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💬 Chat

it dj jacob for next two hrs
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered
Yes, the breedables in OpenSim did indeed function properly. I originally wrote this code in Second Life back in 2012, then adapted it for OpenSim in 2016, and revisited it in 2019. After conducting tests and implementing a few updates, everything worked successfully. The only limitation is that the bunny is a mesh object and is non-transferable. If anyone has a full-permissions mesh bunny available for testing, I would greatly appreciate it. The bunny’s mesh-based movement makes it appear more realistic.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: Lots of free bunnies in Opensim. There are half dozen Rabbits, I have a NPC rabbit you can have in my Freebie shoppe at, Satyr Farm is full of breedable animals. All open src. Ni... 2 hours ago
Hi everyone our Mother grid will be up in soon time, Better & Stronger! but until then to all my friends and loved ones ... You can Find me here at Sunlight (Gaia welcome area) as am working as usual on other RL stuff. Love to see you there to give ya that special greeting welcome 😉 Lets enjoy the Sunlight together. Those chairs are cozzzzzzzy after all.

Am also at Maze cause you know how I like to Dance with my Sis Pink as always! you'll find her there .. the lovely person that she is 🌷 .. Take your pick. wtih Paela or Prince I always feel at Home back at OSgrid. Miss my mother Grid 😢
👉 Sunlight 🌞 hop://
👉 Maze 🌷 hop://

Hugs and blessings .. MG ❤

Silken Nakita. : Huge hugs always to my mentor and guiding light genius Morning! 3 hours ago
Club Party!!

At Changes Adult Resort, 4 - 6pm (grid time) every Thursday.

Hosted by Candice and DJ Mattt McG.

Dress: Just come as you are (no full nudity)

Don't sweat the "adult resort" thing - no full nudity or adulting is allowed anywhere near the event.


Midnight at The Amusement Pier Ps the Rides are rideable

The new Look of the South West Beach @ Club Nakkie Live Laugh Love and as I always say ... Be YuMmY

Someone asked me a question do breedables work in opensim? Yes, breedables work in Opensim. I've successfully implemented them since 2016, and I confirmed their functionality again on Kitely in 2019. For instance, on April 16, 2019, Ricardo Sorciere stated:

"Breedable's do work i done that in opensim a long time ago."

This shows that breedables have been proven to work in Opensim for quite some time. I have somewhere all this scripts.

LilyLove42: i wish there are breedables on the opensim 4 hours ago
Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks present TGI Thursday!

Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Pacific time

DJ Maldrul will be playing a mix of classic and contemporary Rock & Roll and his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!


Khiron just took the stage Dress Code Island Formal.. come on down DJ Essensual to follow at 2pm

Khiron Ametza: A great amusement on the beach today!!! delete 5 hours ago
Bonsoir/ bonjour

Suite aux problèmes d'assets d'osgrid et sa maintenance à venir, à durée indéterminée, je suis à la recherche de grilles où l'on peut connecter ses simus gratuitement.
J'ai vu passer neverworld grid, mais j'aimerai savoir si vous connaissez d'autres alternatives, je ne veux pas me précipiter dans le choix final et recommencer la manœuvre indéfiniment.
En vous remerciant par avance pour votre aide!

Photo pour l'attention

LadyKa: Bonjour Cherry Manga, A titre personnel, je suis sur Perfect-Life (grille québécoise) et sur France RP (grille française). Je ne sais pas s'il est possible de connecter des régions mais je peux demand... 5 hours ago
It’s a night of jazz, a night of rhythm, a night to remember, Fri., March 7th at 6:00 PM grid time. And taking center stage is none other than DJ Rosa Alekseev, ready to give you a performance like no other! Come as you are or dress in costume!

Four Winds & Coopersville: hop:// Worlds Fair/1006/187/23

#OSWF #opensim
No need to check your radio—Fri., March 7th, at 12:00 PM grid time tune in as Mike Lorrey brings his country vibes to keep us moving! Let’s get this party started! Come on over to the OpenSim Worlds Fair.

Stage 4 hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22

#OSWF #opensim
Khiron Ametza Live
Thursday, March 6th, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to good music among nice people!

Region: Trianon Complex Location: 395, 384,33

Khiron Ametza: I'll be starting in a few minutes, hurry up! The place is awesome!!! 6 hours ago

They are still there...

Guess what, folks? On Thursday., March 6th, at 12:00 PM grid time, it’s time to get your groove on! Charice Singer is about to take over and bring the good vibes. Grab a drink, hit the dance floor, and enjoy the show!

