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Gentle Fire Grid
2 Users 59 6
Joining the Gentle Fire Grid offers a unique and welcoming virtual experience. Here are some reasons why you might want to join: Friendly Community: The grid is designed to be a friendly and caring en...
Below is a reposting of a comment I made in response to Openlife’s pathetic and wrongheaded rebuff to my initial post. I promised to repost my comment if it was deleted from the thread. Not only did my comment get deleted, but I have been blocked, but through the wonderful technology of alts I am able to access Onellife’s diatribe and also what others who have blocked me are posting. No surprises, it has allowed Onelife to distort and manupulate in order to put across his (wrongheaded) point of view, even to the point of contradicitng themselves on a few occasions.

Seriously, 4chan and 8chan could learn stuff from this lot! Indeed, the more I think about it there is an element in Opensim that seems to want to promote some kind of conspiracy theory. Inadvertantly I seem to have provided fodder, though I cannot for the life of me see how my few comments, none of them at all outrageous, unless you’re one of the EIOSSBF cartel, have created such a furore From that they seem to have taken on a life of their own, becoming ever more grossly distorted according to the viewpoint people like Onelife want to project. Good luck to them, my original piece is there to refute their accusations.


Good to see that there is at least a fewwho have a balanced view of the software industry. In the interests of full disclosure I am the person who wrote the article for which Openlife’s article is, I suppose, a attempted rebuff .

For clarity's sake, my piece is still up and there to read. Several people have rather bizarrely taken what I wrote and assumed that it is an endorsement of the EchoVoice project. It is not. It is, however, an opinion piece suggesting that if we want the nice things in Opensim, then it's likely we'll have to pay for them, or do without - it really is that simple. EchoVoice was used as an exemplary, nothing else.

I was also accused by Openlife of more or less demanding money with menaces, and by another suggesitng that I was calling people ‘cheap’*.when all I did was to suggest that most people could afford small contributions: not that they had to, and nowhere did I even hint that people should donate, merely that they more than likely could. Of course there will be a very small number of people who won’t be able to afford to contribute to anything, but I hardly think they will exist in any significant number in virtual worlds as they will be destitute, not inworld, and have far more to worry about than the people on here who are triggered at any suggestion that they could, shock, horror, pay some money for something for once in Opensim.

One of Harper Held’s comments was so abusive and intemperate that I not only deleted all their comments, but also blocked them. Both Openlife and GlennXpletive had some of their comments deleted due to them being either needless repetition, or irrelevant rants that had no place and only served to interrupt the flow of the thread. Because of this Xpletive then felt it okay to make xenophobic comments about my ethnicity. A complaint has been made about that.

Any pertinent comments were left. And yet I have been accused by Xpletive of restrictung their free speech, which is ludircrous. If they want to rant about me there are plenty of places where they could do that, and heck, they could even set up a website to do that - but of course, to do that properly, it would cost them money, and presumably these people are the core of the ‘Everything in Opensim should be free’ cult.

Sure, it's possible that someone could come along and do it for 'free', but it's unlikely. The eagle-eyed will also have spotted that my piece, whilst focusing on a voice module, was somewhat wider in scope, and was presenting an argument that maybe we should be prepared to cough up a small amount of money, if we want nice things in Opensim. There is a precedent, though it’s from 2015 (before the EIOSSBF nonsense started)

And if that wasn’t enough, there is this one so we could have decent vehicles in Opensim:

And... Related to what trggered the OP into writing their piece:

However, that one didn’t succeed, probably because of the avaialbility of Vivox, which, to a degree is understandable, but hardly an ideal solution.

The notion that Red Hat Linux is free of cost because Fedora is free is also a bit of a dishonest claim. Red Hat does have a cost:

EDIT: IBM through Red Hat largely finances both Fedora and CentOS Stream, and development is by both the community and paid professionals employed by Red Hat. A symbiotic relationship common to many opensource projects.

