OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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▷ᴡнєɳ➟ 11- 1 pm GRID TIME
▷Attire➟ CASUAL
YOUR TAXI ➡️ hop:// Lands/239/404/23
DJ Rosie's "90's R&B" Tonight at Hot Daddy's!! 6:00PM Grid Time!!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
DJ Rosie is taking the helm at Hot Daddy's this week, and she's chosen as her theme "90's R&B"!! She got a line up of slammin' tunes for us and The Tribe is gonna act up for sure! So, put on your bling, or just come in your jeans, and join us for a rockin' night on the Dance Dock!! Bayou Hot Daddys

Grace Mondo: this is an oar from dreamgrid 1 years ago
Hobbiton is indeed on Dreamgird as a downloadable OAR. I created the original; and licensed it to OUTWORLDSZ/Ferd Frederick as a free OAR to Dreamgrid users along with several others. Check out the license details on the OAR download, David Dennt/Darkness Papp. The original version is quite different from the one modified by Ferd Frederick of Outworldz.

Darkness Papp: Rivendell is indeed on Dreamgird as a downloadable OAR. i created the original; and licensed it to OUTWORLDSZ/Ferd Frederick as a free OAR to Dreamgrid users along with several others. Check out the l... 1 years ago

KatKakoola: lol - hello Grace how have you been? Did you mean Outworldz? Hope you're well. 1 years ago
Question: Does anyone know the address or the name of the Region that had stuff made by R. Lion ? I needed a copy of a skybox I got there and went to get another but could not find the store listed any more, at least as best as I could search for it. He had really amazing stuff...It was there a couple of months ago. Any help would be soooo apreciated. xoxox

new land club

PrillLeon: La casa degli spiriti !!! Bellissima 1 years ago

Grace Mondo: this is an oar from dreamgrid 1 years ago

Grace Mondo: this is an oar from dreamgrid 1 years ago

KatKakoola: lol - hello Grace how have you been? Did you mean Outworldz? Hope you're well. 1 years ago
DREAMGRID 5.497 IS OUT!!! :)
THE JOYS OF DREAMGRID. DreamGrid is a software by Fred Beckheusen that makes it super easy to set up your own grid on windows. Having your own grid means that you can back up your lands at a whim, or on a schedule you set. You also have the power to back up your own inventory. Why is this important? When a grid is down for maintenance you are at the mercy of other people relying on their timeline to get the grid back up and running. Having your own grid also lets you control your own npc's, and gives you vast amounts of power that you don't have if someone else is in charge. If you have a problem with a person you can block their entire grid, or just that person if you don't like them. You can create and control tides, and automate birds flying in the air. Another super cool feature dreamgrid has, is that it lets you just start up the regions people are in, or going to. This means you can have 500 different lands, but if only 10 people are on your grid, then only up to 10 would be active. So basically as people teleport around your 500 lands, only the lands they teleport to instantly load for them to enjoy. This gives you a vast amount of options. DreamGrid even comes with hundreds of ready-made lands you can click and install and instantly enjoy. It also means that you can run hundreds of regions on a small not very powerful computer at your home, as only the active regions people teleport to will be running.
DreamGrid has so many many options and features, to many to mention... That you don't have access to or even dream about if you are a member of someone elses grid. It's easy to run. Now of course there will be some people who have difficulty starting a program or are just technically dumb who will complain about dreamgrid, but these people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer in the first place. DreamGrid is dead simple to operate and has features such as auto restart a crashed region, auto restart all regions at a certain time similiar to secondLife's rolling restarts, and of course the ability to backup all your hard work and your precious inventory at a moments notice. Put it on an external drive and you will never again lose all your data. So give DreamGrid a try! It really is a work of art that deserves praise and recognition.

NEW Outfit
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

Good morning all,

This morning I want to share a little insight to try and help your virtual life. My friend Linda had a very rough time recently and that breaks my heart. I want Linda and others enjoying their virtual time…. Not dealing with crashes….so I am going to offer some tips. This will be a long note…. But it is designed to help you enjoy your virtual life.