Stage 3: hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22

#OSWF #opensim
1x1 - w/5K prims = $5
2x2 - w/10K prims = $10
3x3 - w/15K prims = $15
4x4 - w/20K prims = $20
5x5 - w/25K prims = $25
6x6 - w/30K prims = $30
8x8 - w/40K prims = $40

The purchase of 2 - 4x4 or larger regions grants a free 1x1 or 2x2 region.

No additional charge to add prims and you can go
as high as 120K prims in the larger regions.
All regions are monitored for security and functionality.

All tier payments are monthly and non refundable.

For more information message me.
We also have free housing on several of our regions for those who do not wish to or cannot afford to purchase a region of their own.
Remarkable Rock Climbing Adventure in OpenSim Network Virtual World
Join us on an epic rock climbing adventure in the immersive OpenSim Network Virtual World! Experience realistic climbing physics and challenging routes, complete with authentic rope and harness gear. Whether you're a seasoned climber or just curious about virtual outdoor adventures, this video will inspire you to reach new heights. Subscribe now for more thrilling virtual adventures and climbing tips!

Check The Video =

OpenSim Network, Virtual World, Rock Climbing, Rope, Harness, Climbing Adventure, Virtual Climbing, Outdoor Simulation, Climbing Gear, Virtual Adventure,

CyberGlo CyberStar: I haven't met you yet, but... I am a famous scripter in the metaverse. I wanted to tell you that I am very impressed with your creations. I know the difficulty of the programming logic you are deal... 8 hours ago
Matokwa’s (Flower between two streams) journey to Ogunquit is one of destiny, guided by the whispers of the ancestors and the currents of the two streams
that bore her name.

As she matured, her connection to the land deepened, but the spirits stirred within her dreams, showing her visions of a distant shore where the mist met the sea. A place where the tides sang songs as old as time, and the earth held the stories of those who walked before. This place was known as Ogunquit—a land cradled between water and sky, much like the rivers that had shaped her path.

One evening, under the glow of a crescent moon, the same celestial light that heralded her birth, Matokwa felt the call. The river, her eternal guide, whispered of a journey beyond the lands she knew. She had healed her people, but the world was vast, and the balance of spirit and earth needed her elsewhere.

With the blessing of the elders, she set forth, following the waterways that would lead her to the great ocean. Along her path, she met wanderers and wisdom-keepers, each offering knowledge and gifts for her journey. She carried with her a pouch of sacred herbs, a staff carved with the symbols of her lineage, and the memory of the Flower Between Two Streams—the very essence of her spirit.

When Matokwa finally arrived in Ogunquit, she felt a deep sense of knowing. The wind carried the same voices she had always heard in the trees of her homeland, and the sea smelled of ancient wisdom. Here, she was not a stranger, but a returning spirit, finding the place where her journey would continue.

Nestled in Wesgewi'na, among the rolling hills and mist-covered cliffs, Matokwa found her purpose anew. She walked barefoot through the meadows, feeling the pulse of the land, and knew that this place, too, needed a guardian. The stories of the ancestors did not end at the rivers of her youth—they flowed into the great waters, into the sky, into the hearts of those who still listened.

Here, in Ogunquit, Matokwa would once again become a bridge—between past and present, land and sea, seen and unseen.

It feels like home Hyacinth, Anushiik

Matokwa was brought to life by the brilliant creator @FerdFrederix, thank you Ferd she is quite precious, I love you!

Hyacinth: That was beautiful Marianna. 8 hours ago
☻ Mirror and mise en abyme ☻

There is no virtual and real for me, my avatar is me, I am my avatar, everything is my reality...

The way I work is a back and forth between the virtual and the real;
Most of the time, everything starts with a 3D model that is often used in my virtual installations, then this model is printed in 3D and becomes a physical sculpture. Finally, I sometimes scan these sculptures while keeping the alterations they contain and reintroduce them into the virtual space.

These different works have superimposed layers, by playing with the different techniques, they transform, reveal glitches, this mutation is the reflection of the random and multiple visions that I like to explore.

In the AnatoBotanica region, I created a space where you can see my real sculptures in the form of scans, and also a gallery with works in augmented reality.

