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DJane Yana @6am untill 8am at Welcome AMV stage!!!
When? Today
Where? @ AMV Welcome
You are all welcome to join in and having a great time dancing and enjoying some great TUNES!!
Requests always welcome as i love them !
Taxi; hop://
Am Sonntag den 15. Dezember gibt es die nächste Adventslesung mit Rubeus Helgerud. Ab 20:00 Uhr gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt

Weihnachtliche Vormusik gibts wieder ab 19:30 zu hören. Schnappt Euch Glühpunsch und setzt Euch auf die Kissen ins gut beheizte Märchenzelt und hört ein wenig zu. Wir freuen uns auf Euch alle.

On Sunday, December 15th, there will be the next Advent reading with Rubeus Helgerud. From 8:00 p.m. there will be a Christmas atmosphere in the fairy tale tent at Dorena's Christmas market market

Christmas pre-music will be heard again from 7:30 p.m. Grab some mulled punch and sit on the cushions in the well-heated fairy tale tent and listen for a while. We look forward to seeing you all.
We will POST some of our roleplays here continuously to show you all how much we love to RP and keep you aware of whats going on. We already had multiple ones. :
RP - The group was investigating the invasion of dragons on Westeros soil. Rowk and Asad were found during the travel back to the 7 kingdoms. They found some people still alive and living on the vast land. One of them, Mina C. a farmer, was brought to safety in the thick walled Redkeep.
- They then found one of what we call 'People of the Forest', Anniera May who lives on the North-East near a bay in the Vale. She also was made aware of the dragon threat. She is eager to give us assistance.
- As for a third person, Justin Case who right away wanted to help too, was quickly made to guard the North in CastleBlack.
All those people skills helps to keep an eye on the many parts or Westeros. The future King Max C. and his Hand Steve will keep contact with them regularly, uniting as a group every Sundays (beside Dec 16th) so all kingdoms stay safe. ((You all are invited to join us in those meetings !))

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/121/136/3827

Our Xmas Party begins today at 4pm. December 14, 2024 - 4pm to 6pm grid time.
It will be at EQG Ski Resort. If you go to EQG Club Equinox, you will be automatically routed to EQG Ski Resort. Ski Resort Club Equinox
Exciting news! In addition to the Dinkie BOM items we have posted at Seasons in Vesti, we've created a Dinkie BOM body with 8 skins, 4 regular eyes, and 11 brand new eye colors. Head over to the Dinkie Emporium on Funzies World to check out these amazing additions! World
Join us at 5 pm grid time for an hour of great fun with a live performance from Steven Strikker.
The Piazza, where great fun and good friends come together.
Drop this link into your map; Lagoon
🔥 New Release at Mediterráneo Shopping Center 🔥

Introducing a sexy lingerie outfit for the Reborn body, available in 11 stunning colors. Designed to enhance your curves with elegance and style. 💫👙

Arielle: Nice selection of Reborn and Legacy. Thank you! 2 months ago
Hey Everyone 🙂
I'm performing at AnKaBi Bikers Heaven at 11:am/1100h Grid Time!
Come join us for some great fun & music!
Bi-Weekly on Saturdays!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴11:am/1100h OST ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: Bikers Heaven
Weihnachten kommt in großen Schritten näher, bescuht den Christmas-Advent-Markt mit Euren Freunden und Familie, vielleicht findet Ihr sogar noch ein paar Weihnachtsgeschenke für Eure Lieben dort.

Stellen Sie sich Folgendes vor: ein Wunderland im Herzen eines malerischen Stadtplatzes, mit verschneiten Wegen und funkelnden Lichterketten, die verspielt in der frischen Winterluft tanzen. Der Duft gerösteter Kastanien liegt in der Luft, die Kastanien sind tatsächlich heiß, eingebettet in kleine Papiertüten, die knistern, wenn man sie Ihnen reicht, und ihren nussigen, gerösteten Duft verströmen. Sie stecken sich eins in den Mund und es ist eine Symphonie aus Geschmack und Wärme, ein herrlicher Kontrast zu der Kälte, die Ihre Nase erstickt, und dem süßen Duft von Karamell
Die frisch zubereiteten Crêpes brutzeln mit Zucker überzogen und jeder Atemzug ist ein
Ein köstlicher Cocktail aus festlichen Düften, der Ihre Nase kitzelt und Ihre Seele wärmt
Vergessen röstet Marshmallows über dem offenen Feuer, die klebrige Süße der schmelzenden Marshmallows weht durch die Luft, ein Sirenenruf für Naschkatzen. Während Sie sitzen und genießen, werden Ihre Wangen von den Flammen rosig, während Sie versuchen, den perfekten S’more zu kreieren.

