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CyberGlo CyberStar: i went here and looked around. great place for women. tons of beautifully designed italian dresses. 2 years ago


Quite a dish! The sailing dress outfit is sweet. This outfit is spicy. Together, they are like Honey Jalapeño Bacon. Hmmmm. Bacon.

By the way, the top and shorts (fatpack) have silver studs. I made a copy of the green ones and recolored the studs to better match the rest of the outfit.

Outfits with Options

360 taken in the Haunted Valley

Luna Lunaria: This is the skull of Enceladus, the giant who fought with the Greek gods of Olympus. In mythology, this is written about him: Enceladus (like other vanquished monsters, thought to be buried under vol... 2 years ago

We Kick The Weekend Club

Filigree Crescent Moon, bewitching Free/Full Perm Monentes store foyer. Jewelry

Marianna : I added another pair of these earrings to the store, the new pair has a Witches Knot with the stars. 2 years ago

Since I am creating moons this morning, how about Man in the Moon earrings-Free/Full perms-In the foyer at Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Many of you have asked for my Victorian Club since I first unveiled it at Opensim Fest last summer. It is now available for purchase exclusively at my main store on Wolf Territories Grid at a reduced price. Paste this HG address in your world map, then click the Entertainment Venues sign in the lobby: Emporium - Main Store

This venue began life a year ago as the the Fetish Fire Club on Utopia Skye Grid, which is closed to the hypergrid. It is my most detailed build offering so far, pushing the boundaries of what can be done with materials especially.

The Club covers a 52 x 80 square meter plot, and is a mix of mesh and prims with a 1924 land impact. The build can be copied as much as you like, and everything is modifiable with the exception of the lighting control scripts in the switches, as per my agreement with Mike Chase of Utopia Skye who wrote those.

This build is not yet available at my other store locations on Mobius Grid or on Kitely Grid. I am currently working on a version for the Kitely Market, but that is taking time, since that market forces me to retexture everything before I can list it there.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR FIRST TIME VISITORS TO WOLF TERRITORIES GRID COMING FROM SMALLER GRIDS OR DREAMGRIDS: Set your graphics low before you arrive, since it takes time not only for your viewer to cache the region, but also for Wolf Territories to establish new communication links with your originating grid. You may need to relog and return. For this same reason, purchases using Gloebits may not show in your inventory until you return home and relog. You can always contact me here if you have any questions or issues.

Faith Fromund: Super excited about this build and will be picking it up inworld soon! Thank you so much!!! 2 years ago

Karima Hoisan: The world is media enriched so please have media set to auto-play and music on:) 2 years ago
As I sit here at my AWESOME computer system, I am watching the coming and going of people on various grids, and constantly searching for priscilla kleenex. We are always watching! We will never give up the fight! I have created automatic systems to help pinpoint and alert me when Priscilla Kleenex goes to any grid. Sleep soundly, Sleep safely. Know that I am on the job! :)

Apollo_Star: Kleenex did hacked your AWESOME system a while ago, she's looking at you with the hacked cam while you trying find her :) 2 years ago
LGBT Dance Party im neuen Moonrose Club. DJ SILVER wird den Abend mit den besten Rock Classics und Euren Musikwünschen aufwerten.
LGBT Dance Party at the new Moonrose Club.
DJ SILVER will enhance the evening with the best rock classics and your music
wishes. Club

“The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.”

-Alberto Giacometti

Hella: And if more intense, can be, yes we can feel that art is a reality :) Ty to post this so touching quote.. Luna ! 2 years ago

End of summer at Catena di isole~September 12, 2022 di isole Make sure to pick up aquatic plants, fish, sounds, and even a complete bar! All at the landing.

I prefer to take unprocessed photos in world to show what Opensim is capable of

Hey Everyone
I'm happy to announce the opening of my new business Galaxy Music Productions.. I hope to bring more talent to New Hope Grid & OPEN SIM!! I'm resuming all events and musicians concerts on New Hope Grid! Starting this Wednesday I will be starting with the Wednesday Morning Coffee/Greedy Social! Hope to see you all soon!
New Friends. New Outfit.
It's been a good day. Made some new friends, Made a new outfit. The new friends refused to get into the box, so all I can offer you is this new outfit. But what an outfit it is!

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

rayne: giggles... your posts are always fun and your outfits never disappoint ! 2 years ago
You can see some captures from SL and Opensim in the Gallery

This pic was captured at Belly dance time in AMV grid

Current exhibition is : "Face to face"

... is about the emotion around a face, an attitude, in the fleeting moment, a stolen moment of femininity, this exhibition shows the woman in her feminine states, the faces are subject to effects, depicting time and space, words accompany the images, but they are read and let themselves be carried away by the imagination, yours, it is this imagination that finally registers to speak to you...
I invite you, your sensitivity and your words if you want to share them with me :)

Ellen: Your photographs are so hauntingly beautiful. 2 years ago

Misty_Falls: kewl, i can hardly wait to see the finished SIM.... 2 years ago
Hi All,

I've decided to leave both OpenSim and Second Life. It's not for some sulky reason, someone offended me or anything like that. I've just decided my life is going in a different direction.

Big hugs to all those who I have come to know over the months or years and hope you all have great virtual lives in OS :)

CyberGlo CyberStar: Sometimes a cowboy comes to a fork in the road... 2 years ago

Teleport Island Shopping

Thank you for helping us track the notorious and very dangerous PRISCILLA KLEENEX. Here at the special grids investigation center in langley, virginia, we've set up a special team to help find this MOST WANTED criminal! Our computer command center runs non stop 24/7/365 supplying leads to Local Enforcement Officers in the grids to eviscerate this highly obnoxious and extremely mischievous individual. The G.I.S. plans to put an end to this monkey business once and for all! God Bless America!
Ok... just looked through some of the recent front page posts. I've been here in Open Sim for about nine months now.

