OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

What Are You Looking For?

Anyone have some PBR EEPs for Open Sim?

Hi / Bonjour,
I'm looking for a script that can delete duplicate objects in a box based on their UUID.
Rowin gave me a pretty close hud but it only searches for objects whose UUID matches the one you enter in the hud, which is very laborious with many objects (unless I didn't know how to use it, but I don't think so). Thanks in advance!

Someone asked in chat where to find the LaraX body: they have them at Stark North District (for those who can get into Zeta) North District

harthelie: il y en a une sur 9 days ago
don't laugh but I am looking for animated pigs. yes. pigs :-D I saw some at a Farm, but 1) I was not able to get them and 2) I do not want to feed them. (The one you must feed or they die, I don't want)

FallenAngel Absent: @harthelie: Je l'ai reçu. Il est magnifique. Merci beaucoup !!!! xxx 11 days ago
Hello everyone!
I'm looking for French buildings and monuments like the arc de triomphe or Hausmanian type houses in Paris or various typical places like Basque, Norman, Alsatian, Provencal houses, mountain chalets.... of great Loire castles ...
I saw the Arc de Triomphe but couldn't get it, but I do have the Eiffel Tower.
If you have any ideas, I want to do a tour of France :-) THANK YOU

harthelie: bonsoir houses 14 days ago
Hello Friends. I need a couple of volunteers for Le Beau Retrouve' Art Gallery on Sept 29th during the Fall opening event.
I need a tour guide for the Special Projects Exhibition. This will take place around 11:15am - 12 PM SLT. This is mainly a supportive role to guide people through the exhibit, which is on a 2x2 region attached to the gallery.
The second volunteer I need is a good photographer for the event starting at 12 noon SLT. I want photos of the attendees...think Red Carpet...but also candid photos during the event as well.
I would do all of these things myself, but I will be busy working with the entertainment part of the event, and during, I will be busy greeting guests, answering questions, etc., and generally a nervous wreck.
Please let me know if you can help out. Thank you so very much!

Looking for a lifeguard tower as well as any smaller Moroccan/Arabic homes/buildings. Any idea where to look?

Meleah Skydancer: I think HG R.Lion has a lifeguard tower 20 days ago
Please thank our most recent helpers. Visit their regions and grids. Go to their events if you like. Why? Because they are great folks!

• Chelsea Louloudi: Co-creator of Pepperland and Pepperland II based on the 1968 ground breaking animated cartoon, Beatles 'Yellow Submarine'. Find it on the Littlefield Grid.

• FallenAngel Absent: Owner of Circus (
“In virtual worlds since 2007”

• harthelie: Also a member of the Francophones group.\

• Jupiter Rowland: Dorenas World dweller, Hypergrid traveller, synth geek. Spreads the word of Ruth2 and Roth2

• Lillysparks: Owner of Grid Tumbler ( Tumbler) & Aquarius (
In her profile, Lilly says “that she is looking for “Scripting wizards, like-minded artists, cool folks, and great animations. I really want to meet people that have time in world to hang out and do fun things.

• Lynne Lundquist: Owner of the Seahaven Beach region Beach

• Mistressdalgato: Owner of My Virtual Beach Grid.
“A lifestyle Mistress of 9 years in real life as well as online”.

• Racci: Owner of The Garth region Garth
“Inventor and virtual adventurer.”

• Rhowin Blackwell: Owner of the Brotown Region
“A spot for guys who are into guys.”

• Star Ravenhurst: Owner of the new Tenth Dimension Grid. Get ready for an exhibit in her Creative Vision Society region, with a build by Cherry Manga and a soundscape by me.

Want to see your name on the next "Recent Helper" post? Just help somebody find something they are looking for. Oh so easy!
Here is a round up of chat requests from the last 20 days.

Request: Hello, I will need 3D numbers figures to make signs please.
Helper: FallenAngel Absent “I have a bunch. contact me in OsGrid please :-)”

Request: I am looking for [newer and better] swimming animations.
Helper: Esti Mation “have you been to LF grid? they seemed to have”

Request: Is there any place where I can find body deformers? Deformers specifically target body parts, like shoulders, butt or breasts.
Helper: No-one yet.

