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Liebe Freunde des virtuellen Karnevals,

was fΓΌr eine grandiose Zeit liegt hinter uns! Auch in diesem Jahr durften wir gemeinsam einen unglaublich schΓΆnen Karneval im Pangea Grid erleben. Es war ein Fest der Farben, der Fantasie und der puren Lebensfreude. Einer der unbestrittenen HΓΆhepunkte war unser Rosenmontagsumzug, bei dem sich KreativitΓ€t und Gemeinschaftssinn auf beeindruckende Weise vereinten.

Ein riesiges DankeschΓΆn gebΓΌhrt all jenen, die mit unermΓΌdlichem Einsatz und grenzenloser Vorstellungskraft die unfassbar kreativen Wagen, Flugzeuge, UFOs und viele andere wunderbare Konstruktionen gebaut haben. Ihr habt das Pangea Grid in ein wahres Narrenschiff verwandelt und damit unzΓ€hligen Menschen Freude bereitet!

Besonders freuen wir uns, dass auch in diesem Jahr wieder zahlreiche auswÀrtige Grids teilgenommen haben, was unseren Karneval zu einem noch vielfÀltigeren und mitreißenderen Ereignis gemacht hat. Ein herzliches Dankeschân an das Soul Grid, das Monroose Grid, das Nabila Grid, CCI Bikerworld, SoA.Bad und SINAS.S, die HG Safari sowie Loru.Destiny aus dem Grid Artdestiny! Eure Teilnahme hat diesen Rosenmontagszug wieder einmal bereichert und mit Leben gefüllt.

Ebenso mΓΆchte ich mich ganz besonders bei Abraxas und Lilie Oller, Bink Draconia, Finja und Jason Flux, Tutz Zabelin, Lampithaler und Reyno Parx, Lilly Topas, Kitty Sarrasine und all den vielen engagierten Teilnehmern bedanken, die diesen Karneval zu dem gemacht haben, was er war: ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!

Und wΓ€hrend wir diesen wundervollen Karneval nun in unseren Herzen bewahren, richten wir den Blick bereits nach vorne: NΓ€chstes Jahr feiern wir das 20-jΓ€hrige Bestehen des KΓΆlner virtuellen Karnevals! Ein ganz besonderes JubilΓ€um, das wir mit noch mehr Glanz, noch mehr Magie und noch mehr Begeisterung begehen werden. Die Vorfreude darauf ist jetzt schon riesig!

Mit einem kleinen Video-Einblick verabschiede ich mich und sage von Herzen Danke! FΓΌr eure Begeisterung, eure KreativitΓ€t, eure Liebe zum Karneval. Ohne euch wΓ€re dieses Fest nicht dasselbe!

Dreimol vun HΓ€tze: KΓΆlle Alaaf! Pangea Alaaf! Virtueller Karneval Alaaf!

Mit karnevalistischen Grüßen und voller Vorfreude auf das nÀchste Jahr, euer Marlon Wayne
Littlefield Grid's monthly State of the Grid meeting. All Residents and HG Visitors are welcome!

This month's topics:

12th year Anniversary celebration, Rogue Galaxy's LFGrid Spring Fling Fest, Rogue Galaxy's new Parson's Creek music region, WLFG Adverstising promotion, OSGrid state, Additional free land plots for new users, New BDSM scripts.

Friday 03/07/2025 1:30PM Pacific


Jerralyn Franzic: Whew... *fans herself* 11 days ago
Hi everyone our Mother grid will be up in soon time, Better & Stronger! but until then to all my friends and loved ones ... You can Find me here at Sunlight (Gaia welcome area) as am working as usual on other RL stuff. Love to see you there to give ya that special greeting welcome πŸ˜‰ Lets enjoy the Sunlight together. Those chairs are cozzzzzzzy after all.

