OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

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==OUT NOW: Epsilon bed (Futa&K9)==
A requested bed, has similar animations to the Zenith bed, but a few different - and includes Futa & K9 menus.
Comes with 600 animations, materials, and texture HUD.

Yeah...the 'Dog Sex' menu animations are not broken...I just don't think they mean what you think... 👀

Uber: hop://

Ankhsenaton: There is not only "beds" ;-) I love all the other shops arround, and I discovered one about Pokemon :-) Pikatchuuuuu ! 1 month ago
From the firestorm creators own website, I quote. "There are occasions when a block is probably best for everyone. As an example, we can consider the recent 6.6.16 release, which had the potential to mess up inventory. That needed to be blocked to stop people from “hurting themselves” and causing ourselves and Linden Lab undue support overheads."

Ankhsenaton: Bravo Pagane ! 1 month ago

I am alive and well. Sorry for my quiet stretch of time. Happy to be here still, as I always have been. Cheers all. xoxo

Star Ravenhurst: I am glad you are OK. (((HUGS))) 1 month ago
Infoabend erfolgreich Absolviert. Vorab einen Riesen Dank an die Organisatoren vom Pangea Grid. Mit viel Aufwand wurde eine echt starke Go Kart Strecke erschaffen die Spaß macht und viel Action bietet. Das fängt bei der Streckenführung an bis hin zur Boxengasse. Time Boards zeigen jedem an wie schnell die Runden absolviert werden. Bei diesem heutigen Infoabend wurde nochmals genau der Ablauf des Rennens welches am 13 Oktober statt findet erklärt. Anmeldungen zum Kart Event müssen bis zum 15.September erfolgen. Ab dem 15.September finden dann die Qualifikationen statt die gleichzeitig zur Startaufstellung erfahren werden können. Wer noch Interresse hat Teilzunehmen kann dies gerne in der Boxengasse machen. Jedes GRID kann 2 Fahrer Anmelden !!!!

Information evening successfully completed. First of all, a huge thank you to the organizers of the Pangea Grid. A lot of effort has been put into creating a really great go-kart track that is fun and offers a lot of action. This starts with the route and goes all the way to the pit lane. Time boards show everyone how quickly the laps are completed. At today's information evening, the exact sequence of the race, which takes place on October 13th, was explained again. Registrations for the kart event must be made by September 15th. Qualifications will then take place from September 15th and can be found out at the same time as the starting grid. Anyone who is still interested in taking part can do so in the pit lane. Each GRID can register 2 drivers!!!!

KarinBecker: Freu mich auf das rennen 1 month ago
Some of my favorite dreams are actually nightmares. I have vivid dreams that feel so real, it's like I can hold them in my hands as I wake up screaming! I quickly write them down before they escape me. I’ve read that if you keep a dream journal, after a year, you might see that many of your dreams came true in some way. Having kept dream journals for years, I can confirm this is true for me. I’m a bit psychic, though not enough to win the lottery!
Some of you have shown me bits or given hints of your projects, and I know the results will be epic. This community has incredible talent, and I can't wait to see the art each of you create.
Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery accepts art from novices to established artists, promising to handle your work with care and respect, showcasing it to its best advantage. We believe everyone should have a chance to express themselves, so whether you're new to creating art or a well-known artist, everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and become part of the Le Beau Retrouve Art Gallery family.
I’m about to start rearranging the gallery to make way for your amazing art for the fall exhibit. Starting next week, for those working on sculptures, please stop by and see me so we can decide where to showcase your pieces on the grounds. Those creating wall art, please stop by so we can determine the best space to show off your dreamscapes.
I can't wait to meet with each of you. Thank you for being part of the gallery and my journey as an art curator.
- Art inspired by dreams and surrealism.
- Focus on imaginative, otherworldly scenes.
- Incorporate elements of fantasy and abstract expression.
Any medium, including AI Art, is allowed.