Request: anyone have animesh doctor, and a few other female bussiness dressed like animesh avatars?
Helper: No-one yet.

Request: anyone have a mesh lifeguard swinsuit?
Helper: No-one yet.

Please help with these requests if you can. Note that posts and replies for the past 10 months are still available in the group. Chat requests are available for only the past 20 days, don’t seem to get many helpful replies, and will disappear in time.

Verdict: Once more, post requests in group, and use chat to provide the link to help drive traffic to your post, where it will last forever and be available to archeologists from the 25th Century to study to help benefit all of human-kind! Be noble! Use the group for requests.

The Verdict About Group Chat In The What Are You Looking For Group
All: Please post your requests in the group, not in chat. Then, if you like, notify people via chat that there is a new post, and include the URL for it. That should drive more traffic to the post requests, which seems to have been lacking

Helpers: Please reply to the post in the group, freeing the chat from information that, like the front page box, will disappear in a short time.

This will preserve the purpose and usefulness of the group while helping people know that there are new post to check out.

Background: Some people say that making a request for help via chat gets a faster response. That's the result of people not visiting the group often enough to see if there are any new posts. A post and a chat notice of same will get more attention for the posts and help keep the group alive and lively, and also alive. (Did I mention alive? I guess I did).
I'd like help with either making stuff or finding stuff for a Horrible Halloween event. For example:

1. A DJ that streams bad music
• Any suggestions of what music that would be?

2. A location like a ball room of a run-down hotel.

3. Decor
• Moldy fast food.
• Cheap Beer (label textures that would work on existing cans?)
• Cans of Spray Cheese: extra credit bonus points if it actually can “spray” cheese
• Ripped drapery,
• Carpet stain textures
• Decorations that don’t go together at all.
• Trash bag balloons
• Toilet paper streamers
• Cardboard cutouts of tacky celebs like the cast of Jersey Shore or the Kardashians.
• A swimming pool swamp.
• Dance ball filled with ballet, belly dance, and drunken dance animations.
• Poorly dressed NPCs for the dance ball
• A “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” type event called something like “Pin A Kiss On The Ass” This one is complicated.
◦ An open collar-like blindfold that actually makes people unable to see and that will spin them.
◦ A 3-D ass that changes texture on touch to display a lipstick kiss.

4. Party Favors.
• Bling jewelry.
• Little plastic bags of toothpicks. Because, you can never have enough toothpicks.

Other ideas welcome.

Nico Kalani: The Ballet Academy building would work well for the event. I just need to find it. 21 days ago

looking for door frame like the one on the right.. anyone knows where to send me or has one? thank you in advance

I have someone who is looking for this item. If someone can help me out with this, I would appreciate that! TY ;)
moonshine still or the moonshine recipe. It's for the Satyr, Quintonia, Vivo Farming System. THANKS A BUNCH! ;)

Hello and Good Day! Does anyone have a garage door script?

looking for an adult PMAC hot tub

Hi, now where were we? I am finding cool things about, so please ask anytime :)

Anybody got any real animal avatars? Not furry, but like realistic animals. Like bear, wolf, dog, fox, etc.

Jupiter Rowland: There's a cat avatar at the old 3rd Rock Grid newbie-outfitting store at Sirocco, in case you can still enter ZetaWorlds. Untested, just mentioning it. 2 months ago

Hi Everyone :) I hope you are all doing fine. I am looking for Devkits to make clothing. Does anyone have them for ebody/athena/legacy and any other bodies I didn't think of? Thanks so very much :)

3fx couples dance One Soul or 1soul...i was devastated when switching in sl from intan to TIS dance machine and sl ate some no copy irreplaceable anims...i found 22 of 24 in the clubmaster, no idea if re-uploading them will work as it may go on uuid rather than anim name, but id like to give it a shot!

Jupiter Rowland: I can't promise anything, but maybe I'll manage to acquire an old enough Clubmaster that has them. 2 months ago
It maybe wishful thinking, but has anyone seen a race track lap timer and leader board on their travels?