And, as Mike Chase says in his comment, there is a heck of a lot of paid-for work in GNU/Linux and the ‘free’ is more about freedom than free of cost, and, to be fair, most distros don’t make a charge for, but many (if not most) do ask for a contribution to cover their costs, such as this, from Ubuntu MATE:

I certainly didn’t intend to stir up a hornets (or is it a vipers?) nest over this, all I wanted to do in essence was show how the power of numbers could work hugely to our collective advantage. Anyone might think I’d suggested that people should donate their life savings, or steal the bread from their childern’s mouths! Seriously, some of you would do well to go back to school and learn English comprehension.

*Come to think about it, I do think that most of those bitterly complaining and using the poverty of others as a weapon with which to beat me are indeed ‘cheap’. Not just because they don’t want to contribute towards Opensim project, but because they are cynically and despicably exploiting poor people to bolster their arguments rather than going off and berating exploitative employers for not paying their workers enough to live a comfortable life, or petitioning the government to ensure that adequate unemployment benefits are paid to workers unable to find work.

Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
DJ Alex comes on fire, guys at 3 pm grid time! with the hottest tunes for everyone to set the mood. Yes! because it's always time to party. What's the reason for it? Well... we are PARTY PEOPLE!
Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together. Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
Lightning-Fast Loading: Experience the magic of your virtual world in the blink of an eye with our supercharged Dreamgrid V has arrived!! 20 seconds to your Dream!
posted by Marianna
DJ Macy's Jumpin' Blues Party at Rockin' The Blues Tonight at 6:00PM (SLT)
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
It's Friday! And time for those merry mischief makers, DJ Macy and her hosts Pixey and Amara! DJ Macy is at Rockin' The Blues with 2 hours of "Macy Magic", the most upbeat and happy, toe tapping, butt wiggling blues you have ever heard! Macy loves the boogie side of the blues, and she rocks it like no one else! Add The Tribe and you have the makings for a Friday night blues FRENZY! Come on down to the swamp and let's Rock those blues!!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues

The Music is hot, the dancers are Hotter.. come on down and enjoy The TGIF Disco

Littlefield Grid's monthly State of the Grid meeting. All Residents and HG Visitors are welcome!

Friday 09/01/2023 1:30PM Pacific

Today's Topics:
9-11 Memorial Observance, End of Summer Beach Party, Rogue Galaxy performances added, Family Game Night, New Residents.

Come and join us for an evening of Soul & Motown at ZEE Lounge.
Starting 12 Noon SLT.

its about the people.....

and a few beautiful horses!

for rental information on qualifying for your own free island, please contact @Zuzubahro

A new exhibition in my gallery. Non erotic pics this time: poems, pics from Frankie Rockett's Artbox, other artsy pics.

"The cards never lie...Halloween is celebrated on October 31st! And now $10 please!"

80's Tunes Today at 12 to 14 SLT - Angels Club Caribou with DJ Ruth

Friendly, Beautiful, Exciting. Free Homes, Islands, Hideaways, Adult Playgrounds, soft Love, BDSM. For AVs from all grids. Ask Jeanne or Angelic at events.

AVs from all grids welcome in Caribou. Yes we are LGBTQ+.

As we are 18+ we dont need much restrictions. With our few rules you are safe.

Kids, please grow to 18+. Not so much about size, more the impression. Ask Jeanne...

New homes hideaways play venues every day... Explore!

Make a Caribou Avatar?

Party im Dereosgrid, gestern den 30.08.2023. :-)

Hiya everyone out there who reads my posts. Im looking for 3 Djs to entertain at 3 underused venues, right now its DJs choice on days and times. It can be any time there isnt already an event on the grid.
The first DJ Im looking for is someone who enjoys being a dinkie, to play at Funzies World.Music is your own choice, as long as the dinkies enjoy it.
The Second is at Glide Roller Rink which is at the welcome area of the grid. Play Roller dance music and requests, doesnt need to be disco cause I do 70's and 80's disco at TGIF on fridays. Just need to have some fun with it.
Third will be One Love beach Club, now I really want someone who enjoys playing Calypso, Soco, Dub, and Dance Hall. This will be a venue of Barbados and these are the styles of music they play there.
All Djs will work on Tips, if you cant sell Gloebits I can take them for you and send you the money once a month. DJs should also have a mic and use it.. and enjoy what they do. I know I do. Check out the calendar and find a good time for your events.
The Last venue mentioned is still under construction so I am not in a hurry to find anyone but someone who would be perfect for this place.
Come see Essensual McMahon on World Welcome . Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sailing alone is fun.......
Sailing with friends is AWESOME!

