OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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A Wonderful and fun HG Safari Group visited Mech Lab on Safari...
Thank you for exploring and experiencing Mech Lab HG Safari!

Thirza Ember Hosts and Blogs HG Safari. Safari
Hi Everybody

I decided to leave Jungle Friends and build my own GRID.
This is an important and difficult decision. I want to thank you all for the support.
Now I will move forward and make my vision and dreams come true.
I hope to see you all soon.
I will return......but on my GRID
Follow updates about the process in Opensim world.

With all the haters, negative comments and drama, I think Opensim needs to add an "unlike" or "not cool" button. What's your thoughts?

KrisTina: Down votes are for the weak. 10 months ago

Check out the new selections of Outfits and Shoes.
Some in Sizes: Athena, Reborn, and Legacy.

Pagane: LOVE GRIMM!!!! 10 months ago

I created a Journal for you, just drop your daily notes into it. Please find the journal in the Monentes foyer on the little table. Jewelry

SilviaFrey: Muchas gracias por todas esas magníficas creaciones. Me ha encantado su tienda. Encontré justo lo que buscaba además de varios objetos preciosos. Muchísimas gracias. 10 months ago

New texture packs available at Grid Tumbler - gorgeous, unique, never-been-seen seamless terrains, sands, stone, and many more added daily. Please enjoy and use these. xoxo

I'd like to announce that I'm going on vacation from OS for a time. But I've been on a vacation from OS already, for maybe two months now, and I'd have to interrupt my vacation to say that I'm not going on vacation because I'm already on vacation. So, no announcements. Mainly because, at this point, I'm confused about the whole vacation thing. However, while I'm pretty sure I'm on vacation from OS, I still log in to OSW on occasion to check on the What Are You Looking For group. The helpers there have been, and continue to be, incredible! Anyways, if you want to send me a message, I'm likely to see it, and I might just answer.

thedeeferry: Fly like an eagle... enjoy... come back zoon. 10 months ago
Download the free program wc3270 for windows. Install it. Set up a connection to Your logon ID & PASSWORD will be USER100 & PIZZA OR USER101 & TACOS . You will have access too JCL, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, C++, REXX, and will be able to use the SYSDUMPs. You will be on sysplex1 with full access to 3380, 3390, and 3350 DASD. You will also have access to IBM 3420 TAPE Unit. You can explore what a mainframe operating system is like and how it is different from personal computers. Obviously you will not have access to TOP SECRET or RACF. I often say that anyone can learn PC stuff (personal computers) like Linux, Windows, or Apple OSX by reading just 1 thick 2000 page book. But for the mainframe you need to read about 200-300 of those thick 2000 page books. It is way more complicated. There are 5 mainframe operating systems: IBM Unix called AIX, IBM vm/cms, IBM os/400, Digital Equipment Corp VMS, and the Zos family. This mainframe you are logging into is in the Zos family. It does support full ISPF/TSO and CDC's (cataloged datasets). You will not have access to easytrieve, expediter, endeavour, and CICS.

GlennXpletive: Super awesome for you to provide this Cyber. If more got educated, things would be more progressed and problems solved easier. Hi5! 10 months ago


News!!! We have a new decoration area in Tierra de Volcanes, paintings, furniture, garden area, etc. hop://

Charlene McNally: looks like fun! I'll have to slip on my bikini and come have some fun! Oh way do I have a bikini? 10 months ago

I put a Mer level in .... I finally found a good tail (merman) and a seperate ao thats better than the old ones, I found them here ..

Safinemahoe2: Thank you for the mention; I am so glad we could help you with your merman tail. Great looking build! 11 months ago
They say that it's the journey, not the destination... So why not have fun while you get there? And bring along another 4 friends while you are at that!
Mariner's Lustful Speed boat comes packed with +1200 animations. But I thought we could add some more, so I integrated the menu with the Underwater sex ones...because I can!
Speedboat is fully drivable and include some sounds!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/388/411/23

Aurora Starchild: Hey lovelies - I know some are getting some region errors...please click on the vendors just once and wait. It does take some time if you are from another grid. 11 months ago

Another view from the welcome area

What is orb? Orb is a webtop operating system. This means, it's like having a working windows desktop computer, but in a browser window. WHY DOES IT MATTER? Well, imagine your avatar has a tablet in their hand, or cell phone, or a laptop. Now imagine your avatar can zoom in on the screen AND RUN REAL WORLD APPS and save data. Example: Your avatar could have a tablet in their hand that is running firestorm they are using to control another avatar. o.O You get it? Not only that, but this webtop computer is super fast and super responsive (no lag or delay at all). All you do is go here: and download the latest release of orb to your linux machine, then gunzip it, then tar -xf. Then take the folder structure to your webroot. THIS WILL GIVE EVERY USER ON YOUR GRID THE ABILITY TO HAVE INWORLD WORKING DEVICES. Many users can set up free accounts. What's more is that letters they type and so on will be saved in their instance protected by their user name and password. :) Pretty cool huhhh? To see a working demo go here and click the demo button:

Wolf Territories Grid: That's a really interesting project, going to test it out - especially if people could have logins to thedesk top like an RDP or something. 11 months ago
My latest and probably most difficult memorial build, not that it was hard to do, but that it is a memorial to my very first pet who was so loyal, loving and protective. Wolfie was truly my best friend and to this day I miss him. He was half great Dane and half Siberian Husky and looked very much like a Canadian Timberwolf, hence his name. He was the most adorable puppy and grew into a beautiful and amazing adult dog. His memory will be forever treasured by me, but building the memorial brought a few tears to my eyes, I loved my boy.