I have a cool one in SL that had a start/finish line and checkpoints to place in key locations around the track to stop short cuts. It would display the top ten lap times/names on the leader board.

I have been to a few race tracks in open sim and have never been able to get hold of one. I have never seen one in any malls/freebie places either.

Jupiter Rowland: They do exist, but to my understanding, they're all custom creations for that one particular race track, and their creators don't want to give them away. 2 months ago

Does anyone know where I can find a post office, a mailbox, and a mail truck?

Rhowin Blackwell: I have the mailbox and mail truck for sure. I'll try to locate them and give you a SLURL when I've got them rezzed out for you. 2 months ago

I am looking for a nice victorian townhouse. I want it.

Rhowin Blackwell: I have one or two that may fit the bill. I'm not in-world tonight, but hopefully can catch some time online tomorrow and get those over to you. 2 months ago
I used to regularly post a list of recent helpers (and also promoted their regions). I haven't been doing that for a month or more. I'm going to start doing those acknowledgements again, for people whose help I can easily track -- people responding to posted requests.

Unfortunately. much of the help is being done in group chat. You know, group chat, where the comments scroll away out of sight, much like the front page box -- a problem this group, with posts, was supposed to cure.

What do posts have that chat doesn't? Threaded conversations. Conversations anyone can read, follow, and easily understand, and benefit from, at any time. Chat is just one endless stream. I just can't read all that to make out who all is being helpful.

I'm not quite sure yet what to say about why people are using chat instead of posting. It seems to be a way for people, who are largely non-helpers, to engage the small group of helpers more quickly. However, overall, I think it's detrimental to the group.

What would really be helpful is if people responded to requests made in chat by saying "please post that in the group." However, I'm bemused, and resigned to the group doing what it does, regardless of the original purpose and process of requesting and getting help.

IndigoQueen King: Good idea about replying to group with that response. In case others are looking for similar items as well, they may find the answer here in the group post. Scrolling back in the chat can be daunting.... 2 months ago

Hello.. I'm new to the group. I'm hoping someone can help me find this camper

Hi Beautiful Finding things People :),
Does anyone know if this is around Opensim, a group choreography dance machine like this one or similar Spot One Thank you :)

I am looking for an animated donkey. Thank you!

does anyone have a chat extending script for hostesses?

Rhowin Blackwell: I know I've seen one in my recent hypergridding, but here are two in the public domain: - Wizardry and Steamworks: - SL Wiki: https://wiki.second... 3 months ago
Good Day everyone, Hope everyone is well and safe!! I am looking for Grids that have vacation spots we can rent their
homes for a vacation or any places that are set up for camping if pl want to go camping for vacation. Its hard to have a big
family and all we can do is go clubbing. we want other things to do as well... so if there is any info about vacation grids or camping or places we can dine at i would so greatly appreciate it or like even great beaches you can do things there like surfing, or hand gliding, or diving into the ocean or swimming under the sea anything fun would help please!! sincerely Katana!!
Good Day everyone, Hope everyone is well and safe!! I am looking for Grids that have vacation spots we can rent their
homes for a vacation or any places that are set up for camping if pl want to go camping for vacation. Its hard to have a big
family and all we can do is go clubbing. we want other things to do as well... so if there is any info about vacation grids or camping or places we can dine at i would so greatly appreciate it or like even great beaches you can do things there like surfing, or hand gliding, or diving into the ocean or swimming under the sea anything fun would help please!! sincerely Katana!!

Where is the best place to find a comprehensive collection of clothing for the Legacy body? I know of Grimm, but just wondering if there is anywhere else that has anything interesting.

Can anyone please help my friend? I can only fiddle with scripts so I am afraid I am not very helpful for this. Thank you!!
So I need some assistance with an Issue, Yesterday I made a group Joiner for my Cosplay Mesh Group and it works great, BUT......when I try doing Cosplay Mesh Group Joiner script it keeps saying Cosplay Mesh so I gave up would like to see if you please help me get that "Cosplay Corner" Script made correctly.

