OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

What Are You Looking For?

Thank you for the invitation to visit this (most excellent) group! If you ever need something you cannot find please just IM I have nice resources to share!

Jamie Wright: Marianna knows stuff about stuff:) 26 days ago
Connection Board?
Have I ever fallen in love in OS? Yes! With everyone!

OK, that is a lie. But I've made many good friends and even FWB. Everyone is seeking connection. SL has "dating boards" to help. I'd like to find something like that in OS, and someone to help revise it if needed, or to help make a new one.
This group was created 3 months ago. We have 61 members and 2 full pages of posts. The only group larger has 71 members. It was created 5 years ago. It has 7 posts. Our growth in such a short time and the amount of activity must the works of some mad scientist! Or our helpers. I'm going with helpers. Thanks folks!
Taarna Welles makes original clothes for free in opensim. Her grid was offline for a bit, but it's back up now, and Taarna is in creative mode - so expect some more fashion and other goodies in the next months.

thedeeferry: Love bubblez! Yay! Welcome back! 6 months ago
Good Morning Good Afternoon! Good Evening!
We have a mall on the Genesis Roleplay Grid that has a lot of original content made on our grid by various creators. Most of us have our own shop and there is a TP board to get around. Lavia has also put out a lot of stuff she has found that is FP. All of my stuff, I made myself, mostly twisting prims. Lavia is the mesh creator. So if you are looking for original content, maybe you will find something you like or have been looking for. I don't intend for this to be about self-promotion, although it is I suppose. I just wanted to share what we have on our grid in case it will be helpful to anyone looking for original stuff.
We also have a shop that is all Selea Core, reboxed, and cleaned up, as a lot of boxes I had found had multiples of the same thing or broken stuff. I fixed what I could, including the swings. What a project that was! I had a lot of things I had never seen anywhere else, so I boxed all of that up too. I know there are some SC fans still and if you are not familiar, she makes beautiful landscaping and other things. She used a lot of scripts, so I have removed scripts that could be removed, like birds and butterflies for less lag.
I am going to share a picture of one of my newest builds, a bar you can put your logo on if you wish. I hope it is OK to post it here. It is a pretty good example of what I make. The stools have sits, and the bar isn't scripted but it is all FP for you to do as you wish. Love this group and everyone in it! Thanks for being my friends!

Jupiter Rowland: I think I should come over and check if I've got any Selea Core content that you haven't yet. 3 months ago

Most recent helpers:
Serina Gee 
Misty Falls
Jamie Wright 

The most recent helpers:
FallenAngel Absent
Jamie Wright
Jadwiga Abremović
Jupiter Rowland

The photo is of a capuchin monkey being trained by an organization formerly known as "Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers for the Disabled, Inc". It was founded to raise and train capuchin monkeys to provide daily in-home assistance to people living with spinal cord injury or other mobility impairments.

They are transitioning from a service animal model, and are now exploring innovative assistive robotic technologies and the various uses of augmented/virtual reality. The aim is to use these technologies to assist those living with physical disabilities by helping meet their socialization, mental health and other health care needs. Check it out:

I'm bringing this question to the group to see what suggestions you have. In the box, Star Ravenhurst asks, "What grids will help totally new people that join their grid? You have to teach them everything. Do any of these grids exist?"

My thoughts. People choose grids based on a number of criteria, such as cost of land ownership, the reputation of the grid owner, the dependability of the servers, and opportunities for shopping and socializing. However, people can travel to other grids for shopping and events, so the last two are perhaps less important.

Also, most of the people I've met have experience in SL. They need to learn what is different here. Which is what? How to run their own grid. Which grids allow you to attach your grid to theirs. How to get free land from other people. The number of people to expect at "big" events in OS. Some technical stuff -- I don't know -- scripting languages or something like that.

Then there are people who are total noobs. There are several grids that have sandboxes with instructional billboards set-up, like OSG. Anyone from almost any grid can visit regions like that. Some people have classes on different topics. But at times, people need one-on-one help.

So, a few requests, and a question.

