OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Seventh Heaven
0 Users 14 2 A
Clothing is optional here at Club Paradise. You may see semi nude, full nude, swim wear No child avatars. We even have a store and a game room even fishing and Jet Skis come on down and chill .

More storefronts

DebzFox: Got in finally on 3rd attempt 2 years ago

Adding some storefront textures and details. Signage next!

Lorena: Unable to verify identity 2 years ago
My Sister Ms. Kitty shared this with me this morning. She finds the best stuff! Especially when she knows I have an interest in something. This is around 18 minutes and worth every minute of your time. It will open, blow, and astound your mind. At least it did me. A thousand kudos to the creator of this short film!
I hope it is OK to post a link here. I just want everyone to watch this. SO creative.
Nothing beats a warm cozy fire on a cold winter's day, or even just to relax by or for some to get all romantic with. Whatever your desire, this fireplace is the ticket. It is designed to service 2 rooms at once with openings on both sides and it comes complete all you need to do is set it out and you've got your fireplace, logs, and even fire and sound (Thanks to Light and Sound Museum). You can find this here in our Star Jinn Mall's furniture section in the region Masala Al Kohav. - Blessings and much love, Lavia
Willkommen bei Bubble Land 3D Art Erfahrung! eine gemeinsame Anstrengung von Veritas McMaster und Nyx Breen Dies ist die letzte Kreation, an der Veri und Nyx gearbeitet haben. Veri am 23.12.2022 verstorben; Ihre Liebe zu virtuellen Welten und der Wunsch, dass alle einbezogen werden und am Prozess teilnehmen, war ihre Vision in realen und virtuellen Leben. Bitte feiern Sie die Vision und den Traum dieses bemerkenswerten Individuums am 28.01.2023 @ 11SLT, Pangea hop://
Welcome to Bubble Land 3D Art experience!
Bubble Land 3D Artscape is created by Nyx Breen, with 40 years of real-life photography and 17 years of virtual, and 6 years of gaming world content creation.

Bubble Land "Veris Dream" is a joint effort between Veritas McMaster and Nyx Breen to produce an immersive interactive art experience.

This is the last creation that Veri and Nyx worked on.
Veri passed on 12/23/2022; her love of virtual worlds and desire for all to be included and participate in the process was her vision in real and virtual lives.
Please celebrate the vision and dream of this remarkable individual on 1/28/2023 @ 11SLT, Pangea Grid.

Bubble Land is a single art creation spread across a 4x4 VAR that is a thousand meters tall. (16 regular SL sims).
You can explore Bubble Land in several ways, a visit to the skybox to look and be amazed. Use the teleporter system to a dozen key locations. Walk and fly through the piece and discover a different look and experience with each turn of your avatar.

Los Suenos de la Muertos The Dreams of the Dead is a cocreation of Veritas McMaster and Nyx Breen that was presented at the OSCC OpenSimulator Community Conference this past 12/10-11, 2022. The art piece and the real-life experience were explored and explained.

Los Suenos de la Muertos can be experienced at,

Looking forward to meeting you and sharing the experience Veri loved.

Nyx Breen
Hello everyone!! :)
Singing at SpeakEasy Swinghard, AMV, today at 11 am for some music and fun! I look forward to seeing you :) xo
Dress is casual.
Map us at Events

Die erste Chonsu Kleidungswand ist fertig .. Happy Shopping
The First Chonsu Clothing Wall is done .. Happy Shopping

My very first attempt at a fully mesh living room suit. It has a sofa, chair, coffee table, end table and multicolored touch floor lamp that works. The sofa and chair both have sits, just right click the cushion, select sit here and when you sit the menu pops up. The only thing not mesh is the oval area rug for obvious reasons, it's only one prim to start with. The upholstery pattern is "Peacock" and the wood is light walnut. The coffee and end table are brass, glass and wood. I hope you will enjoy this suit for your region as much as I did making it. - Blessings and much love, Lavia

Now the frost has gone and the days warm..

