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What Are You Looking For?

I need EvoX skins. Right now, mostly the usual skins, but fantasy skins and alien skins would be welcome as well. Anything that's good for an elf look would be welcome. I sometimes use a 'frozen elf' EvoX skin in SL, would love to do that as well in Open Sim =)

I'm OK with taking skins from other avatars, but I'd rather not take more of those if I can. A huge (or modest) EvoX fatpack would make my holidays awesome! =D

Jerralyn Franzic: Thanks, folks. Passed by R.Lion's sims and he also has a nice collection there. Just go to the Creative section to score the EvoX skins. hop:// 9 months ago
Tesla asked in the box about where to find a carousel. There is a "happyendpark merry go round gazebo" at the Marche Noir Yard Sale. It's from an old Stuff box (as is everything out in the yard). I've never seen it in any shop. As I say, the stuff in the yard sale is so old, it's new again. hop://

Nico Kalani: Three more carousels out now at the yard sale. If anyone know of places with them, please let us know. Thx 9 months ago
Santa is not jolly! Let's help him out. Some items still on group member's wish lists.

• Character models/static NPC statues of the FNAF (Five Nights at
• Freddy's) animatronic animals.
• Botanical stuff, particularly the Waterlily cluster
• Some missing colors of the Folk Cabinet
• Jian Hummingbird flower.
• Jian Chubby Cat Bird Bus.
• Paragon dances
• An animated dragon
• Dust_bunny_wildflower_sneakers
• A 2-story building that has a symbol of a sun above the door
• Freckles
• Casino items
• Character models/static NPC statues of the FNAF (Five Nights at
• Freddy's) animatronic animals.
• Botanical stuff, particularly the Waterlily cluster
• Some missing colors of the Folk Cabinet
• Jian Hummingbird flower.
• Jian Chubby Cat Bird Bus.
• Paragon dances
• Animated dragon
• Dust_bunny_wildflower_sneakers
• A 2-story a building that has a symbol of a sun above the door

There are some leads on some of these items, but the items have yet to be found.

Nico Kalani: Santa buys a round for all of you helpers! 9 months ago

Hello .... Looking for casino items that are copyable such as Blackjack table, Russian Roulette, and etc. Thank you in advance with any help.

Nico Kalani: Welcome to the group. That is a tough ask, but if anyone can help you, it's these kind folks. 9 months ago
Search for freckles. And real freckles, not just a few barely visible ones. I actually have what I'm looking for, but the skin also has a tattoo covering half my body, which I don't like. Also, when I tried to edit a skin with the texture and add more freckles, it failed because the skin suddenly had holes in it.

Jupiter Rowland: Hm, all I could offer you are skins with baked-on freckles. Skins only compatible with BoM bodies from the Ruth2 family, not quite compatible with Athena and other SL bodies and completely incompatibl... 9 months ago
The Most Recent Helpful People
Looking at the activity in this month-old group, there have been many, many helpful people. FallenAngel Absent is the most recent here. In the box, Star Ravenhurst was helpful in letting a user know the group was a better way of asking to find stuff. Thanks to them both, and to you all.

Many people are busy this month with holiday preparations, gatherings, get-togethers, and parties. I'm looking forward to the coming new year, where more stuff will be sought, and even more stuff will be found. (Which is not logical, but it sounds good). Until then, watch them bubbles!
I'm looking for information about where to get the regular Legacy body, not just the perky. I'f like to add that to the Collaborative Shopping Guide Discord server.

BTW, check out the server and see what info we have and what info we need.

FallenAngel Absent: not sure but I think "mi Amore" has it and also "Arkham" Grid. And for sure "Chubbys" use it in their full avatars you can get there. 9 months ago

Someone. Make this please.

Nico Kalani: You are the greatest! It looks incredible. Thx so much. 9 months ago
"What I Found In OS" -- The Collaborative Guide to Shopping in OS.
Our main aim is to help each other get avatar essentials, and items that help us complete our look. It's a collaborative guide, which means it's a friendly place for all of us to share information. Keep us in mind during your next shopping spree.

We try to share information in an organized way, with comments posted by category and channel. That makes it easier to list and locate items.

When time permits, we will be adding categories for furnishings, structures, landscaping, and the like. For now, the guide is limited to items for your avatar. But there is so much of that to list! Please, tell us what you found in OS.
The "What I Found In OS" Discord server now has a channel to share information about shops that have non-human genitals like Monster, Equine, Canine, Feline, and Chicken. OK, I didn't include chicken. There aren't any erotic body parts for chickens in OS are there? Please, god, tell me that there aren't erotic body parts for chickens in OS. (If there were, that would be all clucked up!)
The Most Recent Helpful People
In the last 2 weeks, these folks have helped people find stuff.