Some of my actual sculptures, as well as augmented reality digital prints are available for sale, to view my work please visit:

♥Thank you Pangea Grid team for letting me build on Anatobotanica ♥

LisaLandar: Dear Cherry, I think like you - my ava has my soul! I haven't been here for very long but your work has fascinated me from the beginning and I love it ♥ my wish is that you continue to exhibit your wo... 9 hours ago
I've been posting & asking others about "LIKING" our new welcome area :D

If you look above here, you will see this pic that I posted. This is where I am referring for you to "like". :D

You may like elsewhere too! Giggelz :D

But that is the main area that I am referring to! :D



Xenon Darrow: Our grid RULEZ!!! 9 hours ago
Freitag 7.3.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

The Godfather of Grunge
(A Journey Through The Past)
Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Friday March 7th, 2025
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

The Godfather of Grunge
(A Journey Through The Past)
Ends as always at midnight.
Hypergrid :

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/92/389/3827

Yinni Benelli: Love your costumes section, very creative as always. =D 9 hours ago

What remains...

Xenon Darrow: where is my hug react? :/ 9 hours ago

Ice cream tastes good everywhere. :-)

Xenon Darrow: ROFL BRILLIANT! No wonder they are eliminating the FDA here! Gotta protect that toxic ice cream! :D 9 hours ago
Anachron's politisches Manifest

Ich weiß, eigentlich wollte ich vorerst mit politischen Statements zurückhalten, aber das hier muss nun sein.

1. Die Notwendigkeit der Veränderung

Die Welt befindet sich in einem radikalen Wandel. Die politischen, sozialen und ökologischen Herausforderungen sind massiv und drängend, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Klimakrise und globale Ungleichheit. Angesichts dieser Umstände halte ich es für illusorisch und schädlich, auf den Status quo zu setzen. Die Mitte der politischen Landschaft, die oft den Erhalt des Bestehenden propagiert, kann keine Lösung bieten, da sie die realen, tiefgreifenden Probleme unserer Zeit nicht anerkennt und keine effektiven, mutigen Lösungen verfolgt.

2. Die Position der Mitte: Illusion des Stillstands

Die Mitte strebt an, die Existenz von Institutionen und Strukturen zu bewahren, ohne die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen anzuerkennen, die notwendig sind, um mit den Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts Schritt zu halten. Die Angst vor Veränderungen führt zu einem verzögerten Handeln, das uns in eine gefährliche Stagnation führt. Die weltweiten Probleme sind jedoch zu drängend, um auf eine bequeme, aber letztlich unzureichende Anpassung zu setzen. Ein „Weiter so“ ist eine Haltung, die die Welt in den Abgrund führt.

3. Die Rechte: Ignoranz und Selbstsucht

Die rechte politische Seite leugnet nicht nur die offensichtlichen Probleme wie den Klimawandel und die soziale Ungerechtigkeit, sondern sie tut dies auch oft wider besseres Wissen. Ihre selbstsüchtige Populismus-Agenda ist auf kurzfristige politische Gewinne ausgerichtet, die den langfristigen Wohlstand und das Überleben gefährden. Die Haltung „Nach mir die Sintflut“ ist eine gefährliche, kurzsichtige Ideologie, die die Existenz der Allgemeinheit aufs Spiel setzt, um den Luxus und die Macht einer privilegierten Minderheit zu sichern.

4. Die Linke: Ehrlichkeit und Verantwortung

Die linke Seite der Politik nimmt die drängenden Herausforderungen ernst und ist bestrebt, sie aktiv anzugehen. Sie fordert tiefgreifende gesellschaftliche Veränderungen, um soziale Gerechtigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz zu gewährleisten. Diese Position ist nicht nur ehrlicher, sondern auch zukunftsweisend, da sie realistische Lösungen für unsere Probleme sucht. Es gibt keine leichten Antworten, aber die Ehrlichkeit, mit der diese Fragen angegangen wird, ist eine Stärke.
Jedoch darf auch die Gefahr des Extremismus nicht unterschätzt werden. Eine gewaltsame Revolution oder utopische, radikale Lösungen würden nur zu Chaos und Zerstörung führen und die bestehenden Probleme nicht lösen. Der Weg der Linken muss weiterhin rational, inklusiv und friedlich sein, ohne in extreme Ideologien abzurutschen.

5. Das Versagen der Konservativen: Die Vernachlässigung der Zukunft

Der konservative Wunsch, den Status quo zu bewahren, ist letztlich unrealistisch und gefährlich. In einer Welt, die sich dramatisch verändert, sind konservative Ansätze, die den „Erhalt des Bestehenden“ betonen, ein Rückschritt, keine Lösung. Die Herausforderungen von Klimawandel, technologischer Umbruch und sozialer Ungleichheit erfordern einen entschlossenen, vorausschauenden und flexiblen Ansatz, den der Konservatismus nicht bieten kann.

