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I am starting work sculpting new head shapes for LuvMyBod/Diana. This qualifies as crap because I just noticed I have to fix the UV in the inner eye corners. lol

Gracie and Dexter Dung Beetle, an official NPC mascot symbolizing hard work, transformation, and finding beauty in the most unexpected places. Gracie was not just a character; she represented the spirit of resilience and ingenuity that our community was built upon.

Unfortunately, some members of the organization decided that Gracie no longer belonged and expressed a desire to remove her. As an owner of the organization, this was heartbreaking to hear. So I have created a sanctuary here for her at my Sandbox, those of you wishing to visit Gracie and Dexter they would love your support. It is a public sandbox so if you want to place anything I will create an area for you. Thank you for all of you who did support Gracie and Dexter 🪲🪲 Created by @FerdFrederix-FredBeckhusen

Marianna : @FerdFrederix gave me permission to add tons to the pile. I will be adding as I get time. Fred has hoarded for 10 years now he is busting at the seams. He says I carry a big purse so I am sure you ... 2 months ago
=Dali Babe Stretch Marks & Cellulite Marks Addon FATPACK=
Hi everyone! Out at the store we have another customisation add-on fatpack for the Dali Babe tone range.
Available for LEGACY and REBORN bodies
Includes Belly, Cellulite, Legs, and Breasts addons
Each comes in the 22 tones of the Dali Range
Uber: hop://

EllenOptinett: The TP doesn't work for me either, I love your work, what's going on? 2 months ago
EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT - BLA BLA BLA MAGAZINE's First Issue of 2025 is hot off the press!

WINTER 2025 Issue 4:

For those of you that aren't familiar with the BLA BLA BLA, it's a beautifully curated magazine for all events, sales, life updates, etc. in OpenSim. The magazine is for any OpenSim User that wants to get the word out for a special event, a new region, grid opening, new outfit release, birth or wedding announcements, etc. Advertise for your next roommate or yard sale! Contact Sofee Supermarine if you're interested in submitting to the Magazine.

Contact Sofee Supermarine thru Discord:
Facebook: or thru Discord
Alternate Metaverse Grid Opensim
DJ Dragon heute 17 bis 19 Uhr im Bikers Heaven mit Klassik Rock, Rock und Metal.
Nehmt Eure Freunde und kommt rüber zu Bikers Heaven.
Freu mich auf Euch
bis gleich

DJane Dragon at Bikers Heaven 8 to 10 am gridtime playing
Classic Rock, Rock and Metal.

Take your friends and come over to Bikers Heaven and lets have some fun.
See you there

hop:// Noctem/209/221/1496

or im for a teleport

This group is a good idea

Bye !

Bye !

Hicks: .... 2 months ago


bye !

I'm tired of the Opensim or OSW atmosphere.
I'm tired of always trying to be normal and nice and seeing people, strangers, or worse, so-called "friends" spend their time wanting to hurt or denigrate everything and anyone for no reason!
In addition, I had stupidly thought that this end of year and New Year period could be conducive to more kindness and perhaps even a return of some to more kind behavior.
Of course this was not the case at all on the contrary. So I did some cleaning in my contacts and will continue to do so, it tires me not knowing when someone will go from a normal friendly dialogue to attacks!

The latest one: in the morning I was very happy that a certain Marianna was passing by my Scorpion Island, she had promised me but we had not spoken about it again since long. Well she only spent 50 seconds but I was also happy that she talked about it in The Box...
A little later I had a troll in my french post about the easy configuration of a grid, troll saying that there was nothing new (what I never claimed. But go on to find something like that in french just to laugh....) and giving a link that I had given myself in the post, I sent him away and he blocked me and threatened me in The Box. I went to answer him in The Box with my other account (not blocked which seeing all his craps ) and the very dear Marianna came to complain and break me because I was "talking to myself" (which is totally false!)... These two morons who clearly do not understand anything, and especially not French (the troll even took me for an American!), allowing themselves to put their two cents in everything, are pissing me off!!!

Trolls, sick women or men, let me go! I will no longer take gloves, I will no longer be the second to block idiots, I will no longer participate in anything common here or in OS. I will only do what I want to do! Now if I hurt someone, too bad! Almost no one has been too careful with me!

And for the wishes: have the year you all deserve!! And if it turns out to be bad for the idiots I met, I admit that it won't make me cry!