1. Please name the grids that have the sandboxes with instructional material.
2. Please list classes that can help people learn stuff, especially the basics for noobs.
3. Are there instructional videos that teach basic skills?
4. Please say if you enjoy and are available to teach certain basic skills, one-on-one, to people new to the SL/OS family of virtual worlds.

The question is, is this group the best place to share this information for future use? Is there already an OSW group set-up for this? I think the best resource is a curated playlist of the best instructional YouTube videos. Anyone interested in doing that?

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you Nico for creating this discussion. Thank you Jupiter for your information and input. Let me explain further what I am looking for in a place for Newbies. It will be longwinded so grab a cup ... 4 months ago
The Most Recent Helpful People
Lillysparks who gave very specific information about where to find Stuff boxes.
Jupiter Rowland offered tips on where to ind sweeping animations and Stuff boxes.

I am also going to acknowledge Copper & Prince Amor who responded to a request in the box (that is so old school) for a giggle animation

Here is an overly cute picture of someone who is not Rowland with a ponytail helping some random kid -- OK, her brother -- up a hill.

Lillysparks: Cute acknowledgement. This is a darling way to reply to the world's helpers I must say. hehe 6 months ago

Looking for nice double swinging saloon doors

Nico Kalani: From Mistressdalgato r lion has some connected to a stable. hop:// go there and do an in world search for stable 6 months ago

Oh good lord. I thought the image was an ad. :)

Jamie Wright: There you are! Welcome Xenon:) 3 months ago

where can i find real working games and skating rinks and the likes thereof

Nico Kalani: You can make a skating rink. Someone here should be able to tell you where to find ice and/or roller skates, which usually come with animations. For an ice skating rink, find a thin mesh surface in th... 3 months ago
I've set up a Discord server named "What I've Found in OS." Our main aim is to list the places where we can find our preferred brands of stuff. I need help deciding what categories and channels to have. I know that some bodies are hard to find, so having a specific channel for each body brand could be helpful. However, I don't know all the available body types. I know of Athena, Legacy, Reborn, and Ruth and Roth. Please tell me what the others are in OS. Thanks. Oh, and please visit and take part if you like.

Nico Kalani: The Discord server invite has been added to the post. Here it is again. Feel free to share. 6 months ago
I am looking for so many things always but since I just joined this group I will start small and see how it goes. I am searching for a photographer to help me take surfing photos to showcase what I have been working on. It is VERY hard to take selfies while surfing. Thank you in advance! Also - would be fun to organize a few people to come try it while the photo person is there ... might as well make it a party. Don't worry- the weather man predicts perfect temperatures for the next week.

Nay Kellyel: Gosto de fazer fotos, posso tentar ajudar Lillysparks 6 months ago

I'm looking for white fire flys, I have the yellow but need white ones ty

Misty_Falls: You can adjust the colors by editing the script end the PSYS_PART_START_COLOR and PSYS_PART_END_COLOR NAVY <0.000, 0.122, 0.247> BLUE <0.000, 0.455, 0.851> AQUA <0.498, 0.859, 1.000> TEAL <... 7 months ago
Great group. Thanks for creating it. We have been looking for animations for violin and chello for weeks. Sitting though! Standing is available. But it seems difficult to find these animations sitting down. Maybe someone has a tool to create them? We would be happy to pay a small amount for the work. Please contact inworld. We are grateful for any advice.

Nico Kalani: I found a contrabass and, due to its size, only standing animations. You'd think for the smaller string instruments, there would be sitting animations. Hope you find them. A string quartet performance... 7 months ago

My inventory looks like an episode of "Hoarders". I am always looking for new stuff to clutter up my space ROFL. I'm a squirrel ... ooh ... shiny.

Nico Kalani: If you care to share, check out my comment: 7 months ago

This is the kind of Building i bin looking for or something like that. and i what to say thank you for helping me

LaylaHart42: yes plz 24 days ago
• Most Recent Helpers •
Visit these lovely people and their regions/grids when you can.
• Serina Gee:
• FallenAngel Absent:
• Hugabug: (Barefoot-Dreamers Grid)
• Lily Sparks: owner of several regions, including Tumbler
• Star Ravenhurst: owner of several regions, including Beau Retrouve
• Jupiter Rowland: in the Fediverse @
• Jamie Wright: undisclosed

Jamie Wright: Raise the barn! LOL undisclosed. I'm easy to find. Anna Cooper in Neverworld on Birch Grove Spring. Jamie Wright almost everywhere else. I build a lot on the OSGrid Sandbox Plaza when I need room and ... 26 days ago

We have finally grown from 101 to 102 members! Thank goodness. I will no longer be reminded of this damn movie when I see the number of members here.