Auf uns kommt da was zu, der Gridserver hat sich zwecks Festplattenüberprüfung gemeldet, befürchte einen Knacks. Das heißt Umzug auf neuen Server und Downtime. Mein Gedanke geht darin, die 2 auf einen doppelt so großen modernen Server zusammenzulegen.
Ich sage es euch ehrlich, da kommt was auf uns zu, bzw auf mich. Ist eine ziemliche Menge an Daten
Stress, da ich lieber nicht allzu lange warten will und für einen Monat höhere Kosten, wegen doppelter Miete, später dafür günstiger.
Ich schreibe auch alle anderen persönlich an, die es betrifft.
Neues Maschinchen ist spätestens morgen da.
Dann geht es folgendermaßen los:
1. Betriebsystemupdates
2. Umzug aller Regionen vorerst ankoppeln an den "alten Server"
3. Runterfahren der alten Server und Kopieren und aktivieren der rübergschaufelten Griddatenbank. Wegen der Größe kann das eine 3-4 tägige Downtime bedeuten, wahrscheinlich aber erheblich schneller.
4. Domainumzug und einrichten des Webinterfaces.
5. Hochfahren mit Gridservices und Regionen, Abschluss der Arbeiten.

!!!Grid News!!!
Something is coming our way, the grid server has reported to check the hard drive, I fear a crack. That means moving to a new server and downtime. My idea is to merge the 2 into a modern server twice the size.
I'll tell you honestly, something is coming our way, or me. Is quite a lot of data
Stress, because I prefer not to wait too long and higher costs for one month because of double the rent, later cheaper.
I am also writing to everyone else personally who is affected.
New machine will be there by tomorrow at the latest.
Then it starts like this:
1. Operating system updates
2. Relocation of all regions initially connect to the "old server"
3. Shutting down the old servers and copying and activating the migrated grid database. Because of the size, this can mean a 3-4 day downtime, but probably much faster.
4. Domain transfer and setting up the web interface.
5. Start up with gridservices and regions, work done.

SabiBreen: Daumen Drück. Das wird wieder... 2 years ago
I had the pleasure of visiting Jimmy Olsen of Alternate Metaverse Grid.  He has brought all the magic of the Real Life Alfheim. An Exceptional 4x4
I finally came up with something I could use these textures on. Executioner's Pavilion. It isn't easy to photograph and probably looks better in person. When you walk in drums start pounding with a script that starts it up when you get close, so they aren't going all the time. Things are coming along...

Night over MetaFoundry City

One of of the small studio apartments I'm working on. Can't beat that view.

Abfahrt mit 2 Booten im Morgengrauen nach Nordnorwegen.
Viel Glück. Lofoten

Departure with 2 boats at dawn to Northern Norway.
Good luck. Lofoten
Playing her Guitar or Piano.. Grace Loudon has an impressive vocal range that allows her to perform a mix of originals and covers from Fleetwood Mac to Adele. Her Talent comes shining through!


» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00PM ∵∴ ❈
◂◄ MAP ►▸ Welcome Pavillion
Longtime DJ & Virtual World traveller DJ ROSA
knows her music & plays the crowd! Come join us!
Request some songs and make new friends!

» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴1:00pm∵∴ ❈
» Шhat: • LIVE DJ•
◂◄ MAP ►▸ Welcome Plaza
Bei guter Rock und Pop Musik werden wir die neue Location gemeinsam eröffnen.

Richi's Music Call, jeden Donnerstag in der Music Call Bay ab 20 Uhr,

Am 26.01.2022 ist das musikalische Thema " Rock/POP "

Ich freue mich Euch begrüßen zu dürfen, und tauche mit Euch zusammen wieder ab, um eine schöne Zeit zu haben und die Sorgen des Alltags in den Hintergrund zu stellen.


MusicCallBay: MoinMOin zusammen ,  ich habe schon mal die Plattenteller vorgewärmt und spiele die ersten Beats des heutigen Richi's Music Call. Offizieller Start ist wie immer um 20 Uhr. Ob dann aber noch genügend ... 2 years ago
Inspired by the very moving Viet Nam wall in Washington DC, this is my latest creation at Haven of Memories. This wall is dedicated to those who we loved but do not have pictures or a lot of information about, like date of birth or passing, perhaps all you had was a username or role playing name and what year they passed, just send me a message and I will add their information to the wall. As long as they are remembered they live on in our hearts. You can come visit them any time you wish and perhaps visit and pay respects to the others who are memorialized here. Blessings and much love - Lavia

Playing her Guitar or Piano.. Grace Loudon has an impressive vocal range that allows her to perform a mix of originals and covers from Fleetwood Mac to Adele. Her Talent comes shining through!


» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴2:00PM ∵∴ ❈
◂◄◀ MAP ▶►▸ Welcome Pavillion

Gotta have a Conference Room too. ;-)

I am a little confused because I see people complaining when they go to regions and try to copy stuff and get upset when it comes up "no copy" or there is a sign posted to the region that says, "Items here are not copiable". Some may not like what I have to say and some may agree with it, either way I don't care. The most of the things on my residential or educational regions are built by me. Not that I don't get furniture and plants which I can't build yet, but I do my own building and my builds are unique to my regions, made specifically for them, so you'll excuse me if I don't feel like sharing that with everybody and anybody who comes along. I did the work, I made the effort, I designed it and I did so to make it unique so why should I have to share it? Can you not come up with your own ideas and use your own creative juices to make your own unique things? Yes Open Sim is free, but that doesn't mean that just because someone is using it, they have to "give" everybody else their stuff that they've created and built. I've seen nowhere in the literature about Open Sim that it says you have to share your stuff. What it does do is give you a platform in which to create, develop and design for other people to enjoy.
Now I can understand if it's stuff that people know full well has been pirated from Second Life, which a large percentage of stuff in Open Sim is, however there are some outstanding creators, programmers, scripters, developers and designers who make their own original materials and if they chose to charge for that stuff that's their right, though I know most of them do not, they give it away freely out of the goodness of their heart. That said, I do give my stuff away, but it is located in our Masala Al Kohav region which is a whole region of nothing but freebies which includes original content and those things I've picked up from around Open Sim. The one thing I try to do is make sure that the original creator's name is on it and I can tell you that if it's pirated from Second Life the creator's name that you will see is NOT the original creator. So, here's the deal, if you visit any of my regions in that are open to the public to visit, and you see something you like, just go to our Masala Al Kohav region and you'll probably find the very same item there all boxed up and ready to go for you. If you see something you like in one of my regions, and it's not in our Mall Region, just shoot me a message and ask me nicely, you'll probably get the item in a couple of days depending on how often I'm on.
If you don't like how I do things, just remember this....You don't pay my grid costs.

Racci: I can respect people's opinions either way. Some people don't like copybotting, and sharing freely, then fine.. that is their choice, probably best for them to stay out of Opensim. I can also respect ... 2 years ago

I added an Executive Office in MetaFoundry City, because, why not? ;-)

Jerralyn Franzic: Awesome! I'll have to play with this ASAP... :D 2 years ago

Staying in a Gypsy Wagon for the weekend is a unique way to experience the virtual outdoors. It's like camping, but with a bit of added luxury and comfort. This wagon provides a cozy and private atmosphere, while still giving you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature. The earthy scent of pine and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze creates a calming atmosphere here. Consider booking the Gypsy Wagon for your weekend stay with the Weekenders at Virtual-HG grid di isole
Time to get away for the Weekend.

The first rule of the Anti-Flirt Club is: you do not talk about the Anti-Flirt Club.

No plans for Valentines Day? Make The Trianon your place to be. Starting at 10:00am DJ Essensual is going to warm you up for at 10:30 Live Artist Varda Silver will be here to entertain you for an hour of great music. Followed by Shayne Aridian at 11:30am with his wonderful voice for an hour. And end the day just cuddling and relaxing to opensims most unique danceball with over 125 couples dances, and DJ Essensuals soft love songs. 3 hours of entertainment starting at 10:00am and ending when you are ready.
Join us at our Complex and Click the portal to the Ballroom
The Love Lock Bridge
El Puente de los candados del Amor, es un lugar hermoso y muy especial en todo Opensim, el cual esta ubicado en
Es un espacio dedicado al amor, y todas las promesas dadas al amado o amada; las puedes sellar allí en un candado que las guardará como prueba de amor eterno!
Punto de llegada: hop://
Que viva el amor!!


Updated Shopping Plaza - 01-24-2023
Virtual Melody Grid

My latest build that you can find in our Star Jinn Palisade Mall. It's the LL Millberry Model Mobile Home. I named it for the friend who asked me to build one for them for their region! I will be adding a few more of them so there is some variety! Stop in and check out our "original builds", you may find something you really like! And if not, talk to me, perhaps we can build it for you, we have several awesome builders on our grid and they'd love to help you! Much Love - Lavia

Der Chosu Body ist nun im Store erhältlich .. bitte registriert Euch zuerst für Support am Terminal ! Dann eine Kopie nehmen vom Body :) Kleidung für den Body ist auch schon da .. täglich kommt nun neue Kleidung für diesen Body dazu ! .. einfach öfter mal rein schauen .. viel Spass damit .. ein Dankeschön geht ans Moonrose Grid, Adult-life Grid und ans Mare Grid

Men's Peace Ring-You will find this in the Men's dept of the store to the left of the foyer. Free-Full Perms Jewelry

this is my boring art tunnel


There are 7 of us, me who made the grid for the others, and 6 students, who rotate. We don't even change our avatar, we still have the same clothes, skin...