J'en ai marre de l'ambiance d'Opensim ou OSW.
J'en ai marre de toujours essayer d'être normale et gentille et de voir des gens, des inconnus, ou pire, des soi-disant "amis" passer leur temps à vouloir blesser ou dénigrer tout et n'importe quoi sans raison !
De plus, j'avais bêtement pensé que cette période de fin d'année et de nouvel an pouvait être propice à plus de bienveillance et peut-être même à un retour de certains à des comportements plus bienveillants.
Bien sur, ce ne fut pas du tout le cas, au contraire. J'ai donc fais du ménage dans mes contacts et continuerai à en faire, ça me fatigue de ne pas savoir quand quelqu'un passera d'un dialogue "amical" normal à des attaques !

La dernière en date : le matin j'étais très contente qu'une certaine Marianna passe par mon île Scorpion, elle me l'avait promis mais on n'en avait plus reparlé. Bon elle n'a passé que 50 secondes mais j'étais aussi contente qu'elle en parle dans The Box...
Un peu plus tard j'ai eu un troll dans mon post en français (!) sur la configuration facile d'une grille, troll disant qu'il n'y avait rien de nouveau (ce que je n'ai jamais prétendu, mais cherchez ça en français pour rire....) et donnant un lien que j'avais donné moi-même dans le post. Je l'ai renvoyé paître, il m'a bloquée puis menacée dans The Box. Je suis allée lui répondre avec mon autre compte (non bloqué ce qui me permettait de voir ses attaques) et la très chère Marianna est venue se plaindre et me casser parce que je me "parlais à moi-même" (ce qui est totalement faux !)... Ces deux abrutis qui ne comprennent clairement rien, et surtout pas le français (le troll m'a même prise pour une américaine !), se permettant de mettre leur grain de sel dans tout, me saoulent !!!

Trolls, femmes ou hommes malades, lâchez moi ! Je ne prendrai plus de gants, je ne serai plus la deuxième a bloquer les cons, je ne participerai plus à quoi que ce soit de commun ici ou dans OS. Je ne ferai que ce dont j'ai envie MOI ! Maintenant si j'en blesse, tant pis ! Personne ou presque n'a prit trop de gant avec moi !

Et pour les voeux : ayez donc tous l'année que vous méritez !! Et si elle se trouve être mauvaise pour les cons que j'ai croisés, j'avoue que ça ne me fera pas pleurer !
Morning Star Melee Mace Blunt Weapon

File size: 53.6 MiB
Face count: 12,738
morning star
License: Royalty free license icon
Author avatar
Mojo Dump

A new exclusive outfit Cauan for Gianni/Jake/Legacy

Aurora Starchild: Love it! 2 months ago


JamieWright: Hello Just:) Welcome:) 2 months ago

Had to have a little Baby Groot to add to the theme with @Marianna's Star Lord's Gun:) Dump

Marianna : I love him Anna thank you!! 2 months ago

Getting the venue set up for our white party

Aurora Starchild: Love it! I made a script for the tiles to light up on collision if you want it (it does require a script on each tile tho, so might be a bit laggier) 2 months ago
It's almost here! The first WolfTEC Learning Conference, January 11 & 12, 2025!
Digital Frontiers in Virtual World Education

You can learn everything you need to know about the Conference at:

- Two extensive poster sessions
- Workshops
- Tech Talks
- Networking / social hour
- After party

We have room for more posters! Please reach out to Xenon Darrow in Wolf Territories or send an email to: I am also available on Discord - Xenon Darrow. We would love to hear your personal learning experiences and / or your research.

See you at the conference!

I just joined and am woefully disappointed at the lack of actual crap. Y'all gotta step up your damn game! This stuff is just too cute, charming, and fun!

#Wheresmycrap? #NOTCRAP

Hicks: Ty Xénon...we are just opensim creators having fun ;) 2 months ago
Lynnestra Parker and On The Rocks present "New Beginnings"

Sunday Jan 5th, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific

DJ Maldrul will be playing a collection of Rock & Pop songs about new beginnings & starting over. He will also be playing his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

The Japanese Home and Garden is now available at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid! Just click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area. That area is under reconstruction but the home and the bridges are available now.

This is a full pbr build but still has standard textures for those using non-pbr viewers. The home itself has 5 rooms, each with separate sliding shoji doors and light controls. In the back is a full garden in the Japanese style with all new mesh flora and landscaping, it's own lighting control, as well as pbr prim water that is animated. The full build is 1154 prims and fits comfortably on 53m x 45m space. Permissions are modify and copy and comes with full instructions.

As a bonus, I included extras of all the plants and trees used in the build.