1. Understand that your virtual experience is composed of many factors including: Opensim, grid server, grid setup, region settings, parcel settings, your computer, your graphic card, your internet connection, your avi grid, your viewer, your viewer preferences, your clothing and or attachments and much more.
2. When there is an issue, I will often ask questions to help determine which variable might be affecting. Am I being defensive…. Noooo…… I am trying to be scientific and look past my own thoughts and biases to improve your virtual experience. When I ask many questions, it may seem like I am “grilling” you….. I apologize for that….I am simply trying to get enough details so I can make your virtual life better. I never try to put all blame on individual….it is shared between myself and individual. I do my best to try to make sure my side of things is correct.
3. There are two different types of crashes: Regular Crash and bug splat.
Bug splat - you receive the infamous bug splat message afterwards. This crash is caused by viewer issue 95% of the time. Things that can cause this: Cache, distance, quality and much more. The higher your quality and distance, the greater the chance of crash. In addition, many times mesh objects can also cause this. The solution…….. thoroughly clean cache like this:

Regular Crashes- this last Sunday we experienced a region crash. These are fairly rare and I am working to get answers and provide a stable environment. In this situation, everyone in a region crashes at once and there is no bug splat. I am terribly sorry and embarrassed for the crash yesterday! We will make things better! Will things be perfect, nooooo, this is Opensim. But I am committed to providing an exceptional stable infrastructure .

It appears that the crash Sunday was caused by a corrupt object (sailboat) being rezzed in our rezz zone. Innocent intentions, but it shut down the region for a few minutes.

4. Cross Grid- I made a decision that people can live here regardless of whether or not they have a friends grid avi. I did that because I do not want to play dictator and order people to have friends grid avi….even though I know it would help some issues.

I want to share a recent story that will help you understand how crazy cross grid can be. Serina and I went shopping at Lunaria on Wolf territory. The experience was the worst experience ever in Opensim. We had trouble moving…. The lag was ungodly. This was not my first time with a bad experience at Wolf.

I sent my friend Luna Lunaria a note…. Letting her know I wanted to be a customer but could not get around her region. Luna was horrified…. But also very supportive of Wolf territory extremely high speed. She told me she has never had issues like I described.

To her credit, Luna made a friends-grid account and then tried to visit Wolf territories. She could not move because the lag was sooooo bad. Wolf territory and ourselves are presently working on this issue. So far it appears to be in Wolfs settings.

I share this story with you all so you understand the complexity of cross grid. In this situation, our Avis worked fine on many other grids…..but not on that.

Cross grid could possibly be making your virtual life more complicated. Realize that with Cross grid, all your data has to be processed through two totally separate systems every time you try to even come to friends-grid.

Am I blaming all your troubles on Cross grid…..Nooooooo. However, it is a variable that must be considered.

In the example I shared, technically I was able to go to lunaria at Wolf territory ….so it is not that I was banned. My experience was awful……but my friend Luna helped prove the situation by making a friends-grid avi. Wolf territories and friends-grid are simply not communicating as well as they should….making a negative experience if I visit there. This same issue can happen any day with any grid; just realize when your avi is not from our own grid; it is having to go through two systems….and some days there will be issues. I know our communication with osg is not perfect….but all I can do is fix my side. I have no control over what OSG does or does not do.

5. I ask you all to clean cache, consider system, look at avi, and preferences; but please realize I am trying to do a bit also. These things take time and money….but I am committed to providing the best virtual experience. I say this not to make anyone feel bad, but so you understand.
Friends-grid has always had a powerful dedicated server, but last month I added a second one . Our first server was much stronger than most in Opensim …and now we have the second in place. The speeds I have noticed on grid have been stupid fast since adding second server.

Friends-grid has a system of triple back ups in place….. and these backs are done every hour. This is an extremely detailed security system….but it is in place for you….and your virtual experience.

6. Haters - I am fully aware that there are people who hate me personally and want nothing else other than to see me fail and friends-grid fail. I try to not be over paranoid, but I also try to be aware. Sometimes the issues that you see or feel may be coming from others, intentionally or unintentionally. We will constantly monitor.

In closing, I could easily add 1,000 or 10,000 sims overnight like some others have; but my goal is on the quality of your virtual experience, not how many sims I own.

I want to make this an amazing experience for YOU!
Hailing from Indonesia, the gorgeous and talented Putri Solo
has enchanted audiences in Second Life with her beautiful
renditions of Ballads, Pop, Rock, Disco, Jazz and Ballroom classics.
She sings popular covers by Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand and more...
but can custom create the perfect mix for your venue and audience.
hop:// OF THE GYPSIES/601/846/24

Howie will entertain us again, he has a great set lined up for you,
Come along to be transported to the 60's & 70's with a great mix of music.
pop, rock & a sprinkling of blues along with a little bit of jazz, see you there!

Ellen: Very cool but Marie's grave is in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans not Lafayette! Still cool tho 1 years ago

Eva Kent realizzato dal mio primo avatar Era Cosstante 2021 in vendita al trove ma è mio!

Hey... help, i am new to this !!!