We like to go to the list of new regions to see what people have made new. If you don't want us to go, why advertise them on this site?

If you're afraid we'll rip you off, we dare you to find something on our grid that's not for sale. Even, when there is some special work, we post it and next to it we put a link to your grid (as in the case of Cherry Manga, Flora, Lani...).

We are not your competition in anything, we don't rent regions, we are not interested in users (although they are welcome if they prefer to be here).
As we said in another post, if someone wants something of what we do, ask us, we almost always forget to put it in copy or for sale).

In fact, the Welcome region, we have made it with links to this site and to places that we believe that anyone who comes to Opensim should know, because of their work.

On the other hand, we are disappointed with the people... it is sad, when they pass by you and even if you say hello, you do not receive the slightest sign of friendship. This is what hurts us the most (in our homes we are always forced since we were kids to say "hello" when you arrive and "goodbye" when you leave), indifference is punished with a "scolding".

We are so few and this is the relationship we are looking for... not even a "hello"... but a "don't come closer, I won't let you".

So, after this rambling, I leave you with the image of the endangered species of freshwater fish, which I'm sure we have stolen from Kittely or some similar site :))))

Long live freedom and death to the Troll!!!

Oggi scrivo perche sono veramente arrabbiata e ritengo che non sia questo il modo in cui si dovrebbe "giocare" nel metaverso .
Troppe invidie , troppe paranoie ...appena entri in una land subito che ti vengono in I.M. per dirti che non si può copiare non vi sembra di essere tutti un po troppo ridicoli?
Capisco i quelli che gia copiano roba degli altri che vogliono???
E poi diciamocelo quasi tutto quello in open sim è stato "rubato " da second life con programmi non proprio leciti e legali!
Quindi dico uno lascia il "copia" non vedo perche non copiare....diverso è se come detto prima si usano programmi non leciti e allora è giusto protestare .
Poi a volte vi dimenticate che questa NON E' LA REALTA'!
Qui non ci si sposa davvero...non ci si fidanza davvero non si va a letto a dormire davvero......VIVETE LA VITA REALE CHE E' MEGLIO!

TrisTH: more of the same from my post today.... 2 years ago

I Advance Masked


DJ Kith's Hot Daddy's Renn Faire Road Trip Tonight at 6:00PM!
Region: Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM grid time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
It's a Hot Daddy's Renn Faire Road Trip with DJ Kith--to the Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Hub!! Huzzah ye Lords & Ladies!! It's time to don your best finery (or come as you are) and join the merriment!! DJ Kith will serve as the minstrel, so this will not be your mama's renn faire... oh no!! We will be dancing to the beat of DJ Kith's edgy tunes and the Tribe will be there to entertain you with their jests and foolery! Come one and come all! Bayou Hot Daddys
Find a new home for you and your friends in one of our stylish apartments or houses. Find a new home for you and your friends in one of our stylish apartments or houses. Ask me or one of our admins to help you choose...

Visit our new BDSM club "Palaise Roissy" and let your deepest desires run free... The Noozara team looks forward to seeing you!

DJ Jon and his Hostess Topsy are at it again come Join in with the fun and rock and Roll, I know the bad Boys will be there , lol

I had for this lady a deep respect and appreciation and so created this memorial wall to her memory to reflect the beauty of the soul who was Veritas McMaster. May she know eternal peace and beauty as greatly and deeply as she created it in virtual for all to enjoy. She brought many smiles to many people may her joy be full in her eternal slumber.

nyxbreen: Thank you, Lavia, I know she loved this Virtual World, and now her soul lives in all realms. 2 years ago

