OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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Ce Vendredi 1er septembre, faites d'une pierre, deux coups !
Venez fêter l'anniversaire de notre cher Minord Loup et participer à l'inauguration de la grille Francopholie, dans une ambiance festive .
Nous comptons sur vous !


hicks adder: joyeux anniversaire papi 1 years ago
"When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam may luck be yours on halloween"

The shadows are getting longer again, the heat of summer is slowly fading. Slowly but surely, a melancholic mood is spreading. Autumn puts out its feelers. (at least in the northern hemisphere). Urgent time to open


I think that this year a lot of nice things have reached the region again, which have been distributed all over the sim. So it gives you something to do finding all the new stuff.

The visitors' favorites, the unbeatable Wolftones and the Sanderson Sisters, will also be there again..and brandnew "Dancing with the mon - stars" another awesome creation by Kimm Star.

Remember..Most items,( and meanwhile tons of !) but not everything is for sale. Please remember and RESPECT that please. You can see beautiful things "made in open sim- for open sim" for example made by Kimm Starr, Cloee Heslop, Luna Lunaria ,Bibiana Bombinate and many more. Thank you!!

I wish you a lot of fun ,exploring, laughing, crying , getting scared, collecting beautiful autumn decoration and and and.. the Gates are open now !!!

(hints...the sim is fully loaded, so give it time to rez and if it is not rezzing please relog that often helps
- Please make sure to have a good balance between Music and Sounds, otherwise you would miss half of the fun)

NineZero: The highlight, for me, was The Wolftones and the crowd dancing to Monster Mash. You rock, Thomas! Great sim! 1 years ago
Voice in Opensim is a vexed question, and whilst most of us don't use it for a whole host of reasons it is a very useful thing to have. But, so long as there has been a 'free' alternative, most have been happy to use Vivox. For most people Vivox is probably fine, but for some there is one very big downside to using this service: it eavesdrops.

Some years ago I was working on an Opensim based solution for remote meetings, a place where we could virtually meet. Probably the most important criteria was security and privacy, so obviously Vivox, with its policy of eavesdropping was a non-starter. I had become aware of the Whisper project, but that only worked with Opensim up to 0.7.6, and whilst the module was then still available, it isn't now. Also, the Whisper project itself was abandonware. In 2014, Zetamex announced a bounty for anyone finishing the work on the Mumble-Whisper voice module, and started a crowdfunder, which predictably, this being Opensim, raised the derisory sum of $62 from four backers...

Even at the time, it didn't look as if the bounty would be claimed, as Vivox was still a viable option, so of course that's what people went for rather than for an independent voice solution for Opensim. I did try to contact the person behind the project at the time, as I would have liked to have supported the project, but they did not get back to me. The project I was working on didn't progress, but more because of the high entry threshold of Opensim/Second Life. I still have the OARs I made for the project however.

The EchoVoice project announced in late 2021 offered some promise even though the project was looking for $60k in initial funding. A cynic might think that raising a sum like that in Opensim is just pie in the sky, and so it proved. Thus far the project has raised $775 of the needed $60,000. Hypergrid Business described the project as suffering from 'delayed funding'.

And now that Vivox seem to be about to follow through on their decision to close off access to Vivox for most users of Opensim there is now a clamouring. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time, and there have been alternative voice projects launched from within the Opensim community that have been ignored.

At the end of the day we need to take responsibility for our own project. The Opensim project needs lots of things. Opensim needs its own viewer project with all the SL only gunk removing, and arguably a more formally organised Opensim fork project is needed to properly progress the project. But I doubt that any of this will happen because no one will cough up any cash. I know there are some users of Opensim who are extremely cash-strapped, but I reckon that most could afford the odd pound/dollar every once in a while to support projects in Opensim. Even in my most financially straightened times I could always find the odd couple of quid for causes that are important to me. Now that I'm somewhat more financially secure, I can afford to indulge more, but like most, I understandably want to be sure that any project I contribute cash to has a better than evens chance of reaching its goal.

There is only one way we will get the things we want in Opensim, such as a voice module, and that is through paying for them!


Some people commenting have adopted an intemperate and abusive tone when making comments. I've deleted a few, (and blocked one persistent offender). Some people have also posted irrelevant comments, which have also been deleted. Please keep comments civil, respectful and on topic.