No performers, no music venue, no freebies, no free land. Just a hangout for some old veterans to tell war stories and have a place to live. If you're a veteran or a family member of a veteran come tell us your story.
DJ Kith's Rockin' The Blues Sunday Beach Party at Pontchartrain Beach! 6:00PM!
Region: Pontchartrain Beach on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Blues Man DJ Kith is sayin' See You Soon to Summer tonight at Pontchartrain Beach here in Wyldwood Bayou!! Kith loves Summer, loves the blues and loves to bring you his signature upbeat, high energy blues tunes!! When Kith spins... the sand rocks and shakes and the Tribe is full of laughter and happiness! Come join us at the Beach and give Summer a warm send-off with friends old and new, fabulously cool blues and the most fun you'll have all week!! See you there!!! Bayou
The ORIGINAL Latex Lounge Fetish Dance with live DJ Molly Sheryffe - Tonight at 5pm Pacific!

Come join in for some great music and a great group of people who've been in the BDSM and Fetish business for over 10 years in Opensim! Free LATEX gift every week!!

Starts at 5pm PST!!
Region: Battersea

Darkness Papp: Access direct or via link on Darkport docks 1 years ago
Miss Munk will be spinning her wheels of steel at 1 pm grid time, at The Piazza!
Bring your headphones and get on down here and listen to nonstop beat matching and full spectrum sound!
Plug the link into your map and we'll see you there. Lagoon
Here's the calendar of events for Sunday, the third day of OSFest, with a ton of great talent lined up for another day of partying plus our second satellite event tonight at Kitely Grid!

Everything kicks off in a few minutes with DJ Suzan VonOtter at 11 am!

HG Address:
Sunday Blues Brunch with DJ Kith on the Bayou Belle!! Sunday Mornings at 9:00AM (SLT)!!
Region: Rockin' The Blues on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 9:00AM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
Get up, grab your breakfast and come on down to The Bayou Belle to chill with DJ Kith & The Tribe for coffee and relaxing blues!! DJ Kith may be a lousy cook but he's a fabulous blues DJ! He's got the blues that will both ease your troubles from the previous week, put a smile on your face and give you the motivation to head into the next! No better way to start your day than with a heaping helping of DJ Kith and some chill blues! See you there!! Bayou Rockin' The Blues
OS Fest
Goliath Gardens where you can become the bug, be careful of Emily though...

In a quiet corner of her family's backyard, Emily, a curious young girl with an insatiable appetite for learning, had embarked on her latest scientific inquiry. Armed with a magnifying glass and a boundless fascination for the natural world, she had become an amateur entomologist, devoting her time to the study of insects that inhabited the small ecosystem in her garden.

On this sunny afternoon, Emily's attention was captivated by a gleaming magnifying glass her grandmother had given her. She had heard tales of how sunlight could be harnessed as a powerful tool for investigation, and she couldn't resist the urge to experiment.

Emily decided to investigate the effects of focusing sunlight through her magnifying glass onto the tiny creatures that populated the leaves and flowers. She had a sense that this investigation might uncover something remarkable, and she was determined to document her findings.

With steady hands and a child's boundless curiosity, Emily positioned the magnifying glass between the blazing sun and a hapless ant that was going about its daily business. As the concentrated sunlight passed through the glass, it formed a pinpoint beam that bathed the unsuspecting ant in intense heat and light.

To her amazement, Emily observed the ant's reaction. It scurried frantically, its tiny legs moving in a blur, desperately seeking refuge from the intensified sunlight. The beam acted like a miniature solar oven, raising the temperature around the ant significantly. Emily realized that the magnifying glass could concentrate sunlight to a level that was uncomfortably hot for the insect.

Emily's experiments continued, and she began to notice other effects on various insects. Some insects, like butterflies and bees, seemed to be more resilient and could quickly escape the focused sunlight, while others, like smaller ants and beetles, were particularly susceptible to the heat.

As Emily meticulously documented her observations, she pondered the ecological significance of her findings. She wondered if insects had developed adaptations to avoid or tolerate the concentrated sunlight. Her research prompted questions about the role of natural selection in shaping the behaviors and physiology of insects in response to environmental factors like sunlight.

Emily's backyard experiments not only fueled her passion for entomology but also sparked her imagination about the intricate web of interactions in the natural world. As she continued her studies, she hoped that her discoveries would contribute to our understanding of insects' fascinating adaptations and behaviors under the unrelenting gaze of the sun.

In her quest to uncover the secrets of the miniature world in her backyard, Emily exemplified the spirit of scientific exploration, reminding us that even the simplest tools, like a magnifying glass and sunshine, can reveal wonders hidden in plain sight. Gardens
Inglés/ Español

# The Animal Cell vs The Plant Cell: The Duel of the Century (Under the Microscope)

Hello, lovers of science and fun! Today we're going to talk about a topic that seems boring but is as thrilling as a wrestling match. Yes, you read that right! We're talking about the never-ending battle between animal and plant cells. Imagine them as two superheroes duking it out in the ring of the body, each with their own superpowers.