Andremus Miklos: I know what you're talking about my friend, I miss my boy each and every day...Hugs 11 months ago

May the spirit of this special day bring you renewed faith, peace, and endless blessings. Happy Easter!" 🌷🐰🥚

Sodasullivan: very awesome! 11 months ago

SN Outfit Zoe
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

SN Overall Nasti
Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

AdrianaDarkheart: I paid for the outfit three times, the money is deducted but then I get a message saying it's not for sale 11 months ago

Perfect Imperfections

"Webtreats Seamless Stone, Pavement, and Marble Textures 5" by webtreats is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts

the name says it all

Psicotronic: Perfect ! 12 months ago

What do we have at this new region?

the answer is simple.....



and Scripts!

Plus a few really cool scripted items from Wizardry.

Free at Lunaria Emporium

IndigoQueen King: Perfect for my Angels and Ascended Masters Area!! Thank you Luna!! 12 months ago
Dear friends and guests,
We are pleased to invite you to the inauguration of Cafe Käse!
Come and celebrate with us the beginning of a new culinary music journey with Nast Bakerly
Tonight we start with one
Romantic night

MiguelTorres: Dear Woody!! It's just my personal opinion that I'm expressing nicely here. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who pays for slime. If you know someone, I would be very grateful if you would let me kn... 12 months ago
Teaser photo of a much larger VAR going online soon, Will be a tank wars region with every Military vehicle in my massive inventory.
Its been a toss up do I make fighting Mechs or Dinosaurs i will not do zombies :) Everyone has zombies. This will be the most ruins you have ever seen. Perfect Battleground.
Tri Stone Smokey Quartz is one of the many rings you will find at Monentes Jewelry. I placed a few requests out this week, I will add more as time allows. Thank you for sending the IM with your requests. When I think back at all the requests I have had, two of my favorites was a request for a journal locket, and Veri's back necklace. Please don't be shy if you have a jewelry piece you would like to wear virtually please just ask, if free I would be happy to create it. Jewelry

----- NEW -----

Great modern-mess looking bed, with some decent textures. More than 500 up to date animations (you will find some similar ones to the Lithe bed, but they are all improved!). Has FF/FFM animations as well and sits up to 4 avis!
Local Uber: hop:// Boutiques/373/411/23
Other TP options:
This is the Castle display area at Lunaria Emporium where you can walk through them all. My first attempt at building in SecondLife 15 years ago was a castle and I never looked back. There three available for purchase in different styles and they all have multiple hidden chambers and passages to discover:

The Ceridwen castle, done in a fantasy/fairytale style in a silver and amethyst color palette with a special hidden room below

The Caerwyn Fortress complex, which is a massive, detailed fortress in the Norman / Celtic tradition with realistic 13th century textures. The fortress was inspired by the remains of Harlech Castle located in Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales

The Caerwyn Keep, designed with a smaller footprint in mind

A medieval covered stone bridge to match

There's also a partially finished Camelot Keep that I hope to get back to someday, but it is not currently available. All the castles are available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, all venues are 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get them directly from my main store.

Gabriel_Solstician: Highly detailed buildings - Luna’s right, well worth visiting first, you won’t be disappointed! ☺️ 1 years ago
In the vibrant and enchanting world of Ireland where the rhythm of life pulses with every step, three spirited Irish dancing females grace the stage with their boundless energy and captivating grace.

Behold the beautiful Irish Step Dancers in their matching costumes rich with the herritage of their homeland. Each girl has a traditional step dancer hair-do and are adorned with an emerald crown.

The girls will be the hit of any Irish pub, land or party. They are a must have for Saint Patrick's Day!

The Irish Step Dancing Kit comes with:
3 Animated Irish Step Dancers
3 Blank Irish Step Dancers - add your own animations
A Song Ball with a full Irish Step Dance Song
Simple Instructions

soon 10.00 pm carnival evening in Venice you are all invited you will find themed clothes here we are waiting for you

Valentine's day #carnivalland #arkhamgrid


Alexey Kazarovic: Love it. 1 years ago

LE TERRACE- THE only Alien places where one can play greedy, sip an alien coffee and have a view from Jupiter.

*** SAVING VALUABLE MIN. OFF YOUR LIFE - You can thank me later!

***Will go on sale in store Feb. 8, 2024 for PUBLIC! Check back then for pricing.***

Low Complexity Square Bento Nails FREE for [TTG] Grid Residents for a short time! Timez Welcome Area

5 Mesh Bento Low Complexity Full Set Nails (just over 1k)
HUD w/32 Textures


AVAILABLE ONLY AT [TTG]Welcome Area Faith Fashions Main! FREE thru February 7, 2024 for GRID RESIDENTS ONLY.

thedeeferry: I am sorry. Forgive me. Reading these comments I do not understand what is wrong. Anyway, Faith, well done. 1 years ago

Dawn chorus at Madrigal 12x12 sailing region.

Alexey Kazarovic: :O 12x12 3072x3072 meters wow. 1 single region? :O 1 years ago

New Arrivals! hop://

Aurora Starchild: Ohhh que texturas..mañana me paso! 1 years ago

Hippie Nude Year!

Aurora Starchild: Love the pic! Damn the look so happy :D 1 years ago