Jupiter Rowland: Um... 26 days ago
I found it!!! Well, I found one of them. It is called alien plant c. There were also an a, b, and d. Maybe an e. It is made with sculpts and prims, the "fronds" are flexi prims with a tentacle movement script to make them move when you approach. The plant makes a kool alien sound when you approach as well. Though I would be thrilled to have them all, finding even one of them has made me so happy and thankful. Inside of the plant was the plant pictured with them. It doesn't do anything. Thank you to everyone who has helped with suggestions on where to look. Oh! I found it at R&M Creations where I found some other good stuff.
(A summary of a comment to a Frontpage Post). Tigerkitti Eberdene ( has a new sim called Darkness Falls (

Tig is searching for anything Goth related. There is a Hell underground, and in the sky, Heaven (a work in progress. It’s best to visit to see what the place is about. I went there looking for goth clothing, but its also a build with a Gothic theme). Tig invites suggestions and stuff for the build

Tig would also like someone to get statues from a place (not yet identified) that they not able to get to. Can any one help with getting them? We are awaiting Tig joining the group but I thought it would be nice to get some suggestions in advance.

Jamie Wright: Nico, perfect pic for the theme of Darkness Falls:) 3 months ago

Hi Everyone.. I am looking for a working roll the ball down the lane, knock down the pins bowling alley. Anyone know where I can find one?

Hi hi!
Thank you Jaime for your help in telling me about this place to post. =D

I am looking for a free mesh mailbox.
It doesn't need to be scripted, I already have the scripts, so just a mailbox would be nice.
I have a winter-ish one, but I'm looking for a regular one to put in front of houses.

Thank you so much! ♥

Angel Morningstar: Just wanted to say thank you once again to Nico and to Dallas for the wonderful mailboxes. They are totally adorable! I won't forget to take the picture!! Big hugs to you both ♥ 4 months ago

I'll call this two-birds-one-stone, found them... jacket for athena, shoes are not rigged, but maps are included for both
contact me for copies.

Hiho friends all over the world,
I'm looking for a Dinkie Avatar or better two - boy and girl. I want it for a little photo project.


I'm looking for the "Stuff" boxes. They contain some of the first items imported to OS. These items are so old that they are once again new. Many of these high quality items are not in shops now. I'll be offering a curated selection of these items at the Black Market shop. Stop by now for items from the Stuff boxes with retro stuff.

I knew of 3 locations with a collection of the boxes. Two are now closed, and I forget the name of the other one. I'm looking for the names of places that have them and/or copies of any boxes you have,

Jupiter Rowland: Come to think of it, there used to be a pretty much complete collection on Ernie and Ellen's New Orleans sim, I think it was called The Big Easy. Chances are one of them still has the boxes. 6 months ago
The Most Recent Helpful People
1. Mistressdalgato for providing info on how to find salon doors.
2. Misty_Falls for actually making salon doors.
3. thedeeferry for offering Folk Cabinets in the colors I need.
4. EllenTiratzo for offering the broken lighthouse and the Botanical Waterlillys.
5. Star Ravenhurst for offering 21Strom trees and maybe more.

To celebrate, here is a random photo of stuff that nobody is looking for (as far as I know)

And, my gosh, 31 members! Post your wish lists, people. This group works!