Come explore friends-grid anytime and enjoy our waters.
Group Sail - every Sunday 12 noon

for rental information - @Zuzubahro

The Pumpkin House that traveled with us from the Old grid to the new. One of our many original decoration creations. It can be used as a fantasy home or shrink it and make it a decoration on a table, the possibilities are endless...pretty much... it's in the Holidays & Seasons department of the mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia
The kids are back to school, Labor Day is upon us, soon it will be Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and New once again thoughts of our favorite holidays are upon us, of wonderful family celebrations and sharing time, laughs and love. So we've designed some items for you to decorate your region with for the holidays. Stop by our Holidays & Seasons shop, the TP is located on the large TP board. We'll be adding more Autumn and Harvest things you can use for halloween and Thanksgiving and we've added some Christmas items. It isn't much but it's original builds. We look forward to seeing you at the Mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
looking for something different to do on a date tonight ( or any day or night) Come visit GLIDE Roller Rink at Trianon-World's welcome region. Not only do we have skating but also games to play.. Some are unique to the Trianon-World. World Welcome
Fotos vom Blue Monday in der Zappelbude
Es war richtig schön, vor allem wenn auf einmal Leute auftauchen, die man lange nicht mehr sah.
Noch schöner, wenn man erfährt, dass man quasi Nachbarn sind. 🙂
Dazu tolle Mukke, was will man mehr. 😉
Ihr könnt die Klänge des Abends nicht nur vor Ort genießen, sondern auch im Landstream miterleben. Falls ihr nicht persönlich erscheinen könnt, gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten, trotzdem dabei zu sein:

Im Web: Schaltet ein auf und lasst euch von den Beats mitreißen.
Externer Player: Nutzt den externen Player auf, um die Musik direkt in eure eigenen vier Wände zu bringen.
Wie immer einfach auf den Link klicken um zur Diashow zu gelangen.
DJ Rosa's "Rockabilly Riot" at Hot Daddy's!! Tonight at 6:00PM!!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
This week at Hot Daddy's, DJ Rosa is gonna spin a "Rockabilly Riot"!! Blend country, swing, and R&B, then toss in some boogie woogie and driving rhythms and you've got that rock & roll style known as Rockabilly!! Get out your 50's Pin-up style dresses, cuffed jeans and t-shirts, and fedoras (or come as you are) and get ready to hit the dance floor! It's gonna be a riotous occasion on the Dance Dock!


Good Morning Everyone! I'm performing at 12:00pm at Radio DJ Club today! Come and join me for some fun & music!
Where: Radio DJ Club
Time: 12:00 grid time (3:pm est)
Ride: DJ Club
Adult Dance Party Today at Caribou Love Beach with DJ Rosa

Friendly, Beautiful, Exciting. Free Homes, Islands, Hideaways, Adult Playgrounds, soft Love, BDSM. All grid AVs welcome. LGBTQ+.

As we are 18+ we dont need much restrictions. With our few rules you are safe.

Kids, please grow to 18+. Not so much about size, but impression. Ask Jeanne...

See our webpage at where we tell briefly about ourselves. Still working on the page.

New homes hideaways play venues every day... Still building but explore!

Make a Caribou Avatar?

And this is what you can hear and see on Sunday September 10.

Funkeln - Be Amazed - 3DArtscapes
8/31/23 @ 11SLT - Party DJ Marlon - Ride the Globes - Dance - Explore and stare in amazement.

