote the same."

Copper: 5 lines..and 7 times "I"..the great shamaladingdong continues rofl. This ego isnt to describe :-( 2 years ago

Cataplexia Numbers: Thank you for the lovely comments! 2 years ago
"Quota of Cuteness" or "From the Vaults of My Alts"?
This outfit had its origin in a grid long ago and far away. It is from the vault of an alt. And cute? Pigtails. Pink polka-dot scarf. Puddle boots (Fatpack!). Black cat earrings. And...a PAC-MAN necklace!

Quiz time. Before the Pac-Man arcade game was released internationally, it's name was what? Extra-credit bonus point question: Why was the name changed?

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Nico "CoolKat" Kailani: No one has gone for the extra-credit bonus points and explained why the name was changed from Puck-Man. I guess its pucking obvious... 2 years ago
Rebelworld is currently dead. My Workstation is no longer currently able to run my server. I simply do not have the funds to fix it. This means no shared worlds, and no Johnny Rebel avatar either for awhile. I am so very sorry everyone. I just wanted to be able to share free, older content that is fast dissapearing, and Johnny Rebel's home, as well as many large worlds that old friends have there. It is simply financially beyond my control at present. Prayers, love, hugs, and high 5's everyone. :/

sharanncousine: awww so sorry. 2 years ago
Faith, Hope, No Charity.
The hair is named Faith. The skirt is named Hope. And Charity? There is no item named Charity in this outfit. I couldn't find anything with that name in my inventory or in the shops I visited. I even asked a few friends. No luck. I was tempted to change the name of the boots to Charity. But look at them. I'd never get away with the ruse. Faith. Hope. No Charity. Sorry. It's the best I can do. However, the outfit has a gothic studded bra and an off-shoulder fur coat! Yippee, I guess. This trashy classy outfit is found at oh HELLO.

Symphony: cute. great hair too. 2 years ago
Back In Black
I don't usually make an outfit with a clothing item used in another outfit. But, honestly, the jacket is a repeat. It's the only top that worked with these jeans. Just pretend you never saw it before, K?

Pay attention instead to the white (jean stitching), silver (boot studs) and grey (hair streaks) that offer an interesting contrast to the otherwise all black outfit. As always, you can customize your look with the included fat packs.

OK now, jump up and down and repeat after me:
"oh HELLO: Outfits With Options".
Its Mothers Day, So here is my Ha'Tak Motheship its 256 meters in length and built with Prims and some mesh.
Interior is complete, This ship is part of the Star Gate region in Galaxy Warz Grid. More ships and builds coming soon.
No nudity allowed? Well gosh. There went my promising career as a reverse stripper. I was gonna run on stage nekkid? Everyone would throw money at me, and scream put it on. OH PLEASE! Put it on! HAHA! xD :D Have an AWESOME week everyone. Prayers, love, hugs, n high 5's! ^^ :)