Am also at Maze cause you know how I like to Dance with my Sis Pink as always! you'll find her there .. the lovely person that she is 🌷 .. Take your pick. wtih Paela or Prince I always feel at Home back at OSgrid. Miss my mother Grid 😒

πŸ‘‰ Sunlight 🌞 hop://
πŸ’Œ Sunlight Discord:
🌐 web:

πŸ‘‰ Maze 🌷 hop://
πŸ’Œ Maze Discord:
🌐 web:

Hugs and blessings .. MG ❀

LuciFer isBack: Go to the light, Morning! 11 days ago
Alina Hotrods & Custom Vehicles.
New Vehicles & Drivable, Hotrods, American Classic Cars, Nascar, Dragster, Pick Ups, Trucks, and unusual vehicles.
hop:// Alternate Metaverse
Come have a look, you will find something you like
Open as from today, new vehicles added weekly amost 200 to choose from
No need to check your radioβ€”Fri., March 7th, at 12:00 PM grid time tune in as Mike Lorrey brings his country vibes to keep us moving! Let’s get this party started! Come on over to the OpenSim Worlds Fair.

Stage 4 hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22
Someone suggested I was spewing "Environmental pollution" so here's an oil spill to match my

Oil Spill container by Avadhoot on Sketchfab:

"Oil Spill container" ( by Avadhoot is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (

Free to copy/buy for 0 at: and Dexter's Community Dump

and Dump

Marianna : "Gracie and Dexter have officially traded in their dung for deluxe oil baths! πŸ›’οΈπŸžπŸ’¦ They say it’s exfoliating and adds a nice sheen to their shells. Five-star experience, would roll again! 11 days ago

Ice cream tastes good everywhere. :-)

MorningGlory: Steampunk 😍 11 days ago

Good morning, hope you all had nice dreams.^^

MorningGlory: Lovely details πŸ‘ 11 days ago

Good morning it is friday. Enjoy the day. 😊🌞
Guten Morgen. Es ist Freitag. Genieße den Tag. 😊🌞

MorningGlory: Lovely work! Gypsy Girl 😍 with which model? 11 days ago

πŸ“ new store in Beach Bums

Come and visit the new store here on the island Beach Bums with lots of interesting objects to make your island even more beautiful.

sorry for the inconvenience OSGRID is for the moment in Platform Maintenance.
Red Moon Beach will come back online as soon as OSGRID come back.
I hope to see you again soon.
Hello Fabiannus

Sorry for the momentary inconvenience, OSGRID is reshaping its platform, Red Moon Beach will return once OSGRID is online.
I hope to see you again soon.
Hello Fabiannus

* Justin, the nightwatch's futur commander is nowhere to be found. A search party might be required.
* Being appointed as King becomes urgent. So the Coronation takes place. Long live King Max ! People from all continents comes to see the ceremony.
* A dance took place after the coronation with live DJ Thalion.
Contact Center Software Market Size, Competitive Landscape, Revenue Analysis, 2035
The new market research report titled β€˜Contact Center Software Market’, published by Roots Analysis offers a comprehensive study of the Contact Center Software Market, while estimating the overall market size and the size and share of the key regional segments of the global market over historical period, as well as the projected timeline of 2024-2035.

The Contact Center Software Market size is projected to grow from $ 46.68 billion in 2024 to $ 384 billion by 2035, representing a CAGR of 21.12 %, during the forecast period 2024-2035. The anticipated market growth is accredited to the significant surge in demand across the regional and global markets for the products and services offered by the Contact Center Software Market. The latest study provides readers with a granular analysis of the major developmental elements of the global market, potential business avenues, and the overall market dynamics. The report has been specially curated to offer a deep understanding of the competitive terrain of the global market, highlighting the leading market rivals, their market positions, product portfolios, gross revenue shares, profit margins, pricing analysis, sales network & distribution channels, and financial standing.