It is almost Jazz & Blues Festival time! Here is the schedule for Saturday September 9.

If you would like to live on my region: two of the three free homes are available now. Post me inworld or in here!

Welcome to the enchanting Goliath Gardens, a realm where you can actually be a bug! As a bug you can experience the wonders of nature up close in this goliath-sized garden. We have bug Avatars! Ladybug, Beetle, Bee, and Praying Mantis!! Be careful in the garden there is a snake that might bite! Gardens Thank you Ferd Frederix!
Hola a todos, esta semana no tocaré rock en Maloik de osgrid, lo dejaremos para septiembre. saludos a todos, mañana martes no hay sesión de rock, disculpad las molestias.
Hello everybody, this week I will not play rock in Maloik de osgrid, we will leave it for september. greetings to all, tomorrow tuesday there is no rock session, sorry for the inconvenience.
DJ Rosa's Sunday Night Blues Bash! 6:00PM!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Rosa is filling in for DJ Kith at Rockin' The Blues tonight to spin blues tunes that will ease you into a new fantastic week! Rosa likes it HOT, HOT, HOT so be prepared for a rockin' evening down in the swamp! You love her Disco, Reggae and Latin sets, wait till you hear her sizzling Blues!! Come on down to Rockin' the Blues and hang out with friends old and new! It's going to be a great night! Bayou Rockin' The Blues


The ORIGINAL Latex Lounge Fetish Dance with live DJ Molly Sheryffe - Tonight at 5pm Pacific!

Come join in for some great music and a great group of people who've been in the BDSM and Fetish business for over 10 years in Opensim! Free LATEX gift every week!!

Starts at 5pm PST!!
This is where the Party is.......Where are you?

Aviworlds 5,000 resident Party
Live music
rum to steal
lots of people

Rogue Galaxy
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴3:p - 5:p ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://
Rogue Galaxy, has been making a name for herself amongst the virtual world's Boomer, GenX, & Millennial communities at her Classic/Southern Rock Shows! Even though Blues is her passion.. she also sings classics from bands like The Stones, The Beatles, Bonnie Raitt, Eric Clapton, Janis Joplin, ZZ Top, SuperTramp, Bob Segar & Many others!

Rogue is a long time SL resident (16+ years) & OpenSim (3+ years), who's purpose for being in the virtual worlds is Live Performing, Hosting Live Music Events, & bringing people together through music. This soulful, raspy, songstress performs music for all tastes and occasions, spiced with humor and a warm personal touch.

» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴3:p - 5:p ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://

Hello everyone, Virtual beach grid will be offline until we can roll back versions. server completely froze and keeps doing it. please bare with us while we fix the issues.

Barefoot-Dreamers Events Have been Cancelled for the week, we apologize to our regulars & our performers for this inconvenience we look forward to seeing everyone soon. Thank you for your dm's & well wishes they truly mean the world to me & Barefoot I am anxious to get back hugs all around
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon

Club Equinox Tribute Hour featuring Alanis Morissette.
Today, Aug 27, 4pm to 5pm Grid Time. Club Equinox

Rogue Galaxy, has been making a name for herself amongst the virtual world's Boomer, GenX, & Millennial communities at her Classic/Southern Rock Shows! Even though Blues is her passion.. she also sings classics from bands like The Stones, The Beatles, Bonnie Raitt, Eric Clapton, Janis Joplin, ZZ Top, SuperTramp, Bob Segar & Many others!

Rogue is a long time SL resident (16+ years) & OpenSim (3+ years), who's purpose for being in the virtual worlds is Live Performing, Hosting Live Music Events, & bringing people together through music. This soulful, raspy, songstress performs music for all tastes and occasions, spiced with humor and a warm personal touch.

» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴3:p - 5:p ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: hop://
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ NEW RELEASE - PARTY ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

C&C Worldwide Mall

Sunday / Sonntag 27.AUGUST 2023
starts ◕11:00 OS time / 20:00 Uhr europ.