I have accounts in OSgrid and Kitely.

I'll have to admit a good deal of my wardrobe is possibly copybotted. I'd like to know if anyone is willing to send me a list of LM's showing truly original, OS based stuff (aside from Lunaria), I'd appreciate it. Most of my wardrobe is rigged to the Athena body. I also have a small number of Ruth2 takes. For my male alts (yes, I have a few, using the same names that I established for them in SL), I use Adonis and Roth2.

There was a discussion recently that influenced me to write this post. It's located below the post from Luna Lunaria, #92052. I totally understand creators desiring to be compensated for their creations. I have spent a fair amount of L$ to gather some of my clothes in SL. I wouldn't mind paying a few K$ or O$ for some creations on this side of the metaverse, as I think that's quite fair.

Thansk to anyone that can help me out, I appreciate it. I'd prefer that the links be included publicly (instead of PMing me), so other users can find it easily.

Misty_Falls: @Shea ... AGREED ....we the creators and builders of OS, do it because we want to better ourselves, by making things better for others; NOT for PROFIT.... money is evil, and will be the downfall of t... 2 years ago
So this post was left on one of my regions and is fairly representative of the mindset original opensim creators will grapple with if they want to sell their products here:

"It looks nice but I like the whole sharing is caring idea. So many places in OS that offer free stuff. Not here, too bad."

I don't blame this shopper at all for wanting to find quality items for free - who doesn't? I was grateful that they visited in the first place and cared enough to leave a comment. It's for that reason that from time to time I do exactly that - offer most of my stuff for free as I did this past OSFest.

No, the ones that make life for opensim creators difficult are those freebie mills continuously churning out stolen content from Second Life and calling it 'sharing', and who aggressively push the idea that merchants in opensim have no right to exist.

As I replied to this user: Sharing is truly caring only if it's the original creator giving it away free, or if they have explicitly given permission to others to do so. And that only works if they don't have to pay for their regions, which is not the case for me.

My region costs average $20 per month per region, and the money I make from sales covers that most of the time. There are months I take a loss with my opensim stores (my Second Life store has never posted a loss in 14 years). But because sales do cover most of my rent I can keep doing what I love: making original content for Opensim.

Paying for regions of course is my choice - I prefer to be on well-run grids that truly respect creators rights. I know that you can easily find quality items for your regions for free all over opensim, so no one is more grateful than me when you choose to purchase at my stores :-)

LeonSullivan: People confuse me here. On the one hand "sharing is caring" freebies are damned, on the other hand there are tons of "likes" for just those kind of freebie regions 2 years ago

Auf gehts in die 2 te Runde der GRIDS HOPPER NIGHTS .......

ab 21.00 Uhr gehts weiter mit unserem DJ Tommy

Soul-Grid : The next round with Dj Tommy...........yaaaaaaay 2 years ago

NEW!!!! Adona Dress

WOW, I wonder what I can do with such a GENEROUS land impact?

Spax Orion: @Jimmy Olsen I have NOTHING on my mind. Do you? 2 years ago

SoA .BAD: Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte 2 years ago

Ice Sea Cathedral inside

Misty_Falls: Yay!! more sneakers... high ones too !!! Yippeee!!... Thanx so much ! 2 years ago
Just visited SL and looking through the very first jewelry I created. This set is in gold but I brought in the ring, made it silver. It is in the foyer at the store This set had a pendant and earrings, I will work on bringing those in too soon. This was a blast from the past to see this!! Jewelry
I wanted to open this sim next year but cause of some not so good news I open the sim for public right now . Items for every kind of Festive Occasion and more .Perhaps have a look at the boxes, it it might be of interest?:-) . The sim is full of scripted items, all is working so that you can try the items out...

At landing, in Novale Welcome Camp, you will find this Explorer Chest.
It contains a collection of Essential Original Accessories for Explorers.
It is free and just for you!

Thirza Ember: That's perfect for storing buried treasure! 2 years ago
~Ara~Nova~ ein Land geschaffen um den Geschöpfen der Magischen Welt eine neue Heimat zu geben.
Alle sind herzlich willkommen egal ob Elfen ,Feen oder Hobbits oder Trolle, auch Menschen ohne Mystischer herkunft sind gern gesehen . Respektiert euch untereinander und vergesst nie ihr seit auch alle nur Gast bei mir, so seit immer gerne gesehen.
Endeckt das Land mit vielen möglichkeiten, ihr könnt zu den fliegenden Bergen reisen oder schaut euch in den Höhlen auf ~Ara~Nova~ um
Endeckt die vielen kleinen ecken und lasst euch an manchen orten verzaubern.
Damit das Spiel auf ~Ara~Nova~ mehr Spass bereitet ,habe ich ein Elben Shop mit einigen hübschen Kleidungstücken für euch . Folgt einfach dem Teleporter.

Eure Taliya

~Ara~Nova~ created a country to give the creatures of the magical world a new home.
Everyone is welcome, whether elves, fairies or hobbits or trolls, even people without mystical origins are welcome. Respect each other and never forget you're all just my guests, so you're always welcome.
Explore the land with many possibilities, you can travel to the flying mountains or look around the caves on ~Ara~Nova~
Discover the many little corners and let yourself be enchanted in some places.
To make the game on ~Ara~Nova~ more fun, I have an elf shop with some pretty clothes for you. Just follow the teleporter.

Your Taliya

Very hot Lingerie and more.......

Spirit Jungle


8 members

Blender Group

35 members

Virtual Life Info Group

2 members

Friends Of Middle Earth

5 members


1 members

Nude Life

32 members

Baby Mania

5 members

Clan's Clan

10 members

Club Equinox

2 members
