OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Now has a clickable menu. You can turn it on /off in the menu. You can click the [ban] button on the menu, and select ban by radar, name, ip, or key. This way you can manually add in a name, ip address, or key OR if the person is on your sim at the moment you want to ban them, just click the radar button (sim wide) and click their name on the menu. They are unsat, ejected, tp'd home, and all their info is saved to the appropriate file. No more manual notecard editing (unless you want to...) I hope you all enjoy it. NOW AVAILABLE NEW AT WIZARDRY!!!

Final test for the Oktoberfest


Adry: now 1 years ago

KrisTina: Evil never ran away from hippies holding a peace sign, would be nice if they did. 1 years ago
A great alternative to vivox is mumble. It's changed a lot since the mumble-whisper project for opensim back in 2010. I run a mumble server right here at my house, and anyone can connect to it and try it out. On windows just download the mumble client or on apple mac download this client
Mumble also has clients in most linux package managers already ready to go. Mumble has super high voice quality and it's totally private. I've already used it at my grid with several people and the quality was amazing. Plus the fact the mumble server runs on a small raspberry pi at my home with zero problems. If you wish to connect to it, just use as the server address and you can try it out on port 64738. There are also mumble 'servers' for windows, mac os, and linux. So you can run it on something besides a raspberry pi, and have your completely secure and private own voice server. I understand a lot of people worry about vivox listening in to their private conversations. ok. Here's an alternative. What's great about it is you can play opensim with mumble in the background so it doesn't affect the game play at all, AND it's great voice quality.

MrSnoodle: So does the end user who randomly enters your region need to do anything other than click the talk button in the viewer to be able to talk? 1 years ago

Curves? Someone mentioned, curves? I couldnt resist:)

This class will be taught in december of 2023 at Wizardry.
The class will be about all the many many ways greifers and bad people can harm your avatar and lands in the metaverse. Topics that will be addressed include:

0) replicators - physical objects
1) listener im scripts
2) tracker scripts
3) push scripts
4) bumpers & followers
5) orbiters
6) remote radar scripts
7) text bombs
8) particle bombs
9) dialog crashers
10) sound crashers
11) graphics crashers
12) ddos attacks
13) remote land takeovers
14) stack heap overflow
15) scripting exploits
16) c# exploits
17) viewer modifications

In order to combat, you must understand the attack, and you must know how to fight it.
In order to stop these greifers and hackers, you must first know if you are being attacked, and then how to fix it.
So as I teach each section, I will also teach you how to combat against it. I will also give you very advanced devices
that can detect these attacks and help you mitigate them, so that you can survive in a virtual world.
Those who are interested in learning Defense Against The Dark Arts, must put their name on a notecard and drop it in the mailbox at the Wizardry region by November 30th, 2023. After that date no one will be allowed to enter the region or the class except for the students who previously enrolled.

NineZero: Great idea for a class! 1 years ago

I think this is most of my network that is running now. There may be some odd devices I have forgotten. o.O

hicks adder: ha a maze, where is the exit? 1 years ago
All are me: Lagniappe grid, Genesis grid, and Neverworld grid. I can't believe I didn't crash. How many of your avatars using the same Firestorm viewer can you put in one place? I have a couple more I think I might try to get in as well. Yeah...Ima a risk taker. :)

Pagane: you look stunning! kiss:) about how many avatar in one firestorm..... i see up to 8, even make sim for this - "Best fake sim" but peoples not like to see snapshots with twins:) 1 years ago
This picture was taken inworld so it isn't the best but these earrings were created just a bit differently than I normally create. I worked with both Photoshop and Rhinogold to create these then assembled inworld combining the parts. Photoshop has a great 3d editor where you can load images and in seconds turn them into 3d. I have an article here: These are in the shop. Jewelry

---- NEW OUTFIT----

Invitation to the Opening on Friday 21st at 12 pm
"SB Blues Club in the Missouri Swamps"
Djane Loru will inspire us with hot blues, good soul and other black music.
Live on „“
A warm welcome to all. Events 4