Distribution by Component



Distribution by Solution

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

Call Recording

Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)

Intelligent Virtual Assistant

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Reporting & Analytics

Distribution by Deployment Mode



Distribution by End Use



IT and Telecommunication

Travel & Hospitality


Key Geographical Regions

North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)

Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe)

Asia-Pacific (China, South Korea, Japan, India)

MENA (Turkey, Iran, Rest of the Middle East and North Africa)

Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of the Latin America)

Rest of the World (Australia, New Zealand and Other Countries)

The latest research report specializes in the in-depth analysis of the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors affecting the Contact Center Software Market development. The report also concentrates on the regulatory framework that is shaping the future of the global market. New and existing pricing structures, emerging application areas, and upcoming investment opportunities have also been detailed in the report. The report further studies the projected growth factors that are expected to influence the market dynamics over the forecast timeframe.

The study is inclusive of a comprehensive analysis of the commonly used marketing and promotional strategies adopted by the key market players. Taking into account the existing market development factors, historical events, and recent market trends, the study presents a balanced opinion on the future scenario of the Contact Center Software Market. It thus supports its opinion by discussing the key corporate strategies, such as mergers & acquisitions, takeovers, joint ventures, and strategic alliances, used by the market players to strengthen their global footprint.

Research Methodology

Our analysts have performed an accurate examination of the various aspects of the global market leveraging avant-garde primary and secondary sources of data collection. The report has gathered the necessary data and information from several reliable sources. Additionally, the report offers many strategic recommendations for companies involved in this ever-growing business sector to help them attain a competitive edge in the Contact Center Software Market.

Thank you for reading our report. Kindly get in touch with us to know more about the report or to receive a customized copy of it. Our team will ensure the report is tailored according to your needs.

To view more details on this report, click on the link

About Roots Analysis

Roots Analysis is a global leader in the pharma / biotech market research. Having worked with over 750 clients worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, academia, venture capitalists and strategic investors for more than a decade, we offer a highly analytical / data-driven perspective to a network of over 450,000 senior industry stakeholders looking for credible market insights.

We specialise in analysing areas which have lacked quality research so far or require more focused understanding within the broader industry. All our reports are structured in a way to enable the reader develop a thorough perspective on the given subject. Apart from writing reports on identified areas, we also provide bespoke research / consulting services dedicated to serve our clients in the best possible way.

The research efforts are driven by a global team. The leadership team brings a wealth of experience within the sector. Their collective experience in pharmaceutical / affiliated domains allows us to tackle various areas of research in a structured way. We also regularly leverage our global network of experts who hold senior leadership positions in reputed firms and organisations worldwide.


Roots Analysis

+1 (415) 800 3415

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it dj Max for next two hrs
♬ DAY/GIORNO: 08.03.2025
* From the citadelle (building that holds the human knowledges) Steve and Anniera go to the country side of OldTown in search of that famous blue plant that could heal internal infections. As Anniera finds the unknown plant first, the name of 'Anniera purple Star' is assigned to it in the books.
* The plant is brought to Mina who has some knowledges of healing, and she crush the medecine and gives it to Asad.
* Rowk installs himself in the Iron-Islands and creates a special hidden room in case he has to help Asad escape from jail. The dark areas suits him well.
* Meeting at Sunspear castle (South) where 7 people united and choosed the best paintings of Westeros.
* Steve visit CastleBlack in the north to bring food and goods so Justin can sustain the winter.
* Steve return from North visits the old Gods but something seems to watch him
* Asad is found in CasterlyRock, Max and Mina chase him until Asad jumps a cliff and breaks his leg. Once in jail they realise he has internal infection as he faints.
* To heal Asad, Steve, Mina, Anniera are going to the citadelle to find remedy.
it dj jacob for next two hrs
♬ WHEN: 6-8 pm GRID TIME


all bits are to be covered
Yes, the breedables in OpenSim did indeed function properly. I originally wrote this code in Second Life back in 2012, then adapted it for OpenSim in 2016, and revisited it in 2019. After conducting tests and implementing a few updates, everything worked successfully. The only limitation is that the bunny is a mesh object and is non-transferable. If anyone has a full-permissions mesh bunny available for testing, I would greatly appreciate it. The bunny’s mesh-based movement makes it appear more realistic.