* AI Art created in NightCafe Studio

Arcfury: Your dreams remind of the term: hyperphantasia. 2 months ago

Come visit Ragville, a toy village that I have recently added as a new sky level to ShapeShifter. hop://

Jared Seda: Such a neat place to visit 2 months ago

Something different... The Gypsy Fortune teller Wagon

LaviaLavine: This is awesome as is most of what I've found in your region. I'm creating an ancient Japanese region so the items from your region have really come in handy. 2 months ago


The VHG Exclusive Interview with Cherry Manga has been added to the new website. I will be adding more Exclusive Interviews in the next few weeks. They can be found here:

💗Thank you @CherryManga💗 Each piece you create challenges the norms and brings a new perspective that is thought-provoking.

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you. Excellent article. The creative genius of Cherry Manga isn't for everyone, but it is for me. My favorite genre is Surrealism and my earliest inspiration was Rene Magritte. From the first pa... 3 months ago

***news at Camballa***
Jacket -Dress for Athena only
in any Colors
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Hello! As everyone knows, I am awesome! As a result, I have been busy in my lab creating a (drum roll) DISH SPONGE! For those of you who have always wanted a dish sponge, I've made your dream come true! Finally! At Last! A yellow sponge that even has a floating label that says "dish sponge". Get yours now at Note: The spoon I made last month has been discontinued as only 32 people came and got one. Which is just weird. But anyway. As always please do not use my products to grief or harm any other person.

Xenon Darrow: MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUUUUUUE 3 months ago

MEEP MEEP... next one is ready to go.. The Road Runner !!!

If you don't get hungry... that's Thaddius Taco... looks good in every dance club and annoys every vegetarian!!

LeonitasLionheart: He looks like he's fixin' to make a run for the border... 4 months ago

------ NEW ------

----- NEW -----

Alchy: Well worth the visit, thank you. 4 months ago
I found this cool looking funky retro couch but alas it had no animation in it. I found the perfect fix with the "Pineapple Engine" from @AuroraAsteria located at her Starchild Shoppe at Darkharts. With barely two clicks I now have a couch with dozens of great animations in it. It is easy to use, even an idiot like me can do it!
Highly recommend!

hop:// Boutiques/398/395/23

Rhowin Blackwell: A huge thank you for the heads up about Starchild Shoppe! I was very pleasantly surprised to find items I hadn't yet seen, as well as the plethora of adult time fun options that are available. 4 months ago

Hi guys!
I said I'd be gone for a couple weeks and then LIFE happened!
I'm back, uploading more legal original creations soon....

Working with our terrain generator on a massive test region 4096x4096, photo taken on an Asus Duo 2024 with 2 screens

Arcfury: That terrain looks great, but the sky also looks really good. It looks like you painted it, although trying to paint a "glow" is very difficult. 4 months ago
Hey everyone, in just a few days I will be on vacation. May 17-26th, I am going where there are sunny skies and palm trees.

During that time i wont be in world much if at all, but if there are any problems with the grid send me a message. You can message me here or via email on my website. I will respond when i am able.

To all hg users and members, if you hop to virtual beach region and teleport board is all white, just click up top where it says touch to update and you should be good to go.

im still here for a few more days but after that, ill see you when i get back.

Kylie Brimmer: Enjoy your vacation and travel safe too! 4 months ago

News! Cucciola Shop hop://

Blake Hayvenhurst: My eyes are treated so well ♥ 4 months ago
Just wanted to send another huge shout out at @valerieluv0 's work ( )
In the past, as I guess many others in OS too, we had to have a 'paging' system for rentals, get involve in each transaction, assign permissions... it was an administrative nightmare.
Now we can manage almost 300 parcel rentals (both free and paid) spread across 8 regions (and planning on another 72!) SEAMLESSLY!

Mistressdalgato: i havent tested this yet but the mailbox i use for my rental system for hg users works great for free parcels. but this may be interesting if i ever decide to go back into pay for land. 4 months ago
===Starchild Kin: A prologue===
The story above is prologue to the background story of the Starchild family at Darkheart’s Playground grid in OpenSimulator, and the future development of a HUD (aking to Bloodlines in Second Life) that will foster a roleplay of vampires, demons, angels and other races.