Einladung zur Eröffnung am Freitag den 21.sten um 21.00 Uhr
"SB Blues Club in den Sümpfen von Missouri"
Djane Loru wird uns mit heissem Blues, gutem Soul und sonstiger black Musik begeistern.
Live auf „“
Allen ein herzliches Willkommen. Events 4

SoA .BAD: Today from 12 p.m. All welcome Heute ab 21.00 Uhr. Alle herzlich willkomen 1 years ago
I had a request by @LeonitasLionheart asking if the Nadder (Cobra) snake could be given too. We have made it available in both the Goliath size (for those wanting a Goliath sim-we plan to give this OAR when completed) I have also included the regular-sized snake for a normal sim. There is a Snake AO that you can wear to animate and the animations are also included so that you can also create Animesh snakes, there is an Animesh kit here too with everything you need. Thank you, Ferd for making this possible!! Gardens

RemmyRavenhurst: You are awesome!! 1 years ago

AshaShanti: aw love these :)) 1 years ago

Enjoying breakfast in bed~you too can enjoy breakfast in bed-Breakfast Bed Tray-Free Full Perms-Monentes store foyer.

come get your picture with the TNG crew...we have 20 rooms bunch of freebies in them for those curious for a treasure hunt. Take a shuttle ride...hop:// Empire Movie Project/354/294/1937

MorningGlory: Will do ... nice creative work there Prince :) " And you always reply to messages " 1 years ago

New for Girls
10 Color Dress

wicked: I like the hair ... ok ok ok and the dress 1 years ago
friends-grid is OPEN!

What is friends-grid and the Friends region?

friends—grid is a sailing community (connected regions) that was built by a group of friends in 2023 and is owned by Safine Mahoe. You don’t have to sail, but if you do, you will love it!

Friends are the only thing that is important in Open Sim, nothing else really matters. As Woodrow Wilson said , “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”

The Friends region is the heart of friends-grid. On this region, you will find Friends Stables, multiple satyr farms, trails through the rainforest, a large Marina to assist with your boating needs and the most beautiful waterfalls you will find anywhere!

In addition to the Friends Region, you will also find teleports to : Xinashi región with Oh Hello store, Annihilation role play region, Aquamica region with some of the largest and most detailed underwater worlds, Clearwater II with the Darwin Eco Project and many other regions being developed.

A limited number of free rentals are available, however, we are looking for people who want to be involved in our community, not simply collect free houses on every grid.

If you want to be a part of this amazing community, please contact Safine Mahoe if online.

If I am offline, please message safinemahoe2 on

The grid is under maintenance, see you later thank you

Our Ubers look a little different...

but it is a ride you will never forget!


opening June 15


Enjoy riding a horse through the rainforest, pausing to enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls and listening to the tranquil sound of the cascading water. The lush greenery around you is teeming with life, and you can hear the chirping of birds and buzzing of insects as you make your way through the rainforest.

The horse beneath you is well-trained and sure-footed, carefully making its way over the rocky terrain and across streams. As you ride, you take in the sights and sounds of the rainforest, feeling a sense of peace and relaxation wash over you.

As you approach a majestic waterfall, you dismount from your horse and take a moment to admire the stunning view. The cool mist from the falls hits your face, and you feel rejuvenated and invigorated.

You spend some time at the waterfall, enjoying the tranquility of the rainforest and the power of nature before mounting your horse once again and continuing on your journey.

As you ride through the rainforest, you realize that this experience is one of a kind and something that you will never forget

, taking in each moment and feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience such beauty.


opening June 15
Qui nel nostro shopping potrete trovare anche il reparto trucchi unghie e tattoo arredato in modo originale e molto colorato. Vi aspettiamo.
Here in our shopping you will also find the nail and tattoo make-up department decorated in an original and very colorful way. We are waiting for you.
Aquí en nuestro shopping también encontrarás el departamento de maquillaje de uñas y tatuajes decorado de forma original y muy colorida. Te estamos esperando.
Hier in unserem Shop finden Sie auch die Nagel- und Tattoo-Make-up-Abteilung, die originell und sehr farbenfroh dekoriert ist. Wir warten auf dich.