Arielle: The first question should be how many actually use inworld Voice on a regular basis anyway? I suspect the percentage is small. 1 years ago
Hiya everyone out there who reads my posts. Im looking for 3 Djs to entertain at 3 underused venues, right now its DJs choice on days and times. It can be any time there isnt already an event on the grid.
The first DJ Im looking for is someone who enjoys being a dinkie, to play at Funzies World.Music is your own choice, as long as the dinkies enjoy it.
The Second is at Glide Roller Rink which is at the welcome area of the grid. Play Roller dance music and requests, doesnt need to be disco cause I do 70's and 80's disco at TGIF on fridays. Just need to have some fun with it.
Third will be One Love beach Club, now I really want someone who enjoys playing Calypso, Soco, Dub, and Dance Hall. This will be a venue of Barbados and these are the styles of music they play there.
All Djs will work on Tips, if you cant sell Gloebits I can take them for you and send you the money once a month. DJs should also have a mic and use it.. and enjoy what they do. I know I do. Check out the calendar and find a good time for your events.
The Last venue mentioned is still under construction so I am not in a hurry to find anyone but someone who would be perfect for this place.
Come see Essensual McMahon on World Welcome . Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sailing alone is fun.......
Sailing with friends is AWESOME!

Come explore friends-grid anytime and enjoy our waters.
Group Sail - every Sunday 12 noon

for rental information - @Zuzubahro

looking for
please i am looking for a burger king(aussies call it hungry jacks) and a taco bell or any other fast food places or our city that is fully fitted out and linked together if anyone knows where i can get them please pm me
For those who still aren't sure. (And if you don't mind, don't publish your region)

Second Life and OpenSim are not traditionally classified as "games" in the way titles like World of Warcraft or Fortnite are. Instead, they are often described as virtual worlds or metaverses. Here's an explanation:

Lack of Predetermined Objectives: Unlike many games that have specific objectives, missions, or end goals, Second Life and OpenSim don't offer specific tasks for players. Users decide what they want to do, whether it's socializing, building, trading, or exploring.

Creation and Customization: In both platforms, users can create almost anything, from virtual structures to clothing and art. This level of creative freedom is broader than in most traditional games.

Real Economy: Both Second Life (with its Linden Dollar, L$) and certain OpenSim grids have their own economies and currencies, which in some cases can be exchanged for real money.

Social Interaction: A major draw for many users of both platforms is social interaction, similar to a chat room or social media platform, but in a 3D environment.

Diverse Uses: There are various reasons why people use these platforms, from simple social interaction to business, education, training, simulations, and other purposes unrelated to gaming.

However, although they aren't games in the traditional sense, some users might participate in game-like activities within these virtual worlds or set up regions and environments with game-like objectives.

In essence, both Second Life and OpenSim are more like expansive 3D social platforms or metaverses than traditional games.


Second Life y OpenSim no se clasifican tradicionalmente como "juegos" de la manera que lo hacen títulos como World of Warcraft o Fortnite. En su lugar, a menudo se describen como mundos virtuales o metaversos. A continuación, una explicación:

Falta de Objetivos Predeterminados: A diferencia de muchos juegos que tienen objetivos específicos, misiones o metas finales, Second Life y OpenSim no ofrecen tareas específicas para los jugadores. Los usuarios deciden qué quieren hacer, ya sea socializar, construir, comerciar o explorar.

Creación y Personalización: En ambas plataformas, los usuarios pueden crear casi cualquier cosa, desde estructuras virtuales hasta ropa y arte. Este nivel de libertad creativa es más amplio que en la mayoría de los juegos tradicionales.

Economía Real: Tanto Second Life (con su Linden Dollar, L$) como ciertas redes de OpenSim tienen sus propias economías y monedas, que en algunos casos pueden ser intercambiadas por dinero real.

Interacción Social: Un gran atractivo para muchos usuarios de ambas plataformas es la interacción social, similar a una sala de chat o plataforma de redes sociales, pero en un entorno 3D.

Usos Diversos: Hay diversas razones por las que la gente usa estas plataformas, desde la simple interacción social hasta negocios, educación, capacitación, simulaciones y otros propósitos no relacionados con los juegos.

Sin embargo, aunque no son juegos en el sentido tradicional, algunos usuarios pueden participar en actividades tipo juego dentro de estos mundos virtuales, o establecer regiones y entornos con objetivos similares a los de un juego.

En esencia, tanto Second Life como OpenSim son más como plataformas sociales 3D expansivas o metaversos que juegos tradicionales.

CyberGlo CyberStar: cocoa fluff 1 years ago
The Pumpkin House that traveled with us from the Old grid to the new. One of our many original decoration creations. It can be used as a fantasy home or shrink it and make it a decoration on a table, the possibilities are endless...pretty much... it's in the Holidays & Seasons department of the mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia
The kids are back to school, Labor Day is upon us, soon it will be Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and New once again thoughts of our favorite holidays are upon us, of wonderful family celebrations and sharing time, laughs and love. So we've designed some items for you to decorate your region with for the holidays. Stop by our Holidays & Seasons shop, the TP is located on the large TP board. We'll be adding more Autumn and Harvest things you can use for halloween and Thanksgiving and we've added some Christmas items. It isn't much but it's original builds. We look forward to seeing you at the Mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia.
looking for something different to do on a date tonight ( or any day or night) Come visit GLIDE Roller Rink at Trianon-World's welcome region. Not only do we have skating but also games to play.. Some are unique to the Trianon-World. World Welcome