▶▷▶ neue Veroeffentlichung / new Release PARTY
und Überraschungen / and Suprises

TAXI : Worldwide Mall

░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ CC-MALL ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░
Sunday Blues Brunch with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle!! Sunday Mornings at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 9AM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
You will find that all but very few of the homes and buildings on display at the Star Jinn Palisade Mall are original builds. Even our shop buildings are original builds. Everything is free and very nearly everything is full perm and we're adding more as we get the stuff done. Stop by and check it out. Blessings and much love, Lavia

Oops! wrong time. 8am.
that's like now!

Ease yourself into Sunday with indies played by the totally cool DJ Shona in the ZEE Lounge.

I added some new textured shirts and long mediaval gowns,
also a lot of AI Creations i made.
Come by and have a look.
Take some time and visit my other places too.
Like the ZOO, Mall 1, Mediaval Village, Winter Village with X-mas market,
Fairy woods and much more.
See you there :)
Eventankündigung: „Blue Monday in der Zappelbude“

Taucht ein in eine Nacht voller Musik und energetischer Rhythmen bei unserem Event „Blue Monday in der Zappelbude“!
Wir laden euch herzlich ein, am 28. August 2023 um 20:00 Uhr gemeinsam mit uns in der Zappelbude zu feiern.
Die Adresse für eure Anreise lautet:

Unsere DJs werden euch durch den Abend begleiten:

Xenos wird von 20:00 bis 21:30 Uhr die Bühne übernehmen und euch mit einem aufregenden Mix aus Jazzrock, Explosive Groove Funk Soul, Soul Rock, Post-Punk und vielen weiteren Stilrichtungen begeistern.
Klara übernimmt im Anschluss von 21:30 bis 23:00 Uhr und präsentiert das Thema „Ist das noch Jazz oder kann das weg?“. Lasst euch von ihrer musikalischen Vielfalt mit ContraPop und anderen Genres überraschen.

Aber das ist noch nicht alles! Schon ab 19:30 Uhr könnt ihr euch im Vorprogramm aufwärmen mit „Queens of The Stone Age Live from MONA (Museum of Old and New Art)“. Ein wahrhaft kraftvoller Auftakt für eine unvergessliche Nacht.

Ihr könnt die Klänge des Abends nicht nur vor Ort genießen, sondern auch im Landstream miterleben. Falls ihr nicht persönlich erscheinen könnt, gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten, trotzdem dabei zu sein:

Im Web: Schaltet ein auf und lasst euch von den Beats mitreißen.
Externer Player: Nutzt den externen Player auf, um die Musik direkt in eure eigenen vier Wände zu bringen.

Wir freuen uns darauf, mit euch den „Blue Monday in der Zappelbude“ zu zelebrieren und eine Nacht voller Musik, Tanz und guter Laune zu erleben. Seid dabei und lasst uns gemeinsam eine unvergessliche Veranstaltung erleben!

And of course, a little fae here and there, hiding in the quiet grotto

Thank you for your interest in Gentle Fire Grid. Gentle Fire Grid is a friendly, caring grid where friendship and sharing is the way of life. You can join the grid for free and explore thousands of regions across hundreds of other Hyper Grid Enabled Opensim grids. You can also buy your own low-cost high performance full region to create your own custom space. You can customize your look with thousands of free and premium avatars, from the legacy look to HD MESH avatars and apparel. You can also find someone, fall in love, and partner or marry them in the grid. Gentle Fire Grid is a place where dreams come true. If you want to learn more, you can visit their website or their Facebook page You can also sign up for an account and start your adventure today. Welcome to Gentle Fire Grid, where the heart is.
One of Opensimulator's Longest continually running Dance Parties! 10 years and counting!! LIVE DJ and Dancing!! Music from the 60's to current day!

Tonight at 8pm Pacific!