6. Ein Aufruf zur Verantwortung und Ehrlichkeit

Die Zukunft gehört denen, die bereit sind, die Wahrheit zu erkennen und Verantwortung zu übernehmen. In einer Welt, die von rasanten Veränderungen und globalen Krisen geprägt ist, müssen wir als Gesellschaft zusammenarbeiten, um die dringenden Probleme anzupacken. Die Linke, obwohl sie ihre Fehler hat, bietet die ehrlichste Möglichkeit, den Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden, die uns alle betreffen. Ein radikaler Wandel hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit, Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit ist die einzige Möglichkeit, die Zukunft zu sichern.

Anachron's Schlussfolgerung:

Der Status quo ist keine Option.
Ehrlichkeit ist der Schlüssel zur Lösung der großen Probleme dieser Welt.
Veränderung ist unumgänglich, und die Zukunft gehört denen, die sich dieser Herausforderung stellen.

Anachron's (My partner) political manifesto
I know, I actually wanted to hold back on political statements for the time being, but this has to be said now.
1. The need for change

The world is undergoing radical change. The political, social and environmental challenges are massive and pressing, especially with regard to the climate crisis and global inequality. Given these circumstances, I believe it is illusory and harmful to rely on the status quo. The center of the political landscape, which often advocates the preservation of the status quo, cannot offer a solution because it does not recognize the real, profound problems of our time and does not pursue effective, bold solutions.

2. The position of the center: illusion of stagnation

The center seeks to preserve the existence of institutions and structures without acknowledging the profound changes necessary to keep pace with the challenges of the 21st century. The fear of change leads to delayed action that leads us into dangerous stagnation. However, the world's problems are too pressing to rely on a comfortable but ultimately inadequate adaptation. Business as usual is an attitude that will lead the world into the abyss.

3. The Right: Ignorance and Selfishness

The right-wing of politics not only denies the obvious problems such as climate change and social injustice, but often does so against its better judgment. Its selfish populist agenda is focused on short-term political gains that endanger long-term prosperity and survival. The "after me the deluge" attitude is a dangerous, short-sighted ideology that puts the existence of the general public at risk to secure the luxury and power of a privileged minority.

4. The Left: Honesty and Responsibility

The left-wing of politics takes the pressing challenges seriously and strives to actively address them. It calls for profound societal changes to ensure social justice, sustainability and climate protection. This position is not only more honest, but also forward-looking, as it seeks realistic solutions to our problems. There are no easy answers, but the honesty with which these questions are addressed is a strength.
However, the danger of extremism must not be underestimated. A violent revolution or utopian, radical solutions would only lead to chaos and destruction and would not solve the existing problems. The path of the left must continue to be rational, inclusive and peaceful, without slipping into extreme ideologies.

5. The failure of conservatives: Neglecting the future

The conservative desire to preserve the status quo is ultimately unrealistic and dangerous. In a world that is changing dramatically, conservative approaches that emphasize "preserving the status quo" are a step backwards, not a solution. The challenges of climate change, technological upheaval and social inequality require a determined, forward-looking and flexible approach that conservatism cannot offer.

6. A call for responsibility and honesty

The future belongs to those who are willing to face the truth and take responsibility. In a world marked by rapid change and global crises, we must work together as a society to tackle the pressing problems. The left, although it has its faults, offers the most honest way to meet the challenges that affect us all. A radical change towards greater sustainability, justice and freedom is the only way to secure the future.

Anachron's conclusion:

The status quo is not an option.
Honesty is the key to solving the world's big problems.
Change is inevitable, and the future belongs to those who rise to the challenge.

Totally agree. :-)

Arielle: This has been a great thread to lurk through. From it I came to realize what a "Lifestyle Lefty" is and also the difference between a... 10 hours ago
Hey guys, I have some exciting great news about the E Grid, and some semi-bad news. Well it isn't really bad as such, more of a heads up.

So the semi bad first: From the 11th to the 24th of March, the Grid will be completely down, as we install and work on upgrading new regions and doing massive multiple backups. They are BIG backups, and it can't do them correctly with the grid running, sadly.

As you already see, Builds Ahoy seems down for the most, due to the crash at Osgrid.

We are backing up and then backing up again.

The good news:

We're going to be back fully, with most or all of our former regions. We have a new Server situation and its going to allow us to do this.

I will be adding lands today here, bear in mind most will be up 24/7 but not all. We have a good amount of large lands, and in order to do this, at times a few will be offline. Again please remember we'll be down totally 11th to 24th this month. We're doing this to safeguard ALL our assets in multiple places.