Live Traffic
Welcome A
20 2
Ruritania A
88 12
Sapphorica A
14 2
Lbsa Plaza
191 38
4 2
Agora A
155 7
Trianon Complex A
90 18
Escape2Reality Welcome A
5 2
Rock City
56 15
Rock City A
0 0
Sugar House A
2 0
Brown Island
0 0
Manderley A
7 1
Valeria's Avatars 2
65 12
31 1
Regions Online: 1,789
Active: 208 avatars in 138 regions
The Box
Pagane 2 hours ago
Fire and Ice is down from years
Mistressdalgato 3 hours ago
I think i recall fire and I grid shutting down
Pagane 3 hours ago
MorganStJohn 4 hours ago
question: is Fire and Ice grid gone?
OpenSimUser 6 hours ago
I could have used a breakfeast like that myself
CyberGlo CyberStar 7 hours ago
I cooked bacon, eggs, and 9 grain wheat toast with strawberry jam, went to the gym, and mowed the yard. Now I'm here to give you the fanger. \/^^^\/
OpenSimUser 11 hours ago
Besides just trying to cause trouble, since everyone knows you are nothing but trouble
OpenSimUser 11 hours ago
And i do not earn any money what so ever from my grid, so learn before you go running your mouth.
OpenSimUser 11 hours ago
And pagane needs to get a life, rather than causing trouble, period.
Pagane 11 hours ago
People, if you earn money from fake rating here, NOT ARGUE again me with your real, primary acounts! Make new fake account and blow all mud and hate!!!
OpenSimUser 11 hours ago
What ever, since it seems you have nothing nice to do.
Pagane 11 hours ago
oh yes, is not fake and not contain 3 parked and one active avatar:) Sorry, i again make mistake:)
OpenSimUser 11 hours ago
i do not run fake regions
Pagane 11 hours ago
@OpenSimUser, yes may be must add and fake regions with 3 parked avatars. But parking avatars in regions is also some "activity":)
OpenSimUser 12 hours ago
Pagane do you not have something better to do, like play in traffic?
Pagane 13 hours ago
Major problems always have easy solutions. Only must use brain:
Ellen 14 hours ago
⁀⊙෴☉⁀ ٩(^◡^)۶ /(=✪㉨✪=)\ (`°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू) ♡(ŐωŐ人)
Luci☬Fer 15 hours ago
... . -. -.. / -- . / -. ..- -.. . ... .-.-.

New Comments

RemmyRavenhurst 1 hour ago
Wondering if this party will still be on today?
Hopelives3 4 hours ago
come and join the most wonderful group of Dinkies I have ever met.... they there to welcome you to their events, so glad I know them :)
Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix 5 hours ago
Dumb. I was born on January 1, 1970 as that is the date it shows on my avatar. And land is free. It costs me 1% of the CPU CPU on a I7 Intel NUC to run 127 regions at 14 cents/kw hour which is 1% of ...
Ria RyzenCore 6 hours ago
The page is just remove the !
Silken Nakita 7 hours ago
The Haunted House on the Hill is the highlight imho.
Arielle 8 hours ago
We Couldn’t Find This Page Check out some of the other great posts in this blog.
Xenon Darrow 10 hours ago
Hmmm...what you hearing with them ears, gal?
NyxNight yesterday
haha das ist eine coole Idee gut gemacht
MinordLoup yesterday
superbe, mais je n'arrive pas a utiliser le Uber, merci d'avance pour me faire parvenir le LM ou modifié le uber pour le plus grand nombre ;)


Ansjelagrid Shopping
very nice quality items. good layout. owner is helpful! thank you for taking time to share!
rayne 4 hours ago
Unnethe Anon
5 Stars for being absolutely Original and having everything avi sized! This place is amazing and the fact that everything was made by Sum with the exception of some landscaping and an NPC or two! So m...
Faith Fromund yesterday
Unnethe Anon
wonderful place to visit, see the imagination of this team come to life, go visit :)
Hopelives3 2 days ago
Super!!! Très joli travail d'organisation et de qualité. Merci pour vos partages.
Celeste Charnelle 2 days ago
Great Club, Awesome DJ's, People here are nice. It was a Awesome vibes here to be had :)
EllieVenusa 3 days ago
Haunted Halloween Isles
So much to see here and so much fun to explore. really well done. My lawyer will be in touch about us getting blown up in your caves :) Seriously go see this people, you will love it.
Gentle Dragonheart 3 days ago
AnKaBi Shopping Mall
This is a great place to shop. With so many wonderful outfits and everything you need, it's definitely a must-visit place!!
Ria RyzenCore 3 days ago
awesome as allways very spooky and lots of great stuff ty for sharing !! we invite ya to visit our halloween sim as well ~s Halloween
Mystic Moonlight 3 days ago

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