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Compte rendu de la réunion du jeudi 9 décembre : la 1ère réunion francos de 2025.

12 personnes ((plus que d'habitude avec des personnes venant de SL) se sont réunies dans une bonne ambiance. Le sujet principal évoqué fut celui de la voice, que l'on peut déjà lire dans le wiki de Acryline. Lien vers le wiki :

Le nouveau type de voice est pour le moment testé sur SL, pourra fonctionner sur OpenSim et ne sera pas une solution externe. Mais il sera payant.

Vlad nous informe de la mise en place d'une petite grille "Ecrin" par une personne bien connue, Erwan (login URI Minord donne rendez-vous samedi 11 janvier pour l'inauguration du mémorial.

Compte rendu de la réunion du jeudi 9 décembre : la 1ère réunion francos de 2025.

12 personnes (plus que d'habitude) se sont réunies dans une bonne ambiance. Le sujet principal évoqué fut celui de la voice, que l'on peut déjà lire dans le wiki de Acryline. Lien vers le wiki

Le nouveau type de voice est pour le moment testé sur SL, pourra fonctionner sur OpenSim et ne sera pas une solution externe. Mais il sera payant.

Vlad nous informe de la mise en place d'une petite grille "Ecrin" par une personne bien connue, Erwan (login URI Minord donne rendez-vous samedi 11 janvier pour l'inauguration du mémorial.

Il reste une réunion très sérieuse abordant aussi des sujets sociétaux. Tristan qui en reparlera nous a évoqué le projet théâtre. Cette fois, ce sera en parlant et non plus enregistré. Pas de télécospage : la réunion du 1er jeudi du mois reste maintenue.

Looking for Chinese furniture and Japanese furniture. lamps as well and anything else i might find.

Sam and I are restarting our tradition of Thursday parties. You are warmly welcome to come enjoy our eclectic mix in a super relaxed environment. 11am - 3-ish PM SLT Every Thursday. No excuses! lol

Hyacinth: I got a really ecclectic mix set up for the first show. I even found a french song about La Mariecomo. An Acadian witch, that I imagine to be one of my ancestors. haha 2 months ago
Lynnestra Parker & On The Rocks present TGI Thursday!

Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Pacific time

DJ Maldrul will be playing a mix of classic and contemporary Rock & Roll and his signature selection of SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!

Come check out Rocky Shores where you can dance, surf, play Greedy, hang out and explore!

All I ever did when I was here was build, create magic huds, create oars, and try to help people. I was harassed a lot by a band of trolls, constantly picked on and lied on by others who will say and post and do anything. Even fake made up stuff. Many of you have asked me to come back and keep creating. I will think about it. I did have some more oars I designed and it would be a shame to see them languish on an old hard drive and not get shared. I'm not sure if they survived the last ssd failure on my system. But to date they have not been seen by anyone but me. Perhaps I will come back in a few weeks. I am thinking about it - in the very least to upload the other fantasy oars I have made if they survived.

JamieWright: Happy New Year Cyber. Do what makes you happy:) 2 months ago
As you know we've been looking for little mite just received a message that she had passed away the other day she couldn't breathe, and she passed away I would like to send our sympathy to her family and out to Tomi who love her much. take a Moment of Prayer.
Most know her as Autumn Brown


Are you using a 4K monitor ? Are you looking to upgrade ?

I publish here some benchmark in the hope it might help those who are looking to up part their performances using Firestorm. I was myself looking to find those information before i upgraded.

This will allow you to see what performance you could get with a similar hardware. I chose Intel, but AMD is also a very good choice, so for comparison it would need to be an AMD with similar performance to get similar result, the same for the video card.

Please note, these benchmark are with Firestorm with everything enabled Ultra Detail and Distance view set to 864. With a 4k Monitor (3840x2160)

To See the Benckmark :

Thank you for your generous donations.

Arielle: So what was the condensed version for those of whose eyes roll back in our heads from too many numbers!? 2 months ago
Region Monitor added here @ Valland Shop Section Estate Manager & Estate Owner Tools

. Monitor visitor in your region
parcel visited,
zone visited,
arrival time,
departure time,
time in,
Avatar name,
Arrival position
and many others
. Parcels: Parcels visited
. Zones: You can also define your own zones:
. Work with LinksetData
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySQL DB API
For the MySQL Query:
Detailed visits,
Daily visits,
Numbers of visits daily (unique visitor, Nbr visits),
Query on specific users or Zone,
Number of visits per month
Number of visits last n days
. Reports in Notecard to come later.
. Requirements:
You need OpenSim 0.9.3 for this to work as it keep data in “LinksetData”.

