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Christmas Winter Wonderland all year round. A magical sim full of wonder for all ages. Shop all year round or just enjoy the winter cottages and sip away on hot chocolate.

OMG 2 Winter Wonderland Christmas Market - come and enjoy the splendor of Christmas with displays to inspire and uplift you. Snow Globes and more. Pick up some goodies located throughout the Market. Be sure to explore and visit the Santa's Ballroom where a feast of Christmas gifts are also located. While there dance away with the Ms Nutcracker and Santa dancing the nutcracker dance.
Winter Wonderland @ Twiztid Timez OMG 2 region is open 24 hours a day 352 days a year! Come explore the magic, there is so much to explore here you just might need to stay over in a cozy cabin.
A Christmas market stall area, Santa's magical Village Town. Grand ballroom where Santa and Ms Nutcracker dance away.
Cozy cabins to explore where yummy treats will make your mouth water.
There are two ice skating areas - you can warm yourself with a hot chocolate at the open air café.
Explore the old town square with Santa's Train.
Escape the hustle and bustle and relax around the lake, while exploring the wild wilderness covered in snow with more cabins to escape to.
Explore the captivation of specially designed Snow Globes that feature throughout the sim.
Not to forget the birth of baby Jesus nativity scene.
Winter Wonderland is a photographer's paradise.
We apologize that this event has had to be cancelled. There will be a Christmas New Years Eve celebration instead and also the celebration birthday of Twiztid Timez Grid. Details to be posted shortly.
Come join us at Twiztid Timez Grid and celebrate the Festive Season. Saturday, December 21st 2024 @ 6pm.
Event will be held at Winter Wonderland located at OMG 2 at the open air stage area.
Explore the magic of Winter Wonderland and pick up some gifts along the way.

Winter Wonderland - open all year! @ OMG 2

Christmas open all year round, why not enjoy Christmas in July or any other month of the year?
Various cute cozy cabins to curl up in front of a fireplace, enjoy treats, or choose from the Christmas smorgasbord. Beautiful landscaping for the discerning photographer. Shop for some custom designs created by the owner.
Enjoy ice skating, hot drinks in the outdoor Cafe. Visit the grand ballroom where gifts abound and be sure to visit Santa's Village.

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Christmas all year around is a magical thing! This region is packed full of holiday spirit! Omy has outdone herself on this build. Give yourself at least a good half hour to an hour to explore! Keep an eye out for the free gifts scattered about too! Thank you for creating such a gorgeous Winter Wonderland for us! it's nice to be able to celebrate anytime of the year. There's no longer a need to wait for December or even Christmas in July because it's Christmas every day here! Job well done!
Thanks Faith for your encouragement and support. Thanks to you - this is all possible! ♥