Adry: occhio ai copyright XD 1 years ago
Lunaria Emporium is my flagship store located on Wolf Territories Grid, where you'll find unique products created solely by me that can be purchased with Gloebits, or with other pay options through links to the Kitely Market.

The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels at ground level where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase and fully experience each build. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride.

There is a freebies section inside the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here:

Lone Wolf: The buildings there clubs etc are incredible. Its worth a visit just to see the build! 1 years ago

At long last, Avalon Reborn is back up!

This set is texture changing-touch each part to change the texture. The flower pendant is on the back chain I created for Veritas McMasters. Thinking of you Veritas please find the set in the store foyer.
The CopyKat Collective.
It will be Hyper. It will be Hip. It will be Happening.

Yes friends. It's looking more and more like CopyKat will go on - but beyond the bounds of any one grid. There will likely be select legacy CopyKat regions with a shared grid-based home. (Discussions are ongoing). Elsewhere in Open Sim, there might be old and new friends with affiliated regions. We call it the CopyKat Collective. Think Beyond The Grid.

Join the discussion and share your ideas:
For the Kitty lovers! I created a Kitty Love Charm Bracelet this morning. Cute kitty charms and a heart for an image of your favorite kitty!! Please find it in the foyer of the Monentes Jewelry Store Jewelry
The next time you visit VHG region you will likely hear a cow moo or a lion and dragon roar! I have added the Outworldz gateways to VHG making it a 2x2 with Gateway to Dragons-Gateway to Outworldz-Gateway to Africa and we added the BS News office to the VHG Headquarters-please check the lounge while getting tanked you can get caught up on all the BS! Located on the 3rd floor

Marianna : Pick up your BS News Hoodie on the 3rd floor-----> in the BS News Lounge! 1 years ago
Immaginate una bellissima giornata di sole e caldo cosa c'è di meglio che una passeggiata al porto turistico?
Un giro in barca un po di shopping al porto e sul lungo fiume respirando l' aria calda solare e festiva dell' Italia.
Imagine a beautiful sunny and warm day what could be better than a walk to the marina?
A boat ride, a bit of shopping at the port and along the river, breathing in the warm sunny and festive air of Italy.

Adry: immagina.. puoi.... 1 years ago

Spontanparty !!!
Uns ist nach feiern ...
Jetzt Party Musik quer Beet mit Nasti

KarinBecker: oh jaaaaa einige geburtstage .................. 1 years ago

“Gli italiani lo fanno meglio”

Ecco qua una grid italiana dove poter giocare ballare cantare fare musica interagire con tutto il metaverso italiana ma anche internazionale ricordiamo che è aperta a TUTTI.
A breve apriremo anche la land dedicata allo shopping , e la land dedicata ai giochi.
Here is an Italian grid where you can play, dance, sing, make music, interact with the whole Italian but also international metaverse, remember that it is open to ALL.
Soon we will also open the land dedicated to shopping, and the land dedicated to games.

Aquí hay una grilla italiana donde puedes tocar, bailar, cantar, hacer música, interactuar con todo el metaverso italiano pero también internacional, recuerda que está abierto a TODOS.
Próximamente abriremos también el terreno dedicado a las compras, y el terreno dedicado a los juegos.

Hier ist ein italienisches Raster, in dem Sie spielen, tanzen, singen, Musik machen und mit dem gesamten italienischen, aber auch internationalen Metaversum interagieren können. Denken Sie daran, dass es für ALLE offen ist.
Bald werden wir auch das dem Einkaufen gewidmete Land und das dem Spielen gewidmete Land eröffnen.

Darci Viper: would love to visit but cant find the LM for this 1 years ago

A few more bits and bobs, of old stuff, in Home of Merci, I suspect I may be one of them :)

Smokey Quartz Solitaire~Please find in the store foyer~Simple Elegance Jewelry

SkyRealm Sun Moon Stars Charm Bracelet-Please find this at the SkyRealm Observatory

Embrace life, and enjoy the warmth of spring. I love you. ♥ ♥

This is where all the Dinkies Hangout on Opensim every Fridays from 8:00am - 10:00am at Funsize Dinkies World Resort