## What Are They Basically Like?

### Animal Cell
It's the party animal of biology. It loves to be on the move, it's dynamic, and it comes in various shapes. It's more like a young person in a nightclub than a scholar in a library.

### Plant Cell
It's more like a zen monk. It's square, disciplined, and is generally found in an "ommmm" posture inside plants. Its shape is more rigid and, let's say, less "party-like."

## The Powers (Structures)

### Nucleus
Both cells have a nucleus. It's like their brain, the place where they store all the information needed to function.

### Cytoplasm
Imagine that the cytoplasm is like a dance hall, where everyone moves around and does their job. Both cells have one.

### Cell Membrane
Both have a cell membrane, kind of like the nightclub door that allows substances to enter and exit.

## The Differences (i.e., their unique superpowers)

### Cell Wall
The plant cell has a cell wall that the animal cell doesn't. It's like having Captain America's shield to protect itself.

### Chloroplasts
The plant cell is the only one that can perform photosynthesis thanks to its chloroplasts. It's like having an "Iron Man suit" that allows it to create its own energy.

### Lysosomes
The animal cell has lysosomes, responsible for digestion. It's as if it has its own internal Pac-Man that eats up waste.

### Vacuoles
Both cells have vacuoles, but the ones in plant cells are like "the millionaire's swimming pool," much larger and more luxurious.

### Centrioles
The animal cell has centrioles, useful in cell division. It's like having its own "cloning machine."

## in a nutshell
And there you have it, folks. As you can see, each cell has its charm and superpowers. But instead of competing, they work together to make this world a more incredible place.

So the next time you bite into a carrot or your pet strokes you, remember that there's an epic battle happening in the microscopic world, and now you know who the fighters are in that ring!

Until next time, may the (cellular) force be with you!

# La Célula Animal vs La Célula Vegetal: El Duelo del Siglo (En Microscopio)

¡Hola, amantes de la ciencia y de la diversión! Hoy vamos a hablar de un tema que parece aburrido pero que es tan apasionante como un combate de lucha libre. ¡Sí, sí, has leído bien! Se trata de la interminable batalla entre las células animales y vegetales. Imagina que son como dos superhéroes que luchan en el ring del cuerpo, cada una con sus propias superhabilidades.

## ¿Cómo Son Básicamente?

### Célula Animal
Es la fiestera de la biología. Le encanta estar en movimiento, es dinámica y tiene formas variadas. Se parece más a un joven en una discoteca que a un erudito en una biblioteca.

### Célula Vegetal
Es más como un monje zen. Es cuadrada, disciplinada, y se encuentra generalmente en una postura de "ommmm" en el interior de las plantas. Su forma es más rígida y, digamos, menos "fiestera".

## Los Poderes (Estructuras)

### Núcleo
Ambas células tienen un núcleo. Es como su cerebro, el lugar donde guardan toda la información para funcionar.

### Citoplasma
Imagínate que el citoplasma es como un salón de baile, donde todo el mundo se mueve y hace su trabajo. Las dos células tienen uno.

### Membrana Celular
Las dos tienen una membrana celular, algo así como la puerta de la discoteca que permite la entrada y salida de sustancias.

## Las Diferencias (O sea, sus superpoderes únicos)

### Pared Celular
La célula vegetal tiene una pared celular que la célula animal no tiene. Es como tener un escudo de Capitán América que la protege.

### Cloroplastos
La célula vegetal es la única que puede hacer fotosíntesis gracias a sus cloroplastos. Es como si tuviera un "traje de Iron Man" que le permite crear su propia energía.

### Lisosomas
La célula animal tiene lisosomas, responsables de digerir las cosas. Es como si tuviera un pequeño Pac-Man interno que se come los desechos.

### Vacuolas
Ambas células tienen vacuolas, pero las de las células vegetales son como "la piscina del millonario", mucho más grandes y lujosas.

### Centríolos
La célula animal tiene centríolos, útiles en la división celular. Es como si tuviera su propia "máquina de clonación".

## Resumiendo
Y ahí lo tienes, amig@s. Como podéis ver, cada célula tiene su encanto y superpoderes. Pero en lugar de competir, trabajan juntas para hacer de este mundo un lugar más increíble.

Así que la próxima vez que muerdas una zanahoria o te acaricie tu mascota, recuerda que hay una batalla épica ocurriendo en el mundo microscópico, ¡y ahora sabes quiénes son los luchadores en ese ring!

Hasta la próxima, ¡y que la fuerza (celular) esté contigo!

The deadly 3 arrived to support Freddy

Halloween arrives at our Holiday Region on October 1st.