Rhowin Blackwell: Hey there, Star! I'd be happy to help you out. If you don't mind sending me your current script via message (best to paste it somewhere like and then send the link) I'll be happy ... 3 months ago

Hi there, I'm searching for a rectangular tea table, asiatic style, with tea pot and cups, Thank you

Good Evening Everyone!! hope you all are having a beautiful blessed day!!! i was wondering do any of you guys know where i can find BIG house thats not a mansion but has a good amount of rooms but is Modern like what you see on SL cause i am not happy with any of these houses!!! Even when i change the walls and all other ppl have the same house and i just like to have my own house that i picked thagt no one else has because its my flavor how i like to style things and have things no one else has i don't envy at all i just want my own style!!!

Jupiter Rowland: If you've got a lot of time, you might want to look through Victor DeAngelo's Free Life Grid, especially Nostalgia Neighborhood and Eloquent Estates. He has got a lot of exclusive stuff that you won't... 3 months ago
@LynneLundquist TY love for this i surely do appreciate it omg its awesome ty love have a beautiful day if you ever need anything you can ask if i have it i will surely share it as well!!!! much love Katana Hart!!!

would like to know is there a place we can get like hopscotch game and ferris wheel a nice one and roller coasters if anyone knows pleaseee!!

Lynne Lundquist: Hi Katana i left the hopscotch at the welcome at my region on seahaven hop:// 3 months ago

I am looking for a working tambourine or clapping animation. thank you

Yikes! When did the chat box here replace posting? Doing so makes this group no better than looking for stuff via the front page box.

What posting does that chat can not.
1. It provides a way to post and reply in a threaded conversation. That way, we can more easily see what someone is looking for, the help that has been provided, and the help that is still needed.
2. We have a small core group of helpers. I'd like to keep them around, and add to the number. Posts make it easier to see who has helped and to create a post that acknowledges the helpers. In turn, the acknowledgement post helps the helpers by promoting their regions and/or interests.
3. A post can have a picture of what you want or otherwise bring attention to your post.

Someone said chatting is fast and more reliable. I'm not sure how. Once I know why chatting has come to be preferred, I can see what we can do to bring those features to posting.

What do you think?

FallenAngel Absent: chatbox is for conversation between 2 parties...postings are for everyone and you can also follow the thread as an outsider - imho :-) 3 months ago

Can the Clothing Fit Deformers for the female Legacy body be found in OS? If so, where?

Any sources for a working bowling alley? I have seen many in my travels but none are able to be taken/bought. Ideally hoping to find one with full perms on the scripts as well, but I'll take what I can get. 😅

where can i find a golf cart? anyone ever seen one on opensim? geesh lol please let me know!!!???

SheaButter: I have one golf cart, and is driveable. Is at AVW at region Daytona. Will put at landing spot. 4 months ago

Looking for scripts for clocks, clock hands and clock sounds.

Racci: I'm a polar bear :D This script is like magic, but FIRST make 6 prims and link them together, then put the script in the root prim. MAGIC! You will need to find a texture for the clock face, not too ... 4 months ago
What Are You Looking For?
Post about items you are, well, looking for, like outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. Here's how it works.
• Post your request in the group.
• If you like, use group chat to provide the link to the post to immediately alert people about it.
• Please do not post requests or answer them in chat. We are an alternative to making a request in the Front Page Box. Like there, group chat text will disappear, while posts, and the replies, will persist, providing on-going help to people browsing the posts.
• And please, consider being a helper, and visiting regularly to do that.

Thanks to all helping this group help people find what they are looking for.
129 members
Created 11 months ago by Nico Kalani

New Comments

Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
Simona body is very close and is available at Vesti, I am pretty sure Xara too As Jerralyn Franzic said both have autohide mode (but during hypergrid jumps, it can fail...)
Meow kittybunny 8 days ago
They have it at R Lion, Vesti (called Xara) at Trianon grid. Also, I have seen it at Moonlight (moonrose grid)
harthelie 9 days ago
il y en a une sur
Jupiter Rowland 11 days ago
Also, ShoppingCity, the "general store" in the northeast corner. hop://
FallenAngel Absent 11 days ago
@harthelie: Je l'ai reçu. Il est magnifique. Merci beaucoup !!!! xxx
harthelie 11 days ago
j'ai un cochon anime je te l'apporterais