Heiße Getränke und dampfende Becher mit Glühwein und gewürztem Apfelwein werden herumgereicht und die Wärme dringt durch die Handschuhe bis in die Knochen. Sie können nicht anders, als an dem duftenden Gebräu zu nippen, die Gewürze von Zimt, Nelken und Muskatnuss drehen sich auf Ihrer Zunge und hinterlassen eine wohlige Wärme. Und für die weniger Abenteuerlustigen gibt es heiße Schokolade, die so reichhaltig und cremig ist, dass man sie wie eine warme Umarmung fühlt von innen nach außen, garniert mit einem Berg Schlagsahne und einer Prise glitzerndem Zucker.

Die Standbesitzer sind ein fröhlicher Haufen, ihre Augen funkeln mit der gleichen Begeisterung wie die oben aufgereihten Lichter, man erkennt die Details, die diesen Ort so besonders machen. Girlandenstränge waren über jede Oberfläche drapiert, das Rascheln von Tannennadeln war zu hören frisch geschnittene Kränze, ab und zu eine Schneeflocke, die vom Himmel herabflattert.

Der Carpe Noctem Weihnachtsmarkt ist nicht nur ein Ort zum Einkaufen; Es ist ein Erlebnis, das Ihr Herz mit der Magie der Jahreszeit erfüllt. Es ist ein Ort, um mit Freunden und Liebsten Erinnerungen zu schaffen, die Freude am Geben und Empfangen zu genießen und einfach im Moment präsent zu sein.

Fügen Sie Carpe Noctem zu Ihrer Winterreiseliste der zu besuchenden Orte hinzu. Zu finden unter:

hop:// Noctem 2/248/343/1995

Govani13: wäre ja gern vor bei gekommen . jedoch der teleporter am landepunkt wollet mich nur an der fasade sitzen lassen ... 2 months ago

Christmas is coming soon so check out the Christmas-Advent-Market with your loved ones and maybe you even find a christmas gift for them.

Picture this: a wonderland nestled in the heart of a quaint town square, with snowy paths and twinkling fairy lights that dance playfully in the brisk winter air. The aroma of roasting chestnuts fills the air, the chestnuts are indeed hot, nestled in little paper cones that crackle as they’re handed to you, releasing their nutty, toasty perfume. You pop one into your mouth and it’s a symphony of flavor and warmth, a delightful contrast to the cold that nips at your nose, and sweet scent of caramelizing
sugar coating the freshly made crepes sizzling and each breath you take is a
delightful cocktail of festive scents that tickle your nose and warm your soul, not
forgetting roasts marshmallows over an open fire, the sticky sweetness of the melting marshmallows wafts through the air, a siren’s call to those with a sweet tooth. as you sit to enjoy your cheeks turn rosy from the flames as you attempt to craft the perfect s’more.

Hot drinks and steaming mugs of mulled wine and spiced cider are passed around, warmth seeping through your mittens and into your very bones. You can’t help but sip at the fragrant concoction, the spices of cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg pirouetting on your tongue, leaving a comforting of warmth and for the less adventurous, there’s hot chocolate so rich and creamy it’s like a warm hug from the inside out, topped with a mountain of whipped cream and a dusting of glittering sugar.

The stallholders are a merry bunch, their eyes twinkling with the same enthusiasm as the lights strung up above, you notice the details that make this place so special. Strands of garland draped over every surface, the rustle of pine needles from
fresh-cut wreaths, the occasional snowflake that flutters down from the sky,

The Carpe Noctem Christmas Market isn’t just a place to shop; it’s an experience that fills your heart with the magic of the season. It’s a place to create memories with friends and loved ones, to revel in the joy of giving and receiving, and to simply be present in the moment.

Add Carpe Noctem on your Winter Travel list of places to visit, Located at:

hop:// Noctem 2/248/343/1995
You are all invited to the grand inauguration of the newlifeitaly Mall on December 20th starting from 11.30 s.l.t. with all the newlifeitaly DJs and a big Christmas party
Siete tutti invitati alla grande inaugurazione del Mall di newlifeitaly 20 dicembre a partire dalle ore 11.30 s.l.t. con tutti i dj di newlifeitaly e una grande festa per il Natele
Kitely winter fair is close! 15 th of December noon 12.00 Pm grand opening! Want to see what's on the fair, the new builds, the merchants and freebees ? Check it out here.

Not dead...working on the new store for all of you!

Jared Seda: Super Excited!!!! 2 months ago

Friday December 27th @ Rosies - Starts at 3 PM SLT - Save the date!

Es ist wieder so weit.
Die Zappelbude ruft zum Blue Monday ins Xenolandia Grid

Wann: 16.12.2024 ab 20:00 Uhr – 22:00 Uhr – Ende offen.
Wo: In der Zappelbude, wo auch sonst?
Mukke? Ein wilder Mix durch die letzten drei Jahrzehnte.
Lasst uns Spaß haben.