Thank you for your generous donations.
Are you using a 4K monitor ? Are you looking to upgrade ?

I publish here some benchmark in the hope it might help those who are looking to up part their performances using Firestorm. I was myself looking to find those information before i upgraded.

This will allow you to see what performance you could get with a similar hardware. I chose Intel, but AMD is also a very good choice, so for comparison it would need to be an AMD with similar performance to get similar result, the same for the video card.

Please note, these benchmark are with Firestorm with everything enabled Ultra Detail and Distance view set to 864. With a 4k Monitor (3840x2160)

To See the Benckmark :

Thank you for your generous donations.

Hello everyone :)
Today 11:00 am -12:30pm at Speakeasy Swinghard at AMV! Always so much fun and such a friendly group of people ready to have a good time!
Hugs and hopefully see you there!!
Map us at: Events

Another DreamGrid OAR # 259 is Elf Beach by Cyberglo. It's in your Free Content list.

Short video at

Frank Hurt: Thank you, Cyberglo, for sharing this with us! And thanks, Fred, for being the conduit for it all! I will definitely be loading this one up to check it out. 2 months ago
It's with a sad heart that I am informing you Ticky Tocky Grid Is shut down for Good. I hope you got all the Freebies you could while I had her running. Dur To Countless Fights With My Internet provider and down Time at night I have decided to Take Her Down Until I move In March. If There was something you wanted please feel free to reach out to me and I can see what I can do to get it to you. Thank You To Those who took time to visit. I guess I'm a Floater...LOL

Gentle Dragonheart: Awwww, so sorry to hear that but yes, I can totally see how that would be frustrating to the point of just quitting. Big hugs! and looking forward to your grid's return! 2 months ago

Without words...

KrisTina: Just another person posting something to get attention, move along. 2 months ago
DJane Yana @6am untill 8am at Welcome AMV stage!!!
Today with all great Remixes from the years 80, 90, recent songs

DJ Yana - Yana loves the old rock sounds like the 60`s but the 70`s & 80`s are her favorite. When she DJ`s the roof will blowing off and the walls are shaking from their foundations. If you like a good partytime and wake up with those sounds, your so welcome to join in at Yana`s spectacular stage, where it all happens.
AMVs Welcome area is the landing point for HG visitors and new residents, come and make new friends

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :)
Welcome Stage hop://
Freitag 10.1.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr


Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid :
Friday 10.1.2025
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.


Ends as always at midnight.
Hypergrid :
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Take Nervigesic 300mg as directed by your doctor to ensure optimal results. This medication is known for its efficacy and safety, making it a preferred choice for nerve-related pain management. Consult a healthcare professional to explore how Nervigesic 300mg can help you regain comfort and mobility.
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Calcifer nom nomming on firewood. :)

Marianna : Dump 2 months ago

Currently putting a new region - Pandanus Pocket - together. As it is very much under construction, I haven't listed it yet. Open for visits though

Abiti a tema Celtico oppure RocK - Dj PauL

Khiron will be on stage at 3pm singing LIVE for you at the Train Station Complex Come and join us

Out Now At Secret Willow Fashion Natural Set 1 Eyes There Are 12 Eyes Will Be Adding More Stuff Soon So Here Is Your Ride hop:// Cove/124/126/22 and they are Bom they will work for the lel Evo&EvoX
Zoree Jupiter at the Diner
Music and Fun! Christmas tunes, etc
Come join us and bring your friends!
I would love to entertain you :)
50s, 60s & 70s songs
We look forward to seeing you!
Funsize Dinkies Roadtrip is back after a Christmas Break... Today the Dinkies headed off to Pepperland I & II.
(Can be found at )

A fantastic Region with lots to see and alot of hard work has gone into the Story being told on there to follow. Pepperland is the creation by Mudpuddle Cleanslate and Chelsea Louloudi, of many scenes from Yellow Submarine... a 1968 British animated musical fantasy comedy film inspired by the music of the Beatles.

The Funsize Dinkies loved the every moment on this Region.

Chelsea Louloudi: Fabulous pictures btw! 2 months ago
Hello everyone, friends!
We would like to inform you that our Mall will be temporarily closed to the public for expansion work. We are making these improvements primarily for you, who have shown us great affection through your messages of support and encouragement.
We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you that we will reopen as soon as possible.
Wishing you a wonderful day!

The staff at New Life Italy....