Jupiter Rowland
Chilli Bean

Search this group for past "The Most Recent Helpful People" posts. And hey! Are we now the almost most ginormous group on OSW? Thanks all for taking part.

Does anyone know where to find a female Grinch avi?

Recent Helpful People
Please add a comment to acknowledge the people who have been helpful recently in you finding what you are looking for

This group is huge! I have to confess I haven't had the time to read all the recent posts. So, this will be the format for the weekly post about who has helped recently. And as always, a picture completely unrelated to the topic! Remember when bearded babies were a thing?

Nico Kalani: Yikes! People aren't mentioning who helped them? Let's recognize and celebrate them so they will be inclined to continue to be of help. 10 months ago
I've set up a Discord server named "What I've Found in OS." Our main aim is to list the places where we can find our preferred brands of stuff. I need help deciding what categories and channels to have. I know that some bodies are hard to find, so having a specific channel for each body brand could be helpful. However, I don't know all the available body types. I know of Athena, Legacy, Reborn, and Ruth and Roth. Please tell me what the others are in OS. Thanks. Oh, and please visit and take part if you like.

Nico Kalani: The Discord server invite has been added to the post. Here it is again. Feel free to share. 10 months ago


Hopefully, this link will work. I want this for my land. Does anyone have an idea how I can make this work? I can fiddle with simple scripts, but I am not a scripter. I have no idea how to make the dragon. Not sure how I would build the tower, but based on my talents, is probably the easiest part of this project for me, but I think it should probably be done in mesh, which I don't know how to do either. Basically, I need someone to do this for me. :D It is probably impossible, but isn't this the koolest thing?

Lillysparks: Ok, so have you visited Red Dragon yet? hop:// They are only open while the builder is online I think but if you check often - you will get in. That pla... 10 months ago

Ola, poderiam me informar onde encontro o instrumento musical Saxofone com animação. Agradeço por este grupo ♥

Nico Kalani: A quick and lazy translation by Google: Ola, you can inform me about the musical instrument Saxofone with animation. Agradeço by this group ♥ 10 months ago

I saw paragon dances somewhere and now I cannot remember where. Help me find them again please! xoxo

I am looking for so many things always but since I just joined this group I will start small and see how it goes. I am searching for a photographer to help me take surfing photos to showcase what I have been working on. It is VERY hard to take selfies while surfing. Thank you in advance! Also - would be fun to organize a few people to come try it while the photo person is there ... might as well make it a party. Don't worry- the weather man predicts perfect temperatures for the next week.

Nay Kellyel: Gosto de fazer fotos, posso tentar ajudar Lillysparks 10 months ago
Taarna Welles makes original clothes for free in opensim. Her grid was offline for a bit, but it's back up now, and Taarna is in creative mode - so expect some more fashion and other goodies in the next months.

thedeeferry: Love bubblez! Yay! Welcome back! 10 months ago
The Most Recent Helpful People
Lillysparks who gave very specific information about where to find Stuff boxes.
Jupiter Rowland offered tips on where to ind sweeping animations and Stuff boxes.

I am also going to acknowledge Copper & Prince Amor who responded to a request in the box (that is so old school) for a giggle animation

Here is an overly cute picture of someone who is not Rowland with a ponytail helping some random kid -- OK, her brother -- up a hill.

Lillysparks: Cute acknowledgement. This is a darling way to reply to the world's helpers I must say. hehe 10 months ago

Update: found it !! Thanx y'all!!
Hi There community ...." I am looking for" shovelling or sweeping animations. Please Advise :=)

Jupiter Rowland: Okay, there's a box named "Misc. Mocap animations" at Wright Plaza in Key Gruin's shop The Hodgepodge, upstairs from Elif Kling's shop. It does contain two sweeping animations, but they seem rather he... 10 months ago
I'm looking for the "Stuff" boxes. They contain some of the first items imported to OS. These items are so old that they are once again new. Many of these high quality items are not in shops now. I'll be offering a curated selection of these items at the Black Market shop. Stop by now for items from the Stuff boxes with retro stuff.

I knew of 3 locations with a collection of the boxes. Two are now closed, and I forget the name of the other one. I'm looking for the names of places that have them and/or copies of any boxes you have,

Jupiter Rowland: Come to think of it, there used to be a pretty much complete collection on Ernie and Ellen's New Orleans sim, I think it was called The Big Easy. Chances are one of them still has the boxes. 10 months ago
The Most Recent Helpful People
1. Mistressdalgato for providing info on how to find salon doors.
2. Misty_Falls for actually making salon doors.
3. thedeeferry for offering Folk Cabinets in the colors I need.
4. EllenTiratzo for offering the broken lighthouse and the Botanical Waterlillys.
5. Star Ravenhurst for offering 21Strom trees and maybe more.