Animesh Companion very funny, with all material layers, animations and colors hud


LeonitasLionheart: thank you! so funny 2 months ago

Working on a Role Play/Educational System (volume a bit low)

OMG 2 Winter Wonderland Christmas Market - come and enjoy the splendor of Christmas with displays to inspire and uplift you. Snow Globes and more. Pick up some goodies located throughout the Market. Be sure to explore and visit the Santa's Ballroom where a feast of Christmas gifts are also located. While there dance away with the Ms Nutcracker and Santa dancing the nutcracker dance.
Arkham Grid 2024 Holiday Gifts: Merry Christmas from Arkham Grid!
to celebrate the holidays, we will be releasing important exclusive gifts
Come and get the goodies at Kingman City, Arkham Grid, With a gifted out every day up to Christmas!
Time for you to come and vote for these incredible Snow Globes! You can vote for as many as you like, but just once per day per person (not per Avatar!). So be sure to come back every single day and vote for your favorites.

Voting counts for 40% of the overall score, and we have 3 expert judges who each contribute 20% per globe. So rally your friends to come vote for you - the more votes, the better your chances! 2

looking for a 2 story round building with a copula to use as a formal ballroom

At Novale's 'Stay Warm' boutique
you fill find a vast selection of rigged winter coats and sweaters.
Make sure though to click the poster inside
To get the notecard on how to wear them.

we're almost there, the perky is about to arrive

Aurora Starchild: Yesss 2 months ago
Do you want to build a snowman? When Friday the 13th falls in December! Free to Copy and Buy for 0 on the OSGrid Sandbox Plaza for 24 hours:)

The mask if from Sketchfab and credited. The snowman stuff is from LK mostly with a texture from Pixabay. The knife is Nebadon's from his more recent collection shared at the OSCC a few years back.

CCC-Athena/Petite & Legacy/Perky Boutique is Re-Opening at a New Location.
Please enter the Boutique Region Clothed !!!
No Public Nudity allowed !!

Genie hat Geburtstag und wir möchten das gerne mit ihm und euch gebührend feiern. Richi und Loru legen auf und Icelady hat ihren Bunker festlich geschmückt. Dann kann es ja losgehen!
13.12.24 ab 20 Uhr im Iceladygrid - -
May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Andremus & Alchy
Winter Wonderland => hop://
The final two weeks will be completed as the two weeks on the board are coming to an end. The board will be updated with gifts starting Sunday. The last 2 of these 2 weeks are being added today. Happy Holiday's everyone
Join the Twiztid Timez Grid & Funsize Dinkies World Resort TWIZTID TIMEZ GOES HOLIDAY Celebration
DJ Sofee & Dave King providing 2hrs of entertainment

TODAY 8am - 10am

hop:// 2/57/133/23

Join the Twiztid Timez Grid & Funsize Dinkies World Resort TWIZTID TIMEZ GOES HOLIDAY Celebration
DJ Sofee & Dave King providing 2hrs of entertainment

TODAY FRIDAY 13th 8am - 10am

hop:// 2/57/133/23

Join the Twiztid Timez Grid & Funsize Dinkies World Resort TWIZTID TIMEZ GOES HOLIDAY Celebration
DJ Sofee & Dave King providing 2hrs of entertainment

TODAY 8am - 10am

hop:// 2/57/133/23

TTG CHRISTMAS PARTY Happening today - Open INVITE to everyone on OPENSIM (Big, Small, Hairy, everyone is welcomed) (Just keep your privates private)

2 Hours of Fun, Laughter, Banter and an Amazing Region to get your 2024 Winter Snapshots made on OMG 2 for your Holiday Memorys.

Party DeeJay Sofee will be Starting the Party off following by Dave King performing many GREAT Christmas Hits you grew up to love.

Enjoy the Snow over on OMG 2 and make new friends at the same time playing in the snow and having Snowball Fights.

Location: 2
STARTING: 8:00 (Grid Time)
Last Day to get your Snow Globe Entered before Voting starts. Bring your globe on down or come build one on site.. Im sure you can find some great decorating items across OpenSIm.
The Building Area and Template are available at 2

Those Naughty Elf's Wont Be Around Long! Added Two New Items to the Download Board. Come Grab The New Freebies Before They Are Gone!

CCC-Athena/Petite & Legacy Perky Boutique New Location ,Opening soon !!!
Please enter the Boutique Region Clothed !!!
No Public Nudity allowed !!

New Men's Pants - Premium Quality in 4 Colors!
Discover exceptional style and comfort. Visit us at the Mediterranean Shopping Center — don’t miss out!

Aurora Starchild: Great stuff! 2 months ago

Wish you a nice weekend. :-)

Suzi_Avonside: Very delicious *slurp* 2 months ago
Standing in line for open call auditions for a christmas production... it looks like it's going to be hard to get the part though, everyone matches the specs in the casting call and we all look the same. I guess it must be won on personality alone. i had to get my nails taken off to look like a peasant, now my fingers look like i've been digging dirt with my bare hands my whole life. Salon day tomorrow!