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: Lots of free bunnies in Opensim. There are half dozen Rabbits, I have a NPC rabbit you can have in my Freebie shoppe at, Satyr Farm is full of breedable animals. All open src. Ni... 11 days ago

Midnight at The Amusement Pier Ps the Rides are rideable

The new Look of the South West Beach @ Club Nakkie Live Laugh Love and as I always say ... Be YuMmY

Someone asked me a question do breedables work in opensim? Yes, breedables work in Opensim. I've successfully implemented them since 2016, and I confirmed their functionality again on Kitely in 2019. For instance, on April 16, 2019, Ricardo Sorciere stated:

"Breedable's do work i done that in opensim a long time ago."

This shows that breedables have been proven to work in Opensim for quite some time. I have somewhere all this scripts.

LilyLove42: i wish there are breedables on the opensim 11 days ago
Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks present TGI Thursday!

Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Pacific time

DJ Maldrul will be playing a mix of classic and contemporary Rock & Roll and his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!


Khiron just took the stage Dress Code Island Formal.. come on down DJ Essensual to follow at 2pm

Khiron Ametza: A great amusement on the beach today!!! delete 11 days ago
Bonsoir/ bonjour

Suite aux problèmes d'assets d'osgrid et sa maintenance à venir, à durée indéterminée, je suis à la recherche de grilles où l'on peut connecter ses simus gratuitement.
J'ai vu passer neverworld grid, mais j'aimerai savoir si vous connaissez d'autres alternatives, je ne veux pas me prΓ©cipiter dans le choix final et recommencer la manΕ“uvre indΓ©finiment.
En vous remerciant par avance pour votre aide!

Photo pour l'attention

LadyKa: Bonjour Cherry Manga, A titre personnel, je suis sur Perfect-Life (grille québécoise) et sur France RP (grille française). Je ne sais pas s'il est possible de connecter des régions mais je peux demand... 11 days ago
It’s a night of jazz, a night of rhythm, a night to remember, Fri., March 7th at 6:00 PM grid time. And taking center stage is none other than DJ Rosa Alekseev, ready to give you a performance like no other! Come as you are or dress in costume!

Four Winds & Coopersville: hop:// Worlds Fair/1006/187/23

#OSWF #opensim
No need to check your radioβ€”Fri., March 7th, at 12:00 PM grid time tune in as Mike Lorrey brings his country vibes to keep us moving! Let’s get this party started! Come on over to the OpenSim Worlds Fair.

Stage 4 hop:// Worlds Fair/1245/804/22

#OSWF #opensim
Khiron Ametza Live
Thursday, March 6th, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to good music among nice people!

Region: Trianon Complex Location: 395, 384,33

Khiron Ametza: I'll be starting in a few minutes, hurry up! The place is awesome!!! 11 days ago

They are still there...

Guess what, folks? On Thursday., March 6th, at 12:00 PM grid time, it’s time to get your groove on! Charice Singer is about to take over and bring the good vibes. Grab a drink, hit the dance floor, and enjoy the show!

Stage 3: hop:// Worlds Fair/732/804/22

#OSWF #opensim
1x1 - w/5K prims = $5
2x2 - w/10K prims = $10
3x3 - w/15K prims = $15
4x4 - w/20K prims = $20
5x5 - w/25K prims = $25
6x6 - w/30K prims = $30
8x8 - w/40K prims = $40

The purchase of 2 - 4x4 or larger regions grants a free 1x1 or 2x2 region.

No additional charge to add prims and you can go
as high as 120K prims in the larger regions.
All regions are monitored for security and functionality.

All tier payments are monthly and non refundable.

For more information message me.
We also have free housing on several of our regions for those who do not wish to or cannot afford to purchase a region of their own.
Remarkable Rock Climbing Adventure in OpenSim Network Virtual World
Join us on an epic rock climbing adventure in the immersive OpenSim Network Virtual World! Experience realistic climbing physics and challenging routes, complete with authentic rope and harness gear. Whether you're a seasoned climber or just curious about virtual outdoor adventures, this video will inspire you to reach new heights. Subscribe now for more thrilling virtual adventures and climbing tips!