Live Traffic
AMV AutumnFest Stage
9 0
Maze ofthe Mind A
17 2
112 0
Speakeasy A
14 0
Brown Island
6 0
Gentle Fire Grid
59 6
34 0
GOR Sardar Fair A
66 14
32 1
Little Big City Shopping Mall
14 0
Jungle Welcome
15 3
Trianon Complex A
90 18
Lbsa Plaza
191 38
Shinobar Annex
64 19
Welcome A
21 2
Regions Online: 1,831
Active: 160 avatars in 111 regions
The Box
CyberGlo CyberStar 23 hours ago
sorry pagane... i hardly log in here anymore, and go to my grid even less. i've just lost all interest in the game somehow. you can still email me:
Pagane yesterday
i newer hide this - hate all liers, spammers and fake avatars!
Jordynn Romero yesterday
After your 2 years in this community, you have already shown you are one of the biggest haters @Pagane
Arielle 2 days ago
Why spam The Box with spam from elsewhere? Makes you a spammer Pagane
Pagane 2 days ago
We already no need of "internal" spammers and haters - .... And continue to scream that everyone just created next account may flood OSW:)
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Well it is Windows 11 so you never know....
HarperHeld 2 days ago
I'm on windows 11 and haven't had problems -or whitelisted anything. So far, so good?
Ellen 2 days ago
@Opensimuser, I was making a joke about your multiple posts! Just being silly :)
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Yes, did a fresh install, and no difference
Ellen 2 days ago
Have you tried a fresh install, @OpenSimUser?
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
No, The keyboard works as it should, its fairy brand new
Arielle 2 days ago
@OpenSimUser maybe your viewer issues have to do with a flaky keyboard?
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
I only pressed enter once, i swear
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Wow, some kind of screw up
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Even with a fresh install, everything stays greyed out
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Even with a fresh install, everything stays greyed out
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Even with a fresh install, everything stays greyed out
OpenSimUser 2 days ago
Even with a fresh install, everything stays greyed out

New Comments

Ellen 43 minutes ago
The artwork is really beautiful!
JerryDelcon 5 hours ago
can't find it :(
Crazyposeidon 8 hours ago
Rammstein Event Canceled due technical Problems atm !!!
Thomas Etzel 15 hours ago
wow, how could we survive for so long without this feature?!:-))))))
Hicks 16 hours ago
I have already shared a post twice, very useful thank you
PinDeluca 18 hours ago
Thank you so much for being a part of a really great night. Was alot of fun
Gentle Dragonheart 19 hours ago
Amazing party. We had SO much fun, people connected and laughed together, all to the tunes of an awesome DJ. We need more of this and I don't want to wait until Halloween 2025.
Taliya 21 hours ago
It was great with you. We had a lot of fun, we haven't laughed so much in a long time, we'd love to come back. Thank you for the great evening
JojoA yesterday
Saturday night, October 26 starting at 6:00, DJ Rosie, DJ Riker and DJ Kith will spin at the Wyldwood Bayou Grid's Haunted Asylum! Costumes are always in style at Halloween, or come as you are! Go to ...


Free Life Freebie Factory
Outstanding builder lots of freebie awesome Places to Visit take time to enjoy
Adore 1 minute ago
Serenity Hollow Eve I
Nicely done indeed but the Circus area looks like a 1:1 copy of my Horror circus area on the sim Etzel. I thought that you would develop your own creative ideas like the other areas on your sim.
Thomas Etzel 7 hours ago
Needful Things
I love visiting this place!!! Awesome place! One of the many home staples of opensim. The name is true... NEEDFUL THINGS, if you haven't experienced this world then what are you waiting for. This worl...
Tainted Angel 8 hours ago
Valeria's Avatars 2
ho visitato il nuovo stend degli avatar per roller play, posso dire che ancora una volta hai superato ogni aspettativa gli avatar sono davvero eccezionali. Bravissima
JonnyVirtual 9 hours ago
Mermaid's Cove
wunderschön gestaltet, die Unterwasserwelt ist der Hammer , voll schön gemacht ;-)
Chubby Cherub 14 hours ago

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