Hi, I'm looking for an elf or an npc that shovels snow for a Christmas world. I seen some people had something like that last year. Thanks!!!!! :)

Nico Kalani: Cool idea (literally). Let us know if you find it and who from or where. 7 months ago
wasn't there someone last who was looking for a grotto/Cave? Where I answer "just put Rocks together to make one"... Just found one at iPleasure (R. Lion) --> Landscaping region. it is a skybox but I am sure you can Rez also on ground :-)
Half day I was searching online for 3D Models for Tatto Equipment. I have seen this already somewhere inworld but no idea where it was. Any Idea where I could get some Tattoo equipment for my "beauty-Shop"? :-)

Jamie Wright: Hi @FallenAngelAbsent. Klamotto has tattoo stuff: 28 days ago
Most Recent Helpers
Glenys Bieler
Kith Whitehawk
Jupiter Rowland
Jamie Wright
Thirza Ember

Can any of you help find the missing Army vehicle?

Hi :)
Can anyone tell me the best place to get visitor boards ?

Jupiter Rowland: I know Shelenn Ayres has made one, but I'll have to check where she keeps it. 3 months ago
Hiya everyone! Your friendly neighborhood fuzzbutt here! Looking for stores that sell club supplies, like lighting and DJ Boards. If anyone knows any good shops, let me know! Also want to thank everyone that's helped me thus far!

Jupiter Rowland: Aaack Aardvark made a club lights system and an illuminated dance floor and offers both at his Arcadia Shop. Also, you may want to take a look at the big DJ station... 3 months ago

Hello everyone! New to Opensim and looking for some places to find some furry heads! If anyone knows any good places I can go to peruse, let me know! :D

MrSnoodle: I think there are a few furry avatars at white wolf sim on osgrid, though last time i was there it was really lagging badly. it took me 5 minutes to walk to the shop from the landing point lol hg.osgr... 3 months ago
looking for
please i am looking for a burger king(aussies call it hungry jacks) and a taco bell or any other fast food places or our city that is fully fitted out and linked together if anyone knows where i can get them please pm me

Jamie Wright: Hi Jasmine and welcome:) Victor D'angelo has a bunch of fast food restaurants. Most of them are on this region: If you don't see them all, just hop around to his oth... 3 months ago
I am looking for a dance floor in the shape of a ring with balls on which the dancers can sit. The whole ring rotates slowly. You often see them, I'm looking for a place where I can get something like this.

Jupiter Rowland: I've just been told to recommend you to ask Victor Clary or Samira Samtanko in Dereos. 3 months ago
Where can I find an actual scripted, working with props, kitchen?

Seems everything either has all the moves and none of the tools, or is just a dead hunk of very pretty kitchen furniture.

Willing to pay gloebits, have looked on Kitely Market, everywhere I can think of. The closest I have found is the Cottage Kitchen on the Vault, but there's still no props at all. Have even tried added them according to what seems needed and fail (not good at this sadly!).

I seem to remember from a few years ago, a real selection of working kitchens, at some store somewhere. They were for pay. Any help is appreciated :)

Nico Kalani: It seems that creators haven't thought it necessary to add working parts to small appliances. What you can find are larger appliances that you can interact with. I've seen refrigerators, stoves, and w... 3 months ago

Hi everyone... I am looking for a ski lift or something similar to place at Paragon any one have one or know where I could find one? thanks in advance

What Are You Looking For?
Post about items you are, well, looking for. For outfits, builds, shops, services, and skills, and so on.
114 members
Created 7 months ago by Nico Kalani

New Comments

SheaButter 9 hours ago
I have one golf cart, and is driveable. Is at AVW at region Daytona. Will put at landing spot.
Jupiter Rowland 12 hours ago
I'd say the vehicle Sarah Kline offers in her shop at Wright Plaza qualifies as one.
Racci 14 hours ago
I'm a polar bear :D This script is like magic, but FIRST make 6 prims and link them together, then put the script in the root prim. MAGIC! You will need to find a texture for the clock face, not to...
Nico Kalani 5 days ago
Thanks! It's so nice to let people know our helpers a bit more, and promote their places. Coolness all round!
Marianna 6 days ago
Thank you for the love and support and the many years of friendship @JamieWright. I remember in the very beginning of opensim you helped when I submitted flowers to the community at OpensimCreations,...
Nico Kalani 7 days ago
Cool you were able to make it. I'd love this hair, and also a shoulder and short (earlobe) length. I understand hair is one of the hardest items to import properly, and I guess there aren't enough fan...