Mike Chase: Beautiful build! 2 months ago
Star Lord's Gun

Low poly Star Lord's Gun, also known as the Quad Blaster, from the Guardians of the Galaxy series of comics and movies.

File size: 50.8 MiB
Face count: 1,866
License: Royalty free license
Author avatar
Creator Chpndl _ Dump

JamieWright: That's amazing! "It's Showtime A-holes!"​​ 2 months ago

More Pictures of our New Years Celebration, we had a tremendous group of friends all of them awesome. It's very humbling for me to have such beautiful friends!!

Some Pictures from our New Years Celebration on the 4th! What a great time we had!

Enjoy the breathtaking view of the surrounding nature and wildlife at Eden.
Ride the orca, sail a boat, walk around wild animals, visit the Mermaid lair and much more to discover!

Marianna : This is indeed breathtaking, very beautiful 💗 2 months ago

A novelty! Rings for Legacy, Reborn and Laura X

A novelty! Rings for Legacy, Reborn and Laura X

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/91/127/3827
ATTENTION only Legacy-----This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
**** Legacy bodies by SciattisiGrid ****
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
@JamieAnna Wright reminded me this morning of my art exhibit I created when she placed her Dali clock out at the Dingleberry Dump! OH Yes!! I remember I created an exhibit titled Persistence of Memory by Dali. I rezzed it at SkyRealm and can be viewed here:

Thank you Anna for perpetual inspiration 💗

Marianna : 2 months ago
OK. my first post in a while. I would say 'Happy 2025' but for out American comrades 2025 represents a strep into the unknown. It's not just the USA, or course as many European countries are facing an onslaught from a reinvigourated far-right, or have already succumbed. We in the UK face an uncertain political future too, with the performance of the new government elected in July thus far made things worse for people struggling with the cost of living, worries over healthcare and finding a decent, affordable home. The UKs Labour Party under leader Starmer is now acting as Reform UK the political company owned by Nigel Farage (Trump's butt-plug) who are gaining round and are now second in many places according to opinion polls.

For us in Opensim, and more partucularly the pages of OSW w have at least a small victory in that the person who inspired the creation of this group has been silenced.

But we shouldn't just focus on the negatives, but also reinvigourate ourselves and act in solidarity with each other.Thank you Xenon for your words, writing that post here has helped you with how you feel, or to come up with a new perspective, then this group is doing its job. But we should have fun and celebrate who we are and what we stand for. To this effect I am planning a social event later on this year so we can come together and have fun and enjoy each other's company. Watch this space for an announcement of time and place.

pour commencer bonne année a tout le monde .
Ce jour 5 janvier 2025, le marché de noel ferme pour travaux.
Merci aux 42 personnes qui l'ont visité.
à bientôt

DJ Yana @6am untill 8am at Welcome AMV stage!!!

DJ Yana - Yana loves the old rock sounds like the 60`s but the 70`s & 80`s are her favorite. When she DJ`s the roof will blowing off and the walls are shaking from their foundations. If you like a good partytime and wake up with those sounds, your so welcome to join in at Yana`s spectacular stage, where it all happens.
AMVs Welcome area is the landing point for HG visitors and new residents, come and make new friends

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :)
Welcome Stage hop://

"From wobbly tables to slightly-off wall clocks" Here is one of each and there are a few more clocks in the area too. Dump

John Sheppard: Anyone have alarm clocks? Digital? I'm making a hotel room mockup, ala Supernatural... 2 months ago
We all need cat crap right? Dump
model: Small Cute Cat Table
It can be used as an interior decoration or as a small coffee table in front of the sofa in a thin living room.

File size: 2.0 MiB
Face count: 1,931
License: Royalty free license
Royalty Free
royalty free license

This license protects the work in the way that it allows commercial use without mentioning the author, but doesn't allow for re-sale of the asset in the same form (eg. a 3D model sold as a 3D model or part of assetpack or game level on a marketplace).

Wendie Blackthorn: *looks at Marianna* I don't think you want my cat crap **long pause** *giggles* my liter box does need cleaned though :) 2 months ago

come and discover the wedding land at aviworlds

come and discover the wedding land at aviworlds

come and discover the wedding land at aviworlds

Happy Sunday everyone, I added 6 more heads, 3 men's and 3 women's


Aeris Irides: omg you're my hero. 2 months ago

jsut added some animesh

i added some animeshs have fun

harthelie: tres bonne idee cette sim j'ai pris l'araignee 2 months ago