To celebrate, here is a random photo of stuff that nobody is looking for (as far as I know)

And, my gosh, 31 members! Post your wish lists, people. This group works!

Looking for nice double swinging saloon doors

Nico Kalani: From Mistressdalgato r lion has some connected to a stable. hop:// go there and do an in world search for stable 10 months ago

I have this colorful cabinet in brown at the shop (come get it if you'd like). I'm looking for the rest of the set: the blue, pink, white, and yellow cabinets. Thanks!

I'm posting a lot here for items that will be going into the upcoming Marche Noir shop. So, it's only fair I give you all an opportunity to get a sneak preview of this Black Market. hop://

My latest search is for this broken lighthouse. If you like this kind of stuff, you might like the crashed plane shelter now at the shop. And please let me know if you have or know of items that would be good to have here. Thanks.
28 members in the group. Cool! I plan to post acknowledgements every Saturday for the prior week's helpful people. So far, just 3 days into the life of this group, we already have had help from thedeefairy and Misty Falls. Here's a picture of a choo choo train, just because. :) And, my! What interesting requests! I hope this group can be of help to you all.
Great group. Thanks for creating it. We have been looking for animations for violin and chello for weeks. Sitting though! Standing is available. But it seems difficult to find these animations sitting down. Maybe someone has a tool to create them? We would be happy to pay a small amount for the work. Please contact inworld. We are grateful for any advice.

Nico Kalani: I found a contrabass and, due to its size, only standing animations. You'd think for the smaller string instruments, there would be sitting animations. Hope you find them. A string quartet performance... 11 months ago

Hi, I'm looking for an elf or an npc that shovels snow for a Christmas world. I seen some people had something like that last year. Thanks!!!!! :)

Nico Kalani: Cool idea (literally). Let us know if you find it and who from or where. 11 months ago

I'm looking for white fire flys, I have the yellow but need white ones ty

Misty_Falls: You can adjust the colors by editing the script end the PSYS_PART_START_COLOR and PSYS_PART_END_COLOR NAVY <0.000, 0.122, 0.247> BLUE <0.000, 0.455, 0.851> AQUA <0.498, 0.859, 1.000> TEAL <... 11 months ago
I've found most of these in one of the Stuff boxes. However, the set is missing the Waterlily cluster 1 - White, and all Waterlily cluster 4 (Blue, Pink, Plain, Yellow, and White). I'm hoping to complete the collection, but if you'd like it as is, you can find it at March Noir.

I see Botanical stuff used in lots of builds, but I've never seen them in a shop. I'm setting up a new region named Marche Noir (The Black Market) and would like to feature Botanical stuff. I'm also looking for 21Strom landscaping items.

Tentacles: For 21strom see 11 months ago

I need the LOZ_MESHWORX_Infinity_ Revolution Table to complete the set of Infinity tables & chairs found in the box Stuff Ethan Imported 02-10-19

Antonia Ling: Oh, I like it! Where is it? Do I have to wait now? 11 months ago

My inventory looks like an episode of "Hoarders". I am always looking for new stuff to clutter up my space ROFL. I'm a squirrel ... ooh ... shiny.

Nico Kalani: If you care to share, check out my comment: 11 months ago

Post Your Wish List

Nico Kalani: I'll be posting requests for specific items but, in general, I'm looking for items to place in the CopyKat Collective shop Marche Noir, (the Black Market). I'm looking for the names of the best shops ... 11 months ago
What Are You Looking For?
Post about items you are, well, looking for, like outfits, builds, shops, services, skills, and so on. Here's how it works.
• Post your request in the group.
• If you like, use group chat to provide the link to the post to immediately alert people about it.
• Please do not post requests or answer them in chat. We are an alternative to making a request in the Front Page Box. Like there, group chat text will disappear, while posts, and the replies, will persist, providing on-going help to people browsing the posts.
• And please, consider being a helper, and visiting regularly to do that.

Thanks to all helping this group help people find what they are looking for.
129 members
Created 11 months ago by Nico Kalani

New Comments

Ankhsenaton 2 days ago
Simona body is very close and is available at Vesti, I am pretty sure Xara too As Jerralyn Franzic said both have autohide mode (but during hypergrid jumps, it can fail...)
Meow kittybunny 8 days ago
They have it at R Lion, Vesti (called Xara) at Trianon grid. Also, I have seen it at Moonlight (moonrose grid)
harthelie 9 days ago
il y en a une sur
Jupiter Rowland 11 days ago
Also, ShoppingCity, the "general store" in the northeast corner. hop://
FallenAngel Absent 11 days ago
@harthelie: Je l'ai reçu. Il est magnifique. Merci beaucoup !!!! xxx
harthelie 11 days ago
j'ai un cochon anime je te l'apporterais