Check The Video =

OpenSim Network, Virtual World, Rock Climbing, Rope, Harness, Climbing Adventure, Virtual Climbing, Outdoor Simulation, Climbing Gear, Virtual Adventure,

CyberGlo CyberStar: I haven't met you yet, but... I am a famous scripter in the metaverse. I wanted to tell you that I am very impressed with your creations. I know the difficulty of the programming logic you are deal... 11 days ago
Matokwa’s (Flower between two streams) journey to Ogunquit is one of destiny, guided by the whispers of the ancestors and the currents of the two streams
that bore her name.

As she matured, her connection to the land deepened, but the spirits stirred within her dreams, showing her visions of a distant shore where the mist met the sea. A place where the tides sang songs as old as time, and the earth held the stories of those who walked before. This place was known as Ogunquitβ€”a land cradled between water and sky, much like the rivers that had shaped her path.

One evening, under the glow of a crescent moon, the same celestial light that heralded her birth, Matokwa felt the call. The river, her eternal guide, whispered of a journey beyond the lands she knew. She had healed her people, but the world was vast, and the balance of spirit and earth needed her elsewhere.

With the blessing of the elders, she set forth, following the waterways that would lead her to the great ocean. Along her path, she met wanderers and wisdom-keepers, each offering knowledge and gifts for her journey. She carried with her a pouch of sacred herbs, a staff carved with the symbols of her lineage, and the memory of the Flower Between Two Streamsβ€”the very essence of her spirit.

When Matokwa finally arrived in Ogunquit, she felt a deep sense of knowing. The wind carried the same voices she had always heard in the trees of her homeland, and the sea smelled of ancient wisdom. Here, she was not a stranger, but a returning spirit, finding the place where her journey would continue.

Nestled in Wesgewi'na, among the rolling hills and mist-covered cliffs, Matokwa found her purpose anew. She walked barefoot through the meadows, feeling the pulse of the land, and knew that this place, too, needed a guardian. The stories of the ancestors did not end at the rivers of her youthβ€”they flowed into the great waters, into the sky, into the hearts of those who still listened.

Here, in Ogunquit, Matokwa would once again become a bridgeβ€”between past and present, land and sea, seen and unseen.

It feels like home Hyacinth, Anushiik

Matokwa was brought to life by the brilliant creator @FerdFrederix, thank you Ferd she is quite precious, I love you!

Hyacinth: That was beautiful Marianna. 11 days ago
☻ Mirror and mise en abyme ☻

There is no virtual and real for me, my avatar is me, I am my avatar, everything is my reality...

The way I work is a back and forth between the virtual and the real;
Most of the time, everything starts with a 3D model that is often used in my virtual installations, then this model is printed in 3D and becomes a physical sculpture. Finally, I sometimes scan these sculptures while keeping the alterations they contain and reintroduce them into the virtual space.

These different works have superimposed layers, by playing with the different techniques, they transform, reveal glitches, this mutation is the reflection of the random and multiple visions that I like to explore.

In the AnatoBotanica region, I created a space where you can see my real sculptures in the form of scans, and also a gallery with works in augmented reality.

Some of my actual sculptures, as well as augmented reality digital prints are available for sale, to view my work please visit:

β™₯Thank you Pangea Grid team for letting me build on Anatobotanica β™₯

LisaLandar: Dear Cherry, I think like you - my ava has my soul! I haven't been here for very long but your work has fascinated me from the beginning and I love it β™₯ my wish is that you continue to exhibit your wo... 12 days ago
Freitag 7.3.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

The Godfather of Grunge
(A Journey Through The Past)
Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Friday March 7th, 2025
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.

The Godfather of Grunge
(A Journey Through The Past)
Ends as always at midnight.
Hypergrid :

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/92/389/3827

Yinni Benelli: Love your costumes section, very creative as always. =D 12 days ago