Open for viewing

Essensual: I have worked hard bring homes to you, but IM not a scripter and I dont think I want to spend hours to make doors work.. the items are free.. but you can do some work on them 1 years ago

NEW items going in daily, just added 2 new houses today. More to come

MorningGlory: 😍 I need to come and see them ... Thank you! ❤️ 1 years ago
The schedule of events for OSFest is being finalized!
The event begins on Friday September 15.
We will have shopping hours, sales hours, parcel tour hours, Mindfulness Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays, zombie quests, special meeting hours, satellite events, and performances.
There is still time to get involved with OSFest 2023, come visit the grid at
and check the website for all your FAQs!

Copper: This URL gives me: Error: Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server. 1 years ago

𐐪𐑂..New small area dedicated to shopping Fantasy..𐐪𐑂


You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

Fotos vom Blue Monday in der Zappelbude
Es war richtig schön, vor allem wenn auf einmal Leute auftauchen, die man lange nicht mehr sah.
Noch schöner, wenn man erfährt, dass man quasi Nachbarn sind. 🙂
Dazu tolle Mukke, was will man mehr. 😉
Ihr könnt die Klänge des Abends nicht nur vor Ort genießen, sondern auch im Landstream miterleben. Falls ihr nicht persönlich erscheinen könnt, gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten, trotzdem dabei zu sein:

Im Web: Schaltet ein auf und lasst euch von den Beats mitreißen.
Externer Player: Nutzt den externen Player auf, um die Musik direkt in eure eigenen vier Wände zu bringen.
Wie immer einfach auf den Link klicken um zur Diashow zu gelangen.
rayne 15h
hello everyone,
I just wanted to send out this note to all of our Barefoot-Dreamers.
Thanks to Huga's untiring efforts the grid is up.
As she and Gabe noted this issue was beyond our control, but with the help of our server providers and with Huga and others brainstorming and troubleshooting, the server provider was finally able to track down the problem.
Thank you so much Huga!
We also want to thank you all for your patience and encouraging words.
Obviously, we would never want to have this happening and we do our best to keep the grid up and running. And we love having you all here as part of Barefoot-Dreamers.
However, life isn't perfect. So things happen…

please let us know if you have any issues, we are here to help.
Gabe, Huga, Kotu and rayne

KatKakoola: Huga STILL owes me a snickers! :-P 1 years ago
DJ Rosa's "Rockabilly Riot" at Hot Daddy's!! Tonight at 6:00PM!!
Region: Hot Daddys on Wyldwood Bayou Grid
Event begins: 6:00PM Grid Time
Added by: Kith Whitehawk
This week at Hot Daddy's, DJ Rosa is gonna spin a "Rockabilly Riot"!! Blend country, swing, and R&B, then toss in some boogie woogie and driving rhythms and you've got that rock & roll style known as Rockabilly!! Get out your 50's Pin-up style dresses, cuffed jeans and t-shirts, and fedoras (or come as you are) and get ready to hit the dance floor! It's gonna be a riotous occasion on the Dance Dock!


Good Morning Everyone! I'm performing at 12:00pm at Radio DJ Club today! Come and join me for some fun & music!
Where: Radio DJ Club
Time: 12:00 grid time (3:pm est)
Ride: DJ Club
Adult Dance Party Today at Caribou Love Beach with DJ Rosa

Friendly, Beautiful, Exciting. Free Homes, Islands, Hideaways, Adult Playgrounds, soft Love, BDSM. All grid AVs welcome. LGBTQ+.

As we are 18+ we dont need much restrictions. With our few rules you are safe.

Kids, please grow to 18+. Not so much about size, but impression. Ask Jeanne...

See our webpage at where we tell briefly about ourselves. Still working on the page.

New homes hideaways play venues every day... Still building but explore!

Make a Caribou Avatar?

And this is what you can hear and see on Sunday September 10.

Funkeln - Be Amazed - 3DArtscapes
8/31/23 @ 11SLT - Party DJ Marlon - Ride the Globes - Dance - Explore and stare in amazement.

It is almost Jazz & Blues Festival time! Here is the schedule for Saturday September 9.

If you would like to live on my region: two of the three free homes are available now. Post me inworld or in here!

Welcome to the enchanting Goliath Gardens, a realm where you can actually be a bug! As a bug you can experience the wonders of nature up close in this goliath-sized garden. We have bug Avatars! Ladybug, Beetle, Bee, and Praying Mantis!! Be careful in the garden there is a snake that might bite! Gardens Thank you Ferd Frederix!