Have a great day and please bear with me as we bring back E Grid fully :)

The Shork Group is a small collection of board gamers, roleplayers, tinkerers and storytellers who like to be something else at times. With the help from commissioned artists the Shork Group and its subsidiary, Shork Industries, create modular anthropomorphic avatars, happily sharing them with everyone who likes something outside the norm.They are a wonderful group of people who really believe in the term "Sharing is Caring"It's an awesome exhibit, so well put together and very informative. Go find out what they are all about! hop:// Worlds Fair/682/1094/22
Lavia Lavine has crafted several impressive exhibits to showcase the Genesis Roleplay Grid, each highlighting the unique experiences it offers. If you're interested in roleplay in OpenSim, be sure to explore Lavia's exhibits at the fair to learn more about this growing and immersive grid.

Parcel Lioness Den
hop:// Worlds Fair/161/804/22
Stag Hollow
hop:// Worlds Fair/147/975/22
Haven of Memories
hop:// Worlds Fair/147/658/22
Lavine's Divine Creations
hop:// Worlds Fair/122/104/22


Glenys Bieler: Looks amazing! 16 hours ago
Rakis Building Collection
There was a collection of RAKIS buildings on an HG called Best Builds which has since closed - I know there was a copy of it on OSG also and of course that is now kinda gone - Does anyone know of a clone of the Rakis Buildings sim? A LM would be most welcome!

MrSnoodle: I don't have a LM but it seems you can download the OAR files form his site here: You probably don't want to load up the two 4x4 regions yourself but it's nice to know i... 16 hours ago
*sigh* I only returned to the OSGrid about a month ago, and now it is offline for "long-term maintenance." I was offline for a few days for surgery.

So sad this is, and frustrating. But, it is what it is. I tried so many times to get my region out there, and I guess fate just proved to me it is time to give up. lol

Cheers everyone. See you around ♥

Sing Smith: If OSGrid don't want to do it any more then they could have just said so, it would have been more honest by then. What OSGrid are doing feels deliberately done by them with self inflicted wounds and a... 17 hours ago

Good morning.

I am still looking for creators who want to open storefronts, please contact me if interested.

Genesis Roleplay Grid is a stable well managed grid
owned by the mother & daughter team of Lavia Lavine and Metal Tango. We do not require you to be involved in the role play to be a member of the grid. We welcome builders, decorators, designers, scripters, and any member who has a vision for a bright future in Open Sim and, of course, Roleplayers are quite welcome also. And on Genesis, the only thing you pay for is the land. This could be your "new beginning" with a growing, expanding grid.

1x1 - w/5K prims = $5
2x2 - w/10K prims = $10
3x3 - w/15K prims = $15
4x4 - w/20K prims = $20
5x5 - w/25K prims = $25
6x6 - w/30K prims = $30
8x8 - w/40K prims = $40

The purchase of 2 - 4x4 or larger regions grants a free 1x1 or 2x2 region.

No additional charge to add prims and you can go
as high as 120K prims in the larger regions.
All regions are monitored for security and functionality.

All tier payments are monthly and non refundable.

For more information message me.

LaviaLavine: We also have free housing on several of our regions for those who do not wish to or cannot afford to purchase a region of their own. yesterday

Come join us for our weekly party! Wednesday - 1PM SL time , until.. whenever! :)

The party will be held at the Meadows of Wesgewi'na! Our Native America project. Lots to see and explore!

SilviaFrey: Gracias por la estupenda velada. Saludos yesterday
Cherry Manga's Cloudy Ride is a whimsical, fantastical confection of pure imagination. Her creativity is truly awe inspiring, making this experience a must visit at the OpenSim World’s Fair.
Step inside and take a ride through the extraordinary world of Cherry Manga’s mind, you won’t want to miss it!
hop:// Worlds Fair/888/117/22

Cooper: Wow, this is amazing, thank you for your building this. yesterday

They promised you a test grid, not a stable grid. Quit acting like they broke their promise. You got exactly what they promised you. A test grid.

Anachron: I don't agree with you often CyberGlo, but what is true has to be called truth :-) yesterday

📝 Scaling Businesses with Enterprise Web Development Services

Enterprise web development services are essential for businesses looking to scale and achieve long-term success.

alguien sabe donde puedo encontrar bebes y muebles?

Herme: yesterday
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered

Steve "Ferdzee" Sparks: I didnt know the truth that James had actually passed away, and I got attacked and insulted because I didnt know? Toxic damn people disrespecting the dead! yesterday