KarinBecker: thank you for all your hard work that you do for everyone. 2 months ago
Une cérémonie civile à la mémoire des amis francophones disparus d'opensim aura lieu le samedi 11 janvier 2025, 21h30 (Fr), 15h30 (Qc).
A cette occasion, nous partagerons, durant quelques instants, le souvenir de ceux qui ont eu une vie virtuelle et qui ne sont plus parmi nous aujourd'hui. hop://
Une cérémonie civile à la mémoire des amis francophones disparus d'opensim aura lieu le samedi 11 janvier 2025, 21h30 (Fr), 15h30 (Qc).
A cette occasion, nous partagerons, durant quelques instants, le souvenir de ceux qui ont eu une vie virtuelle et qui ne sont plus parmi nous aujourd'hui. hop://
Region Monitor added here @ Valland Shop Section Estate Manager & Estate Owner Tools

. Monitor visitor in your region
parcel visited,
zone visited,
arrival time,
departure time,
time in,
Avatar name,
Arrival position
and many others
. Parcels: Parcels visited
. Zones: You can also define your own zones:
. Work with LinksetData
. Output Statistics on Notecard or MySQL DB API
For the MySQL Query:
Detailed visits,
Daily visits,
Numbers of visits daily (unique visitor, Nbr visits),
Query on specific users or Zone,
Number of visits per month
Number of visits last n days
. Reports in Notecard to come later.
. Requirements:
You need OpenSim 0.9.3 for this to work as it keep data in “LinksetData”.

Thank you for your generous donations.

Thank you for the lovely butterfly @AnsjelaAmat I placed it at my Catena di Isole - Welcome

Blue Monday im Stardust Club.
Es wird Zeit den neuen Stardust Club einzuweihen.
Also so soll es am Montag, 13.1.2025 geschehen.
Zeiten wie immer 20 - 22 Uhr, vielleicht auch länger.
Mukke weiß ich noch nicht genau, werde es noch posten.

Taxi: (Einfach in die Mapsuche kopieren)

Ein kleines Promo Video >
Dear Music Man (Aussie) / MillyAnn,

We were so saddened to hear about the passing of your son. He will be deeply missed. Please know that we are thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. May his soul rest in peace.

MG / Sandra and all of OS ... We Love you ❤

Life. :-)

Hyacinth: Rockin the gray! 2 months ago
Help Satyr Farm
Hello everyone, I have problems with Satyr Farm, when I restore backup or restart the sim all animals are suddenly reset to 0 days old. Here is the error message: [00:02] SF Dog Feeder: YEngine: OSSL Permission Error: osGetNotecard permission denied. (script: language_plugin event: state_entry primID: dec7a640-9460-43d3-b85c-ccac6bb1dc29 at: ) Script must be Reset to re-enable. Can someone help please? Thank you.

Jupiter Rowland: SatyrFarm basiert auf OSSL, das ist OpenSims eigene Skriptsprache. OSSL ist aber auf Sims standardmäßig aus Sicherheitsgründen komplett verboten. Das heißt, da mußt du als erstes mal gucken: Welche O... 2 months ago
As we inch closer to the WolfTec Learning Conference beginning this Saturday, I have updated the website with the locations for all the events: Campus Island University Workspace

See the updated website @
And see you at the conference!

victorialogan: interesting proposal, welcome. 2 months ago
Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting NOW to 6pm Grid-Time
60's to Today! Mix Night :)
Danger Lytton
Starting 6 to 8pm Grid-Time
Blues, Classic Rock, Country, Mix
Taxi: hop://


ValeriaRossi: La vendita resta invariata sono avatar realizzati da me a mio gusto e fantasia vanno richiesti, cliccare il quadro in modalita modifica leggere il nome del avatar scelto e comunicarlo a Valeria Rossi,... 2 months ago

Boot Scoot at the Silver Dollar Saloon!!

Don't miss DJ Azora doing her country & western sets between 4pm and 6pm grid time on Tuesdays every week!!


News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/93/118/3827
ATTENTION only Legacy-----This garment contains an auto-alpha script that will hide parts of the body that may clip automatically! If you'd like to adjust this alpha, you can do so via your body HUD.
**** Legacy bodies by SciattisiGrid ****
Gracie and Dexter's Community Dump is Open to Public - Everyone Welcome

I added Giraffe Family today and Fred added his excellent camels!

@FerdFrederix thank you for adding your rideable camels so that we can ride here 🐪🐫 and Dexter's Community Dump

Caribia: Thanks camel was working fine to me usually I get all kinds of bug's :P 2 months ago

Also in 2025: Every Wednesday 6:00 - 8:00 AM Welcome

Scottish Pride

4 members


9 members


10 members

Fire And Ice Grid

9 members

Open access

3 members

Command Central Starfleet

3 members


7 members


5 members

Club Equinox

2 members