Sodasullivan: This is a great idea Aurora. I do not really RP very much, and one more HUD is usually one too many for me, but i have found having the "history" of Avedon Park laid out helps me as a map of sorts as ... 4 months ago


Jamie Wright: This is truly the coolest build. Actually I can't decide because I also love the Last of Boston. But you can visit both in close proximity. It's a trio of game to TV series inspired builds: Fallout, L... 5 months ago

I've updated the Hypergrid Teleport board for everyone to enjoy my favorite spots :)

IvyEdenflower: Thank you! :) 5 months ago
Seabound Bench OUT NOW!
A cute little bench with very nice weathered wood textures, and packed with around 900 animations sitting 4 avatars.
Two-somes, three-somes, name it!
Nice cuddle animations as well!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/385/385/23

Sodasullivan: This bench is awesome! I should mention to everyone that it comes with 16 great bench textures including some beautiful painted woods, and the blanket has over 30 texture options! Beautiful! 5 months ago
Come get our new NPC Companion 3.0
NOW With "BCL Couple Walk*"

*Note that "Couple Walk" is still Alpha, so not all features are available. Enjoy your walk !
Your IP Address is recorded every time you visit any sim in the robust log. This means you cannot go to ANY sim without your IP being recorded. All I have to do to see anybody's IP is go to my robust file, and search on part of their name. This pulls up their name, ip address, cmac, and key. So if you are paranoid or don't your information out there, then don't come to the metaverse. First of all the way ip addresses work, your IP address MUST be told to the server you are visiting so it knows WHERE to send visual data back to so that you can see it. In fact, this is how the entire internet works. So get a grip.

Lillysparks: Cyberglo, you are so cool the way you ended this crash-course in IP basics. "Get a grip" LOL. You must have been around someone who was complaining...this seems oddly specific. Hehe 5 months ago

Main Railroad Station at Wolf Territories Region ( a short walk from Wolf Mountain, okay maybe a long walk)

Aurora Starchild: Love it, great work on the material layers - love the light reflections! 5 months ago

Warm invitation to the opening of the Elven Light Garden on the enchanting Sim Cloudshead Worldheart 2!

Bebe: Congrats Lampithaler I know how long have been working on this projects :) 5 months ago

PETITE Graziosa e dolcissima avi 20/4/2024

Antonia Ling: Such a beautiful Avatar 😉 5 months ago

Some of our products are more fun than others!

Textures Trees & Scripts

(yes, we do sell dolphins, whales, octopus, spotted stingray, manta ray and hundred of fish)

The Wizard Of Oz sends you all greetings!

Verpasse nicht diese ultimative Zeitreise-Party!

Seid dabei, wenn heute Abend die Hits vergangener Jahrzehnte aufleben.Lasst uns gemeinsam einen unvergesslichen Abend voller Spaß, Musik und Erinnerungen erleben. Bring deine Freunde mit und lasst Sie mit uns die Tanzfläche zum Beben bringen!


Wann: Heute Abend 19 Uhr

KarinBecker: Danke den lieben Gästen aus allen Grids 6 months ago

news! hop://

Bebe: really cute Marpil ty so much 6 months ago

Live streaming my desktop in world! Part of our new server infrastructure,

Passion Jumanji: This is GREAT! I'm so thankful so many new options are coming to Wolf Territories Grid! Thank You Lone! Such a great idea for both streaming movies, where we can have Movie Nights and what nots and li... 6 months ago
Out new, a new chaise focused on threesomes. 490 animations and all possible combinations: FM FF MM FFM MMF FFF & duo pegging FMF.
Includes [AV] select, and HUD with all textures - as well as materials. I have also replaced the usual box for a add-able unpacker.
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/381/373/23

Sodasullivan: *googles "duo pegging" and swallows my gum. That is a LOT of animations I will likely never use, but the chaise looks SO great I have already found a home for it in the Park. 6 months ago
Haha, this is cute! Auditioned this avi from Darkhearts Boutiques, it's soooo much funnnn!!!!

I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem? Spare me the politics here, I don't need it.

My usual choice to look smaller is usually as a Dinkie. But I think I'll stock up on these avis, too!

Sodasullivan: That hair and hat combo is so cute! 6 months ago